Filename with "." as last character

When I use "Write to Text File" with a path ending with "." (e.g. "test.") I get an error at runtime with LV8.20. I have never seen this in older versions and can't think of a good reason why that should create an error.
I know that this is not "good practice" but since ISO-9660 allows any amount of dots in filenames this should not trigger an error. Bug or feature?

Knowing that something is good or bad practice does not mean:
1. my dumb user knows the good proctice
2. my code knows it.
In my case I have been using a function in an older version of LV where I promt the user for a filename and create 2 files with different "pre-extensions"
(eg: test.dat is converted into test_time.dat and test_fft.dat)
For this I used the OpenG-Strip Extension function, changed the filename-root and appended "." + extension.
Now, if the user chooses fielname=test (w/o extension) my function returns "test_time."
A workaround for this is easy, of course. Bt in older versions that used to work fine. Just another thing to think about when upgrading to LV8.x
And, while I'm at it: When the OS starts fiddling with my filenames it gives me the creeps.
Just imagine you create a file and use the same filename to delete it later. But in the meantime, magic magic, Windows decides to change the name. That's like changing the wheels on your car while driving.
I know, I can still use references...
pincpanter: I forgot to specify the OS. It seems to be a WIN-only problem. on LV8.0 / Linux you can use the dot anywhere.

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    Hi Dean,
    Try with this:
    Go to the following registry sub key:
    HKEY_USERS\[your security profile]\Software\Crystal Decisions\10.2\Crystal Reports\Export\Pdf
    Right-click the sub key and click New > DWORD Value. Name the DWORD value "ForceLargerFonts" and set it to the value of 1.

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    AdventureBear wrote:
    This may have been the way it has been on iOS since 2008 (not sure about that though), however I know (based on working in the IT industry for 20 years) that nobody on this planet can successfully argue that it would be 'acceptable security practice', for me to display 'every last letter' as I type of a secure 'root' password on my screen every day when you log in... Nobody would think it acceptable to display even their LAN/Domain password on the screen in this same manner. So why is iOS different?!
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    Kind regards,
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    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    Solution found, I'll post the work around to those who might encounter the same problem.
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    Last edited by ColdPie (2007-11-11 02:07:11)

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    Regards, Richard

    hi dany,
    actually i escaped the url-string already, not by abap but by the javascript function escape(). but this seems not to work correctly (on ie6), so i changed it to a call of encodeURIComponent(), now it works.

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    change the reports height& width for landscape /portait.
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    AFAIK the illegal characters are always the same (you listed them already) and as long as the filesystem supports it (read: you use NTFS and not FAT) you may use any other unicode character.
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    If you want to use regular expressions:
    WHERE     REGEXP_LIKE ( address
                  , '[0-9]$'
                  )You can get the same results, probably more efficiently, without regular expressions:
    WHERE     INSTR ( '0123456789'
               , SUBSTR (address, -1)
               )     > 0

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    Hi CtDave,
    Thanks for the reply.
    So a Tagged PDF would export better than an untagged PDF?
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    I referenced this page to give myself an idea about tagged PDFs.

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    This page drops me to the pamoa:7777/pls/orasso/
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    Could help somebody, why the last character is missing, and how can I solve this problem?

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    "Copyright Notice"
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    i=`ls -1 *" "*`
    b=`ls -1 *" "* | sed -e s/\ /_/g`
    mv "$i" $b
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    File Two change to File_Two
    Here is my script:
    for file in `ls`
    i=`ls -1 *" "*`
    b=`ls -1 *" "* | sed -e s/\ /_/g`
    mv "$i" $b
    Please advise what is wrong with my script that isnt
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    with a blank space. But if I have several filenames
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    e.g i have a string say "Str" with value "10-01".
    Now i want to find the last character in "Str" i.e "ONE=1".
    i am using Oracle developer 6i with Oracle 8i(1.7).
    Plz help!
    Many thanks!

    Use the substr() and length() functions -
    x := '10-01';
    y := substr(x, length(x));

  • Checking last character

    What would you consider being the best way to check the last character of a string?
    var folderPath = '~/Desktop/Test';
    if (folderPath[folderPath.length - 1] !== '/') { folderPath += '/'; }
    if (folderPath.slice(-1) !== '/') { folderPath += '/'; }
    I see that changePath() can also be used to keep track of this path separator.

    Hi Hans,
    I was trying to come up with a function to move a folder and it's contents, or a file... similar to how the OS X Finder would do it.  However, I just noticed when the files are copied over, they're not the same file size as the original which makes me think it's stripping resource forks, etc.  :-(
    I'm looking now at using doScript and running ditto from the command-line with applescript.  Here's the code I was working with earlier though:
    function moveItem(oldPath, newPath) {
        newPath = newPath.toString();
        //if (newPath[newPath.length - 1] !== '/') { newPath += '/'; }
        if (newPath.slice(-1) !== '/') { newPath += '/'; }
        var oldPathType =;
        if (oldPathType === 'Folder') {
            newPath += ( + '/');
            with (Folder(newPath)) {
                if (! exists) { create(); }
            for each (var i in oldPath.getFiles()) {
                if ( === 'Folder') {
                    moveItem(i, newPath);
                } else {
                    i.copy(newPath +;
        } else if (oldPathType === 'File') {
            oldPath.copy(newPath +;
        } else {
            throw 'Problem moving file/folder!';

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