File Correction Script

I have about three thousand songs, and most of them are name incorrectly. Save from going through each one and each ID3 tag, does anyone know of a script that will rename them correctly? In a perfect world, it'd be a script that gets its information from GraceNote.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Well, have you tried reading the man-page yet? Because that gives you a huge amount of examples :)
rsync -auv --ignore-existing /export/home/test1/ /opt/XRXnps/test2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    since you knew the file name ,when clicked in name send to server,read the file and write to servlet outputstream.
    I think this would help you.
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    BufferedInputStream bis=null;
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         ////error handling

  • Re Trim file name scripts in SL

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    Here's your answer. you can just get a copy of the old finder scripts, put them in /Library/Scripts and they'll show up in your script menu as before. I have zipped up a copy of them and posted them here:
    Posts: 12
    From: Australia
    Registered: Mar 25, 2010
    Trim file name scripts in SL
    Posted: Mar 26, 2010 6:26 PM
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    MBP mid-2009 Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Pierre L.
    Posts: 824
    From: Québec
    Registered: Jan 26, 2009
    Re: Trim file name scripts in SL
    Posted: Mar 26, 2010 6:49 PM in response to: norwichfan88
    Maybe something similar in this web page?
    15-inch MacBook Pro 2.53 GHz Mac OS X (10.6.2) AirPort Extreme
    Posts: 12
    From: Australia
    Registered: Mar 25, 2010
    Re: Trim file name scripts in SL
    Posted: Apr 10, 2010 12:03 AM in response to: Pierre L.
    Thanks for the web page, had a look but not having done any work with applescript or other programming language was a bit over my head.
    I decided to make a temporary solution with and automator action.
    MBP mid-2009 Mac OS X (10.6.2)

    Thanks for the web page, had a look but not having done any work with applescript or other programming language was a bit over my head.
    I decided to make a temporary solution with and automator action.

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    Premiere Pro CC does not open MOD files correctly
    That is correct: there is a bug in CC. In CS6 they work correctly.
    Please file a bug report.
    search for mod files and you will find one or two other threads.

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    Just rename ist with the jsx-suffix and place it in the Presets > Scripts-folder.
    If that does not work you could try the Photoshop Scripting Forum, though some of the regulars also do drop by in this Forum.

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    Not sure why you ask in the Adobe Reader forum; I would think the problem is on the MS Publisher side?

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    -32 -71 -128 -32 -72 -95 -32 -71 -121 -32 -72 -108 -32 -71 -128 -32 -72 -91 -32 -72 -73 -32 -72 -83 -32 -72 -108 -32 -72 -126 -32 -72 -78 -32 -72 -89
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    buffs = line.getBytes("utf-8"); //get bytes with UTF-8 encoding
    -61 -65 -61 -66 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14
    buffs = line.getBytes(); // get bytes with default encoding
    -1 -2 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14
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    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis,"utf-8");
    BufferedReader brx = new BufferedReader(isr);
    line = br.readLine();
    buffs = line.getBytes("utf-8");
    -17 -65 -67 -17 -65 -67 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14
    buffs = line.getBytes();
    63 63 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14
    Anybody has an idea? The file seems to be UTF-8 encoded. What could be wrong here?

    akeiser wrote:
    Windows XP, JDK 7, same with JDK 6
    I can't read a UTF-8 file correctly:
    Content of File (utf-8, thai string):
    When opened in Editor and copy pasted to JTextField, characters are displayed correctly:
    String text = jtf.getText();
    -32 -71 -128 -32 -72 -95 -32 -71 -121 -32 -72 -108 -32 -71 -128 -32 -72 -91 -32 -72 -73 -32 -72 -83 -32 -72 -108 -32 -72 -126 -32 -72 -78 -32 -72 -89 These values are the bytes of your original string "&#3648;&#3617;&#3655;&#3604;&#3648;&#3621;&#3639;&#3629;&#3604;&#3586;&#3634;&#3623;" utf-8 encoded with no BOM (Byte Order Marker) prefix.
    Read file with FileReader/BufferedReader:
    line = br.readLine();
    buffs = line.getBytes("utf-8"); //get bytes with UTF-8 encoding
    -61 -65 -61 -66 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14
    buffs = line.getBytes(); // get bytes with default encoding
    -1 -2 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14
    Read file with:
    FileInputStream fis...
    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis,"utf-8");
    BufferedReader brx = new BufferedReader(isr);
    line = br.readLine();
    buffs = line.getBytes("utf-8");
    -17 -65 -67 -17 -65 -67 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14
    buffs = line.getBytes();
    63 63 32 0 64 14 33 14 71 14 20 14 64 14 37 14 55 14 45 14 20 14 2 14 50 14 39 14 These values are the bytes of your original string UTF-16LE encoded with a UTF-16LE BOM prefix.
    This means that there is nothing wrong (the String has been read correctly) with the code and that your default encoding is UTF-16LE .
    Edited by: sabre150 on Aug 1, 2008 5:48 PM

