Finding Queries using a KF

Hi Gurus,
Is there a quick way to find which queries use a particular Key Figure?
The where-used-list on the key figures does not give the list of queries. It gives Cubes/ODSs etc. which are using that keyfigure (I want to avoid the hardway of searching all the queries manually for each info-provider).
Is there an underlying table that would directly give me the list of queries that use a particular keyfigure?
Please let me know,

There are a couple of different ways to do a where-used on a key figure in BI.  One method gives you a tree view that doesn't include queries, the other gives you a list view that does include queries.  It sounds like you've seen the tree view which is accessed by clicking the where-used button in the display of the key figure.
To get the latter display the key figure in RSA1 or RSD1 and then from the menu choose Edit --> Where-used list.  This will show you what you want.

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  • How to find out the top 20 queries used in a week

    Hi Guru's,
    I would like to know how to gather the information regarding the Top 20 queries used in the system per week, by a multicube.
    Note: I am using BI 7.0 and also Statistics are turned on.
    The aim is to pre-calculate these queries at night to help with the user experience.
    Thanks and regards,

    U can check in RSZCOMPDIR if u did not find the info then go to se11 and give RSZ* and press F4 u will get all the tables which relates to reports
    Assign points if it helps

  • To find Queries by InfoObjects

    Hi SDN Community
    Here is a reversal of a post made by another developer
    List of infoobjects used in a Query
    This has the reverse logic... thanks for the tip.
    SAP Consulting BW Tools:
    *& Find Characteristics in BEx Queries using ABAP
    *& List of infoobjects used in a Query
    *& Developer: WBHADS 07/06/2011
    DATA:  s_characteristic LIKE rszrange-IOBJNM.
    s_characteristic  = CHARACT.
    DATA: lv_count        TYPE i.
    DATA: lv_count1       TYPE i.
    DATA: lv_count2       TYPE i.
    Data Declaration
    DATA:  D_MSG_TEXT(50).
    DATA:  lc_DIRECTORY(30)         TYPE c.
    DATA:  P_FILE(128).
    DATA:  FILENAME(128).
    DATA:  lc_query(60)             TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_date(30)              TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_time(30)              TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_start_time(60)        TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_syst(30)              TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_exception(120)        TYPE c.
    RSZELTDIR   Directory of the reporting component elements
    RSZELTTXT   Texts of reporting component elements
    RSZELTXREF  Directory of query element references
    RSRREPDIR   Directory of all reports (Query GENUNIID)
    RSZCOMPDIR  Directory of reporting components
    RSZRANGE    Selection specification for an element
    RSZSELECT   Selection properties of an element
    RSZELTDIR   Directory of the reporting component elements
    RSZCOMPIC   Assignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube
    RSZELTPRIO  Priorities with element collisions
    RSZELTPROP  Element properties (settings)
    RSZELTATTR  Attribute selection per dimension element
    RSZCALC     Definition of a formula element
    RSZCEL      Query Designer: Directory of Cells
    RSZGLOBV    Global Variables in Reporting
    data: gi_data like rszrange occurs 0 with header line.
    Determine the queries
    data: begin of lt_line occurs 0,
