Findchangebylist functions

Question concerning the use of findchangebylist in CS3.
I want to search a file for a string and apply a paragraph style,
from the suport file for this I have:
grep    {findWhat:"\tBB\tSO\tAvg.\r"} {appliedParagraphStyle:"z_AG tab bb batters bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}
and nothing happens. I have tried doing a find and search for  AVG and it still does not change the paragraph style. I can do a a search and find a string and apply a character style, but cannot get it to apply a paragraphy style..
the entire support text file looks like this:
text {findWhat:"—"} {changeTo:":"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}
text {findWhat:"LOB"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"}  {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}
text {findWhat:"2B"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"3B"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"HR"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"RBIs"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"E"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"CS"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"S"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"SF"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"}  {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
grep {findWhat:"Runners left in scoring position"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"Umpires"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"DP"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"T"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
text {findWhat:"A"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"AG Text Bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
grep    {findWhat:"IP\tH\tR\tER\tBB\tSO\r"} {appliedParagraphStyle:"z_AG tab bb pitchers 8 bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}
grep    {findWhat:"\tBB\tSO\tAvg.\r"} {appliedParagraphStyle:"z_AG tab bb batters bold"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}

Hi saxomark,
You need to "fully qualify" your reference to the style, as in:
{appliedCharacterStyle:app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("AG Text Bold")}
Also, in your GREP searches, remember to "escape" the backslashes and other special characters, as in:

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  • Newbie question on FindChangeByList script (REVISED)

    Hi...I'm using FindChangeByList (the Javascript version) and I have a question. The default behavior of this script seems to be the following:
    1. If text is selected, then run the script on the text
    2. Otherwise, run the script on the entire document.
    By looking at the script (which I'm pasting below), I can see that the script is intentionally set up this way. I'm totally new to scritping, but by reading the remarks I think these are the relevent lines:
    //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
    //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
    MY GOAL:  I want to prevent the script running on my entire document by mistake if I mistakenly don't have the Text tool active.
    I have a feeling that would be very easy to write, but since I know nothing about scripting, I appeal to this forum. Thanks.
    If you need it, the entire script is pasted below. (It's also a standard sample script built into CS4).
    //An InDesign CS4 JavaScript
    @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "FindChangeByList.jsx" 10-January-2008
    //Loads a series of tab-delimited strings from a text file, then performs a series
    //of find/change operations based on the strings read from the file.
    //The data file is tab-delimited, with carriage returns separating records.
    //The format of each record in the file is:
    //<tab> is a tab character
    //findType is "text", "grep", or "glyph" (this sets the type of find/change operation to use).
    //findProperties is a properties record (as text) of the find preferences.
    //changeProperties is a properties record (as text) of the change preferences.
    //findChangeOptions is a properties record (as text) of the find/change options.
    //description is a description of the find/change operation
    //Very simple example:
    //text {findWhat:"--"} {changeTo:"^_"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false} Find all double dashes and replace with an em dash.
    //More complex example:
    //text {findWhat:"^9^9.^9^9"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"price"} {include footnotes:true, include master pages:true, include hidden layers:true, whole word:false} Find $10.00 to $99.99 and apply the character style "price".
    //All InDesign search metacharacters are allowed in the "findWhat" and "changeTo" properties for findTextPreferences and changeTextPreferences.
    //If you enter backslashes in the findWhat property of the findGrepPreferences object, they must be "escaped"
    //as shown in the example below:
    //For more on InDesign scripting, go to
    //or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at
    function main(){
    var myObject;
    //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    if(app.documents.length > 0){
      if(app.selection.length > 0){
        case "InsertionPoint":
        case "Character":
        case "Word":
        case "TextStyleRange":
        case "Line":
        case "Paragraph":
        case "TextColumn":
        case "Text":
        case "Cell":
        case "Column":
        case "Row":
        case "Table":
         //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
       //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
      alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
    function myDisplayDialog(){
    var myObject;
    var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"FindChangeByList"});
        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Search Range:"});
       var myRangeButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
        radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selected Story", checkedState:true});
        if(app.selection[0].contents != ""){
         radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selection", checkedState:true});
    var myResult =;
    if(myResult == true){
       case 0:
        myObject = app.documents.item(0);
       case 1:
        myObject = app.selection[0].parentStory;
       case 2:
        myObject = app.selection[0];
    function myFindChangeByList(myObject){
    var myScriptFileName, myFindChangeFile, myFindChangeFileName, myScriptFile, myResult;
    var myFindChangeArray, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindLimit, myStory;
    var myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter;
    var myFindChangeFile = myFindFile("/FindChangeSupport/FindChangeList.txt")
    if(myFindChangeFile != null){
      myFindChangeFile = File(myFindChangeFile);
      var myResult ="r", undefined, undefined);
      if(myResult == true){
       //Loop through the find/change operations.
        myLine = myFindChangeFile.readln();
        //Ignore comment lines and blank lines.
         myFindChangeArray = myLine.split("\t");
         //The first field in the line is the findType string.
         myFindType = myFindChangeArray[0];
         //The second field in the line is the FindPreferences string.
         myFindPreferences = myFindChangeArray[1];
         //The second field in the line is the ChangePreferences string.
         myChangePreferences = myFindChangeArray[2];
         //The fourth field is the range--used only by text find/change.
         myFindChangeOptions = myFindChangeArray[3];
          case "text":
           myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "grep":
           myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "glyph":
           myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
       } while(myFindChangeFile.eof == false);
    function myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change preferences before each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    myFoundItems = myObject.changeText();
    //Reset the find/change preferences after each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences before each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGrep();
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences before each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGlyph();
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences after each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindFile(myFilePath){
    var myScriptFile = myGetScriptPath();
    var myScriptFile = File(myScriptFile);
    var myScriptFolder = myScriptFile.path;
    myFilePath = myScriptFolder + myFilePath;
    if(File(myFilePath).exists == false){
      //Display a dialog.
      myFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose the file containing your find/change list");
    return myFilePath;
    function myGetScriptPath(){
      myFile = app.activeScript;
      myFile = myError.fileName;
    return myFile;
    Message was edited by: JoJo Jenkins. Proper script formatting was used and the question was revised and made more concise.