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    작성날짜 : 2002-04-08
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    A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.
    Script: chrome://browser/content/places/editBookmarkOverlay.js:909

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    Hi. You’ve posted your question in a forum that is for beginners trying to learn the basics of Photoshop.  I'm moving your question to the Photoshop General Discussion forum for specialized attention to your situation.

  • How to alter 'add to file names' script?

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    Thanks for any help,

    01. Under 'Alternative 01:', the line ...
    No error checking for folders is included. Such is an exercise for the student.
    ... should have been ...
    --No error checking for folders is included. Such is an exercise for the student.
    02. The error message ...
    "System Events got an Error: NSCannotCreateScriptCommandError".
    Hmmm, those replying are using MacOS X 10.4.x, and you are using MacOS X 10.2.x. Others, with Macs running MacOS X 10.2.x and using AppleScript code from MacOS X 10.3.x and later, do at times experience 'NSCannotCreateScriptCommandError' error messages.
    In the code below, 'System Events' was replaced with 'Finder'. Some additional editing was performed, where required.
    Alternative 01:
    property tAddition : "x" -- The charcter or string to append to the files' name.
    tell application "Finder"
    set tSelection to selection
    --No error checking for folders is included. Such is an exercise for the student.
    repeat with i in tSelection -- Cycle through the provided files.
    set {displayed_name, name_Extension} to {displayed name of (i as alias), name extension of (i as alias)}
    if ((displayed_name ends with name_Extension) and ((count name_Extension) > 0)) then
    -- Handle file names which include a name extension.
    set (name of i) to ((get (characters 1 through ((count displayed_name) - (count name_Extension) - 1) of displayed_name) as string) & tAddition & "." & name_Extension)
    set (name of i) to (displayed_name & tAddition) -- Handle file names without a name extension.
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    Save the AppleScript code as a script.
    Move file (or a copy or alias of the file) to the '~/Library/Scripts/' folder.
    Select files to be processed, in 'Finder'.
    Select the script, via the 'Script menu'.
    Alternative 02:
    property tAddition : "x" -- The charcter or string to append to the files' name.
    on run {} -- User double-click on the applet.
    display dialog "Drag file(s) onto applet for processing."
    end run
    on open selected_Items -- User dragged items onto applet.
    my handleitems(selectedItems) -- Processed items dragged onto applet.
    end open
    on handleitems(localItems)
    -- No error checking for folders is included. Such is an exercise for the student.
    tell application "Finder"
    repeat with i in local_Items -- Cycle through the provided files.
    set {displayed_name, name_Extension} to {displayed name of i, name extension of i}
    if ((displayed_name ends with name_Extension) and ((count name_Extension) > 0)) then
    -- Handle file names which include a name extension.
    set (name of i) to ((get (characters 1 through ((count displayed_name) - (count name_Extension) - 1) of displayed_name) as string) & tAddition & "." & name_Extension)
    set (name of i) to (displayed_name & tAddition) -- Handle file names without a name extension.
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    end handle_items
    Save the AppleScript code as an applet (application).
    Drag files to be processed, onto the applet, in 'Finder'.

  • Program Scheduler that will work for jar files or scripts

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  • Creating Powershell script to run against Multiple XML Files: Correcting Nordic characters. Renaming only the files that were corrected.