            ELTUID  like RSZELTDIR-ELTUID,      "char 25
            MAPNAME like RSZELTDIR-MAPNAME,       "char 30
          end of lt_line.
    data: begin of lt_line1 occurs 0,
            SELTUID  like rszeltxref-SELTUID,      "char 25
            TELTUID  like rszeltxref-TELTUID,     "char 25
            LAYTP    like rszeltxref-LAYTP,       "char 30
          end of lt_line1.
    data: begin of lt_line2 occurs 0,
            ELTUID  like rszrange-ELTUID,      "char 25
            IOBJNM  like rszrange-IOBJNM,     "char 25
          end of lt_line2.
    data: lt_tab like standard table of lt_line initial size 0.
    data: lt_tab1 like standard table of lt_line initial size 0.
    data: lt_tab2 like standard table of lt_line initial size 0.
    data: lt_line20(128) TYPE c.  " LIKE RSZELTXREF-SELTUID.
    data: lt_line30(128) TYPE c.  " LIKE RSZELTXREF-SELTUID.
      clear lt_line.
      lv_count  = 0.
      lv_count2 = 0.
    Loop through all the queries
      select * from RSZELTDIR
               into corresponding fields of lt_line
               where DEFTP = 'REP'
               and OBJVERS  = 'A'.
             Filter by the Z Developed Queries
               IF lt_line-MAPNAME CP 'Z*'.
                clear lt_line20.
                Get the Query Long Name
                  select single * from RSZELTTXT
                    into lt_line20
                    where eltuid = lt_line-eltuid           "rszeltdir-eltuid
                    and objvers = 'A'
                    and langu = 'EN'.
                  Find all the query elements within the query
                    select * from rszeltxref
                     into corresponding fields of lt_line1
                      where seltuid = lt_line-eltuid        "rszeltdir-eltuid
                      and objvers = 'A'.
                      IF lt_line1-laytp = 'FIX' OR lt_line1-laytp = 'COL' OR lt_line1-laytp = 'ROW'.
                        Determine if the Query Element is matching to the characteristic
                          select * from rszrange             "appending table gi_data
                             into corresponding fields of lt_line2
                             where eltuid = lt_line1-teltuid    "rszeltxref-teltuid
                             and objvers = 'A'
                             and enum = 1.
                              Populate tables
                                IF lt_line2-IOBJNM = s_characteristic.
                                    append  lt_line-MAPNAME to lt_tab.
                                    lv_count = lv_count + 1.
        sort lt_tab by MAPNAME.
        delete adjacent duplicates from lt_tab comparing MAPNAME.
       DIRECTORY represents path where file is stored .
        lc_DIRECTORY = '/interfaces/EDW/data/CSM/'.
        CONCATENATE 'EDW Queries by Characteristic -' SY-DATUM
        '.txt' into P_FILE SEPARATED BY SPACE.
    Opening the Log File
                           ENCODING DEFAULT.
        IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
          WRITE: 'File cannot be opened. Reason:'.  ", D_MSG_TEXT.
       CONCATENATE 'System Date -' SY-DATUM 'YYYYMMDD' into lc_date
              SEPARATED BY SPACE.
       CONCATENATE 'EDW System -' SY-SYSID into lc_syst
              SEPARATED BY SPACE.
          TRANSFER lc_date TO FILENAME.
          TRANSFER lc_start_time TO FILENAME.
          TRANSFER lc_syst TO FILENAME.
      Queries for the parameters
         loop at gi_data into lt_line.
          loop at lt_tab into lt_line.
             TRANSFER lt_line TO FILENAME.
          endloop.    "Query Loop
    Closing the Log File