    You can't check which instrument is active in InDesign by script (although you can select it, but it's not useful in your case).
    I suggest you  the following approach: check if a single object is selected and if it's a text frame — if so, make a search without showing the dialog.
    Notice that use
    instead of
    this allows me to process threaded and overset text.
    function main(){
         var myObject;
         //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
         app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
         if(app.documents.length > 0){
              if(app.selection.length == 1 && app.selection[0] == "TextFrame"){
              else if(app.selection.length > 0){
                        case "InsertionPoint":
                        case "Character":
                        case "Word":
                        case "TextStyleRange":
                        case "Line":
                        case "Paragraph":
                        case "TextColumn":
                        case "Text":
                        case "Cell":
                        case "Column":
                        case "Row":
                        case "Table":
                             //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
                   //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
              alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");

  • FindChangeByList script to include Style Groups/sub Style Groups

    I've been using this function happily (with varying degrees of success & lots of trial and error) for a while now. I'm not a script writer, understand very little but manage to copy and paste, and hope for the best.
    This has served my wishes for the most part, but I have the need to apply a GREP search/replace to some text that needs to be styled with a paragraph style that lives inside a style group, inside another style group.
    Style group called 'Headings', inside which is a style group called 'News from Areas heads' inside which is a paragraph style called 'b head_red (News from areas)'
    I have picked up on helpful examples from others for applying a paragraph style that lives within one level of "Style Group", but don't know what the correct syntax to describe: a paragraph style within a folder, within a folder, within another folder might be?
    I did wonder if the choice of underscores and brackets in the paragraph style may not help.

    Hi Jarek
    Unfortunately I don't have much scripting knowledge, but to answer your questions
    1. paraStyle real name is "b head_red (News from areas)"
        - "b head_red" is used elsewhere. Why didn't I keep it simple?
    2. Do your findWhat string work in UI (run manually)?
        - yes, when I use normal GREP find/change it works okay.
    3. Do your FindChangeByList.jsx work with some simplier example?
        - yes, I use it often. The .txt file I'm working on at the moment already contains about 10 text/glyph changes which work fine. I have had success in applying a 'paragraph style' that is within a 'style group'. But this is the first time I've tried to apply a 'paragraph style' that is in a 'style group', within a 'style group'.

  • FindChangebyList with strings of text?

    I'm trying to setup a findchangebylist document to change strings of text to match my company's verbiage. I've been successful changing items like:  $10.00 to read as $10 but I cannot get regular text like:  over-sized to read as oversized
    More examples of text I'm trying to convert:
    over-sized to oversized
    CAT to CAT(R)   (adding the registration mark)
    screenprint to screen print
    Is this possible with this script?? There's over 100 words that follow this mindset. The custom dictionary isn't something that works, as it only checks for single words and not 2 words with a space inbetween.
    Anything would be helpful.

