Final Cut Express AVCHD support update for Panasonic HMC-150 / HMC-151

There has recently been an update for FCS for compatibility with this new camera from Panasonic. However, FCE has not been updated. Are there any plans to update FCE in a similar way?
Many thanks,

Hi Tom,
Thanks for the reply. I hadn't thought of it like that, but you may well be right.
I guess I'd better put FCS on my Xmas list.
By the way, I taught myself FCE using your book in about 2 weeks, very helpful! Thanks!

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    Hi guys, Well I rooted out my original Tiger disks and sure enough it contained an applications bundle that included the following:-
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    You mean you left 254 minutes of empty space at the end? Yeah, that would do it.
    FCE doesn't know to cut off anything that you don't tell it to. If you have a lot of "dead" space, it's probably because you left a small clip somewhere at the end of all that space. Try going back to your sequence in FCE, positioning the playhead over your intended ending, tap "T" four times, and click. This should select everything after the playhead, which you can then delete.*
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    I like it.  I use it.  It's still my favorite NLE. 
    But Apple is done with FCP 7.  There will be no update for it...not even for Retina displays.  It is done.

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    Final Cut Express 4 supports only DV, HDV and AVCHD (last one only on Intel CPUs) using the Apple Intermediate Codec.
    On other than these formats, you can use Mpegstreamclip ( to convert your files into one of those supported formats, DV or Apple Intermediate Codec (when using HD material).

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    Three thoughts,
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    2.  The serial number is very long, and it's very easy to mistype a character.  Try entering it again, being very careful typing and check the serial nubmer visually before you hit the enter key.
    3.  Keep in mind that FCE was discontinued in June 2011, even before Lion was released.  It is no longer supported and there is no guarantee it will run, or run properly, on later versions of OS X including Mavericks.   Users have had spotty success with it on Lion, Mt. Lion & Mavericks.  YMMV.
    Final Cut Pro X is the currently released & suported video editing app from Apple.   You can download, install & try it out free for 30 days.

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    Hello, thanks for your guidance but it didn't work.
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    There are solutions on this forum, search "Final Cut Express won't open," for some of them. Updating to FCE 4.01 is one solution. For HD it is another.

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    If you dont have Flash the only worthwhile converter for flv is Sorenson Squeeze:

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    You're going to need DVD Studio Pro, which is included with Final Cut Studio.
    5.1 is pretty sophisticated stuff.
    Roxio DVDit Pro supports 5.1 authoring, but it's Windows platform only.
    There are a couple of articles on Ken Stone's website that may be of interest.
    Dolby Digital. Sure It Can Be Done
    Encoding AC3 Audio with A.Pack

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    You say you have FCE 2 so probably the best, easily followed book for you is this one:-
    Everything is explained clearly and should you have any further questions, the author is here on the forum to answer them.

  • Final Cut Express keeps wanting to rename my project

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    Did a bit of research here. In Tom Wolsky's tutorial book on Final Cut Express 2, on p. 125, his solution to avoiding losing your Favorites bin is to just drag it from the Effects panel into the Browser. He says that this copy in the Browser will remain with the project even if the prefs get trashed.
    He also agrees that a Favorites project should be created in which you keep a bin containing all your favorite effects and filters, sometimes in stacks in separate folders.
    Then when you want to use these effects elsewhere, you can just drag them from your Favorites project into any other project.
    He says you should also burn a backup of this Favorites project to a CD occasionally to ensure you never lose it.
    Tom B.

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