    We have successfully created an ABAP program to do this.
    Thank you.
    SAP Consulting BW Tools:
    *& Find Characteristics in BEx Queries using ABAP
    *& List of infoobjects used in a Query
    *& Developer: WBHADS 07/06/2011
    DATA: query_name TYPE RSZCOMPID.
    DATA: s_varname  TYPE RSZGLOBV-VNAM,
          s_varnameu TYPE RSZGLOBV-VARUNIID.
    DATA:  s_characteristic LIKE rszrange-IOBJNM.
    DATA: lv_count        TYPE i.
    DATA: lv_count1       TYPE i.
    DATA: lv_count2       TYPE i.
    Data Declaration
    DATA:  D_MSG_TEXT(50).
    DATA:  lc_DIRECTORY(30)         TYPE c.
    DATA:  P_FILE(128).
    DATA:  FILENAME(128).
    DATA:  lc_query(60)             TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_date(30)              TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_time(30)              TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_start_time(60)        TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_syst(30)              TYPE c.
    DATA:  lc_exception(120)        TYPE c.
    RSZELTDIR   Directory of the reporting component elements
    RSZELTTXT   Texts of reporting component elements
    RSZELTXREF  Directory of query element references
    RSRREPDIR   Directory of all reports (Query GENUNIID)
    RSZCOMPDIR  Directory of reporting components
    RSZRANGE    Selection specification for an element
    RSZSELECT   Selection properties of an element
    RSZELTDIR   Directory of the reporting component elements
    RSZCOMPIC   Assignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube
    RSZELTPRIO  Priorities with element collisions
    RSZELTPROP  Element properties (settings)
    RSZELTATTR  Attribute selection per dimension element
    RSZCALC     Definition of a formula element
    RSZCEL      Query Designer: Directory of Cells
    RSZGLOBV    Global Variables in Reporting
    data: gi_data like rszrange occurs 0 with header line.
    Determine the queries
    data: begin of lt_line occurs 0,
            ELTUID      like RSZELTDIR-ELTUID,        "char 25
            MAPNAME     like RSZELTDIR-MAPNAME,       "char 30
            TXTLG(60)   TYPE c,
          end of lt_line.
    data: begin of lt_line1 occurs 0,
            SELTUID  like rszeltxref-SELTUID,      "char 25
            TELTUID  like rszeltxref-TELTUID,      "char 25
            LAYTP    like rszeltxref-LAYTP,
          end of lt_line1.
    data: begin of lt_line2 occurs 0,
            ELTUID    like rszrange-ELTUID,      "char 25
            IOBJNM    like rszrange-IOBJNM,
            LOW       like rszrange-LOW,
            LOWFLAG   like rszrange-LOWFLAG,
          end of lt_line2.
    data: begin of lt_line3 occurs 0,
            VARUNIID  like RSZGLOBV-VARUNIID,      "char 25
            VNAM      like RSZGLOBV-VNAM,
            IOBJNM    like RSZGLOBV-IOBJNM,
          end of lt_line3.
    data: lt_tab like standard table of lt_line initial size 0.
    data: lt_tab1 like standard table of lt_line1 initial size 0.
    data: lt_tab2 like standard table of lt_line2 initial size 0.
    data: lt_tab3 like standard table of lt_line3 initial size 0.
    data: lt_line20(128) TYPE c.  " LIKE RSZELTXREF-SELTUID.
    data: lt_line30(128) TYPE c.  " LIKE RSZELTXREF-SELTUID.
          rs,   "BW global
          rrms, "message server
          rsz,  "Qry definition global
          rzx0, "Qry RFC interface
          rzd1. "Qry definition database
    DATA: l_target_compid   TYPE rszcompdir-compid,
          l_t_uid_server    TYPE rzx0_t_uid_server,
          l_s_uid_server    TYPE rzx0_s_uid_server_x,
          l_s_msg           TYPE rs_s_msg,
          l_s_compdir       TYPE rzx0_s_compdir,
          l_s_eltdir        TYPE rzx0_s_eltdir,
          l_s_elttxt        TYPE rzx0_s_elttxt,
          l_t_eltdir        TYPE rzx0_t_eltdir,
          l_t_eltprop       TYPE rzx0_t_eltprop,
          l_t_eltprio       TYPE rzx0_t_eltprio,
          l_t_eltattr       TYPE rzx0_t_eltattr,
          l_t_eltxref       TYPE rzx0_t_eltxref,
          l_t_compdir       TYPE rzx0_t_compdir,
          l_t_compic        TYPE rzx0_t_compic,
          l_t_select        TYPE rzx0_t_select,
          l_t_range         TYPE rzx0_t_range,
          l_t_calc          TYPE rzx0_t_calc,
          l_t_elttxt        TYPE rzx0_t_elttxt,
          l_t_cell          TYPE rzx0_t_cel.
    data: c_subrc LIKE sy-subrc.
      l_GENUNIID                  LIKE RSRREPDIR-GENUNIID,
      l_COMPID                  LIKE RSZCOMPDIR-COMPID,
      l_COMPUID                  LIKE RSZCOMPDIR-COMPUID,
      I_LANGUAGE                  LIKE SY-LANGU,
      I_USE_BUFFER           TYPE RS_BOOL.
                   <l_s_eltdir>        TYPE rzx0_s_eltdir,
                   <l_s_compdir>       TYPE rzx0_s_compdir,
                   <l_s_compic>        TYPE rzx0_s_compic,
                   <l_s_eltxref>       TYPE rzx0_s_eltxref.
        l_t_eltxref_seltuid   LIKE rszeltxref-seltuid,
        l_t_eltxref_teltuid   LIKE rszeltxref-teltuid,
        l_t_eltxref_laytp     LIKE rszeltxref-laytp.
      s_characteristic  = CHARACT.
    Find instances of the Forecast/Budget Variable in queries
      s_varname  = VARIABN.  "'ZE_BFC01'.
          INTO s_varnameu where VNAM = s_varname.