    Hi Trevor:
    I have to admit, I like your script (The syntax for the arrays is pretty clean, esp. with the tags) but we don't need to completely reinvent the wheel, and we have a lot of functionality within the FindChangeReplace script that wouldn't need too many more additions.
    nukleas wrote:
     There is the conflict of case sensitivity and some words you don't want to close up. A good example of this is in official titles (So you don't want to close up Over-All Program Goals 2012, but you are fine closing up over-all goals or over-stated nature.
    By adding a tag at the begining of words one wants to be stictly case sensertive one can deal with this
    By useing slice and toUpperCase() one can make sure that over-sized becomes oversized and Over-sized becomes Oversized.
    In the case that one only wants the upper case to be changed that would not need tagging i.e. in our example only CAT would become CAT®, cat would stay the same.
    To avoid Over-All being closed one also would not need to tag it because of the capitol A of All.
    One would only need to tag something like Over-all if one did not want it to become Overall but wanted over-all to become overall.
    True, but why don't we just add this to FindChangeReplace:
    grep     {findWhat:"(Over|over)-(?!\\u|\\d)(\\S*)"}     {changeTo:"$1$2"}     {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
    This way we don't need to write any more javascript code, and we preserve the features from that script, especially the option to do the search on individual stories or selections rather than the whole document, which is default for the script (I see these things usually from an inCopy standpoint, where you are working closely with the text) Having an easily editable text document as a list of things is probably not a bad idea either.
    We also catch any hyphenations of digits (which we ought to keep hyphenated) or uppercase letters and keep whatever formatting existed previously with a single entry.
    nukleas wrote:
    Also, if whole word is turned on in the given regular text search example, over-size will not be converted to oversize. over-sized would be converted to oversize.
    True, over-size would not be converted to oversize unless over-size was included in the word list.
    False, over-sized would be converted to oversized and not oversize
    Check the spelling in the script >.> (Yes, this is kinda pedantic, I apologize)
    nukleas wrote:
    This is also a concern copy editors have with closing up schoolteacher. In most cases it's fine, until you have a teacher that works at a high school. A high school teacher should probably not be written as high schoolteacher (although I'm sure some of them need to be to deal with some of today's youth.) and that's only really avoidable with a negative lookbehind.
    This can easily be dealt with by adding in the array after the entry of ' school teacher'  , 'schoolteacher'
    'high schoolteacher' , 'high school teacher'
    see script below
    Or in one line:
    grep {findWhat:"(?<![high|elementary|middle] )([S|s]chool) (teacher)"} {changeTo:"$1$2"}     {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
    Using the FindChangeReplace, we basically configure the text or grep search each time, so if we want, we can have something like this:
    Makes million/billion/trillion units not break over lines:
    grep     {findWhat:"(\\d+) (mil|bil|tril)(?=lion)"}     {changeTo:"$0",noBreak:true}     {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
    This way we don't need to set about defining tags, since the way the script is written we can just call them when we need them.
    And in this case, wouldn't we be in trouble if the query we wanted has a semicolon or something at the beginning of it? This can be the case in changing delimiters and other things. By defining options outside of the query, we better sanitize the query from errant symbols.
    I think it might be best to also avoid changing things in the first place (like school teacher to schoolteacher and then backtrack with high schoolteacher to high school teacher) and the more exceptions or backtracks we need to make, the more likely errors will make it through.
    Then again, for some, if not most changes that need to be made without exceptions, regular text search is fine. However, there can be a lot more errors introduced without lookaheads or lookbehinds than it could be worth, and this is one of the things that keeps copy editors like me employed
    Also, with the script, why keep Pussy cat if it begins the sentence? The example would be perhaps the Pussy Cat Lounge, in that case you dont want to close that up or change that. However: Pussy cat is another term for a feline. Would not get changed, but it ought to. The script catches school teachers and high school teachers correctly, but not "School teachers are important to our nation" and (correctly) School Teacher's Association. These may need different capitalized versions of each type, or would possibly be better with grep and just brackets with both types alone. Case insensitivity in the grep can also preserve the capitalization of the original text, whereas I believe the text replace would change it to whatever the result is that is provided.
    grep     {findWhat:"([pP]ussy) (cat)"}     {changeTo:"$1"}     {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:true}
    (and the problem with this, that I would have to get to later, is that the plurals need to be dealt with)
    All in all, I don't think it truly matters whether one uses GREP or text for such changes (it's actually best to know both!) and I appreciate you laying out how to perform these searches using javascript, I have definitely learned from it!
    I apologize for any errors, I typed this quite fast D:
    Many thanks Trevor,

