File to JDBC SP scenario

Hi Experts,
My scenario is, i need to call a stored procedure in Oracle. my input is a file.
the stored procedure is designed in such a way that it will accept only a RECORD type. not the individual parameters.
So please help me in finding out how to send a RECORD type to the Stored Procedure.
Thanks in advance,
- naresh

Dear Naresh,
please check the official SAP documentaion here:
XML Document Format for the Message Protocol Native SQL Format
This protocol is primarily for test purposes only. Instead of an XML document format, a text is expected that represents any valid SQL statement.
When inserting a line into a table the corresponding document looks as follows:
INSERT INTO tableName  (column-name1, column-name2, column-name3) VALUES(u2018column-value1u2019, u2018column-value2u2019, u2018column-value3u2019)
There is no need to use the SAP XML structure, you can create a native SQL statement using a Java Mapping and send it to the server. If you don't want to use native SQL, because SAP says, that it's for test purposes only, use 'action="SQL_DML"'. Just create the SQL string as you would create it from any other application.
Best regards,

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    Hi Ashok,
         In this File to JDBC Scenario,In receiver JDBC having standard structure u can follow,
    Standard structure for receiver JDBC is:
        Action         Attribute
        TableName  Element
        Access       Element
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    I would like to know what are the things needs to be tested to ensure that the File to JDBC scenario holds good in the PI box. Your valuable inputs are required to verify /check my scenario configuration is free of errors.
    Thanks & Regards,

    You can try the following:
    1) If the end systems require authentication and the same is not provided in PI then it should throw an error.
    2) Check what happens when you dont give a mandatory field.
    3) check what result you will get when you give a wrong input.
    4) Check whether all your restrictions (in mapping and/or in receiver determination) are working properly.
    5) Check what you need to do when the target system is down.
    6) If using any FCC then check whether the conversion is done properly.....
    7) See to it that you have defined a proper DB structure when you are communication with JDBC
    8) Check with the end system whether your statement (Insert/Update/Delete etc) is performed properly
    Edited by: abhishek salvi on Dec 4, 2008 9:58 AM

  • Error in File-XI-JDBC Scenario

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    Warm Regards,

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    MT_TEST_FILE_T179T      1..1     DT_TEST_FILE_T179T
         ROOT                         1..unbounded
            PRODH                    1..unbounded     xsd:string
            VTEXT                      1..unbounded     xsd:string
            DATUM                     1..unbounded     xsd:string
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    MT_TEST_JDBC_T179T      1..1     DT_TEST_JDBC_T179T
         STATEMENT                1..1
            SP_UPDATE             1..1
                action                    required     xsd:string
                TABLE                  1..1                     xsd:string     
                    PRODH             1..unbounded     xsd:string
                       type               optional            xsd:string
                    VTEXT               1..unbounded     xsd:string
                       type               optional            xsd:string
                    DATUM              1..unbounded     xsd:string
                       type               optional            xsd:string
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    Warm Regards,

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    Hi Farooq,
    Thanx for your reply. But this scenario is running when we are sending the file from R/3-DEV Server and also if I am copying all the contents of the error file and pasting it into a new file and then processing the file then the scenario is getting executed and I am getting no error with the same data which I have processed earlier and has thrown error.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:mt_smtjdbc_sender xmlns:ns0="http://SmartJDBC">
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:Messages xmlns:ns0="">
          <ns1:mt_smtjdbc_sender xmlns:ns1="http://SmartJDBC">
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:Messages xmlns:ns0="">
          <ns1:mt_smtjdbc_sender xmlns:ns1="http://SmartJDBC">
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ns0:Messages xmlns:ns0="">
    <ns1:mt_smtjdbc_receiver xmlns:ns1="http://SmartJDBC">
    <dbTableName action="INSERT">

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    What could be the possible solution for it.

    Hi Raj,
    As Prateek mentioned, the error you are getting is because of an improper installation of a driver.
    Check out the doc for the driver installtion steps : [How To Install and Configure External Drivers for the JDBC & JMS Adapters|]
    Also, the following thread contains some more useful links : Re: What's necessary to connect SQL server to XI?
    Pooja Pandey

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    For structure refer this blog..
    Use two <Statement> tags as shown here and there you may have separate tablenames.
    Jogula Ramesh

  • File-XI-JDBC Scenario

    Dear All,
    I am working on File-XI-JDBC scenario. I am able to update the SQL database with the file.
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    Now, I want is that even if the MATNR is already existing in the database then again that entry should not be inserted into the database with the different date although the same MATNR exists in the flat file.
    Please guide me on how this can be done.
    Warm Regards,

    Check out the weblog and help for writing stored procedure:

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    Dear All,
    I am working on File-XI-JDBC scenario. I want a mail to be triggered if the message is successfully processed at JDBC receiver side.
    Kindly guide me on how this can be acheived?

