Filling dynamic internal table with data from other internal table

Hi Friends,
My problem is that i have already built a dynamic internal table
(class int_table->create) but now i want to fill it with data from other internal table.
The dynamic table column name and the field value of the data filled internal table are same, but how to access that column name, since i cant hard code it anyway.
Like if my werks field value is '8001'. I want to place it under the column 8001 of dynamic table, Can anybody help me in this regard?
Awarding points is not a problem for even giving a slight hint.
Best Regards

See this
Dynamic internal table is internal table that we create on the fly with flexible column numbers.
For sample code, please look at this code tutorial. Hopefully it can help you
Check this link:
Sample code:
DATA: l_cnt(2) TYPE n,
l_cnt1(3) TYPE n,
l_con(18) TYPE c,
l_con1(18) TYPE c,
lf_mat TYPE matnr.
SORT it_bom_expl BY bom_comp bom_mat level.
CLEAR: l_cnt1, <fs_dyn_wa>.
Looping the component internal table
LOOP AT it_bom_expl INTO gf_it_bom_expl.
CLEAR: l_cnt1.
AT NEW bom_comp.
CLEAR: l_cnt, <fs_dyn_wa>, lf_mat.
For every new bom component the material data is moved to
temp material table which will be used for assigning the levels
checking the count
it_mat_temp[] = it_mat[].
Component data is been assigned to the field symbol which is checked
against the field of dynamic internal table and the value of the
component number is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
ASSIGN COMPONENT c_comp_list OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa> TO
<fs_check> = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_comp.
AT NEW bom_mat.
CLEAR l_con.
lf_mat = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_mat.
Looping the temp internal table and looping the dynamic internal table
*by reading line by line into workarea, the materialxxn is been assigned
to field symbol which will be checked and used.
LOOP AT it_mat_temp.
l_nam = c_mat.
l_cnt1 = l_cnt1 + 1.
CONCATENATE l_nam l_cnt1 INTO l_nam.
LOOP AT <fs_dyn_table2> ASSIGNING <fs_dyn_wa2>.
ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa2> TO <fs_xy>.
IF <fs_xy> = lf_mat.
CLEAR lf_mat.
l_con1 = l_con.
Checking whether the material exists for a component and if so it is
been assigned to the field symbol which is checked against the field
of dynamic internal table and the level of the component number
against material is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
IF <fs_xy> = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_mat.
ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa> TO <fs_check>.
CLEAR l_con.
MOVE gf_it_bom_expl-level TO l_con.
CONCATENATE c_val_l l_con INTO l_con.
IF l_con1 NE space.
CONCATENATE l_con1 l_con INTO l_con SEPARATED BY c_comma.
CLEAR l_con1.
l_cnt = l_cnt - 1.
<fs_check> = l_con.
l_cnt = l_cnt + 1.
AT END OF bom_comp.
At end of every new bom component the count is moved to the field
symbol which is checked against the field of dynamic internal table
and the count is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
ASSIGN COMPONENT c_count OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa> TO <fs_check>.
<fs_check> = l_cnt.
INSERT <fs_dyn_wa> INTO TABLE <fs_dyn_table>.
Reward if useful

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    You've multiple options
    1. Use generate scripts wizard available in SQL management studio. This is particularly helpful when you want to script out lot of objects. You can also choose to script data as well inside this. This can be launched by right clicking the db, choosing tasks
    -> generate scripts and then selecting required options inside the wizard
    2. Use object explorer and right click and script out table. You can also use search functionality to find object you want inside object explorer
    3. Use query based on INFORMATION_SCHEMA views like TABLES,COLUMNS,CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE etc to generate the script
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • To populate dynamically created int table with data from other table

    Hi everybody,
    I have already created an internal table dynamically, but now want to populate it with data from another IT depending on the plant name.
    My dynamic int table contains fields with plant name like '8001' ,'8002' and so on.
    no I want to read data from the other table and depending on bwkey which contains similar data like plant name , want to append to this new dynamic int table through read key statement.
    I cannot reference the field name hard coded as it does not allow field symbol reference to be hard coded.
    Pls help.

