Finder locks up, won't restart, copying issues

I am on a new macmini.  For the past two days I have been having trouble with finder.  It will lock up and fail to restart.  No other program seems to do this.
I have recently moved my 2TB drive from my PC to my Mac.  I installed Seagate's software so allow the drive to keep NTSF formatting so I could keep the files.  Attempting to move fine around on the drive by drag and drop results in errors that have to fixed with disk repair.  I have tried to copy some files from it over to my new 2TB drive (formatted for Mac), but anything over about a gig locks up and doesn't finish.  I have repaired the disk and permission several times.  I have used MacCleanse to clean everything as well.
I do have a 1TB drive used for Time Machine that seems to be working fine.
I'm about at the point of reinstalling Lion, but wanted to see if there were any solutions before taking that step.

Please read this whole message before doing anything.
This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
The purpose of this exercise is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
Be sure your Mac is shut down.
Press the power button.
Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
Test while in safe mode. Same problem(s)?
After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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    I was just suggesting the file copy/paste as a work-around, in case no real solution was forthcoming.
    Anyway, I should be able to option drag like I've done for many years, don't you think?
    Yes, I do think so too! Have you filed a stern-but-polite complaint to Apple's Feedback page?
    Of course, I also think we should be able to NOT have auto-save and we SHOULD have Save As, so obviously I'm just a dinosaur.....
    And I too find the revised way the drag 'n drop things work silly at best, and distracting at worst. All the jiggling about nonsense, which appears all thru the interface, is yet one more reason I prefer to do actual work in Snow Leopard. With an older Mac Pro I can boot into whichever OS I want.

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    I can't find anyone who has had the same issue in all of the discussions I've looked at, but it sounds like I have a video problem, but I wondered if it might be a software problem with flash or something.  Or I have something malicious on my computer.
    I also have an iphone 5 that faulted with the iTunes and USB icons and won't fix after trying one of those R-Sims, and I wondered if somewhere along the line it may have even had a virus/trojan/malware that has infected my external drive and then my internal drive.  A reason I have thought that is because I have used my daughter's MacPro laptop and plugged in my external drive and I noticed the windows in hers were starting to do the same thing.
    And on top of all that, my fans didn't work for over a year and I had to place an external fan at the back of the computer or it would overheat and shut down, but after resetting the SMU it started working again, but it is very noisy. I have tried to download SMC Fan Control and although it downloads to the HDD, it won't open.
    Sorry its such a long post, I do hope with all of this information someone can help me.
    Thanks so much.

    HI and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    *Soon after, I installed Quake Wars, L4D 1, 2, Mass Effect 2, Need For Speed: Undercover, Mozilla Firefox and *Sophos Enterprise AV*. Approximately a week after installation, I began to experience malfunctions varying greatly*
    Macs get grumpy when running anti virus software. Disable or completely uninstall Sophos A/V and see if that makes a difference. A/V software on a Mac will slow the drive down more and more as time goes on.
    Also, check the vendor sites for each 3rd party software you installed to make sure they are compatible with 10.6.x
    The "hard reboots" are a result of the system freezing due to incompatible or outdated software.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

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    Click here and follow the instructions.

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    Any ideas?
    Jerry Engelbach
    G4 867   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   1 GB RAM, OS 9.2.2

    Hi, Jerry -
    Welcome to Apple's Discussions.
    By chance do you have a utility named File Saver installed? I think it came with either Norton Utilities or TechTool at one time. If so, try disabling it.
    Otherwise, try throwing away these preferences files and restarting -
    Energy Saver Preferences
    Finder Preferences
    Mac OS Preferences
    Power Mgt Preferences
    System Preferences
    Afterwards you may need to redo some settings in Finder's Preferences and in the Appearance and Energy Saver control panels.