  • FindChangeByList and associated text files

    I am in the process of converting from CS2 to CS5 and need to update all of my text files that run with the FindChangeByList script. I did not write these files but was involved in the decision to use them for our processes so my knowledge of them is minimal. Unfortunately, no one left at my company has any knowledge of them so it is up to me to dig in and update. I have been able to figure the majority of the conversion out, but am stuck on the last "column."
    An example of our existing script looks like this:
    {findText:" ^t"}     {changeText:"^t"}     all
    {findText:"^t^t"}     {changeText:"^t"}    all
    {findText:" ^p"}     {changeText:"^p"}    all
    {findText:"^t^p"}     {changeText:"^p"}   all
    {findText:"^p^t"}     {changeText:"^p"}   all
    {findText:" -"}     {changeText:" ^= "}    all
    {findText:" - "}     {changeText:" ^= "}   all
    {findText:" AM^p"}     {changeText:" am^p"}   once
    {findText:" PM^p"}     {changeText:" pm^p"}   once
    {findText:" AM^t"}     {changeText:" am^t"}     once
    {findText:" PM^t"}     {changeText:" pm^t"}     once
    I am converting it to this:
    text     {findWhat:" ^t"}     {changeTo:"^t"}     {}
    text     {findWhat:"^t^t"}     {changeTo:"^t"}    {}
    text     {findWhat:" ^p"}     {changeTo:"^p"}    {}
    text     {findWhat:"^t^p"}     {changeTo:"^p"}   {}
    text     {findWhat:"^p^t"}     {changeTo:"^p"}   {}
    text     {findWhat:" -"}     {changeTo:" ^= "}    {}
    text     {findWhat:" - "}     {changeTo:" ^= "}   {}
    text     {findWhat:" AM^p"}     {changeTo:" am^p"}   {}
    text     {findWhat:" PM^p"}     {changeTo:" pm^p"}   {}
    text     {findWhat:" AM^t"}     {changeTo:" am^t"}     {}
    text     {findWhat:" PM^t"}     {changeTo:" pm^t"}     {}
    I know I am supposed to enter text along the lines of caseSensitive:true, wholeWOrd:false, etc. Is there a quick way to determine if it says Once, it should be changed to say {   } and if is says All, to use {  }, or do I go line by line to try to determine what the correct tag should be?

