File lookup

Hi Experts
I am trying to implement a simple file lookup, can any one tell me which package i need to import while writing the UDF.I am getting an error message ("cannot resolve symbol URL class and URL connection class")
which package is to  be imported  so that URL class and URL connection etc will work.
Actually URL is the location where the file which i am using for lookup is placed .I need to open a connection to that and do the lookup.
The information stored in the file which i am using is not having "=" instead it has a ":" in between the source and the value
like in this case it will look like :FFFF:66666 in my file not FFFF=66666(tried out same scenario suggested by farooq in his wiki)
Can we do the lookup if the file is in this format ?
Your inputs will help me allot

Hi Sri
You can do like this
URL url = new URL("ftp://user:password @");
URL belong to java.lang.object
with this you can use FTP API from Jscape to do FTP from UDF
import com.jscape.inet.ftp.*;
Ftp ftp = new Ftp("","user","password");
// establish connection
// perform directory listing
String listing = ftp.getDirListingAsString();
// print directory listing to console
// Perform directory listing
Enumeration files = ftp.getDirListing();
// iterate through listing
while(files.hasMoreElements()) {
FtpFile file = (FtpFile)files.nextElement();
// only print files that are directories;
if(file.isDirectory()) {
// change local directory
ftp.setLocalDir(new File("C:/tmp");
// Change remote directory
// upload a file named test.txt in c:/tmp directory
ftp.upload(new File("c:/tmp/test.txt"));
// download a file named test.txt in remote directory"test.txt");
// release the FTP server connection
These can help for lot of FTP related developments

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  • CSV File LookUp

    Hi all,
    I am designing a scenario following the given blog:
    In this blog i am mainly dealing with the first half i.e the CSV File Lookup part.
    I have created the csv file as mentioned. Converted it into a jar and included that jar file in the repository under the Imported Archive tab.
    I have done certain manipulation in the given code to suit my design:
    <b>String price = "0";
              Class.forName("<i>the name of my imported jar file</i>");
              Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:driver:""/""/"+"pciib04530/users/");
              PreparedStatement stmt=con.prepareStatement("select itemno,price from price where itemno=?");
              ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery();
                   price = rs.getString("price");
              return price;
         catch(Exception e)
              return "-1";
    On testing the mapping the error msg i get is Method findPrice with 1 arguments not found in class
    where findPrice is the name of my method and Request_MM is my message mapping.
    I dont know what is wrong.
    Pls guide.
    If anyone can mention help documents on CSV Lookup, it would be very helpful.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Prashanth,
    I have already gone through the both the blogs mentioned by you.
    The first one speaks about CSV Lookup.
    Here the author mentions about some driver <b><i>"it’s possible by means of  a driver that makes the flat file (here CSV file) to appear as a database table to the API."</i></b>
    But he does not mention the name of the driver.
    The Blog is also not very elaborate.
    Can you suggest the name of the driver?


    Hi ,
    I have a simple Question.
    Can we access the file on FTP Server(Inside the same network)  using UDF in Message Mapping i.e sort of FILE LOOKUP.
    If anyone can point me to correct direction

    I think better option is writing java mapping using apache commons net source. It has FTPClient class.
    Sample Source code below. Download apache commons net jar and import it in this java class.
    * This is an example program demonstrating how to use the FTPClient class.
    * This program connects to an FTP server and retrieves the specified
    * file.  If the -s flag is used, it stores the local file at the FTP server.
    * Just so you can see what's happening, all reply strings are printed.
    * If the -b flag is used, a binary transfer is assumed (default is ASCII).
    * Usage: ftp [-s] [-b]    
    public final class ftp
        public static final String USAGE =
            "Usage: ftp [-s] [-b]     \n" +
            "\nDefault behavior is to download a file and use ASCII transfer mode.\n" +
            "\t-s store file on server (upload)\n" +
            "\t-b use binary transfer mode\n";
        public static final void main(String[] args)
            int base = 0;
            boolean storeFile = false, binaryTransfer = false, error = false;
            String server, username, password, remote, local;
            FTPClient ftp;
            for (base = 0; base < args.length; base++)
                if (args[base].startsWith("-s"))
                    storeFile = true;
                else if (args[base].startsWith("-b"))
                    binaryTransfer = true;
            if ((args.length - base) != 5)
            server = args[base++];
            username = args[base++];
            password = args[base++];
            remote = args[base++];
            local = args[base];
            ftp = new FTPClient();
            ftp.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(
                                               new PrintWriter(System.out)));
                int reply;
                System.out.println("Connected to " + server + ".");
                // After connection attempt, you should check the reply code to verify
                // success.
                reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
                if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply))
                    System.err.println("FTP server refused connection.");
            catch (IOException e)
                if (ftp.isConnected())
                    catch (IOException f)
                        // do nothing
                System.err.println("Could not connect to server.");
                if (!ftp.login(username, password))
                    error = true;
                    break __main;
                System.out.println("Remote system is " + ftp.getSystemName());
                if (binaryTransfer)
            // Use passive mode as default because most of us are
            // behind firewalls these days.
                if (storeFile)
                    InputStream input;
                    input = new FileInputStream(local);
                    ftp.storeFile(remote, input);
                    OutputStream output;
                    output = new FileOutputStream(local);
                    ftp.retrieveFile(remote, output);
            catch (FTPConnectionClosedException e)
                error = true;
                System.err.println("Server closed connection.");
            catch (IOException e)
                error = true;
                if (ftp.isConnected())
                    catch (IOException f)
                        // do nothing
            System.exit(error ? 1 : 0);
        } // end main