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    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    There may be a redirect issue if an adware software has been
    installed by accident or by intent; usually if someone goes to a
    web site where questionable downloads of software are free,
    there may be (included, added to) the packet you get, adware
    or perhaps even malware.
    So, if this is the case, the symptoms you say are part of this
    experience may be related to an adware or other badware
    running in the background. A 'cleanmymac' or 'mackeeper'
    can also mess up a Mac computer, & they are not advised.
    Several posts to the ASC discussions are about these kinds
    of things and many point back to a user going to some web
    site and downloading something. A click can do it.
    A way to help find some evidence of certain kinds of add-ons
    (outside of looking into the Browser's add-ons and see about
    deleting those that relate to odd behavior, or badware) such
    as adware, one could get and use this free utility & get a
    report of general system info, and then post it online to see
    if someone can spot some of the characteristics adware or
    other malware may have included in the system.
    There is another way to get a more lengthy report than etrecheck
    as Linc Davis has posted, that uses more detailed effort on the
    part of the user, in order to get a larger fuller report.
    This is the short and easy way to look for a few clues that may
    be addressed through using advice in TheSafeMac guide.
    •EtreCheck: (also click on read-more)
    The report from the above may be helpful along with info in the
    site below. Note there are other guides in TheSafeMac, too.
    •Adware Removal Guide:
    Hopefully the issue with the browser can be resolved in one
    of up to three/four different ways, depending on what it is.
    PS: recent updates to some OS X versions, etc do not
    include update to Snow Leopard; only later systems.
    {by the time I write all this, you may already have a reply}
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    Next visit to the Apple store is Tuesday morning 12-17-13.  Anywthing that can help us would be appreciated.  Tks David

    Ok. Nevermind. I guess I had to Force Quit/Relaunch Finder.

  • FF won't restart in safe won't even shut down.

    you know that soft clicking noise you can hear in your computer? Mine stopped doing that a little while ago. It's eerily quiet.
    Also, I keep getting hung up. If I watch a video on youtube (for example) FF freezes & I have to shut down the plug-in container to get things going again.
    I've tried restarting the computer, but it didn't help. My system idle process is showing the number 99 in my task manager's CPU column, & I think that's related to my problems. Sometimes when I open task manager I can see that CPU Usage (at the bottom) is at 100%, but in a second it usually goes back down to 15% or less.
    SO I came to the FF support page, where it was suggested that I '''restart my browser in safe mode. But it won't restart. '''It won't even shut down all the way. FF & the plug-in container are both showing as open in Task Manager.
    SO when I manually shut them down, & then open FF again & check my plug-ins, none of them have been disabled (as they should be if FF had restarted in safe mode).

    By soft clicking noise, what exactly do you mean? If you are hearing a clicking noise in your computer that then stopped, it is possibly your hard drive dying, or a fan in the computer that dies. You shouldn't have "clicking" noises in a PC.
    As for system Idle Process, that is just the percentage of the CPU that isn't being used, if that is at 99%, it means that only 1% of your CPU is being used at that moment.
    Now, as for starting Firefox in Safe Mode, let's try this. Restart your computer, then while you start Firefox, hold down the Shift Key. You should have a small box open up with a bunch of checkboxes. Don't check any of them right now. Just Continue in Safe Mode. This is Firefox safe mode, all customizations, themes, addons, etc. will be disabled. If you don't get the freezing here, restart Firefox, and disable your add-ons one by one until you find the culprit.
    Also, you can try updating your graphics driver to see if this is an issue with Hardware acceleration. [] has more details.

  • New Leopard and RAM Random shutdown won't restart

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    Ever since my computer now randomly shuts down and won't restart. The only thing that gets the computer to restart is if I pop out the RAM cards and reinsert them. It never did this before I upgraded. And if I leave out the new RAM card it still shuts down with just the old RAM leading me to believe theres a problem with Leopard.
    I've done disk utility and while the 1st time I ran it it found errors that it repaired. But it still shuts down and when I run disk utility it finds no errors. I can't figure this out and I need to get this project going. Any ideas?

