Fill pdf form from database table

I am working on small application for my employer. We have record fo all new employee in table and want to fill PDF (I-9) from database using APEX application.
Below PDF form, we want to fill from database table.
I am not sure how to take from APEX. Any ideas?
I know one way to export from database table and import to PDF form.
Is there any other way?

If I understand you correctly then I need to first export the xml file using Data-> Load sample XML data and later create template in template.rtf and upload data using APEX in template. In this case I need to create rtf template exactly similar to
I am not sure is there any way to to used existing pdf template or save pdf template to rtf template. Later that template can be used to populate data using APEX.

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  • Populating a PDF form from database

    I have asked this question here several times, but never get any replies. In fact my questions seem to be The Only ones that don't get a reply, which makes me think no one actually knows how to do this or my question is so remedial that no one is bothering. I'll try one more time.
    /prays someone takes pity...
    I have created a form that contains a subform with 4 text fields. The fields are read only and the form will be used only for printing. I have also connected to my Oracle database successfully and can populate the fields with data. My problem is I only get the first record. I have the subform set to repeat the data but am having no luck accomplishing this. I always just get the first record. Any suggestions would be more than appreciated as I have been fighting this for about a week now.
    Thanks for any help.

    Dear Robert,
    Please first make sure that your form is dynamic, I mean, just create an Add button that clicking on it you will be able to create more rows. (there are many examples in the forum)
    Once you got it you will have to create a function like this, please note that I have copied an pasted them without changing the objects, maybe you will need to change some of them, be careful
    function populateDB()
    var sDataConnectionName = "Oracle"; // name of the data connection to get the data from. Note the data connection will appear in the Data View.
    // Search for sourceSet node which matchs the DataConnection name
    var nIndex = 0;
    while(xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)
    var oDB = xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex);;
    // Search node with the class name "command"
    var nDBIndex = 0;
    while(oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).className != "command")
    // Backup the original settings before assigning BOF and EOF to stay
    var sBOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute("bofAction");
    var sEOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute("eofAction");
    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute("stayBOF", "bofAction");
    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute("stayEOF", "eofAction");
    // Search for the record node with the matching Data Connection name
    nIndex = 0;
    while(xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)
    var oRecord = xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex);
    // Find the node representing the columns in the table
    var oCol1Node = null;
    var oCol2Node = null;
    var oCol3Node = null;
    for(var nColIndex = 0; nColIndex < oRecord.nodes.length; nColIndex++)
    if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == "C1") // column 1
    oCol1Node = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);
    if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == "C2") // column 2
    oCol2Node = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);
    if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == "C3") // column 3
    oCol3Node = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);
    var secuencial;
    var secuencial_ant;
    var oNewRow;
    secuencial_ant = 0;
    // create new row in Table1
    if (oCol3Node.value != secuencial_ant)
    oNewRow = xfa.form.Formulario1.Linea_detalle.Bordes.Campos.instanceManager.addInstance(false);
    rellenaCampo(oCol1Node.value ,oCol2Node.value);
    secuencial_ant = oCol3Node.value;;
    // Restore the original settings
    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sBOFBackup, "bofAction");
    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sEOFBackup, "eofAction");
    // Close connection
    function rellenaCampo(NombreCampo, ValorCampo)
    var obj = xfa.form.resolveNode(NombreCampo);
    if (obj != null)
    obj.rawValue = ValorCampo;
    Its read an Oracle DB table named T1 with three colums, name of the field, value and position into the list of fields (row 0, row 1, etc).
    The second function just fill the field, the parameters are FieldName and FieldValue.
    This codes are from the forum, I had your same problem and searching in it I founded it.