  • EJB(EAR file) lookup from separate WAR file

    I have 2 applications (EAR and WAR) deployed in an OC4J instance using Oracle 10g. All my EJB components are in my EAR file and all my front-end/servlet component are in the WAR file. My lookup in the servlet fails, like:
    05/01/21 13:47:05 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: SessionEJB not found
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationContext.lookup(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationContext.lookup(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at efdw.eap.servlet.SessionEJBAction.execute(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    05/01/21 13:47:05 at
    EJB reference in web.xml looks like:
    I've added the "parent" attribute in server.xml, something like:
    <application name="myapp" path="../applications/myapp.ear" auto-start="true" />
    <application name="myweb" path="../applications/myweb.ear" auto-start="true" parent="myapp" />
    but the sever.xml file gets reset and there is no parent attribute in the file
    lookup in my servlet:
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    Object objref = ctx.lookup("SessionEJB");
    sessionEJBHome = (SessionEJBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, SessionEJBHome.class);
    beanRemote = sessionEJBHome.create();
    I also tried using the file and by specifying context attributes (PROVIDER_URL,INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,..) nothing worked.
    Is there a way I can configure the jndi tree like in weblogic? How do I need to configure the lookup?

    Hi Naga,
    You have to lookup the ejb as follows:
    Object objref = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/SessionEJB");
    location tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml for the EJB determines where the JNDI-name to which this bean will be bound documented in EJB Guide at
    <ejb-ref-mapping ... > in orion-web.xml :
    This element creates a mapping between an EJB reference, defined in an <ejb-ref> element, and a JNDI location when deploying.
    The <ejb-ref> element can appear within the <web-app> element of orion-web.xml or web.xml and is used to declare a reference to an EJB.

  • Scripts to update Mapping files & Lookup files for OBIA

    Hi I am looking to know what are the mandatory mapping files & Lookup files that required to be mapped for OBIA Financial Analytics for Oracle EBS R12.1.3 source system while implementing OBIA
    Is their any document that list outs the need/importance about these files while configuring the same
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi gurus,
    any body have an idea how to reconcile the OBIA mapping files and Lookup files data are in line to Source Oracle EBS R12.1.3 system.

  • File LookUp in the MM : FileNotFound Exception

    Hello Friends,
    I am trying to fetch a file during the message mapping. The code I have written in the UDF is as follows :
    String company = "";
    HashMap fileMap = new HashMap();
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:
    String line = "";
    while((line = reader.readLine())!=null)
    String[] lineArray = line.split(",");
    fileMap.put(lineArray[1], lineArray[0]);
    company = (String) fileMap.get(a);
    return company; </u>
    But I am getting the FileNotFound Exception when I tried to run the interface mapping.
    I have confirmed that file is there in the respective folder.
    1. Can we use the above code to fetch the file ?
    2. Do we need to put the file in the XI server ?
    Thanks for your time.

    and what exactly you are trying to do with this code ?
    to access files,you need to use Java io api's,and you can access file from any server,not just XI server
    but there are few drawbacks with this,first of all the file name and path will be hardcoded so u need to change it every time you move your file from Dev to QA to Prd.
    secondly this approach is good to read the file,but not a very good idea to write something in the file