      clear lt_line.
      lv_count  = 0.
      lv_count2 = 0.
    Loop through all the queries
      select * from RSZELTDIR
               into corresponding fields of lt_line
               where DEFTP = 'REP'
               and OBJVERS  = 'A'.
               l_COMPUID = lt_line-ELTUID.
               l_GENUNIID = lt_line-MAPNAME.
             Filter by the Z Developed Queries
               IF l_GENUNIID CP 'Z*'.
                clear lt_line20.
                Get the Query Long Name
                  select single * from RSZELTTXT
                    into lt_line20
                    where eltuid = lt_line-eltuid           "rszeltdir-eltuid
                    and objvers = 'A'
                    and langu = 'EN'.
                  Find all the query elements within the query using function module
                  Get the tables of source query and its components
                       i_genuniid   =
                       I_COMPID     =
                        I_COMPUID     = l_COMPUID
                        e_subrc       = c_subrc
                       c_t_eltdir    = l_t_eltdir
                       c_t_eltprop   = l_t_eltprop
                       c_t_eltprio   = l_t_eltprio
                       c_t_eltattr   = l_t_eltattr
                        c_t_eltxref   = l_t_eltxref.
                       c_t_compdir   = l_t_compdir
                       c_t_compic    = l_t_compic
                       c_t_select    = l_t_select
                       c_t_range     = l_t_range
                       c_t_calc      = l_t_calc
                       c_t_elttxt    = l_t_elttxt
                       c_t_cell      = l_t_cell.
                    LOOP AT l_t_eltxref ASSIGNING <l_s_eltxref>.
                      l_t_eltxref_seltuid = <l_s_eltxref>-seltuid.
                      l_t_eltxref_teltuid = <l_s_eltxref>-teltuid.
                      l_t_eltxref_laytp  = <l_s_eltxref>-laytp.
                      IF l_t_eltxref_laytp = 'FIX' OR l_t_eltxref_laytp = 'COL' OR l_t_eltxref_laytp = 'ROW' OR l_t_eltxref_laytp = 'AGG'.
                        Determine if the Query Element is matching to the characteristic
                          select * from rszrange
                             into corresponding fields of lt_line2
                             where eltuid = l_t_eltxref_teltuid        "rszeltxref-teltuid
                             and objvers = 'A'.
                        Determine the variable name or master data value
                              IF lt_line2-LOWFLAG = 1.
                                Populate tables if match for Characterisic
                                  IF lt_line2-IOBJNM = s_characteristic.
                                      move lt_line-ELTUID  to lt_line-ELTUID.
                                      move lt_line-MAPNAME to lt_line-MAPNAME.
                                      move lt_line2-LOW    to lt_line-TXTLG.
                                      append  lt_line to lt_tab.
                                      lv_count = lv_count + 1.
                                      clear lt_line2-LOW.
                                 select * from RSZGLOBV
                                   into corresponding fields of lt_line3
                                   where VARUNIID = lt_line2-LOW
                                   and objvers = 'A'.
                                  Populate tables if match for Characterisic
                                    IF lt_line2-IOBJNM = s_characteristic.
                                        move lt_line-ELTUID  to lt_line-ELTUID.
                                        move lt_line-MAPNAME to lt_line-MAPNAME.
                                        move lt_line3-VNAM   to lt_line-TXTLG.
                                        append  lt_line to lt_tab.
                                        lv_count = lv_count + 1.
                                        clear lt_line3-VNAM.
                      clear l_t_eltxref_seltuid.
                      clear l_t_eltxref_teltuid.
                      clear l_t_eltxref_laytp.
               clear lt_line-ELTUID.
               clear lt_line-MAPNAME.
               clear lt_line-TXTLG.
        sort lt_tab by MAPNAME.
        delete adjacent duplicates from lt_tab comparing ELTUID MAPNAME TXTLG.
       DIRECTORY represents path where file is stored .
        lc_DIRECTORY = '/interfaces/EDW/data/CSM/'.
        CONCATENATE 'EDW Queries by Characteristic -' SY-DATUM
        '.txt' into P_FILE SEPARATED BY SPACE.
    Opening the Log File
                           ENCODING DEFAULT.
        IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
          WRITE: 'File cannot be opened. Reason:'.  ", D_MSG_TEXT.
       CONCATENATE 'System Date -' SY-DATUM 'YYYYMMDD' into lc_date
              SEPARATED BY SPACE.
       CONCATENATE 'EDW System -' SY-SYSID into lc_syst
              SEPARATED BY SPACE.
          TRANSFER lc_date TO FILENAME.
          TRANSFER lc_start_time TO FILENAME.
          TRANSFER lc_syst TO FILENAME.
      Queries for the parameters
          loop at lt_tab into lt_line.
             TRANSFER lt_line TO FILENAME.
          endloop.    "Query Loop
    Closing the Log File