    I am new to powershell and scripting and would like to create a powershell script to do the following to XML files.
    I would like to change the data received in XML files that contains special Nordic characters: such as 
    ä, Ä, é, ö, Ö, ü, Ü, and ß respectfully.
    The file names that gets drop to me come in with the following naming convention: C54ABC_111120140500_1, C54ABC_111120140500_2, C54ABC_111120140500_3, C54ABC_111120140500_4 all the way to C54ABC_111120140500_12.
    By automating the script, I would like the script to look into a directory containing these files and access the data within it and change the the data that has the special characters to the English Dictionary character equivalent.
    e.g. ä for a, Ä for A, é for e, ö for o, Ö for O, ü for u, Ü for U, and ß for ss.
    Once that step is complete. I would like to rename the file from C54ABC_111120140500_1.xml to C54ABC_111120140500_1_rctf.xml (adding an additional 5 characters to the end of a file that was corrected) if the file did not need any correction then renaming is
    not needed.
    the working directory (Source and destination) will remain in the same location. e.g. C:\Temp\
    Currently I was able to come up with the following, however I am stuck when it comes to the renaming part since, it requires "IF and Else" statments .... I think.
    $Source = "C:\Temp"
    $Destination = "C:\Temp"
    $regex33 = "\*.xml"
    (Get-Content $regex33) |
    ForEach-Object {$_ -replace "ä", "a" -replace "Ä", "A" -replace "é", "e" -replace "ö", "o" -replace "Ö", "O" -replace "ü", "u" -replace "Ü", "U" -replace "ß", "ss"}
    #Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace -whatif}
    Your Assistance and Expertise is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you in advance KC.

    Hi KC
    You could try something like this.
    Let me know how you get on and if you've any questionds.
    cheers, Tim
    $Source = 'C:\Temp'
    Set-Location $source
    $xmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Filter *.xml
    ForEach ($xmlFile in $xmlFiles)
      $content = Get-Content -Path $xmlFile.FullName
      $renameFile = $false
      Switch -Wildcard ($content) {
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'ä', 'a'
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'Ä', 'A'
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'é', 'e'
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'ö', 'o'
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'Ö', 'O'
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'ü', 'u'
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'Ü', 'U'
          $renameFile = $true
          $content = $content -creplace 'ß', 'ss'
      If ($renameFile)
        $newFileName = "$($xmlFile.BaseName)_rctf.xml"
        $content | Out-File -FilePath $xmlFile.FullName -Force
        Rename-Item -Path $xmlFile.PSChildName -NewName $newFileName

  • "Optimize to file size" script

    Hi everyone,
    I am currently writing an applescript to circumvent Photoshop's lack of scripting support for the "Optimize to File Size" option in the Save for Web command, but I'm having trouble with targeting the file sizes correctly.
    Here is the code I'm using (forgive me, I know its not so graceful... I'm still very new). Basically it exports the image at 100% quality, checks the resulting file size against the desired file size, and if it's not equal to or less than that value, it deletes, reduces the quality level, and re-exports until it meets that criteria:
    on optimizeFile(currentDoc, optimizeSize, exportPath, fileExtension, trimmedFilename, qualityIncrement)
    set qualityLevel to 100
    set optimizedFile to ((exportPath & trimmedFilename & fileExtension) as string)
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
    tell currentDoc
    export in file optimizedFile as save for web with options {class:save for web export options, quality:qualityLevel, web format:JPEG}
    end tell
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    set truncatedFile to files of alias exportPath whose name contains "#0"
    repeat with thisFile in truncatedFile
    set name of thisFile to (trimmedFilename & fileExtension)
    end repeat
    set fileSize to physical size of optimizedFile
    end tell
    repeat until fileSize is less than or equal to optimizeSize
    tell application "Finder"
    delete file optimizedFile
    set qualityLevel to (qualityLevel - qualityIncrement)
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
    tell currentDoc
    export in file optimizedFile as save for web with options {class:save for web export options, quality:qualityLevel, web format:JPEG}
    end tell
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    set truncatedFile to files of alias exportPath whose name contains "#0"
    repeat with thisFile in truncatedFile
    set name of thisFile to (trimmedFilename & fileExtension)
    end repeat
    set fileSize to physical size of optimizedFile
    end tell
    end repeat
    end optimizeFile
    The problem that I am having is that when this script exports bigger images at bigger file sizes (even in the 30 to 40k range) it works perfectly. However, whenever I get to thumbnail sized images that i need to export at say 3k or 4k, it runs into an infinite cycle of deleting and re-exporting. I have tried using the "data size" property instead of "physical size" but that seems to ignore the loops altogether and export files at much larger sizes.
    Can anyone out there help? I'd love to nail down a script that can do this function well, as I think there is a huge need for this functionality amongst people who regularly batch process images, i'm just afraid that my version may not be the most efficient.

    You're right - I really could do with this functionality!
    Sorry I can't help on the scripting side, but maybe someone who can will notice this post now.

Maybe you are looking for

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