    Hi Kasyan- I have been reading a lot on this subject today and your name comes up often. I was hoping you would find my question and answer it. I have actually already downloaded this script and it is fantastic but I don't think it is the fix I am looking for. Our text files contain a lot of information and what I posted was just a portion. We have about 8 lengthy text file scripts we run on every project, creating 10 or more brochures each day. I was hoping for a clear answer on how to convert them from CS2 to CS5, mainly just what I should replace the All or Once with.
    If there isn’t a quick way to do this, I suppose I can go off them line by line, entering the search functions and having them recorded. Then compiling in the end to make the new version?
    I attached one of our text files for review if it would help.
    //This script formats agenda time frames, including AM's and PM's, dashes/hyphens, spacing, breaks, lunches, etc.
    {findText:"  "} {changeText:" "} all
    {findText:"^n"} {changeText:"^p"} all
    {findText:"^s"} {changeText:" "} all
    {findText:" ^t"} {changeText:"^t"} all
    {findText:"^t^t"} {changeText:"^t"} all
    {findText:" ^p"} {changeText:"^p"} all
    {findText:"^t^p"} {changeText:"^p"} all
    {findText:"^p^t"} {changeText:"^p"} all
    {findText:" -"} {changeText:" ^= "} all
    {findText:" - "} {changeText:" ^= "} all
    {findText:" AM^p"} {changeText:" am^p"} once
    {findText:" PM^p"} {changeText:" pm^p"} once
    {findText:" AM^t"} {changeText:" am^t"} once
    {findText:" PM^t"} {changeText:" pm^t"} once
    {findText:" AM "} {changeText:" am "} once
    {findText:" PM "} {changeText:" pm "} once
    {findText:" AM-"} {changeText:" am ^="} once
    {findText:" PM-"} {changeText:" pm ^="} once
    {findText:" am."} {changeText:" am"} once
    {findText:" pm."} {changeText:" pm"} once
    {findText:"a.m."} {changeText:"am"} once
    {findText:"p.m."} {changeText:"pm"} once
    {findText:"0am^p"} {changeText:"0 am^p"} once
    {findText:"5am^p"} {changeText:"5 am^p"} once
    {findText:"0pm^p"} {changeText:"0 pm^p"} once
    {findText:"5pm^p"} {changeText:"5 pm^p"} once
    {findText:" Break"} {changeText:"^tBreak"} all
    {findText:" Lunch"} {changeText:"^tLunch"} all
    //{findText:":00 "} {changeText:":00 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":05 "} {changeText:":05 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":10 "} {changeText:":10 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":15 "} {changeText:":15 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":20 "} {changeText:":20 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":25 "} {changeText:":25 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":30 "} {changeText:":30 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":35 "} {changeText:":35 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":40 "} {changeText:":40 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":45 "} {changeText:":45 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":50 "} {changeText:":50 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":55 "} {changeText:":55 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"pm^tpm"} {changeText:"pm"} once
    {findText:"0am "} {changeText:"0 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"5am "} {changeText:"5 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"0pm "} {changeText:"0 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"5pm "} {changeText:"5 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":00-"} {changeText:":00 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":05-"} {changeText:":05 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":10-"} {changeText:":10 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":15-"} {changeText:":15 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":20-"} {changeText:":20 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":25-"} {changeText:":25 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":30-"} {changeText:":30 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":35-"} {changeText:":35 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":40-"} {changeText:":40 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":45-"} {changeText:":45 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":50-"} {changeText:":50 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":55-"} {changeText:":55 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":00^="} {changeText:":00 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":05^="} {changeText:":05 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":10^="} {changeText:":10 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":15^="} {changeText:":15 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":20^="} {changeText:":20 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":25^="} {changeText:":25 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":30^="} {changeText:":30 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":35^="} {changeText:":35 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":40^="} {changeText:":40 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":45^="} {changeText:":45 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":50^="} {changeText:":50 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":55^="} {changeText:":55 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":00 ^="} {changeText:":00 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":05 ^="} {changeText:":05 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":10 ^="} {changeText:":10 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":15 ^="} {changeText:":15 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":20 ^="} {changeText:":20 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":25 ^="} {changeText:":25 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":30 ^="} {changeText:":30 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":35 ^="} {changeText:":35 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":40 ^="} {changeText:":40 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":45 ^="} {changeText:":45 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":50 ^="} {changeText:":50 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":55 ^="} {changeText:":55 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:":00^t"} {changeText:":00 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":05^t"} {changeText:":05 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":10^t"} {changeText:":10 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":15^t"} {changeText:":15 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":20^t"} {changeText:":20 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":25^t"} {changeText:":25 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":30^t"} {changeText:":30 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":35^t"} {changeText:":35 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":40^t"} {changeText:":40 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":45^t"} {changeText:":45 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":50^t"} {changeText:":50 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":55^t"} {changeText:":55 pm^t"} once
    {findText:":00^p"} {changeText:":00 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":05^p"} {changeText:":05 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":10^p"} {changeText:":10 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":15^p"} {changeText:":15 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":20^p"} {changeText:":20 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":25^p"} {changeText:":25 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":30^p"} {changeText:":30 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":35^p"} {changeText:":35 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":40^p"} {changeText:":40 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":45^p"} {changeText:":45 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":50^p"} {changeText:":50 pm^p"} once
    {findText:":55^p"} {changeText:":55 pm^p"} once
    {findText:"0am-"} {changeText:"0 am ^= "} once
    {findText:"5am-"} {changeText:"5 am ^= "} once
    {findText:"0pm-"} {changeText:"0 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:"5pm-"} {changeText:"5 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:"0am^t"} {changeText:"0 am^t"} once
    {findText:"5am^t"} {changeText:"5 am^t"} once
    {findText:"0pm^t"} {changeText:"0 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"5pm^t"} {changeText:"5 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"8:^9^9 pm"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"Found Text"} once
    {findText:"9:^9^9 pm"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"Found Text"} once
    {findText:"10:^9^9 pm"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"Found Text"} once
    {findText:"11:^9^9 pm"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"Found Text"} once
    {findText:"pm", appliedCharacterStyle:"Found Text"} {changeText:"am"} once
    {findText:"a.m."} {changeText:"am"} all
    {findText:"p.m."} {changeText:"pm"} all
    {findText:"am-"} {changeText:"am ^= "} all
    {findText:"pm-"} {changeText:"pm ^= "} all
    {findText:"0am ^="} {changeText:"0 am ^= "} once
    {findText:"5am ^="} {changeText:"5 am ^= "} once
    {findText:"0pm ^="} {changeText:"0 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:"5pm ^="} {changeText:"5 pm ^= "} once
    {findText:" am to ^9"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"Found Text"} once
    {findText:" am to ", appliedCharacterStyle:"Found Text"} {changeText:" am ^= "} once
    {findText:" pm to "} {changeText:" pm ^= "} once
    {findText:"12:00 am"} {changeText:"12:00 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:05 am"} {changeText:"12:05 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:10 am"} {changeText:"12:10 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:15 am"} {changeText:"12:15 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:20 am"} {changeText:"12:20 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:25 am"} {changeText:"12:25 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:30 am"} {changeText:"12:30 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:35 am"} {changeText:"12:35 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:40 am"} {changeText:"12:40 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:45 am"} {changeText:"12:45 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:50 am"} {changeText:"12:50 pm"} once
    {findText:"12:55 am"} {changeText:"12:55 pm"} once
    {findText:"0 am "} {changeText:"0 am^t"} once
    {findText:"5 am "} {changeText:"5 am^t"} once
    {findText:"0 pm "} {changeText:"0 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"5 pm "} {changeText:"5 pm^t"} once
    {findText:"BREAK"} {changeText:"Break"} once
    {findText:"break"} {changeText:"break"} once
    {findText:"LUNCH"} {changeText:"Lunch"} once
    {findText:"lunch"} {changeText:"Lunch"} once
    {findText:"Lunch (on your own)"} {changeText:"Lunch (On Your Own)"} once
    {findText:"Lunch (On your own)"} {changeText:"Lunch (On Your Own)"} once
    {findText:"am^pBreak"} {changeText:"am^tBreak"} all
    {findText:"pm^pBreak"} {changeText:"pm^tBreak"} all
    {findText:"^pLunch^p"} {changeText:"^tLunch (On Your Own)^p"} once
    {findText:"pm Lunch^p"} {changeText:"pm^tLunch (On Your Own)^p"} once
    {findText:"pm^tLunch^p"} {changeText:"pm^tLunch (On Your Own)^p"} once
    {findText:"am^tam "} {changeText:"am^t"} all
    {findText:"am^tam^t"} {changeText:"am^t"} all
    {findText:"am^tam^p"} {changeText:"am^p"} all
    {findText:"pm^tpm "} {changeText:"pm^t"} all
    {findText:"pm^tpm^p"} {changeText:"pm^p"} all
    {findText:"am^tpm "} {changeText:"pm^t"} all
    {findText:"am^tpm^p"} {changeText:"pm^p"} all
    {findText:"pm^tam "} {changeText:"pm^t"} all
    {findText:"pm^tam^t"} {changeText:"pm^t"} all
    {findText:"pm^tam^p"} {changeText:"pm^p"} all
    {findText:"^t^t"} {changeText:"^t^t"} all
    {findText:" ^t"} {changeText:"^t"} all
    {findText:"^t "} {changeText:"^t"} all
    {findText:"^t^="} {changeText:" ^="} all
    {findText:" am^tto"} {changeText:" am ^="} once
    {findText:"pm^tto"} {changeText:"pm ^="} once
    {findText:"^t^p"} {changeText:"^p"} all
    {findText:"^t^t"} {changeText:"^t"} all
    {findText:"  "} {changeText:" "} all
    {findText:" - "} {changeText:" ^= "} all