  • Poor performance of BLOB queries using ODBC

    I'm getting very poor performance when querying a BLOB column using ODBC. I'm using an Oracle 10g database and the Oracle 10g ODBC driver on Windows XP.
    I create two tables:
    create table t1 ( x int primary key, y raw(2000) );
    create table t2 ( x int primary key, y blob );
    Then I load both tables with the same data. Then I run the following queries using ODBC:
    SELECT x, y FROM t1;
    SELECT x, y FROM t2;
    I find that the BLOB query takes about 10 times longer than the RAW query to execute.
    However, if I execute the same queries in SQL*Plus, the BLOB query is roughly as fast as the RAW query. So the problem seems to be ODBC-related.
    Has anyone else come across this problem ?

    Hi Biren,
    By GUID, are you referring to the Oracle Portal product?

  • Find Queries associated to Search Defines

    We are trying to consolidate and work out where we are with our list of queries (one very long list) and which ones re used where. I know how to find the list of queries used in alerts, for example:
    SELECT T0.Name, T0.Active, T1.QName, T2.CatName, T4.U_Name  FROM OALT T0 INNER JOIN OUQR T1 ON T0.QueryId = T1.IntrnalKey INNER JOIN OQCN T2 ON T1.QCategory = T2.CategoryId INNER JOIN ALT1 T3 ON T3.Code = T0.Code INNER JOIN OUSR T4 ON T3.UserSign = T4.USERID
    How ever I was wondering if anyone can help point me in the direction to find the queries associated to:
    Formatted Searches on forms - a query or tables where this information is possibly stored so I can list all queries used on forms.
    User Menus - a query that allows me to list the queries linked to user menus
    Any help or guidance is much appreciated
    Many Thanks