    THis is the results of the test through rember. I have no idea what these results mean.
    Memtest version 4.2 (64-bit)
    Copyright (C) 2004 Charles Cazabon
    Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Tony Scaminaci (Macintosh ports)
    Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 only
    Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55) running in single user mode
    Memory Page Size: 4096
    System has 2 PPC processor(s) with Altivec
    Requested memory: 1036MB (1086492672 bytes)
    Available memory: 1036MB (1086492672 bytes)
    NOTE: Memory request is too large, reducing to acceptable value...
    Allocated memory: 1007MB (1056070848 bytes) at local address 0x0000000001000000
    Attempting memory lock... locked successfully
    Partitioning memory into 2 comparison buffers...
    Buffer A: 503MB (528035424 bytes) starts at local address 0x0000000001000000
    Buffer B: 503MB (528035424 bytes) starts at local address 0x0000000020792e60
    Running 1 test sequence... (CTRL-C to quit)
    Test sequence 1 of 1:
    Running tests on full 1007MB region...
    Stuck Address : setting 1 of 16testing 1 of 16setting 2 of 16testing 2 of 16setting 3 of 16testing 3 of 16setting 4 of 16testing 4 of 16setting 5 of 16testing 5 of 16setting 6 of 16testing 6 of 16setting 7 of 16testing 7 of 16setting 8 of 16testing 8 of 16setting 9 of 16testing 9 of 16setting 10 of 16testing 10 of 16setting 11 of 16testing 11 of 16setting 12 of 16testing 12 of 16setting 13 of 16testing 13 of 16setting 14 of 16testing 14 of 16setting 15 of 16testing 15 of 16setting 16 of 16testing 16 of 16 ok
    Linear PRN : setting 1 of 16testing 1 of 16setting 2 of 16testing 2 of 16setting 3 of 16testing 3 of 16setting 4 of 16testing 4 of 16setting 5 of 16testing 5 of 16setting 6 of 16testing 6 of 16setting 7 of 16testing 7 of 16setting 8 of 16testing 8 of 16setting 9 of 16testing 9 of 16setting 10 of 16testing 10 of 16setting 11 of 16testing 11 of 16setting 12 of 16testing 12 of 16setting 13 of 16testing 13 of 16setting 14 of 16testing 14 of 16setting 15 of 16testing 15 of 16setting 16 of 16testing 16 of 16 ok
    Running comparison tests using 503MB buffers...
    Random Value : \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ ok
    Compare XOR :  ok
    Compare SUB :  ok
    Compare MUL :  ok
    Compare DIV :  ok
    Compare OR :  ok
    Compare AND :  ok
    Sequential Increment:  ok
    Solid Bits : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64setting 2 of 64testing 2 of 64setting 3 of 64testing 3 of 64setting 4 of 64testing 4 of 64setting 5 of 64testing 5 of 64setting 6 of 64testing 6 of 64setting 7 of 64testing 7 of 64setting 8 of 64testing 8 of 64setting 9 of 64testing 9 of 64setting 10 of 64testing 10 of 64setting 11 of 64testing 11 of 64setting 12 of 64testing 12 of 64setting 13 of 64testing 13 of 64setting 14 of 64testing 14 of 64setting 15 of 64testing 15 of 64setting 16 of 64testing 16 of 64setting 17 of 64testing 17 of 64setting 18 of 64testing 18 of 64setting 19 of 64testing 19 of 64setting 20 of 64testing 20 of 64setting 21 of 64testing 21 of 64setting 22 of 64testing 22 of 64setting 23 of 64testing 23 of 64setting 24 of 64testing 24 of 64setting 25 of 64testing 25 of 64setting 26 of 64testing 26 of 64setting 27 of 64testing 27 of 64setting 28 of 64testing 28 of 64setting 29 of 64testing 29 of 64setting 30 of 64testing 30 of 64setting 31 of 64testing 31 of 64setting 32 of 64testing 32 of 64setting 33 of 64testing 33 of 64setting 34 of 64testing 34 of 64setting 35 of 64testing 35 of 64setting 36 of 64testing 36 of 64setting 37 of 64testing 37 of 