Finding maximum value???

import java.util.*;
public class heatshield1
     public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException
          double theresholdTemp = 0, percentPass = 0;
          int maxOfSample = 0;
          String inputdata;
          String s1,s2,s3;
          InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (;
          FileReader file = new FileReader("inputdata.txt");
          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(file);
          inputdata = br.readLine();
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(inputdata);
          s1 = st.nextToken();
          s2 = st.nextToken();
          s3 = st.nextToken();
          theresholdTemp = Double.parseDouble(s1);
          percentPass = Double.parseDouble(s2);
          maxOfSample = Integer.parseInt(s3);
          if (theresholdTemp <= 0 || percentPass< 0 || maxOfSample <= 0)
               System.out.println("Program Halted and Error occured at Line 1");
     public static void sample_Input(BufferedReader br,double theresholdTemp,double percentFail,int maxOfSample) throws IOException
          int totalOfPass = 0;
          double temp[];
          temp = new double[maxOfSample];
          for ( int k=0; k < maxOfSample ; k++)
          temp[k] =maxOfTemp(br);
          if (temp[k] > theresholdTemp)
     System.out.println("Sample "+(k+1)+" "+temp[k]+" passed");
               totalOfPass = totalOfPass + 1;
               System.out.println("Sample "+(k+1)+" "+temp[k]+" failed");
     public static double maxOfTemp(BufferedReader br) throws IOException
          String inputdata;
          inputdata = br.readLine();
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(inputdata);
          int noOfreading = st.countTokens();
          String s4;
          double InputTemp[];
          InputTemp = new double[noOfreading];
          double maxOfTemp = 0;
          maxOfTemp = InputTemp[0];
          for ( int j =0; j < InputTemp.length ; j++)
               if (maxOfTemp< InputTemp[j])
               maxOfTemp = InputTemp[j];
               s4 = st.nextToken();
               InputTemp[j] = Double.parseDouble(s4);
               if (InputTemp[j] < 0)
                    System.out.println("Program Halted and Error occured at Line "+(j+2));
          catch (NumberFormatException n)
          System.out.println("You must enter a number.");
          return maxOfTemp;
     public static void displayResult(int totalOfPass,int maxOfSample,double percentPass)
          double percentOfPass = 0;
          percentOfPass = (((double)totalOfPass/(double)maxOfSample)*100);
          if (percentOfPass > percentPass)
               System.out.println("BATCHES Pass");
               System.out.println("BATCHES Failure");
Te objective of this program to find the maximum value of the input data and use it compare to the threshold temperature.
There is no error when compiling but the program can detect the maximum value for the input data. Is it anything wrong with the code i used to find the maximum. Please help.

Thanks for ur addition information
but after i compling it using ur guideline
The result appear to be
start maxOfTemp=0.0 array size=3
j=0 InputTemp[j]=0.0
j=1 InputTemp[j]=0.0
j=2 InputTemp[j]=0.0
Sample 1 13.0 passed
start maxOfTemp=0.0 array size=3
j=0 InputTemp[j]=0.0
j=1 InputTemp[j]=0.0
j=2 InputTemp[j]=0.0
Sample 2 14.0 passed
start maxOfTemp=0.0 array size=4
j=0 InputTemp[j]=0.0
j=1 InputTemp[j]=0.0
j=2 InputTemp[j]=0.0
j=3 InputTemp[j]=0.0
Sample 3 70.0 failed
There are no value for the maxOfTemp
and and the value fo InputTemp..
How to solve it ??

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    If your array is already sorted, you can do a binary
    I think there are already methods to do that in
    java.util.Arrays. (?)
    If not, it's not hard to find an example on the net.
    A binary search will be more efficient.1. If your array is already sorted, you do not need a binary search. Either check the value of arr[0] or arr[arr.length - 1] depending on the direction of sorting.
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    Hi Venu,
    You may wish to refer the link below:
    Assign points if this is helpful.

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    In your query try creating a formula, with the value of each record as the key figure in the formula.
    In the aggregation tab select maximum in the exception aggregation dropdown and then select material as the reference characteristic
    then when you include material in the rows it will only display the maximum value.

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           3000                10 kl                   1000INR
           3200                15 kl                   1100 INR
           4000                20 kl                   1000INR
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           3000                10 kl                   1000INR
           3000                10 kl                   1100 INR
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    U can use the restrict option fo the Material characteristics  for sales value just drag and drop on columns >right click Properties> U have the option Calculated Result as Summation, Maximum, Minimum etc..just choose Maximum for ur case.