    I found this query on the forum some time ago. It gives you a list of formatted searches.
    SELECT T0.CatName AS 'Category Name',
    T1.QName as 'Query Name',
    T1.QString as 'Query',
    T2.Refresh as 'Auto refresh',
    T2.FrceRfrsh as 'Refresh regularly',
    T2.ByField as 'If refreshed by header field',
    'Form Description' = CASE T2.FormID
    WHEN 7 THEN 'Drag & Relate'
    WHEN 9 THEN 'Drag & Relate'
    WHEN 10 THEN 'Query Wizard'
    WHEN 12 THEN 'Define Costing Field'
    WHEN 13 THEN 'Choose From List'
    WHEN 17 THEN 'User Preferences'
    WHEN 18 THEN 'Name Change'
    WHEN 19 THEN 'EU Sales Report -Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20 THEN 'Serial Numbers Management - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 21 THEN 'Define Serial Numbers'
    WHEN 22 THEN 'Serial Number Transactions Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 23 THEN 'Serial Number Transactions Report'
    WHEN 24 THEN 'Create String for Serial No.'
    WHEN 25 THEN 'Select Serial Numbers'
    WHEN 26 THEN 'Serial Number Completion'
    WHEN 27 THEN 'Serial Number Completion - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 28 THEN 'Choose S/N and Batches for Jtree - %s'
    WHEN 30 THEN 'User-Defined Fields'
    WHEN 31 THEN 'Manage User Fields'
    WHEN 34 THEN 'Field Data'
    WHEN 38 THEN 'Settings'
    WHEN 39 THEN 'Document Journal'
    WHEN 40 THEN 'Batch Management - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 41 THEN 'Define Batch Numbers'
    WHEN 42 THEN 'Batch Number Selection'
    WHEN 43 THEN 'Batch Number Completion'
    WHEN 44 THEN 'Batch Number Completion'
    WHEN 45 THEN 'Batch Number Transactions Report'
    WHEN 46 THEN 'Batch Number Transactions Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 47 THEN 'Tax Report'
    WHEN 48 THEN 'EU Sales Report'
    WHEN 49 THEN 'Tax Error Report'
    WHEN 50 THEN 'Define Sales Tax Jurisdictions - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 51 THEN 'Define Sales Tax Codes'
    WHEN 53 THEN 'Tax Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 54 THEN 'Landed Costs - Split'
    WHEN 58 THEN 'Document Journal'
    WHEN 59 THEN 'Accounts - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60 THEN 'Filters Amount'
    WHEN 61 THEN 'Tax Report'
    WHEN 62 THEN 'Define Warehouses'
    WHEN 63 THEN 'Define Item Groups'
    WHEN 64 THEN 'Define Account Segmentation'
    WHEN 65 THEN 'Purchase Order Confirmation'
    WHEN 66 THEN 'Define %s Segment Codes'
    WHEN 67 THEN 'Define Inventory Cycles'
    WHEN 68 THEN 'Edit G/L Account'
    WHEN 69 THEN 'Segment Codes - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 70 THEN 'Create New Company'
    WHEN 71 THEN 'Tax Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 72 THEN 'Tax Report'
    WHEN 75 THEN 'Reverse Transactions'
    WHEN 76 THEN 'Tax Jurisdiction'
    WHEN 80 THEN 'Pick & Pack Manager - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 81 THEN 'Pick & Pack Manager'
    WHEN 82 THEN 'Choose Bank'
    WHEN 83 THEN 'Link Invoices to Payments - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 84 THEN 'Link Invoices to Payments'
    WHEN 85 THEN 'Pick List'
    WHEN 86 THEN 'Help Settings'
    WHEN 90 THEN 'Inactive Items'
    WHEN 91 THEN 'Inactive Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 92 THEN 'Inactive Customers - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 93 THEN 'Inactive Customers'
    WHEN 95 THEN 'Customize'
    WHEN 96 THEN 'Last Prices Report'
    WHEN 100 THEN 'Execute'
    WHEN 110 THEN 'Queries'
    WHEN 111 THEN 'Parameter Directory'
    WHEN 115 THEN 'Query Generator'
    WHEN 120 THEN 'Trial Balance'
    WHEN 133 THEN 'A/R Invoice'
    WHEN 134 THEN 'Business Partner Master Data'
    WHEN 135 THEN 'Payment Terms'
    WHEN 136 THEN 'Company Details'
    WHEN 137 THEN 'Correction Invoice'
    WHEN 138 THEN 'General Settings'
    WHEN 139 THEN 'Order'
    WHEN 140 THEN 'Delivery'
    WHEN 141 THEN 'A/P Invoice'
    WHEN 142 THEN 'Purchase Order'
    WHEN 143 THEN 'Goods Receipt PO'
    WHEN 146 THEN 'Payment Means'