    Use a BPM.
    In the send step that is used to send the message to JDBC, request a Tech Ack.
    If positive Ack is returned trigger the email in a separate step.
    Check Michal's blog on BPM Acknowledgements that explains this in details.

  • Clarification of doubt in File-XI-JDBC scenario

    I had one doubt in this scenario.can anybody Plz clarify in this scenario File-XI-JDBC.
    1)where we have to specify the table name in the receiver JDBC comm channel to insert the data into sql database from file.My doubt is,there are so many tables in the comm channel i am not mentioning the table name any where.
    currently i am using SQL server and created one table name "EMP" with n columns.
    2)Is i need to configure this sql driver to the J2ee server or by default this will be shipped with XI?
    3)Generally,what are the datbase drivers shipped with XI?
    Thanks in Advance
    Sridhar Raju

    Hi Sridhar
    1) You dont require to mention the name of table in comm channel. You specify it in your data type . your xml format should be
    <dbTableName action=”UPDATE” | “UPDATE_INSERT”>
    Please refer the link for more detail
    2) Basically there is an driver file which has to be deployed to the server. But it may be there by default.
    You configure and check your scenario, if driver file is not deployed you will get the message in RWB-> Adapter Monitoring.

  • Facing Problems in File to JDBC scenario

    Hi Folks,
        I am trying to configure a file to jdbc scenario where I'm getting the below error.
    Error during database connection to the database URL 'jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\usr\sap\PRD\SYS\global\Receive\Student.mdb' using the JDBC driver 'sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver': ' Cannot establish connection to URL 'jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (.mdb)};DBQ=D:\usr\sap\PRD\SYS\global\Receive\Student.mdb'*: SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified'
    I Have done the below configuration for the receiver JDBC adapter
    Driver : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
    Connection : jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\usr\sap\PRD\SYS\global\Receive\Student.mdb
    tried to provide the user id & password as well as the password and also tried with with keep them blank. My Ms access 2007 database table is in the application server itself.
    I've also checked with the below blogs & forums:
    MS  ACCESS 2007 to PI 7.01
    Thanks Experts.

    Hi Santosh,
    If also could be possible that, you have not added proper JDBC dirver and hence i think you are getting following error:
    Data source name not found and no default driver specified'
    So first add the JDBC driver( .jar) to the SAP PI JDBC library and redeploy the .sda file and then retest your scenario. Here is a link to PDF which explain how to add external drivers to use new DB drivers in the JDBC adapter.

  • Exception in File To JDBC Scenario

    I am getting the Exception "Error ID     EXCEPTION_DURING_EXECUTE" while working with File to JDBC Scenario.
    Pl Let me know why this exception is raised?

    Hi Srinivasaphani,
    This indicates that your message mapping failed.
    Copy the XML message from monitoring and exectute the mapping in Integration Builder with maximal trace to get the reason.
    If Source is a flat file then maybe your encoding is not ok....
    if so have a look at
    File Encoding section:
    Also go through this link:
    Also go thru XI pipeline services-

  • File - to - JDBC- to - File  Scenario using Stored Procedure

      I want to do File - to - JDBC - to - File  scenario, because I'm getting data in a file format and that data i want to load in a database. Database level i have a stored procedure. if any exceptions. my stored procedure will give the Response. so, now i want to store that resposne in a file..
    for this. what are the steps we have to use. is this scenario will comes in Synch ronous or Asynchronous  ? and  I have searched the web blogs also. al the blogs are related to Http or Soap  with JDBC . so, please give me some input  help about this...
    how many data types we have to create... any body having step step procedure for this...

    You will need a BPM in your design as Sender File adapter does not support Synchronous messaging. Refer my answer in this thread (page 2) and have your design accordingly....instead of RFC you will have a file adapter as the ultimate receiver.
    Re: BPM FILE--> JDBC--> RFC
    Just take care of below things:
    1) JDBC message format is as per the guidelines
    [Message format for sending req to JDBC|]
    2) check for the format of your source and target file format (if it is a Flat-file with a xml structure that XI can parse then no need of FCC but if it is a CSV file then you will need FCC)
    Edited by: abhishek salvi on Apr 14, 2009 7:32 PM

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