64setting 38 of 64testing 38 of 64setting 39 of 64testing 39 of 64setting 40 of 64testing 40 of 64setting 41 of 64testing 41 of 64setting 42 of 64testing 42 of 64setting 43 of 64testing 43 of 64setting 44 of 64testing 44 of 64setting 45 of 64testing 45 of 64setting 46 of 64testing 46 of 64setting 47 of 64testing 47 of 64setting 48 of 64testing 48 of 64setting 49 of 64testing 49 of 64setting 50 of 64testing 50 of 64setting 51 of 64testing 51 of 64setting 52 of 64testing 52 of 64setting 53 of 64testing 53 of 64setting 54 of 64testing 54 of 64setting 55 of 64testing 55 of 64setting 56 of 64testing 56 of 64setting 57 of 64testing 57 of 64setting 58 of 64testing 58 of 64setting 59 of 64testing 59 of 64setting 60 of 64testing 60 of 64setting 61 of 64testing 61 of 64setting 62 of 64testing 62 of 64setting 63 of 64testing 63 of 64setting 64 of 64testing 64 of 64 ok
    Block Sequential : setting 1 of 256testing 1 of 256setting 2 of 256testing 2 of 256setting 3 of 256testing 3 of 256setting 4 of 256testing 4 of 256setting 5 of 256testing 5 of 256setting 6 of 256testing 6 of 256setting 7 of 256testing 7 of 256setting 8 of 256testing 8 of 256setting 9 of 256testing 9 of 256setting 10 of 256testing 10 of 256setting 11 of 256testing 11 of 256setting 12 of 256testing 12 of 256setting 13 of 256testing 13 of 256setting 14 of 256testing 14 of 256setting 15 of 256testing 15 of 256setting 16 of 256testing 16 of 256setting 17 of 256testing 17 of 256setting 18 of 256testing 18 of 256setting 19 of 256testing 19 of 256setting 20 of 256testing 20 of 256setting 21 of 256testing 21 of 256setting 22 of 256testing 22 of 256setting 23 of 256testing 23 of 256setting 24 of 256testing 24 of 256setting 25 of 256testing 25 of 256setting 26 of 256testing 26 of 256setting 27 of 256testing 27 of 256setting 28 of 256testing 28 of 256setting 29 of 256testing 29 of 256setting 30 of 256testing 30 of 256setting 31 of 256testing 31 of 256setting 32 of 256testing 32 of 256setting 33 of 256testing 33 of 256setting 34 of 256testing 34 of 256setting 35 of 256testing 35 of 256setting 36 of 256testing 36 of 256setting 37 of 256testing 37 of 256
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x000000000e07c8b0, BUFB address 0x000000002d80f710
    BUFA Data: 0x2524242424242424, BUFB Data: 0x2424242424242424
    Checkerboard : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64setting 2 of 64testing 2 of 64setting 3 of 64testing 3 of 64setting 4 of 64testing 4 of 64setting 5 of 64testing 5 of 64setting 6 of 64testing 6 of 64setting 7 of 64testing 7 of 64setting 8 of 64testing 8 of 64setting 9 of 64testing 9 of 64setting 10 of 64testing 10 of 64setting 11 of 64testing 11 of 64setting 12 of 64testing 12 of 64setting 13 of 64testing 13 of 64setting 14 of 64testing 14 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x000000000e07c8b0, BUFB address 0x000000002d80f710
    BUFA Data: 0xabaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, BUFB Data: 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Bit Spread : setting 1 of 128testing 1 of 128
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x000000000e07c8b0, BUFB address 0x000000002d80f710
    BUFA Data: 0x0100000000000005, BUFB Data: 0x0000000000000005
    Bit Flip : setting 1 of 512testing 1 of 512setting 2 of 512testing 2 of 512
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x000000000e07c8b0, BUFB address 0x000000002d80f710
    BUFA Data: 0x0100000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x0000000000000001