  • Powershell replace text in multiple files lookup CSV

    Hiya guys
    After some guidance please.
    I have a CSV with following details
    MailboxName, PRFNAME,TempConstant
    usera, a, usera.prf,TEMPLATEPRFUSER
    userb, b, userb.prf,TEMPLATEPRFUSER
    userc, c, userc.prf,TEMPLATEPRFUSER
    Im after creating multiple copies of a prf file with the PRFNAME
    Import-Csv $UsernamesCSV | % { Copy-Item "C:\TemplatePRF\Template.prf" "C:\TEST\$($_.NewPRFName)"}
    This creates multiple prfs named correctly based on the prfnames provided in the CSV
    Now I want to search for mailboxname=TEMPLATEPRFUSER and replace to "MailboxName" from my csv.
    so it will be
    ContentsMailboxname=user, a
    mailboxname=user, b
    So the common field to replace will be TEMPALTEPRF but replace with the relevatnt mailboxname depending on prf name.
    After looking around I found the following
    Param (
    #$List = "C:\TemplatePRF\mailbox.csv",
    $Files = "c:\Test\*.prf"
    $ReplacementList = Import-Csv $UsernamesCSV;
    Get-ChildItem $Files |
    ForEach-Object {
    $Content = Get-Content -Path $_.FullName;
    foreach ($ReplacementItem in $ReplacementList)
    $Content = $Content.Replace($ReplacementItem.TEMPConstant, $ReplacementItem.mailboxn)
    Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Value $Content
    At the moment all the files will then have the content "mailboxname=" set as user,a and it does not seem to loop through the remaining and replace correctly.

    It looks like something along these lines should work, though the CSV data you posted is currently invalid. If you want to have a comma in a field (such as user, a), it needs to be quoted. Otherwise the comma is treated as a delimiter in the CSV.  Generally,
    I would recommend just quoting everything, to avoid problems. That's what PowerShell does when you use Export-Csv. Here's the test file I used:
    "usera, a","usera.prf"
    "userb, b","userb.prf"
    "userc, c","userc.prf"
    I got rid of the TempConstant field; there's no reason to repeat that data on every line of the CSV file.  It's just hard-coded in the script right now.  Here's the code:
    $templateFile = 'C:\TemplatePRF\template.prf'
    $csvFile = 'C:\TemplatePRF\mailbox.csv'
    $outputDirectory = 'C:\TemplatePRF\New'
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $outputDirectory -PathType Container))
    New-Item -Path $outputDirectory -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop
    $templateContents = Get-Content -Path $templateFile -ErrorAction Stop
    Import-Csv -Path $csvFile |
    ForEach-Object {
    $record = $_
    $newContents = $templateContents -replace '(?<=mailboxname\s*=\s*)%TEMPLATEPRFUSER%', $record.MailboxName
    $newFile = Join-Path -Path $outputDirectory -ChildPath $record.PRFNAME
    Set-Content -Path $newFile -Value $newContents

  • Sender File Adapter FCC to Hierarchial MT Coversion

       I have MT with structure as follows
    Header               1..1
        F1          string  1..1
        F2          string  1..1
        SUB              1 to unbounded
           S11       string  1..1
           S12       string  1..1
    Can you anybody help me out how to convert the a CSV file to Convert the structure mentioned above using sender File Adapter FCC.

    There is no suc h direct way to get the data from csv fiel with conversion.
    Either you can use JAVA Mapping for it or use the adapter module to read csv files.
    How to process CSV data with XI file adapter
    "JAVA MAPPING", an alternate way of reading a CSV file
    There is one way that you could bypass IR (Integration Repository) for any type of files, see below link
    Making CSV File Lookup Possible In SAP XI !!!
    This will help you

  • Accessing a file in Imported Archive from Adapter module

    I am designing a module for File/FTP and Mail adapters. Is it possible to retrieve data from a CSV or TXT file uploaded in the Imported Archive from the Java code in the module? If this is possible, do I use the same approach as accessing the CSV data from the mapping using a UDF? If this is not possible, can you suggest other ways were I can access a CSV or TXT configuration file from an adapter module?
    I would like to avoid using Module key, Parameter name and Parameter value as I would like to make the adapter module generic and the data I will be reading might be too much to be specified in this location. However, I would use the Module key, Parameter name and Parameter value to specify the CSV or TXT filename which the adapter module will be using.
    Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.