    Check the code below:
    REPORT  ztestdyn.
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    TABLES: yyle0003.
      g_exit    TYPE c,
      g_save    VALUE 'A',               "For parameter I_SAVE
      g_repid   LIKE sy-repid,           "For program name
      g_variant TYPE disvariant.         "For parameter IS_VARIANT
      DATA: d_ref TYPE REF TO data,
            d_ref1 TYPE REF TO data,
            i_alv_cat1 TYPE TABLE OF lvc_s_fcat,
            ls_alv_cat1 LIKE LINE OF i_alv_cat1.
      DATA: BEGIN OF total_tab OCCURS 0 ,
            tknum TYPE yyle0003-tknum,
            quantity TYPE p,  "yyle0003-QUANTITY,
            END OF total_tab.
      DATA: BEGIN OF g_scandata_tab OCCURS 0.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE yyle0003.
      DATA: END OF g_scandata_tab.
      DATA: g_yyle0003_tab LIKE yyle0003 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: g_itab1 TYPE TABLE OF yyle0003.
      DATA: wa_itab1 LIKE g_scandata_tab.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF itab2,
             tknum TYPE yyle0003-tknum,
             vhilm TYPE yyle0003-vhilm,
             quantity TYPE p,
             END OF itab2.
      DATA: g_itab3 TYPE TABLE OF itab2.
      DATA: wa_itab3 TYPE itab2.
      DATA: g_itab5 TYPE TABLE OF itab2.
      DATA: wa_itab5 TYPE itab2.
      DATA: g_itab4 TYPE TABLE OF itab2.
      DATA: wa_itab4 TYPE itab2.
      DATA: gv_wa TYPE REF TO data.
      DATA : wa_tab TYPE itab2.
      DATA: BEGIN OF itab6 OCCURS 0,
             vhilm TYPE yyle0003-vhilm,
             quantity TYPE p,
             END OF itab6.
    ******************Start of Internal Table Definition *******************
            g_custom_container_0100 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
            g_alv_grid_0100    TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
            g_container_0100   TYPE scrfname VALUE 'LIST',
            g_mylayout         TYPE lvc_s_layo,
            ok_code            LIKE sy-ucomm.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS :<f_fs> TYPE table,
                     <f_fs11> TYPE table,
                     <f_fs1> TYPE table,
                     <f_fs3> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs4> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_field> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs5> TYPE ANY.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_wa> TYPE ANY.
      DATA: l_var TYPE i,
            l_i   TYPE i.
      DATA: l_var1 TYPE char20,
            l_var2 TYPE char20.
          L_FILL TYPE i,
          L_TOT  TYPE I.
    DATA: l_int TYPE i,
           l_sum TYPE i.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_fs2> TYPE  itab2, "
                     <f_fs6> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs7> TYPE ANY.
      DATA: l_var3 TYPE char15.
      DATA: l_quant TYPE p.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_fs8> LIKE itab6, "
                     <f_fs9> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs10> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <f_fs12> TYPE ANY,
                      <f_fs13> TYPE ANY.
      SORT g_scandata_tab BY tknum vhilm.
      LOOP AT g_scandata_tab INTO wa_itab1.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_itab1 TO wa_itab3.
        APPEND wa_itab3 TO g_itab3.
      LOOP AT g_itab3 INTO wa_itab3.
        COLLECT wa_itab3 INTO g_itab4.
      LOOP AT g_itab4 INTO wa_itab4.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_itab4 TO wa_itab5.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_itab4 TO itab6.
        APPEND wa_itab5 TO g_itab5.
        COLLECT itab6.
      CLEAR wa_itab3.
      SORT g_itab4 BY tknum vhilm.
      DESCRIBE TABLE g_itab4 LINES l_var.
      l_i = '2'.
      ls_alv_cat1-fieldname = 'TKNUM'.