  • Extract data from database tables and download in pdf and csv

    extract data from database tables and download in pdf and csv
    hi how can i re-write my old form procedure in adf java. the procedure used to extract data from diffirent table and dowload the data in pdf and not downloading image, i what to extract data from diffirent tables in my database and download that data in pdf and csv. i would like to write this in java adf.i just what direction am not asking anyone to do my work this is my learning curve
    the form code is
    function merge_header3 return varchar2 is
    procedure download_file (i_pbat integer) is
      dir varchar2(80);
      file_name1 varchar2(80);
      file_name2 varchar2(80);
      appl_code varchar2(80);
      fil1 client_text_io.file_type;
      fil2 client_text_io.file_type;
      dat varchar2(1000);
      DATA VARCHAR2(1000);
      bvspro varchar2(100);
      ssch   varchar2(100);
      bvspro_total number(20,2);
      ssch_total   number(20,2);
      grand_total  number(20,2);
      cnt    integer;
      cursor pbat is
           select *
           from sms_payment_batches
           where id = i_pbat
      cursor pay  (pb_id integer) is
           select *
           from sms_payment_vw
           where pbat_id = pb_id
           order by subsidy ASC,programme,beneficiary_name
      cursor cgref (low varchar2) is
           select *
           from cg_ref_codes
           where rv_domain ='SMS'
           and rv_low_value = low
      success boolean;     
           appl_code := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','APP_CODE','SMS',0);
        dir       := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PAY_DIR','c:\sms\batch_payments',0);
             success := webutil_file.create_directory(dir);
         if webutil_file.file_is_directory(dir) then
    --         message ('directory exists');
    --                  message ('create directory ');
             success := webutil_file.create_directory(dir);
    --         if success then        message ('directory exists');    end if;
        end if;     
        for c_pbat in pbat loop
             file_name1 := dir ||'\' || appl_code||c_pbat.batch_number||'-'||to_char(c_pbat.batch_dt,'yyyymmdd')||'pay.txt';
             file_name2 := dir ||'\' || appl_code||c_pbat.batch_number||'-'||to_char(c_pbat.batch_dt,'yyyymmdd')||'merge.txt';
    --message('create files ');
    --         fil1  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name1,'W');
    --         fil2  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name2,'W');
        fil1  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name1,'W','');
        fil2  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name2,'W','');
                   dat :=                       'FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER'
                                                                ||'~'||'FROM ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION'
                                                                ||'~'||'MY STATEMENT DESCRIPTION'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NUMBER'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY SUB ACCOUNT NUMBER'        
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY BRANCH CODE'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY NAME'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY STATEMENT DESCRIPTION'
             --     client_text_io.put_line(fil1,dat);
             bvspro:= null;
             ssch  := null;
             cnt := 0;     
             dat := '~'||lpad('~',16,'~');
             for c_pay in pay( loop
    --message('cpay loop ' || cnt);              
               if bvspro is null then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.programme,dat,'~');     
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     grand_total := 0;
                     bvspro_total := 0;
                     ssch_total := 0;
               end if;
               if bvspro <> c_pay.programme then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,bvspro_total,dat,'~');
               dat := utility.put_field(1,'Total:' || bvspro,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.programme,dat,'~');     
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     bvspro_total := 0;
                     ssch_total := 0;
                     cnt :=0;
             end if;                           
               if ssch <> c_pay.subsidy then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     ssch_total := 0;
                     cnt :=0;
             end if;                           
            bvspro_total := bvspro_total + c_pay.amount;
            ssch_total   := ssch_total   + c_pay.amount;              
                  grand_total  := grand_total  + c_pay.amount;              
            cnt := cnt +1;
    --message('bfore write file 2 ' );              
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.beneficiary_name
                                                                ||'~'||c_pay.BENEFICIARY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER ||''            
                                                                ||'~'||c_pay.BRANCH_CODE             ||''           
                                                                ||'~'|| c_pay.BENEFICIARY_STATEMENT_DESC            
                                                                ||'~'|| c_pay.AMOUNT                                
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.address_line1
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.address_line2
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.postal_code
                                                    ||'~'|| TO_CHAR(c_pay.deposit_date,'DD-Mon-YYYY')
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.month
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.bank_branch
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.account_type
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.subsidy
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.programme)
                  DATA :=                                  c_pay.FROM_ACCOUNT_NUMBER                   
            DATA := REPLACE(DATA, ',' , ' ' );
            DATA := REPLACE(DATA, '~' , ',' );
    --message (cnt ||' ' || data);       
    --message('bfore write file 1 ' );              
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, data);
             end loop;
    --message ('end of write');         
                 dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(6,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                 dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
           dat := utility.put_field(1,'Total:' || bvspro,dat,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(5,bvspro_total,dat,'~');
              dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
           dat := utility.put_field(1,'Grand Total:' ,dat,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(5,grand_total,dat,'~');
             -- close file
    for i in 1..50 loop  
           if substr(i,-1) = 0 then
                 message ('flush ' || i);
           end if;                 
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil2, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil2, lpad(' ',2000));
    end loop;
        end loop;
             when others then
                  message(sqlcode ||' ' ||sqlerrm);
       end download_file;    i try this but this code onlydownload image not data from database tables
        public void downloadImage(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream)
            BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            // get an ADF attributevalue from the ADF page definitions
            AttributeBinding attr = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding("DocumentImage");
            if (attr == null)
            // the value is a BlobDomain data type
            BlobDomain blob = (BlobDomain) attr.getInputValue();
            {   // copy the data from the BlobDomain to the output stream
                IOUtils.copy(blob.getInputStream(), outputStream);
                // cloase the blob to release the recources
                // flush the output stream
            catch (IOException e)
                // handle errors
                FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), "");
                FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