    Imported archives are part of mapping flow and adapter modules are more part of routing. Therefore I don't think imported archive could  be made accessible anywhere outside mapping.
    but my CSV or TXT file would be updated regularly by the developer.
    So were you planning to import this file again and again under imported archive? This doesn't seems to be a good solution when you think about changin Design part in Production environment. It would be better to give access to certain folder to developer to put the file there and access it using some code. You may refer this

  • Message Mapping UDF for lookuping of a value inside field's list of values

    Hey everyone,
    For a FI mapping I'm working on, I was wondering if somebody has some Java UDF which lookups for a value inside the whole list of values which the mapping gathered for a specific field?

    source code --
    //write your code here
    JCO.Repository myRepository;
    // Change the logon information to your own system/user
    JCO.Client myConnection = JCO.createClient(
    // all the client information namely client ,user id pwd etc
    // create repository
    myRepository = new JCO.Repository( "SAPLookup", myConnection );
    // Create function
    JCO.Function function = null;
    IFunctionTemplate ft = mRepository.getFunctionTemplate("xxxxx"); //Name of RFC
    function = ft.getFunction();
    // Obtain parameter list for function
    JCO.ParameterList input = function.getImportParameterList();
    // Pass function parameters
    input.setValue( a , "xxxxx" ); //import parameter of RFC, a is input argument.
    myConnection.execute( function );
    String ret = function.getExportParameterList().getString( "XXXX" ); //export param
    return ret;
    File Lookup in UDF
    Lookupu2019s in XI made simpler
    SAP XI Lookup API: the Killer
    Webservice Calls From a User Defined Function.

  • Is is possibel to do an RFC Lookup from The Graphical Mapping?

    While doing a message mapping I need to get the value from R3 system using an RFC, is it is possible ?

    we can do by using rfc look ups
    Lookup in mapping is the feature provided by SAP to lookup the data in the target R/3 or DB systems with the API provided.
    You need to write UDF in order to implement the API's provided by SAP.Consider the below example
    The scenario is legacy to SAP. The legacy system doesn't provide the currency details. But the target field need's to be populated with currency value.
    "The business rules says there are values maintained in SAP Table where if you pass VendorNumber it will return thr currency to you"
    So what you can do? You can write UDF implementing SAP Provided API's and do a lookup in the SAP System and get back the currency value and populate them in CURR field.
    I hope it clears a bit.
    Please find the below blogs
    DB Lookup: /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/08/23/lookup146s-in-xi-made-simpler
    RFC Lookup:
    There are three types of look ups u can do
    RFC look up
    SOAP look up
    JDBC look up
    What is Lookup and why we need:
    Within an XI mapping it is a common requirement to be able to perform data lookups on-the-fly. In particular, there may be a need to look up some data that is maintained in an R/3 application.
    In the error handling topic we have seen the different validations which need to be performed on file. This can be done through Lookup.
    Some use cases:
    • Look up material number from table MARA.
    • Look up cost center budget.
    • Look up employee information.
    • Look up unit-of-measure (UOM) information from table t006a.
    • Lookup for raising an alert.
    The purpose of the lookup may be:
    • To perform application-level validation of the data, before sending it to the backend.
    • To populate fields of the XML document with some additional data found in the backend application.
    This is a form of value transformation.
    The "value mappings" offered by XI are not adequate in this case, since the data would have to be manually entered in the Integration Directory.
    There are two ways in which we can do lookup:
    • Call lookup method from GUI mapping.
    • Call lookup method from XSLT mapping.
    Lookup method from GUI mapping can be called using any of the following ways.
    • RFC lookup using JCO (without communication channel)
    • RFC lookup with communication channel.
    • Lookup using JDBC adapter.
    • CSV file lookup.
    Lookups with XSLT -
    DB lookup - /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/08/23/lookup146s-in-xi-made-simpler
    SOAP Lookup - /people/bhavesh.kantilal/blog/2006/11/20/webservice-calls-from-a-user-defined-function
    You can refer to these links.
    /people/alessandro.guarneri/blog/2006/03/27/sap-xi-lookup-api-the-killer Absolute stealer.
    For Java APIs and also here you can map that how many types of lookups are possible in XI.