      ls_alv_cat1-col_pos = 1.
      ls_alv_cat1-coltext ='ShipmentNo.'.
      APPEND ls_alv_cat1 TO i_alv_cat1.
      DATA: l_var4(10) TYPE c,
            l_var5(10) TYPE c,
            l_fieldname(20) TYPE c..
      LOOP AT g_itab4 INTO wa_itab4.
        IF l_var >= 1.
          CONDENSE wa_itab4-vhilm NO-GAPS.
          ls_alv_cat1-fieldname = wa_itab4-vhilm. "l_fieldname.
          ls_alv_cat1-col_pos = l_i.
          ls_alv_cat1-coltext = wa_itab4-vhilm.
          ls_alv_cat1-do_sum  ='X'.
          APPEND ls_alv_cat1 TO i_alv_cat1.
          CLEAR : ls_alv_cat1, l_fieldname.
          l_i = l_i + 1.
        AT LAST.
          ls_alv_cat1-fieldname = 'TOTAL'. "l_fieldname.
          ls_alv_cat1-col_pos = l_i.
          ls_alv_cat1-coltext = 'TOTAL'.
          ls_alv_cat1-do_sum  ='X'.
          APPEND ls_alv_cat1 TO i_alv_cat1.
          CLEAR : ls_alv_cat1, l_fieldname.
        SORT i_alv_cat1 BY fieldname.
      SORT i_alv_cat1 BY col_pos.
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = i_alv_cat1
          ep_table = d_ref.
      ASSIGN d_ref->* TO <f_fs>.
      CREATE DATA gv_wa LIKE LINE OF <f_fs>.
      ASSIGN gv_wa->* TO <fs_wa>.
        LOOP AT itab6.
        CLEAR wa_itab5.
        wa_itab5-tknum = 'Total'.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itab6 TO wa_itab5.
        APPEND wa_itab5 TO g_itab5.
        CLEAR wa_itab5.
         DESCRIBE TABLE g_itab5 LINES L_TOT.
           LOOP AT TOTAL_TAB.
          L_TOTAL = L_TOTAL + total_tab-quantity.
      LOOP AT g_final ASSIGNING <f_fs2>.
        <f_fs7> = <f_fs6>.
        CONDENSE <f_fs2>-vhilm NO-GAPS.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 3 OF STRUCTURE <f_fs2> TO <f_fs4>.
        MOVE <f_fs3> TO l_var1.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT l_var1 OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> TO <f_fs5>.
        <f_fs5> =  <f_fs4>.
        CLEAR total_tab-quantity.
        READ TABLE total_tab WITH KEY tknum = <f_fs6>.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ASSIGN total_tab-quantity TO <f_fs12>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TOTAL' OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> TO <f_fs13>.
          <f_fs13> = <f_fs12>.
        L_FILL = L_FILL + 1.
        IF L_FILL = L_TOT.
         ASSIGN L_TOTAL TO <f_fs12>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TOTAL' OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> TO <f_fs13>.
          <f_fs13> = <f_fs12>.
        AT END OF <f_fs2>-tknum.
          APPEND <fs_wa> TO <f_fs>.
          CLEAR  <fs_wa>.
      CLEAR: <f_fs6>,
      CLEAR <fs_wa>.
    CALL SCREEN 0100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      CHECK sy-ucomm IS INITIAL.
      SORT g_scandata_tab BY tknum vhilm.
      CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container_0100
             EXPORTING container_name = g_container_0100
               cntl_error = 1
               cntl_system_error = 2
               create_error = 3
               lifetime_error = 4
               lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
      CREATE OBJECT g_alv_grid_0100
             EXPORTING i_parent = g_custom_container_0100.
      g_mylayout-grid_title = 'Display Scanning data'.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_grid_0100->set_table_for_first_display
          it_outtab                     = <f_fs>
          it_fieldcatalog               = i_alv_cat1
                      invalid_parameter_combination = 1
                      program_error                 = 2
                      too_many_lines                = 3
                      OTHERS                        = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                             WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT

  • Populate SQL table with data from Oracle DB in ODI

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    I found threads referring to using an LKM to populate Oracle tables with data from a SQL table....but nothing for the opposite.
    Any information would help.

    Hi Eric,
    If using an Interface, I would recommend the LKM SQL to MSSQL (BULK) knowledge module. This will unload the data from Oracle into a file, then bulk load the staging db on the target using a BULK INSERT.
    Michael Rainey

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    WebRowSet wrs = new WebRowSetImpl();
    FileReader reader = new FileReader(inputFile);
    CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
    Results in...
    at com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl.acceptChanges(
    at com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl.acceptChanges(
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    public void setSyncProvider(String s)
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    rowSetWriter = (TransactionalWriter)provider.getRowSetWriter();
    Any ideas?? Thanks!

    I have the same problem after setting com.sun.rowset.providers.RIXMLProvider.
    Looks like a bug to me.
    By the way, why are you creating a new CachedRowSet and populate it with a WebRowset (which extends CachedRowSet)?

  • Transfer a table with data from 1 client to another client

    Hi experts please focus on this issue.  what is table maintainance generator? what is the main advantages of it.
    how can we transfer a table with data from 1 client to another client.
    Thanks  in advance

    Table maintenance generator can be generated via se11 on your table.
    The advantage is that the table can manaully be updated via SM30.
    If you want to transport to another client the table content, I think you can :
    - Generate a transport request in SM30 ( Transport button)
    - use SCC1 to transport from a client to another.

  • How to transport/move a table with data from development to Test to Production

    How to transport/move a table with data from development to Test to Production..? Export-Import a Delivery Unit does only the structure and not the data

    Hi Sri,
    You cannot transport Data via Transport route in HANA, you can only transport code changes/Structure via DU. For Data movement, you either have a do a export/import from a flat file or replication from a Source System to HANA.
    Thanks Much,

  • Moving tables with data from one client to another

    Hello friends
    I have 2 clients 001 and 002.
    I have created a table with lots of data on client 001.
    I have to get the same table on 002 also with the same data.
    Is there an easier way of transfering this data from one table to another?
    I would appreciate any feedback on this.
    I know that mappings etc., can be done using the export and import of tpz file. So I want to know if there is any similar thing to transfer a table with data.

    If you do not have the client field in your table, then the table is cross-client.
    IF you have the client field filled with 001, then you need to create the same entries with client 002, I dont think that you can do this with a transport.
    You have to write an ABAP that reads and writes the data.

  • How to move tables with data from one client to another

    Hello friends
    I have 2 clients 001 and 002.
    I have created a table with lots of data on client 001.
    I have to get the same table on 002 also with the same data.
    Is there an easier way of transfering this data from one table to another?
    I would appreciate any feedback on this.
    I know that mappings etc., can be done using the export and import of tpz file. So I want to know if there is any similar thing to transfer a table with data.

    thanks for the response
    We are working on a sandbox system for demo purpose.
    Actually we have two different group of people using two different clients created on the same server.
    Our group is using client 001 and another group is using client 002.
    We don't want the changes that one group does to the table to affect the other.
    Our group has created a z-table and have entered considerable amount of data.
    However, the other group also need to create the same table with the same data.
    So to avoid double work, we were trying to see if there is a way to copy the table with data created on 001 to 002.
    Any suggestions / feedback will be greatly appreciated.

  • Transport Table with Data from Development to Quality

    Transporting Table with Values from Development to Quality System.
    I have a Z* - table, appended one field at the end.
    I need to transport data along with the table structure from Development System to Quality System.
    In Development System, I have assigned the Transport request in Client 100(We can't add data to the table in this client).
    What needs to be done to migrate the new table structure with Values.
    Thanks in Advance
    NOTE: the requirement is to transport table and table entries through a transport request.
    There should not be any manual update for the table in the target System (Quality System).