    You should ask your forum in the ADF-forum.

  • HT2506 I am trying to fill out a PDF form from an internet site, but when I go to print it, none of the content prints, only the header of the document.  Help!

    I am trying to fill out a PDF form from an internet site, but when I go to print it, none of the content prints, only the header of the document.  Help!

    Instead of printing it, try saving it as a pdf from the print menu, and then printing the pdf out.

  • Fill out a pdf form from ADF application

    I need to fill out a PDF form, from my ADF application and i want to know if exist a component or libarary to do this.
    i hope you can help me

    two options are:
    Oracle BI Publisher (by far best choice but needs to be licenced)
    Jasper Reports, Free but not as functional or easy to use as BIP
    Both products have Java API's which you can integrate with your application.

  • Dynamically populating a dropdown list in a pdf form from a datasource

    Is there a way to populate a dropdown list in a pdf form from a datasource, specifically from an Access database table or query, using LiveCycle Designer. I am easily able to do this using cfselect in Coldfusion, however, cannot seem to figure it out for pdf forms. I am aware of the Show Dynamic Properties option enabled in LiveCycle Designer, and then binding to a datasource. However, this seems limited as I am only able to select single columns from Access (currently using an Access database) tables, and a unable to select from queries like I do using cfselect in Coldfusion forms. Is this something that must be done with Java scripting? If so, is there any other way? I know nothing about scripting. Thanks

    There is a sample posted at
    It was created for Designer 7.0 but it should function the same in later versions of Designer.

  • Dynamically Fill PDF form (extended features enabled forms)

    Hi Tarek
    Firstly let me say thank you for the great help you are doing through the forum.
    With Google, I did a very long search to find out how to fill a PDF form from a database. I achieved this using the iTextSharp dll. But this dll not supporting adobe extended features. thatsy once i filled forms using this class, result form will be flat form and we cant fill it manually again. even this will disable adobe extended features when i open it in adobe reader.
    I am working with a project to simplify immigration process (CANADA). I already have all immigration forms created using LiveCycle. That means when i open these form in free Adobe Reader I can fill the form manually and can save locally (offline).
    My Workflow as follows
    1. I am working with .Net Frame Work 2, Visual Studio 2005, Windows Applications (not Web/ASP)
    2. I have fillable forms designed using Adobe LiveCycle (I can fill the form manually and can save locally (offline) using Adobe Reader).
    3. I have to dynamically fill these forms with data from a database (data is already available and its almost achieved using iTextSharp Dll)
    4. Once its dynamically filled, I will send these forms to client through email, because some of the data should be filled by client.
    5. client can open these forms in free Adobe Reader and they can fill and save these forms(because Adobe extended feature enabled in this form, so they can fill and save in Adobe Reader)
    6. Once they fill and save the form, they will send back final form to us through emal (no Online Submit required).
    7. We will check it and finalize, take printout and attach to our document management system.
    8. I can't use any great technologies bcz I dont need any online Submision/Rejection thing and our budjet is low.
    9. I am looking some technologies same as itextShar, simply fill data to form and save it as a new PDF, but it should support Adobe Extended Featers( what is currently not available in iTextSharp), so that customer can fill and save it again using simple  and free ADOBE READER.
    That's it !!
    could u please verify my workflow is correct or not, bcz am new to PDF things and can u please suggest me solution to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance
    Ajo Joseph

    iTextSharp doesn't enable usage rights in PDF forms, so any changes will invidate the form.
    To bypass the validitiy of the Usage Rights, server the XDP data from the buffer of a web server, and point the File to the PDF on the same web server.
    Usage rights will still be enabled, and the form can be saved or downloaded.
    Also, please be sure to check out, and
    Useful Links:
    Hope this information can help!
    Best Regards,
    Nick K.

