FileConnection API JSR 75

I am trying this api on the WTK emulator and ther is an issue with show the valid roots and dir and files inside the roots.
In the emulator there is one default root, this one:
inside this root, there is one dir and one file, if run my code it shows well the root and its content. But if i create manually a dir or a file in the root, those arent show.
I havent do a test on a real device but in the emulator it didnt work.
What could be the problem ?
this is my code:
try {
         FileConnection fc = (FileConnection)
            ("List of files and directories under root1:");
         Enumeration filelist = fc.list("*", true);
         while(filelist.hasMoreElements()) {
            String fileName = (String) filelist.nextElement();
            fc = (FileConnection)
     "file:///root1/" + fileName);
            if(fc.isDirectory()) {
               System.out.println("\tDirectory Name: " + fileName);
            } else {
                  ("\tFile Name: " + fileName +
                   "\tSize: "+fc.fileSize());
      } catch (IOException ioe) {

I think you should use netbeans, open Sample Project for J2ME (PDADemo) and build it to jar file, then copy it to your mobile. Run it. You will see the path, you can config the path to your app.
Hope this help!

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    Hi Dan,
    Thanks for posting!
    According to error message, the process of audience may be occurred something wrong on azure platform. And consider to suspicious nature of the request, I suggest you could try oath to verify your account. So you could try this method supported by google
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    I don't know if your already found a solution.
    You are correct about the fact that you need JSR75 to load the file. Then to show it on screen you can use the Image class and use a form or a canvas to show it. What I don't know is how to resize it to fit the screen. And also I guess you can't open large files with it.
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    + File.separator+ "lib" + File.separator + "deployment"
    + File.separator + "sun-as-jsr88-dm.jar");
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    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
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    package test_file;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Displayable2
    extends Form
    implements CommandListener {
    StringItem stringItem1;
    String root = "";
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    StringItem stringItem2;
    byte by[] = null;
    /** Constructor */
    public Displayable2() {
    super("Displayable Title");
    try {
    catch (Exception e) {
    /**Component initialization*/
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
    // Set up this Displayable to listen to command events
    stringItem1 = new StringItem("", "");
    stringItem2 = new StringItem("", "");
    // add the Exit command
    addCommand(new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1));
    private void getRoots() {
    try {
    Enumeration drives = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots();
    System.out.println("The valid roots found are: ");
    while (drives.hasMoreElements()) {
    root = (String) drives.nextElement();
    sb.append(root + "\n");
    System.out.println("\t" + root);
    catch (Exception ex) {
    public void createFile() {
    try {
    FileConnection filecon = (FileConnection)"file:///C:/mynewfile.txt");
    // Always check whether the file or directory exists.
    // Create the file if it doesn't exist.
    if (!filecon.exists()) {
    OutputStream is = filecon.openOutputStream();
    String s = new String("we are the best kept secret of the universe,our mission is to monitor extra terrestrial activities onearth");
    byte b[] = s.getBytes();
    by = s.getBytes();
    is.write(b, 0, b.length);
    catch (Exception ioe) {
    System.out.println("EE "+ioe);
    public void showFile(String fileName) {
    try {
    FileConnection fc = (FileConnection)"file:///C:/" + fileName);
    if (!fc.exists()) {
    throw new IOException("File does not exist");
    InputStream is = fc.openInputStream();
    byte b[] = by;
    int length =, 0, b.length);
    stringItem2.setText("Content of " + fileName + ": " +
    new String(b, 0, length));
    ("Content of " + fileName + ": " + new String(b, 0, length));
    catch (Exception e) {
    /**Handle command events*/
    public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) {
    /** @todo Add command handling code */

    i too got this same security exception.and i followed this below procedure. using this u can get rid of this security exception in the emulator.
    Within the <function name="Read User Data Access"> tag and the <function name="Write User Data Access"> tag you will find a setting that says "untrusted mode=0". Change it to "untrusted mode=4".
    i think to get rid of this pbm in mobile better dont use self signed certificate.without signing the midlet nothing happens other than everytime the permission for reading the file .
    do u have any idea regarding file saving in nokia 6255

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    If someone knows how resolve this problem automatically please write me.