  • Script labels and findchangebylist.jsx

    I am looking for any examples of a script that finds a certain script label on a textframe and then runs findchangebylist.jsx on that textframe.

    What you need is
    1. to simplify function
    2. and to modify:
    Ad 1.
    function main(){
        var myObject;
        //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
        if(app.documents.length > 0) myDisplayDialog();
        else alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
    Ad 2
    function myFindChangeByList(myObject){
        var myScriptFileName, myFindChangeFile, myFindChangeFileName, myScriptFile, myResult;
        var myFindChangeArray, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindLimit, myStory;
        var myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter;
        var myFindChangeFile = myFindFile("/FindChangeSupport/FindChangeList.txt")
        if(myFindChangeFile != null){
            myFindChangeFile = File(myFindChangeFile);
            var myResult ="r", undefined, undefined);
            if(myResult == true){
                //Loop through the find/change operations.
                    myLine = myFindChangeFile.readln();
                    //Ignore comment lines and blank lines.
                        myFindChangeArray = myLine.split("\t");
                        //The first field in the line is the findType string.
                        myFindType = myFindChangeArray[0];
                        //The second field in the line is the FindPreferences string.
                        myFindPreferences = myFindChangeArray[1];
                        //The second field in the line is the ChangePreferences string.
                        myChangePreferences = myFindChangeArray[2];
                        //The fourth field is the range--used only by text find/change.
                        myFindChangeOptions = myFindChangeArray[3];
                            case "text":
                                if (myObject instanceof Array)
                                    for (var k = myObject.length - 1; k >=0; k--)
                                    myFindText(myObject[k], myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                                else myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                            case "grep":
                                if (myObject instanceof Array)
                                    for (var k = myObject.length - 1; k >=0; k--)
                                    myFindGrep(myObject[k], myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                                else myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                            case "glyph":
                                if (myObject instanceof Array)
                                    for (var k = myObject.length - 1; k >=0; k--)
                                    myFindGlyph(myObject[k], myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                                else myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                } while(myFindChangeFile.eof == false);
    function myDisplayDialog(){
        var myObject, mFramesLabels, mFrames = [];
        var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"FindChangeByList"});
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Search Range:"});
                var myRangeButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
                    radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Document", checkedState:true});
                    radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selected Story"});
                    radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Labeled Frames"});
                    if(app.selection[0] && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty ("baselineShift") && app.selection[0].contents != ""){
                        radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selection", checkedState:true});
        var myLabel = textEditboxes.add({staticLabel:"Label:", minWidth: 185});
        var myResult =;
        if(myResult == true){
                case 0:
                    myObject = app.documents.item(0);
                case 1:
                    myObject = app.selection[0].parentStory;
                case 2:
                    mFramesLabels = app.documents.item(0).textFrames.everyItem().label;
                    for (var k = 0; k < mFramesLabels.length; k++)
                        if(mFramesLabels[k].length && mFramesLabels[k] == myLabel.editContents)
                    myObject = mFrames;
                case 3:
                    myObject = app.selection[0];
    Make a copy with mentioned function replaced with.