  • Dynamic record deletion from database table

    I need to delete selected records from database table(dynamic names). Table names are being passed from main program with some of their field names. The record to be deleted from the database table is being decided based on the fields passed for the table and their contains passed from the main program.
    It is not possible to write dynamic where clause for DELETE statement directly.
    So, I created a dynamic internal table and i am trying to fetch all records using SELECT statement(for which we can write dynamic where condition, something like...SELECT...WHERE (itab).  ) which need to be deleted in the iternal table.
    Piece of code :
              CONCATENATE c_im v_tablefield1 INTO v_imprtfield1.
              CONCATENATE v_tablefield1 c_in v_imprtfield1
                       into s_condition separated by space.
              APPEND s_condition TO t_condition.
              PERFORM GET_DYNAMIC_ITAB USING s_flds_agtab-tabname
                                    changing t_itab.
              ASSIGN t_itab->* TO <itab>.
    *Select the data (to be deleted) from the database table
               SELECT * FROM (s_flds_agtab-tabname) INTO TABLE <itab>
                 WHERE (t_condition).
    *Delete the records from the table
               IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
                 DELETE (s_flds_agtab-tabname) FROM TABLE <itab>.
    Here t_condition is of standard table of WHERETXT.
    t_condition at the run time before giving dump was:
    Here IM_SPART is renge type of SPART and IM_KUNNR is renge of KUNNR.
    I am getting a DUMP:
    The WHERE condition has an unexpected format.
    Error analysis                                                                               
    The current ABAP/4 program attempted to execute an ABAP/4 Open SQL
    statement containing a WHERE condition of the form WHERE (itab) or
    WHERE ... AND (itab). The part of the WHERE condition specified at
    runtime in the internal table itab contains the operator         
             IN (v1, ..., vn)                                        
    in incomplete form.                                              
    How to correct the error
    If the error occurred in a non-modified SAP program, you may be  
    able to find a solution in the SAP note system.                  
    If you have access to the note system yourself, use the following
    search criteria:                                                 
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the
    following documents to SAP:                             
    I would like to know whether "IN" operator is allowed in (itab) of WHERE clause. While testing I changed the "IN" to "=" specifying a suitable value there. It worked. So please let me know if i can give "IN" operator using renge table in the dynamic where clause.
    Thanking you,

    Hi again,  so if you can not use the IN in a dynamic where clause you might be forced to dynamically build the entire select statement,  Here is a sample program which may give you some ideas, notice that we are writing the select statement code, putting it in another program and generating the subroutine at runtime, then call this routine.  I'm sure that this will help you see what you need to do.
    report zrich_0003 .
    tables: kna1.
    types: t_source(72).
    data: routine(32) value 'DYNAMIC_SELECT',
                 line type i.
    data: isource type table of t_source,
                xsource type t_source.
            r_kunnr for kna1-kunnr.
    data: ikna1 type table of kna1.
    data: xkna1 type kna1.
    r_kunnr-sign = 'I'.
    r_kunnr-option = 'EQ'.
    r_kunnr-low    = '0001000500'.
    append r_kunnr.
    xsource = 'REPORT ZTEMP.'.
    insert xsource  into isource index 1.
    xsource = 'FORM dynamic_select'.
    insert xsource  into isource index 2.
    xsource = 'Tables r_kunnr ikna1.'.
    append xsource to isource.
    xsource = 'select * into table ikna1 from kna1'.
    append xsource to isource.
    xsource = 'where kunnr in r_kunnr.'.
    append xsource to isource.
    xsource = 'ENDFORM.'.
    append xsource to isource.
    generate subroutine pool isource name program
                             message message
                             line line.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      perform (routine) in program (program) tables r_kunnr
      write:/ message.
    loop at ikna1 into xkna1.
      write:/ xkna1-kunnr.
    Rich Heilman

  • PDF Forms from InDesign, Acrobat for iPad

    I have downloaded (& thrown away) a number of PDF apps, adobe reader is one and pretty good yet it still does not handle filling in the form fields created in InDesign &/or Acrobat Pro very well. My document works great on the computer and even 95% works on the Adobe Reader app on my iPad but when I go to email the filled out form from the iPad app, most of the fields end up blank or blacked out. Am I using the wrong PDF app or is there something else I need to do in InDesign or Acrobat before sending to my iPad to fill out the form? PDF Expert looks promising but I want some advice before I spend $10 for something that may not work.
    Any help would be great,
    Thank you