    Walking Ones : setting 1 of 128testing 1 of 128setting 2 of 128testing 2 of 128setting 3 of 128testing 3 of 128setting 4 of 128testing 4 of 128setting 5 of 128testing 5 of 128setting 6 of 128testing 6 of 128setting 7 of 128testing 7 of 128setting 8 of 128testing 8 of 128setting 9 of 128testing 9 of 128setting 10 of 128testing 10 of 128setting 11 of 128testing 11 of 128setting 12 of 128testing 12 of 128setting 13 of 128testing 13 of 128setting 14 of 128testing 14 of 128setting 15 of 128testing 15 of 128setting 16 of 128testing 16 of 128setting 17 of 128testing 17 of 128setting 18 of 128testing 18 of 128setting 19 of 128testing 19 of 128setting 20 of 128testing 20 of 128setting 21 of 128testing 21 of 128setting 22 of 128testing 22 of 128setting 23 of 128testing 23 of 128setting 24 of 128testing 24 of 128setting 25 of 128testing 25 of 128setting 26 of 128testing 26 of 128setting 27 of 128testing 27 of 128setting 28 of 128testing 28 of 128setting 29 of 128testing 29 of 128setting 30 of 128testing 30 of 128setting 31 of 128testing 31 of 128setting 32 of 128testing 32 of 128setting 33 of 128testing 33 of 128setting 34 of 128testing 34 of 128setting 35 of 128testing 35 of 128setting 36 of 128testing 36 of 128setting 37 of 128testing 37 of 128setting 38 of 128testing 38 of 128setting 39 of 128testing 39 of 128setting 40 of 128testing 40 of 128setting 41 of 128testing 41 of 128setting 42 of 128testing 42 of 128setting 43 of 128testing 43 of 128setting 44 of 128testing 44 of 128setting 45 of 128testing 45 of 128setting 46 of 128testing 46 of 128setting 47 of 128testing 47 of 128setting 48 of 128testing 48 of 128setting 49 of 128testing 49 of 128setting 50 of 128testing 50 of 128setting 51 of 128testing 51 of 128setting 52 of 128testing 52 of 128setting 53 of 128testing 53 of 128setting 54 of 128testing 54 of 128setting 55 of 128testing 55 of 128setting 56 of 128testing 56 of 128setting 57 of 128testing 57 of 128setting 58 of 128testing 58 of 128setting 59 of 128testing 59 of 128setting 60 of 128testing 60 of 128setting 61 of 128testing 61 of 128setting 62 of 128testing 62 of 128setting 63 of 128testing 63 of 128setting 64 of 128testing 64 of 128setting 65 of 128testing 65 of 128setting 66 of 128testing 66 of 128setting 67 of 128testing 67 of 128setting 68 of 128testing 68 of 128setting 69 of 128testing 69 of 128setting 70 of 128testing 70 of 128setting 71 of 128testing 71 of 128setting 72 of 128testing 72 of 128setting 73 of 128testing 73 of 128setting 74 of 128testing 74 of 128setting 75 of 128testing 75 of 128setting 76 of 128testing 76 of 128setting 77 of 128testing 77 of 128setting 78 of 128testing 78 of 128setting 79 of 128testing 79 of 128setting 80 of 128testing 80 of 128setting 81 of 128testing 81 of 128setting 82 of 128testing 82 of 128setting 83 of 128testing 83 of 128setting 84 of 128testing 84 of 128setting 85 of 128testing 85 of 128setting 86 of 128testing 86 of 128setting 87 of 128testing 87 of 128setting 88 of 128testing 88 of 128setting 89 of 128testing 89 of 128setting 90 of 128testing 90 of 128setting 91 of 128testing 91 of 128setting 92 of 128testing 92 of 128setting 93 of 128testing 93 of 128setting 94 of 128testing 94 of 128setting 95 of 128testing 95 of 128setting 96 of 128testing 96 of 128setting 97 of 128testing 97 of 128
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x000000000e07c8b0, BUFB address 0x000000002d80f710
    BUFA Data: 0x010000007fffffff, BUFB Data: 0x000000007fffffff
    Walking Zeroes : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x000000000e07c8b0, BUFB address 0x000000002d80f710
    BUFA Data: 0x0100000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x0000000000000001
    * Memory Test Failed * Please check transcript for details.
    Execution time: 436 seconds.