  • Replacing the info in the GREP script to run a bunch of functions at one time

    I have created a new JavaScript, by saving the script called "FindChangeByList.jsx" and giving it a new name, and replacing the text file with my new one, which is just a copy of the original with my one change.
    I am trying to make my script do 2 functions that I use often, and I am already stuck on the first one.
    grep {findWhat:"\d+:\d+\t"} {changeTo:""} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false} Find all double spaces and replace with single spaces.
    I am trying to find any digit one or more times, followed by a colon, followed by any digit one or more times, followed by a tab aand replace it with nothing.
    does anyone know what I have wrong in this file?

    HI John,
    OK-the puzzle gets more perplexing.
    You are right, the examples do not escape out the backslash and they work fine.
    So, I took ours, and removed one additional backslash at time to see if it was one in particular, and guess what? I removed all 3 and it worked?
    BUT!!!! and there is a big but here....after the answers here that made it work, I continued with my request by adding a second line of code to follow.
    Here is the second line of GREP after the one I had questioned.
    grep    {findWhat:"\r"}    {changeTo:" "}    {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}    Find all returns followed by a tab character and replace with single returns.
    When I put the double backspaces in, it was fine by itself, so, then I added this second line and all was still fine.
    So, after reading your comment this morning, I removed the additional backslashes (one at a time) and it still worked. (I thought maybe, it was one in particualr giving me grief.)
    So, I removed that second line of code, and left it as I had it during my original post, one backslash, and guess what, it didn't work?
    Conclusion thus far: Without that second GREP request, the line before it  only works, if you have the escaped out the backslashs..once I put the second line back in, the first line works with just single backslash's???
    Talk about strange?? huh???
    any thoughts????

  • Correct syntax? - FindChangeByList

    CS4, Mac OSX 10.5.8
    I've been wrestling my way through a personalised FindChangeByList.
    Ive managed to achieve most of what I'd like to, but I'm unable to incorporate a couple of items that I have been able to format using GREP Find/Change.
    I receive a Word file, to format in InDesign which has 'locally' styled bullleted and numbered lists.
    I can find and replace both of these using GREP Find/Change by using "+ list: bulleted" and + list: numbered" in the "Find Format:" but have been unable to work out how to specify these in the FindChangeByList....
    Could someone point me in the right direction please?
    below is an example of part of my  'FindChangeByList', acheived with help from this forum, but I'm not skillful enough to identify/describe the above.
    grep    {findWhat:"(.+)", appliedParagraphStyle: app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Normal") }    {changeTo:"$1", appliedParagraphStyle: app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups.item("Main text").paragraphStyles.item("Body text 10/12 SwissLtBt - Standard") }    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:true}
    MTIA Steve

    Thanks guys,
    L. - I'd forgotten about that script/function - was able to pick out what I needed to great effect.
    Kaysan - my lack of knowledge let me down with your string I'm afraid - it told me that what I was asking for was 'undefined' but I guess I didn't apply it correctly. The method above gave me a number for bullets (ListType:1280598644)
    grep    {bulletsAndNumberingListType:1280598644}    {appliedParagraphStyle: app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups.item("Lists").paragraphStyles.item("Bullets 10/12") }    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:true}

  • Fax function of HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color MFP M575

    I am one of users of HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color MFP M575​.
    I would like to know can I set the printer do not print my fax number and fax header on paper when I fax my document to others.
    I had login as admin but I did not see where I can config it.
    Thank you.
    Jimmy Pun

    There is no change to this problem after 6 months since the last post. Put simply, and as stated in the previous posts, there is no way to scan a document and receive the image on your PC. If you are working with graphics for any length of time or want to create an image for inclusion as an image in a document or web page using this piece of equipment will not allow you to do so.
    Great shame as every other function works well - it cannot be beyond the wit of HP to include a Windows application that enables you to scan an image, receive it in the software you are using at the time (e.g. Outlook, Word, Photoshop...) and use it in your work.
    HP Printers several years older than this £1000+ Enterprise printer were able to do this simple job and have done so for a great many years. Just being able to use Microsoft's Fax and Scan would be start.

  • Logical Operations in SQL decode function ?