    Your conclusions are basically correct. There's nothing you can do except create the best PDF editor on an iPad.
    See my blog post on the subject:
    Finding the Best Tablet PDF Reader

  • PDFMaker missing files issue with PDF Forms from Office 2007

    I have Adobe PDF 8.0 Pro installed  (full installation) and I upgraded office from 2003 to 2007 AND Windows from 2000 to XP Pro.
    I used to be able to create PDF Forms from an Excel document when using Office 2003.
    Now, when I choose to create a new form starting with an electronic document [from an Excel 2003 document (.xls)], I get this error message:
    "PDFMaker files are missing, would you like to repair?" (please image attached)
    I did the repair. Did not worked.
    I made sure the add-in in office was enabled. Did not worked.
    I un-installed Adobe 8.0 Pro and Adobe Reader 9.0 and re-installed only Adobe 8.0 Pro , thinking there was a problem there. Did not work.
    I googled for more answers, did not find anything else.
    I am able to "print as Adobe PDF", I can create normal PDF documents, but not the Forms.
    I used that option all the time for work. Can someone help me please?!!

    Bill, it worked!!
    I updated to 8.1.6 and now I can use an electronic document to create a form.
    Thank you!
    I have another question: in the past, to enable Acrobat READER users to fill out a form and save it on their computer, all I had to do is "Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader" in the "advanced" menu of Acrobat Pro.
    I did just that but my colleagues who have Adobe Reader 9 cannot fill the form. It appears as a scanned PDF document to them.
    Any idea why?!

  • RFC returning PDF form in Binary table

    In our earlier application we were using a RFC to return PDF form as a table of binary fields and then these fields were concatenated and .pdf extension addded at the end. This will then display correctly in browser as a pdf form. Typically, this returns about 30000+ lines of binary for one form.
    Now we are migrating this application to Portal and I'm trying to display all this information through Adobe Interactive form. We do not currently have any other RFC to return all data that is part of the existing PDF document returned by current RFC. Getting all that data through one RFC is a tedious and time consuming task that we want to avoid. Is there a way to use the binary table returned by existing application and convert it to a pdf form? I was thinking of using the 'pdfsource' property of Interactive form - but am not sure about the possibilities.
    Can anyone help with some pointers?

    I'm using following code to concatenate the binary string and then to display the PDF file.
    Concatenation was being done in earlier application and there is no code available for reference. I've tried following code, it opens the Adobe PDF viewer but it always shows error "File does not start with %PDF-". Please let me know if the code below is correct or is there something I need to do differently.
      public void wdDoInit()
        //@@begin wdDoInit()
    IWDMessageManager manager = wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager();
    //Populate data for RFC
    //Call RFC
      int num = wdContext.nodePdf4().size();
    //Initial string
      String s = "";
    for(int n=0;n<num;n){
    //Concatenate binary data in string with Radix 2
    BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(wdContext.nodePdf4().getPdf4ElementAt(n).getData());
    s= bi.toString(2);+
    // Display pdf
        IWDResource resource = WDResourceFactory.createCachedResource(s.getBytes(), "file.pdf", WDWebResourceType.PDF);
        IWDWindow window = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createNonModalExternalWindow(resource.getUrl(0),"file.pdf");;
    It opens the Adobe PDF viewer but gives error "file does not start with %PDF-".
    What is it that I'm not doing correctly here?
    The data being returned from RFC is in RAW format. Is it same as Binary?
    Edited by: Vishwas Madhuvarshi on Mar 6, 2008 10:54 PM