    Check the delivery class assigned to the table. Please see the documentation
    Delivery class
        The delivery class controls the transport of table data when installing
        or upgrading, in a client copy and when transporting between customer
        systems. The delivery class is also used in the extended table
        There are the following delivery classes:
        o   A: Application table (master and transaction data).
        o   C: Customer table, data is maintained by the customer only.
        o   L: Table for storing temporary data.
        o   G: Customer table, SAP may insert new data records, but may not
            overwrite or delete existing data records. The customer namespace
            must be defined in table TRESC. (Use Report RDDKOR54 here).
        o   E: System table with its own namespaces for customer entries. The
    customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. (Use Report
    RDDKOR54 here.)
    S: System table, data changes have the same status as program
    W: System table (e.g. table of the development environment) whose
    data is transported with its own transport objects (e.g. R3TR PROG,
    R3TR TABL, etc.).
    or during client copy
    the data of client-specific tables is copied.
    Classes C, G, E, S: The data records of the table are copied to the
    target client.
    Classes W, L: The data records of the table are not copied to the
    target client.
    Class A: Data records are only copied to the target client if
    explicitly requested (parameter option). Normally it does not make
    sense to transport such data, but is supported to permit you to copy
    an entire client environment.
    or during installation, upgrade and language import
    behavior differs here for client-specific and cross-client tables.
    nt-specific tables
    Classes A and C: Data is only imported into client 000. Existing
    data records are overwritten.
    Classes E, S and W: Data is imported into all clients. Existing data
    records are overwritten.
    Class G: Existing data records are overwritten in client 000. In all
    other clients, new data records are inserted, but existing data
    records are not overwritten.
    Class L: No data is imported.
    Cross-client tables
    o   Classes A, L and C: No data is imported.
    o   Classes E, S, and W: Data is imported. Exisitng data records with
         the same key are overwritten.
    o   Classe G: Data records that do not exist are inserted, but existing
         data records are not overwritten.
    ehavior during transport between customer systems
    Data records of tables of delivery class L are not imported into the
    target system. Data records of tables of delivery classes A, C, E, G, S
    and W are imported into the target system (this is done for the target
    client specified in the transport for client-specific tables).
    se of the delivery class in the extended table maintenance
    The delivery class is also analyzed in the extended table maintenance
    (SM30). The maintenance interface generated for a table makes the
    following checks:
    o   You cannot transport the entered data with the transport link of the
        generated maintenance interface for tables of delivery classes W and
    o   When you enter data, there is a check if this data violates the
        namespace defined for the table in table TRESC. If the data violates
        the namespace, the input is rejected.

  • Working with data from two separate tables

    In a report I'm building, I have two tables: "Registration" and "SpecialDates".
    In the Registration table has client info specific to an account number. Each account number has a different billing cycle.. either Cycle 1, Cycle 2, or Cycle 3.  This is listed for the account number as {Registration.Cyle}. In the SpecialDates table I have three different dates listed for each cycle. So this table looks something like this:
    fldCycle          fldPastDueDate
    1                     01/11/2010
    2                     12/15/2009
    3                     1/20/2010
    The problem I'm having is I can't link {SpecialDates.fldCycle} to {Registration.Cycle}.  I have to somehow make the date from the SpecialDates table show up on the report depending on the value of {Registration.Cycle}.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
    Edited by: MarcieHennessy on Jan 27, 2010 7:26 PM

    Then I would create a custom table with the Add Command in Data Expert with the following query:
    SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, cast (fldCycle as char(10)) as fldCycle, Field4, Field5, etc
    Where you list all the fields from the table you will need in the report, with the link field converted to a string.  Then replace the SPECIALDATES table in your linking with the new custom table .  Now when you link from REGISTRATION to the new custom table.
    Who notes you can rename the custom table to a more recognizable name...

  • Table - populate one table with data from the list of another table

    Hello All,
    I am a newbie in Swing and am a book and few tutorials old.
    I am trying to achieve the following:
    (1) I populate Table1 (a JTable) with a list of data - each row consists of several columns. And I have a Table2 (also JTable) that is in the beginning empty.
    Both the tables (Table1 and Table2) are showed in the window.
    (2) Lets say, there's a button (JButton) in between the two tables.
    Now if I Select a row from Table1 and press the button, this row will be sent/copied to Table2.
    And this way I can choose different rows and pass the data to Table2.
    I have manages to make Table1 and put data in it ... but for the rest, I don't know where and how to begin.
    Would appreciate some ideas and tips.
    Thank you.