    Is it possible to do Logical Operations in SQL decode function
    not in
    not null
    is null
    select col1 ,order_by,decode ( col1 , > 10 , 0 , 1)
    from tab;
    select col1 ,order_by,decode ( col1 , <> 10 , 0 , 1)
    from tab;
    select col1 ,order_by,decode ( col1 , not in (10,11,12) , 0 , 1)
    from tab;
    select col1 ,order_by,decode ( col1 ,is null , 0 , 1)
    from tab;
    Edited by: user780731 on Apr 30, 2009 12:07 AM
    Edited by: user780731 on Apr 30, 2009 12:07 AM
    Edited by: user780731 on Apr 30, 2009 12:08 AM
    Edited by: user780731 on Apr 30, 2009 12:08 AM
    Edited by: user780731 on Apr 30, 2009 12:09 AM

    select col1 ,order_by,case when col1 > 10 then 0 else 1 end
    from tab;
    select col1 ,order_by,case when col1 &lt;&gt; 10 then 0 else 1 end
    from tab;
    select col1 ,order_by,case when col1 not in (10,11,12) then 0 else 1 end
    from tab;As for testing for null, decode handles that by default anyway so you can have decode or case easily..
    select col1 ,order_by,decode (col1, null , 0 , 1)
    from tab;
    select col1 ,order_by,case when col1 is null then 0 else 1 end
    from tab;

  • If statement in CE function

    When we use IF in calculation view with CE function the SQL engine is used.
    When we remove the "IF" the  CE engine is used.
    Is there any alternative for if or case in CE functions?

    Is it possible to use CE_CALC for this functionality?
    We are trying to use it inside projection:
    res_bal = CE_PROJECTION (:bal,[ "BUDAT", "RYEAR" ,  "Bal_Date" AS "BALANCE_DATE",   "RTCUR" ,"MAX_ZGROUP"],'"BALANCE_DATE" == 20140101');
    works but:
    res_bal = CE_PROJECTION (:bal,[ "BUDAT", "RYEAR" ,  "Bal_Date" AS "BALANCE_DATE",   "RTCUR" ,"MAX_ZGROUP"], '"BALANCE_DATE" == CE_CALC( 'if(''20140101'' == ''19000101'', ''19000101'', ''20140101'')');
    Doesn't work.

  • IPhone 5s Voice memo to mp3. Now music on iPhone. Won't play from search function.

    I record my band rehearsals using the voice memo on my iPhone 5s. Then I sync to iTunes and convert file to mp3. When i sync back to my iPhone it appears in my music. So far, so good. When I use the search function in music it finds the file but won't play from tapping. I must troll through all my music songs (currently 2227 of them) to find it and then play it. Is it something to do with it still being under the genre "voice memos" or what ?  Anybody help please.  Thanks

    iWeb is an application to create webpages with.
    It used to be part of the iLife suite of applications.
    iWeb has no knowledge of the internal speaker on your iPhone.
    You may want to ask in the right forum.

  • HP AiO Remote app will not recognize scan and copy function of HP Envy 120

    Good morning! HP AiO Remote App is installed on my iPad4 and in the same WiFi network with my HP Envy 120 printer. The printer is recognized by the app and marked with a green led. When I tap on scan or copy in the app menu, it tells me that these functions were available in the app only for printers which provide these features. But HP Envy 120 has both scanner and copier. And last time it worked. Some idea what could have happened here? Thanks. UJ

    Replied on:
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • HP AiO Remote will not recognize scan and copy function of HP Envy 120 printer

    Good morning! HP AiO Remote App is installed on my iPad4 and in the same WiFi network with my HP Envy 120 printer. The printer is recognized by the app and marked with a green led. When I tap on scan or copy in the app menu, it tells me that these functions were available in the app only for printers which provide these features. But HP Envy 120 has both scanner and copier. And last time it worked. Some idea what could have happened here? Thanks. UJ

    Hi UJKarl, welcome to the HP Forums. You should be able to scan from the HP AIO Remote App on your Envy 120 printer. You probably just need to power cycle the printer, iPad and router to regain proper function.
    Turn off your printer with the power button. Power down the iPad by holding the sleep button down until you get the option to 'slide to power off'. Then disconnect the power cord to your router and count to about 10, and then plug it back in. Once the router comes back online, turn the printer on. When the printer comes back online (blue wi-fi light stops blinking), then power the iPad back up. Try again, and it should work.
    Let me know how it turns out.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • 7515 ios 8 scanning doesn't function using document feeder

    My AiO remote updated on my iPad today and i have issues scanning from the scanner. The printer and tablet functions properly when scanning using the glass however when using the document feeder, AiO remote scans the sheets then before saving it says there is a problem with the scanner, check the scanner. not sure why it works with the glass and NOT with the feeder.

    I am having the exact same problem. I will add that scanning from the document feeder to my Mac Book works fine. The problem with the document feeder is only whenn atttempting to use the AiO software on my iPad.

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