    I'm having the same problem with WTK 2.5.2.
    Could you elaborate on how to get the content handler running before invoking it?
    Isn't that the job of the AMS, so that the invoking application does not need to have knowledge/responsibility of whichever application is to handle a certain content? According to the spec, the AMS should queue the invocation, invoke it on a content handler, then after it's done, re-start the invoking application to return any response if required.
    Anyone has any success with this?

  • Mobile list for fileconnection

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    I am using fileConnection Api in my application. So I want to know the mobile phones which are supported by JSR 75 (FileConnection) Api.
    Please help me to know that.

    visit this link:

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    A little summery for future ref:
    "The FileConnection API [JSR-075] gives access to file systems and support for file-oriented operations. The API assumes the existence of a file system in the device that can be located, for example, in removable memory cards, flash memory, or other types of persistent storage. This API is not meant to be a replacement for the Record Management System (RMS) but rather a complement to it allowing MIDlets to interact with native applications. For example, a MIDlet could access and manipulate images previously captured by a native application using a built-in digital camera. Those images are commonly stored in the device�s memory and with the FileConnection API they are made accessible to CLDC/CDC1 applications."
    "The API is very simple containing just one class, two interfaces, and two exceptions. The most important part is the FileConnection interface, which extends the Connection interface and gives access to directories and individual files. Implementations of FileConnection are created using the method. The argument of the open() method is a URL with the format file://<host>/<path>, as defined in RFC 1738 [RFC 1738] and RFC 2396 [RFC 2396], where host is normally left empty and path starts with the root of the file system down to a particular file or directory. An example of a typical file URL in a Symbian device looks like the following: file:///C:/Nokia/Images/Image(001).jpg The roots of the file system are device-specific and they don�t necessarily correspond to physical memory units since they are logically defined by the device�s operating system."
    "Since the FileConnection API is an optional extension, a system property has been added to indicate the API�s presence. The system property contains the implemented version of the API. Currently this property should have the value 1.0 to indicate the current status of the API or null if the API is not present."
    supporting environments:
    IBM's J9, PalmOS 5, Windows Mobile 2003.
    Some mobile phones supporting FileConnection are listed here:

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    I'm trying to figure out a programmatic way of deploying/controlling my application on Netweaver in the same way I could on Tomcat or WebSphere.

    There is no official statement about when this release will be available.
    Keep an eye on SDN and the other SAP information portals about that.

  • Jsr 82 and portability

    I'm currently writing a MIDP application which uses some
    optional packages, namely JSR 75 (FileConnection API) and
    JSR 82 (Bluetooth API).
    I'm aware you can test the presence of those APIs with
    and since there is no System property to indicate JSR 82 presence
    you can try to load a class from that package:
    try{Class c = Class.forName("javax.bluetooth.DiscoveryAgent")} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
    Now that I know that JSR 82 is present, I could use a btspp:// connection to communicate with a server. If JSR 82 not present,
    then I would use a socket:// connection.
    But my code fails, if JSR 82 is not present. It's somewhat strange --
    I can use the LocalDevice and DiscoveryAgent classes in my code
    when I make sure they are not reached if JSR 82 not present (see code below). I Think this is only possible, because the KVM itself doesn't verify if all classes as this is done in a preverification process. So using these classes is not a clean solution, but I have no other idea right now.
    if (jsr82present) {
         //do device discovery
         LocalDevice local = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
         DiscoveryAgent agent = local.getDiscoveryAgent();
         //fails in the next line, although this code is
         //never reached when jsr 82 not present
         agent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, new DiscoveryListener(){
              //interface methods here
    } else {
         //establish socket connection
    My code fails as soon as I use "new" to instantiate a DiscoveryListener (which is also part of JSR 82) -- even if the instance will never be created, since a device with no JSR 82 support would never reach this code. See my problem now?
    Does this mean I have to write two different applications, one for bluetooth communication and the other one for sockets?
    I've tried to get around this with dynamic classloading, but didn't work either:
    Class c = Class.forName("mypckg.MyDiscoverListener");
    c.newInstance(); //<-- fails here
    Has anyone an idea how to write one application for different devices with different optional packages installed, which uses all functionality
    the device offers through it's optional packages?
    Or is it just impossible?

    try this link

  • JSR 205 support in blackberry device

    Please tell me the Blackberry device model which support JSR 205 MMS?