    Since you are using a button to start the copy process you don't need to worry about a ListSelectionListener or a MouseListener. You need to create a button with an ActionListener that does the following:
    a) Create an Array based on the size of the number of columns in the table
    b) get the index of the selected row
    c) populate the Array with data from the TableModel by using the table.getModel().getValueAt(...) method for each
    d) Now you can add the row of data to the other JTable by updating its model.
    DefaultTableModel model2 = (DefaultTableModel)table2.getMode();
    model.addRow( theArray );

  • What is the best wayt to copy tables with data from development to Prod?

    Dear all,
    We have Oracle tables with data in a development server, I would like to know if there is any ‘easy’ and ‘direct’ way to copy them to the production server.
    As I think import and export would be the best way. Any other althernatives?

    There are a number of methods you could use.
    Export and import would work or their 10g+ equivalents data pump. </li>
    <li>You could create a database link between the 2 databases and use SQL*Plus copy to transfer data on a table by table basis (probably quite laborious unless there's only a few tables). </li>
    <li>You could use transportable tablespaces (there are some restirctions - check the documentation </li>
    <li>You could use RMAN to clone the development database (assuming the prod database hasn't been used yet and that there's nothing in it you need to keep).</li>
    <li>You could create the prod database as a standby copy of the dev database </li>
    Using transportable tablespaces would be much faster than using data pump or import/export depending on how much data there is.

  • Master/Detail? Repeating Tables - Combine data from 2 repeating tables to one cell in sharepoint

    Hi there, new to infopath.  I have 2 sections in my form which are hidden and display based on the department selected.  So Department A versus Department B, a section opens for details pertaining to that Department.  So in each
    section I have similar information requirements, similar but not exactly the same.  Now I was able to create hidden fields that will concat the values from both sections in the instances of similar data (i.e. Name, Department location, etc, so if Department
    A fills in Name on their section, then someone else submits the same form for Department B I still have one column of metadata in SP to displace the Name regardless of department or section they filled data into). However now I am stuck, I have repeating
    tables in both sections and I want to concate the entries to output to the sharepoint list for that cell.  However everything I have tried so far only concats the 1st value in the repeating table.  Is there a way to take ALL of the data from
    two repeating tables and merge them into one column/cell in sharepoint (metadata for the one form entry)???  I want to avoid having to create a excessive "views" of a list in order to accomodate the needs for BOTH departments.  I hope
    this is clear.  Thanks for your help!
    from msn forum

    Hi Meera,
        I apologise for delay. Anyways you can goto the
    following link:
    for details.
    Hope this will clear you. However, you further require
    any more information then please feel free to mail.
    ty_t_sender, cl_abap_char_utilities DEFINITION LOAD
    all these are present in alsmex function group if you
    place your function module in this function group then
    you'll be able to access these things. Further, like
    if you have security options and can't place your code
    in this function group then create your own function
    group in your own package and copy the contents from
    alsmex function group.
        Hope that answer your questions.
    Mirza Ifthekhar Baig.

  • Fill dynamic internal table with data from another dynamic table

    I have a huge dynamic table with a few columns and need to fill another dynamic table with some of the columns, that are also existing in the other one. I first know at runtime, which fields the smaller table contains.
    Until now, I did it that way:
      LOOP AT <it_tab_structure> ASSIGNING <wa_tab_structure>.
        LOOP AT lt_comp_full INTO ls_comp_full.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_full-name OF STRUCTURE <structure> TO <column>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_full-name OF STRUCTURE <wa_tab_structure> TO <value>.
          <column> = <value>.
        APPEND <structure> TO <table>.
    lt_comp_full contains the columns of the second table, that have to be filled.
    This is taking a very long time, as there can be a lot of columns in the source table and the source table contains at least 100000 records.
    Is there therefore any way to fill the other table faster?
    Thank you & best regards,

    Hey Sharath,
    thank you for your answer! Unfortunately I don't have a 7.4 system here, but your example pointed out, that I can also use move-corresponding from one structure to the other, which I thought, was not possible. I'm trying out, if this makes it faster now.
    I'll let you all know, if this made the deal.
    Thank you & best regards,
    Michael & Arne

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