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    Hi Deepak,
    Please find below the answers to your queries.
    1.Let us suppose that you have already posted a document with a payment method C( say for 255000 Euros). Later you go configure your company code specific payment method C and stipulate a limit of 250000 Euros as maximum amount . The maximum amount stipulation does not bind this invoice item which was created earlier. This item can be paid via payment method C. The maximum limit applies to documents posted after completion of your configuration.
    2.In standard SAP payment amount limit is per payment method level, and cannot be set at payment run level.
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          int region=0;
          for (int row=0; row < table.length; row++)
                sum [row] = 0;
                for (int col=0; col < table[row].length; col++)
                   sum [row] = sum [row] + table[row][col];     
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         int Max = a[0];
         for (int index=0; index < a.length; index++)
             if(Max < a[index])
              Max = a[index];
            return Max;

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          int sum[] = new int[rows];
          int region=0;
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                sum [row] = 0;
                for (int col=0; col < table[row].length; col++)
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                region = x-1;
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        }This does what I want it to do right? Ive tested a few times and it is working, but is it logically correct?

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    The DB is *"Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release"*
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    Let me know if my understanding of the issue is wrong.

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    Resource Name    CurrentUtilization Max_Utilization Initial_Allocation Limit_Value
    processes     119          150     150     150
    sessions     124          158          248     248
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    need to find the minimum and maximum value from each row using dynamic query
    [from curr] will be given as input

    INSERT @t VALUES(1,2,3),(9,8,7),(4,6,5);
    SELECT *
    ,      (   SELECT  MAX(val) 
               FROM    (VALUES (a)
                           ,   (b)
                           ,   (c)
                       ) AS value(val)
           ) AS MaxVal 
    ,      (   SELECT  MIN(val) 
               FROM    (VALUES (a)
                           ,   (b)
                           ,   (c)
                       ) AS value(val)
           ) AS MinVal 
    FROM @t;
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
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    Large scale of database and data cleansing
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    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
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    Business Intelligence

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    I have two 1D arrays that contain cyclical information (kind of like a sine wave).  One that contains information on position in degrees and another that contains torque.  I would like to calculate the maximum torque value each time the position is within a certain range (e.g. from 30-80 degrees).  The ranges are repeated - that's why it is cyclical.   I use the "in range" function, a case structure and shift registers to build a new array with values that fall within the range I specify - this was the easy part (see VI attached).  I'm struggling with a way to calculate a maximum value for each subarray formed when values are "in range".   Your help is much appreciated.
    Go to Solution.
    Simple Calculate between anatomical position ‏16 KB

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    025C.csv ‏224 KB

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    for example..
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql:///eproc","root", "");//eproc is dbase name in MySQL
    Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs;
    rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM cat_work_sor_category");now, how do i use resultset to make sure i get the max value and assign to integer variable...
    Please do help me out.

    Connection con =
    t", "");//eproc is dbase name in MySQL
    Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs;
    rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM
    Integer MaxValue = new Integer(-1);
    MaxValue = rs.getInt(1);
    int MAX_VALUE = MaxValue.intValue();

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    Right now, to get the maximum, I am looping through the
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    Here's other approaches, the cookbook is your friend: ok/chapter5.html?page=7

  • How to find default value of a column ?

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    i have to find default value of a column.
    Acutally i have found , column's max width, its nullability, precision, scale, type, but NOT default value.
    I will have to use the default value and nullability while validating user's input.
    ResultSetMetaData doesnot contain any method any such method...
    Pls help,
    how can i do so.
    Any idea will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in adv.

    After you get the resultset from DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() as shown by sudha_mp you can use the following columns names to retrieve metadata information:
    Each column description has the following columns:
    TABLE_CAT String => table catalog (may be null)
    TABLE_SCHEM String => table schema (may be null)
    TABLE_NAME String => table name
    COLUMN_NAME String => column name
    DATA_TYPE int => SQL type from java.sql.Types
    TYPE_NAME String => Data source dependent type name, for a UDT the type name is fully qualified
    COLUMN_SIZE int => column size. For char or date types this is the maximum number of characters, for numeric or decimal types this is precision.
    BUFFER_LENGTH is not used.
    DECIMAL_DIGITS int => the number of fractional digits
    NUM_PREC_RADIX int => Radix (typically either 10 or 2)
    NULLABLE int => is NULL allowed.
    columnNoNulls - might not allow NULL values
    columnNullable - definitely allows NULL values
    columnNullableUnknown - nullability unknown
    REMARKS String => comment describing column (may be null)
    COLUMN_DEF String => default value (may be null)
    SQL_DATA_TYPE int => unused
    SQL_DATETIME_SUB int => unused
    CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int => for char types the maximum number of bytes in the column
    ORDINAL_POSITION int => index of column in table (starting at 1)
    IS_NULLABLE String => "NO" means column definitely does not allow NULL values; "YES" means the column might allow NULL values. An empty string means nobody knows.
    SCOPE_CATLOG String => catalog of table that is the scope of a reference attribute (null if DATA_TYPE isn't REF)
    SCOPE_SCHEMA String => schema of table that is the scope of a reference attribute (null if the DATA_TYPE isn't REF)
    SCOPE_TABLE String => table name that this the scope of a reference attribure (null if the DATA_TYPE isn't REF)
    SOURCE_DATA_TYPE short => source type of a distinct type or user-generated Ref type, SQL type from java.sql.Types (null if DATA_TYPE isn't DISTINCT or user-generated REF)

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