  • Finder Locks up if not used right away

    Hi Everyone!
      On my 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 24" iMac running Mountain Lion, latest updates, I'm finding the following problems that I can't quite figure out and was hoping someone might have an idea:
    Start up very slow - at least 3-4 min.
    It takes a VERY long time to populate the finder windows.   If I open a finder window it's empty for about 30 sec. before it starts populating and even then it takes quite a bit of time for the icons to change from generic to their proper symbols
    Once it's up and running, if I start using it right away, it's fine.  But if I walk away and don't use the computer for a few minutes, the finder locks up.  The mouse pointer will move, and if a program is open windows can be closed, but nothing can be initiated.  If my browser is open (Chrome), eventually I get this page is unresponsive alert.  No functions, no new windows in any program.  And eventually the beach ball comes on.  I've tried to wait it out for as much as 30 min. without success.  Opening Force Quit and it's showing the Finder as unresponsive, but force quitting does nothing.  I have to manually shut down by using the power button.
    When I check the console for error messages, there are none.  Very few messages at all.
    I can upload more info when I get home tonight, but in the meantime, does this ring any bells for anyone?

    Try setting up another admin user account to see if the same problem continues. If Back-to-My Mac is selected in System Preferences, the Guest account will not work. The intent is to see if it is specific to one account or a system wide problem. This account can be deleted later.
    Isolating an issue by using another user account
    If the problem is still there, try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About

  • My iMac G5 (with Sight) won't restart

    My iMac G5 (with iSight) won't restart, every time I restart it the screen goes black and nothing happens, not even the startup chime sounds and the keyboard and mouse won't work, I can't even restart the PMU nor do anything, about a minute later the fans turn on making a very loud sound so I have to turn it down by holding the power button, after some time I manage to turn it on and everything works perfectly, but when I restart it again the samething happens, I've tried everything that appears in the support page, not even the hardware diagnostics detected a problem, even when I'm reinstalling Mac OS X when it comes to the part where it restarts itself the same thing happens.
    Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Contributed by Fumiaki Kawashima;
    There are many reasons to become unable shutting down or restarting from Apple Menu. Some were explained by other posters.
    Most importantly, loginwindow (the parent process is launchd.) close out the user session, continue to set the device permissions and user preferences to their defaults in a restart action, or the process power off the system in a shutdown action. However, the issue proves that somewhere in those routines cannot be performed.
    Users authentication system seems to be intact because you can restart or shutdown from the login window. However, the admin account authenticated by the Tiger security systems could confuse somehow and affect loginwindow process for setting up the user environment. This may result in interfering with the process for the shutdown and restart mentioned above.
    Test if you can shutdown from the keyboard-- Holding down controloptioncommand keys, and then press the eject key.
    Check if the loginwindow plists are corrupted. To do this test, remove the followings to temporary folders on the desktop, and shutdown from the keyboard shortcut combination. Restart the computer to test the recurrence.
    Try disabling Login Items for third-party applications via the Accounts system preference, if any.
    Verify whether any third-party kernel extensions (including device drivers) interfere with the loginwindow hooks process-- Start up with a Safe-mode, then test the Restart from Apple Menu to see whether it works. Also, boot into a Single-user mode, and test if "reboot" command is available from the BSD layer. The I/O Kit API for software developers provides a shutdown hook so that ".kext" troubleshooting may need to be considered. Besides, some bad programmed extension may not be unloaded automatically at a shutdown or restart.
    If the computer is configured with Irish language Input method and/or third-party Irish keyboard, try disabling them to test.
    A third-party application or custom script may interfere with the loginwindow hooks for the Shut Down or Restart. For example, if you install an application that prevents casually powering down a system, the Shut Down and Restart buttons may not work. Also, if you install a P2P file sharing application, try uninstalling it.
    As last resorts, troubleshoot a bad RAM and consider "Erase and Install" solution.
    Post a part of system.log that indicates events from "localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us" to the next same line.
    This may help to narrow down because restarting or shutting down the system process can initiate the procedure programmatically by sending an appropriate Apple event to Mac OS X Tiger's system process (loginwindow).
    Likewise, check console.log whether any failures is reported.
    Most importantly, the loginwindow (the parent process is launchd.) close out the user session, continue to set the device permissions and user preferences to their defaults in a restart action, or the process power off the system in a shutdown action.
    However, the admin account authenticated by the Tiger security systems could confuse somehow and it may impact on the loginwindow process for setting up the user environment. This may result in interfering with the process for the shutdown and restart as mentioned above.
    If you post a copy of system.log, consider to edit the Ethernet interface ID to a fake value.
    API = Application Programming Interface