    Here's how i figure that out.
    i run the following code on the device itself
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class SystemProperties extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
      private static final String[] SYSPROPLISTS = {
          "CLDC&MIDP", "Optional packages", "MMAPI", "Bluetooth API",
          "FileConnection API", "WMA", "SATSA", "Other"};
      private static final String[] CLDC_MIDPPROPS = {
          "microedition.profiles", "microedition.configuration", "microedition.locale",
          "microedition.platform", "microedition.encoding", "microedition.commports",
          "microedition.hostname", "microedition.jtwi.version"};
      private static final String[] OPT_SYSPROPS = {
          "", "microedition.pim.version",
          "", "microedition.m3g.version",
          "microedition.location.version", "",
          "microedition.chapi.version", "microedition.sip.version"};
      private static final String[] MMAPI_SYSPROPS = {
          "supports.mixing", "", "",
          "supports.recording", "audio.encodings", "video.encodings",
          "video.snapshot.encodings", "streamable.contents"};
      private static final String[] BT_SYSPROPS = {
           "bluetooth.api.version", "bluetooth.l2cap.receiveMTU.max",
           "bluetooth.connected.devices.max", "bluetooth.connected.inquiry",
           "", "bluetooth.connected.inquiry.scan",
           "", "bluetooth.master.switch",
           "", ""};
      private static final String[] FILE_API_SYSPROPS = { "",
          "fileconn.dir.videos", "fileconn.dir.tones", "fileconn.dir.memorycard",
          "fileconn.dir.private", "", "",
          "", "", "file.separator"};
      private static final String[] WMA_SYSPROPS = {
      private static final String[] SATSA_SYSPROPS = {
      private static final String[] OTHER_SYSPROPS = {
          "", "",
          "", ""};
      private List list;
      private SysPropForm cldcmidpform;
      private SysPropForm optform;
      private SysPropForm mmapiform;
      private SysPropForm btform;
      private SysPropForm fileapiform;
      private SysPropForm wmaform;
      private SysPropForm satsaform;
      private SysPropForm otherform;
      private Command exitCommand;
      protected boolean bt = false;
      public SystemProperties() {
        list = new List("System properties", List.IMPLICIT, SYSPROPLISTS, null);
        exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
      protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
      protected void pauseApp() {
      protected void destroyApp(boolean p1) {
      public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
        if (c == List.SELECT_COMMAND) {
          int index = list.getSelectedIndex();
          if (index == 0) {
            cldcmidpform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[0], this, CLDC_MIDPPROPS);
          if (index == 1) {
            optform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[1], this, OPT_SYSPROPS);
          if (index == 2) {
            mmapiform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[2], this, MMAPI_SYSPROPS);
          if (index == 3) {
            bt = true;
            btform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[3], this, BT_SYSPROPS);
          if (index == 4) {
            fileapiform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[4], this, FILE_API_SYSPROPS);
          if (index == 5) {
            wmaform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[5], this, WMA_SYSPROPS);
          if (index == 6) {
            satsaform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[6], this, SATSA_SYSPROPS);
          if (index == 7) {
            otherform = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[7], this, OTHER_SYSPROPS);
        if (c == exitCommand) {
      public void quitApp() {
      protected void showList() {
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.bluetooth.LocalDevice;
    public class SysPropForm extends Form implements CommandListener {
      private Command backCommand;
      private Command exitCommand;
      private SystemProperties midlet;
      public SysPropForm(String title, SystemProperties midlet, String[] list) {
        this.midlet = midlet;
        backCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);
        exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
          append(list[i] + ":\n");
          if ( {
            append(LocalDevice.getProperty(list) + "\n");
    else append(System.getProperty(list[i]) + "\n");
    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
    if (c == backCommand) {
    midlet.showList(); = false;
    if (c == exitCommand) {

Maybe you are looking for