  • Deploying war OR ear file in 10.1.3 standalone OC4J

    I've read the several threads on how to deploy a war file and/or ear file for OC4J but haven't seen anyone having the same issue I'm having.
    I've tried deploying manually, from the command line using admin.jar, as well as the enterprise manager. It appears that when OC4J is looking for a jar file containing EJB's. But my app has none and there is no jar file that it finds.
    Here is what the console reports when I try to deploy using admin.jar ->
    OK - so I try to deploy using the Enterprise Manager instead to see if the UI has some options that I can change for not forcing an EJB jar file lookup. Here is a video of what I did ->
    Do I really need to have a jar file with EJB's to deploy a WAR/EAR file?

    Hi Gordon,
    The source of your ills is this entry in the application.xml descriptor:
    Remove that, and you should be good to go (assuming you aren't referencing any other non-existent JARs).
    Dan Hynes

  • Csv to file

    Hi all,
         Can u please send me blogs of csv to file scenario.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Naveen,
    Here u go,
    CSV File Example
    CSV file
    <i>[Reward Points if helpful]</i>

  • BPM/File Content and Dynamic File Name

    Bit of a double whammy here!
    I am running a BPM :  R/3 Proxy > XI > BPM > File Adapter (x4)
    All working to a point.....
    The file I receive splits into two files, then I pass a Count file - number of records to a separate file and then a file that simply says "ready" on completion.  Four files are:
    Data file, Lookup (values and descripton for legacy), Count file and Ready file.
    To top this off, it will be run for 12 separate countries so hope to use the country code to add to the file naming - so generating 48 files (if successful). Data_GB.dat, lookup_GB.dat, Count_GB.dat and ready_GB.dat etc.... 
    The first three, I can do (with maybe a little help!), I have looked at the use of dynamic file naming and think I can do this, however, the count file uses the initial file sent, but the ready file passes across the word "ready" to destination file.  How can I utilise the dynamic naming convention if I do not use the original file for this?
    Also, the "ready" file is being created but it is empty.  It is okay using the the File Adapter, but when I convert it, the file is empty (but still created!)  IN sxmb_moni, it is showing correctly but once the file content conversion happens, it is empty!
    Any thoughts?

    Thanks Bhavesh.
    Time Stamp Status Description
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Message successfully received by messaging system. Profile: XI URL: Credential (User): XIISUSER
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Using connection File_ Trying to put the message into the receive queue.
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Message successfully put into the queue.
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success The message was successfully retrieved from the receive queue.
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success The message status set to DLNG.
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Delivering to channel: EPIW_FTP_Receiver_EmployeeReady
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success MP: entering
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success MP: processing local module localejbs/CallSapAdapter
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success File adapter receiver: processing started; QoS required: ExactlyOnce
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success File adapter receiver channel EPIW_FTP_Receiver_EmployeeReady: start processing: party " ", service "XE_DEV_3RD_EPIW_001"
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Connect to FTP server "ftp.ftp.ftp.ftp", directory "/ECS/Target"
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Write to FTP server "ftp.ftp.ftp.ftp", directory "/ECS/Target",   file "xi_epiw_ready20070508-174357-635.dat"
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Transfer: "BIN" mode, size 156 bytes, character encoding -
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success Start converting XML document content to plain text
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success File processing complete
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success MP: leaving
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success The message was successfully delivered to the application using connection File_
    2007-05-08 17:43:57 Success The message status set to DLVD.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:EPIWReadyFile xmlns:ns0="">
    Transfer: Binary
    File Type : Text
    File Content Conversion:
    Record Set Structure: Detail
    Detail.fieldSeparator     ,
    Detail.endSeparator     'nl'
    It maybe something simple... 
    Hopefully you can help : )

  • Merge files...... pick file dynamically Based on your content

    Hi All,
    In my current scenario I have 2 dependent sources (Proxy and File system) from which data is being sent to a common target service. The sources are dependent on Proxy/ECC to File System. Please let me know how I need to pick the file from File system because lot of files are there in File System. Based on my ECC/Proxy message details on field of ABN, according ABN number I need to be pick the file from the File system but I have lot of files in File system. Please let me know how to pick multiple files from one correct file based on my first file message.
    After that picking the files I need merge the two messages and send to target file system.
    Using fork I can merge files, no issues. But here problem to pick file dynamically Based on content .
    Please provide your input......

    Hi Ramesh Sir,
    You can go for JAVA Type Message Mapping.
    Is This approach sounds fisible to you ?
    Please provide Sender DataType XML / Receiver DataType XML + any 1 csv file in which lookup has to perform.
    and this approach is only possible , if your Flat file is on FTP Server which is on the same network.
    Prabhat Sharma.

Maybe you are looking for