  • Can anyone help me get my iMac to reboot?  I get a gray "curtain" over the start up screen saying I need to restart my computer but it won't restart.  I just keep getting the same message every time.

    Can anyone help me get my iMac to reboot?  I get a gray "curtain" over the light gray start up screen with a message that I need to restart my computer and to hold the power button until it powers off and then press the power button again to restart.  It just does this over and over again and won't restart.

    Yeah, as necronym stated, it is a hardware issue and more than likely a RAM problem. Disconnect everything from the computer except keyboard and mouse and try again. If it still happens try removing one and/or swapping your RAM sticks over. Keep trying until you have eliminated all possible combinations. Just put a mark on one RAM stick so you know what have tried. If it still fails to boot properly you should probably replace your RAM, but that is no guarantee of success. Have a look at this link for more info on a Kernel Panic.
    The X-Lab -
    Does the display look like this?

  • Finder locks up when attempting to access files on external drive

    HI all,
    I am experiencing a sinking feeling at the moment - I have been editing large amounts of video in a particular project and on recent captures I found I only had about 5gb left on my external Maxtor 300gb hard drive, which aborted the last capture, reporting "dropped frames" in final cut pro.
    History has shown this happens when the hard drive gets close to running out of space.
    I went to finder to delete some unneccessary files but when I try to, finder locks up and does not allow me to access any of the files. I believe this is also to do with the fact that the space is getting low, but how do I get into the files to delete them when finder won't let me do so?
    At the same time I am hoping this is not a hard drive failure in the making...

    Ok - for a while there, the hard drive would not come up on the desktop - but now on a re-boot of the compter, or if I disconnect the hard drive and re-connect it, a message comes up with three buttons which say:
    Sound like the hard drive has died?

  • My IPAD went blank and won't restart...and ideas?

    My IPAD went blank and won't restart...and ideas?

    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
    Frozen or unresponsive iPad
    Resolve these most common issues:
        •    Display remains black or blank
        •    Touch screen not responding
        •    Application unexpectedly closes or freezes
    iPad Frozen, not responding, how to fix
    iPad Frozen? How to Force Quit an App, Reset or Restart Your iPad tart-your-ipad
    Black or Blank Screen on iPad or iPhone
    What to Do When Your iPad Won't Turn On t-Turn-On.htm
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

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