Finding place where left off on audiobook

I've imported audiobooks from CD to my nano. When switching from the audiobook to music, my place on the audiobook is not saved when I try to go back to if from the music. I usually can't remember which track I was on while listening to the audiobook. Is there a setting I can change to keep my place marked?

With audiobooks, you can have your iPod remember where you were on the track. Go into iTunes, and select the entire book (all the tracks). Right-click (PC user), and select "Get info". Click on the "Options" tab. Check the box next to "remember playback position" and click Ok.
That should do it. If you can't remember the track you were on, though, you'll just have to scroll through them until you get to the one that's not at the very beginning...that's the one you were on.

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    SharmFarm wrote:
    Good ev Ning Mario49    firstly I would like to say a great thank you for your attention to trying to help me,,,,,    i have looked at the links and will try everything stated first thing…
    Hi Mario,,,,
    I tried everything in your reply,,, thank you again,, I had done that once before and all was working great,,
    I have just now tried the Reinstall via iTunes, about 20 into the download, the iTunes logo on the phone disappeared, and the Apple Logo appeared again,,, I waited until the iTunes stated that the download had finished, and the install was in progress,,,
    Nothing happened, still the Apple Logo was visual on the screen, iTunes never recognised the phone which it was on my iTunes account previously,,,
    Still just a bunch of lines, maybe 5 or 6 so small writing,, I personally can not read what it is telling me, someone said it reads, incorrect shutdown,,,????????
    Please advise,???
    I am now at a loss,,, I really became excited when I saw the iTunes icon after putting the phone into restore,,,???
    Thank you again

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    While I forget the exact details, the iPod will pick up where it left off if woken up within a certain amount of time. If it is asleep for a long time, like a full day, it goes into essentially an off state requiring more of a full restart rather than waking up.
    Where is that info.... here it is...
    So after 14 hours it is supposed to go into Hibernation and will wake from hibernation to the same state as when it went into hibernation.
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    @bokehftw no problem.
    I did my best to compare the two files i have in question.  One pulled directly from my itunes library, and the other from my storage location (exact same file used to import INTO my library).
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    Original File:
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    Are you sure that "Media Kind" is set to Podcast and "Remember playback position" is checked in the Options pane of the Get Info window?

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    Normally the iPod function on the phone is set to start the track exactly where you left off, but you want to make it so it starts at the beginning again. Go to Settings and down to iPod. Go to the video section and select Start Playing. From here you can check From Beginning instead of Where Left Off.
    You can also do this in itunes for one song or all of your songs:
    If it is just only one song right click that song in itunes and select get info.
    Then go to the options tab and click to remember playback position or not.If you want to change all of your songs, then press CTRL+A then right click get info then choose yes then do the rest of the steps and you're done.

  • Remember were left off in the music

    to everyone im a audio book listener and i have a ipod nano that works great
    i just got my ipod touch and loaded it with my books i started to listen to one
    and turned off the ipodtouch and whet to my book i was listening to and it
    did not go back to the place i left off
    went back to i tunes and got info on the book and it is clicked on to remember
    were left off
    so what should i do now

    this is to do with the new ipod touch and the iphone
    to who ever has this problem please contact apple coz they will work on it if they get alot of complantes
    thanks lester

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    Hi All,
    I am having a bit of a problem with my 3GS iPhone that is running OS4. When listening to an audiobook, if I stop listening to the book, and instead watch a movie, listen to a song, or another book, my place in that original book is lost.
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    It seems as if only 1 bookmark can be stored at any 1 time- whether its a movie, a song, or an audiobook..
    Previous versions of the software never had this limitation, so I am suspecting that this is a bug.
    (yes, I have the 'start playing where i left off' selected in the setting menu)

    I have the same issue, but I'm listening only to one audiobook at a time, I do not switch between Audiobooks and videos.
    Usually I plug my iPhone (3GS) into my car cradle and select the Audiobook via the car stereo iPod interface. It happens very often that the book starts from the beginning when I do it that way. What I usually do is, that I start playing the Audiobook from the iPhone and plug the phone into the cradle afterwards. This works most of the times. Additionally I make a screenshot of the iPod app after leaving my car, so I have a "Backup" of the last playback position.
    The bad thing is, that it was working perfectly with iOS 4.0.1 and 4.0.2, in iOS 4.1 it starts to become crappy.
    I had the same issue on my iPhone 3G ever since.

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    I want to buy the new iPod Nano to play audiobooks. Does it remember the postion where switch-off took place and resume from there? Can one rewind and replay freely?

    1. Many thanks! I look forward to your revert on being able to freely rewind and replay with the 7th Gen iPod Nano.
    2. Re resuming from the position where one left off - I meant after switch-off and not merely pause. Often, with audiobooks, I have to stop for the day, and resume maybe after 1-2 days. I'll be grateful if you can check this too
    3. The above features make the iPod Classic a joy to use, but I have reservations about using it on walks because of its HDD.
    4. Greatly appreciate the trouble you are taking. Best regards.

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