  • Read PDF form from email attachment

    Hope someone is able to help on this one...
    We are using a pdf form at work to gather some feedback and the user will be submitting the form via email...
    Using outlook 2003 I had a crack at writing a vba module to read the pdf form from the email attachment to update into an excel spreadsheet
    Is it possible to read pdf forms from the email attachment with outlook vba? Or does the attachment need to be saved to a directory first?
    I have in the past done a vba module to save the pdf form attachments to a directory and then using acrobat and it's in-built form data collection tool and exported as a csv, but this feedback form will be an ongoing thing that will be updated daily - and to minimise handling would like to run the outllook macro that reads straight from the email attachment instead of doing another 3 or so steps...
    Below is the snippet I am using - it's a mashup of different code I've found on the net
    Sub Feedback()
        On Error GoTo Feedback_err
        'Dim ns As NameSpace
        Dim objNS As NameSpace
        'Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
        Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
        'Dim SubFolder As MAPIFolder
        Dim objExcel
        Dim oBook
        Dim oSheet
        Dim gApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp ' In Tools > References > Checked all Acrobat Libraries in VBA > Tools > References
        Dim pdDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
        Dim jso As Object
        Dim Item As Object
        Dim Atmt As Attachment
        Dim filename As String
        'Dim i As Integer
        Dim myOrt As String ' Added 13/1/2010
        Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        Set objFolder = objNS.PickFolder
    ' Check subfolder for messages and exit of none found
        If objFolder.Items.Count = 0 Then
        'If SubFolder.Items.Count = 0 Then
            MsgBox "There is no Feedback emails in this folder.", vbInformation, _
                   "Nothing Found"
            Exit Sub
        End If
    ' Check each message for attachments
        Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        Set oBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("G:\Path\Filename.xls")
        Set oSheet = objExcel.Worksheets(1)
        Set gApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App") ' make acrobat session
        Set pdDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
        Set jso = pdDoc.GetJSObject ' set the Javascript object via this way we can fill in the PDF document fields
        For Each Item In objFolder.Items
            For Each Atmt In Item.Attachments
                If Right(Atmt.filename, 3) = "pdf" Then
                    If IsEmpty(objExcel.ActiveCell) = False Then
                        objExcel.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
                    End If
                    Loop Until IsEmpty(objExcel.ActiveCell) = True
                        objExcel.ActiveCell.value = jso.getField("CurrentDocDate").value
                        objExcel.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).value = Item.Session.CurrentUser
                        objExcel.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).value = jso.getField("txtJobNo").value
                        objExcel.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).value = jso.getField("rbStatus").value
                        objExcel.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).value = jso.getField("rbFeedback").value
                        objExcel.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).value = jso.getField("txtComments").value
                End If
            Next Atmt
        Next Item
        Set Atmt = Nothing
        Set Item = Nothing
        Set objNS = Nothing
        Set pdDoc = Nothing
        Set objExcel = Nothing
        Set jso = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    ' Handle Errors
        MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
            & vbCrLf & "Please note and report the following information." _
            & vbCrLf & "Macro Name: Feedback" _
            & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
            & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
            , vbCritical, "Error!"
    Resume Feedback_exit
    End Sub
    I get a vba error 91 "Object Variable or With  block variable not set"

    hi Phani,
    with regard to your problem I would suggest you to please go thru this link.
    Hope this would be helpful to you.

  • Forms 6i Database Tables

    Hi there: I have installed Forms 6i Database Tables and I am able to save and retrieve forms to and from the database. Any of you have the catalog of these Forms Tables? Do you the names of the tables storing blocks, canvas, items, etc?
    In Forms4.5 it is very easy because I have a table for blocks and for many other items of the form, but it seems to be hidden in forms 6i.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I don't think there is any description of the tables other than what you can get from the CREATE TABLE scripts.
    PS. Are you sure you still want to go the route of storing the Forms in the database. Be advised that this feature was dropped from later versions. So if you're ever going to upgrade to a later version you will have to extract all of them from the database anyhow.
    PS2. If you want to "analyze" the Forms, I personally use the Forms to XML conversion available in Forms 10gR1, 10gR2 (and perhaps 9i). This converts your FMB to a very readable XML file which you can use for analysis. It could be an option to convert the 6i FMB file to XML with a newer version of Oracle Forms. Be sure that the batch file does not save the existing FMB as it would upgrade it to a new file format and you could not open it with Forms 6i any more. Take a backup first.

  • XSD from Database table/view/procedure

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know of a tool or framework which enables generation of XSD's out of a Database table/view/procedure?

    Hi Naval,
    It depends on whether you created a BOL model for your Z-table or not. If you don't have a BOL model, then all you can do is use a value node. In that case, you need to add attribute that you want to show in the value node, read the values from the z-table and add them to the node. You can create method(s) in view implementation class to read values from database table and fill the context node. From where these methods should then be called will depend on your requirement.



    Chrome uses its own (incompatible) PDF viewer.
    Download the PDF to your local disk, then fill it from there with Adobe Reader.  Or use a browser that uses the Adobe PDF plugin.

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