    WHEN 148 THEN 'Define Currencies'
    WHEN 149 THEN 'Quotation'
    WHEN 150 THEN 'Item Master Data'
    WHEN 152 THEN 'Open Items List'
    WHEN 153 THEN 'User Defaults'
    WHEN 154 THEN 'Inventory Status'
    WHEN 155 THEN 'Price Lists'
    WHEN 157 THEN 'Price List'
    WHEN 160 THEN 'Choose From List'
    WHEN 161 THEN 'Transaction Journal Report'
    WHEN 163 THEN 'Balance Sheet'
    WHEN 164 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement'
    WHEN 165 THEN 'Balance Sheet - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 166 THEN 'Trial Balance - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 167 THEN 'Trial Balance'
    WHEN 168 THEN 'G/L Accounts Opening Balance'
    WHEN 169 THEN 'SAP Business One'
    WHEN 170 THEN 'Incoming Payments'
    WHEN 171 THEN 'Cycle Count Recommendations'
    WHEN 172 THEN 'Document Numbering'
    WHEN 174 THEN 'Define Customer Groups'
    WHEN 177 THEN 'Define Payment Terms'
    WHEN 179 THEN 'A/R Credit Memo'
    WHEN 180 THEN 'Returns'
    WHEN 181 THEN 'A/P Credit Memo'
    WHEN 182 THEN 'Goods Returns'
    WHEN 183 THEN 'Print Preferences'
    WHEN 184 THEN 'Document Printing - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 185 THEN 'Serials - %s'
    WHEN 187 THEN 'Add Recipient'
    WHEN 188 THEN 'Send Message'
    WHEN 189 THEN 'Test Report Balance Settings'
    WHEN 190 THEN 'Save as Distribution List'
    WHEN 191 THEN 'Print'
    WHEN 194 THEN 'Execute Commands'
    WHEN 196 THEN 'Payment Means'
    WHEN 197 THEN 'Payment Means'
    WHEN 198 THEN 'Messages/Alert Overview'
    WHEN 202 THEN 'Alerts Management'
    WHEN 210 THEN 'Save Report'
    WHEN 228 THEN 'Document Settings'
    WHEN 229 THEN 'Journal Vouchers'
    WHEN 237 THEN 'Gross Profit for Quotation'
    WHEN 239 THEN 'Gross Profit of Order'
    WHEN 240 THEN 'Gross Profit of Delivery'
    WHEN 241 THEN 'Gross Profit of Outgoing Invoice'
    WHEN 242 THEN 'Gross Profit of Correction Invoice'
    WHEN 245 THEN 'Trial Balance Budget Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 246 THEN 'Trial Balance Budget Report'
    WHEN 247 THEN 'Define Vendor Groups'
    WHEN 250 THEN 'Define Interest'
    WHEN 251 THEN 'Define Formatted Search'
    WHEN 254 THEN 'Define Field Values'
    WHEN 255 THEN 'Choose Company'
    WHEN 256 THEN 'Choose Company'
    WHEN 260 THEN 'Balance Sheet Budget Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 261 THEN 'Balance Sheet Budget Report'
    WHEN 265 THEN 'Balance Sheet Comparison - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 266 THEN 'Balance Sheet Comparison'
    WHEN 267 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement Comparison - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 268 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement Comparison'
    WHEN 280 THEN 'Trial Balance Comparison - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 281 THEN 'Trial Balance Comparison'
    WHEN 285 THEN 'Show History'
    WHEN 286 THEN 'Differences'
    WHEN 290 THEN 'Price List Item Details'
    WHEN 291 THEN 'Define Hierarchies for Price List'
    WHEN 295 THEN 'Add to User Menu'
    WHEN 296 THEN 'Organize User Menu'
    WHEN 303 THEN 'Opportunities Analysis'
    WHEN 304 THEN 'Period - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 305 THEN 'Dynamic Opportunity Analysis'
    WHEN 306 THEN 'Opportunity Analysis'
    WHEN 307 THEN 'Opportunity Analysis - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 308 THEN 'Business Partners - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 309 THEN 'Opportunities Pipeline'
    WHEN 312 THEN 'Sales Employees'
    WHEN 313 THEN 'Opportunities Won'
    WHEN 314 THEN 'Opportunity List'
    WHEN 315 THEN 'Opportunities Won - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 316 THEN 'Specified Stage Analysis Report'
    WHEN 317 THEN 'Sales Employees'
    WHEN 318 THEN 'Stage Analysis'
    WHEN 319 THEN 'Stage Analysis - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 320 THEN 'Sales Opportunity'
    WHEN 321 THEN 'Linked Documents'
    WHEN 322 THEN 'Linked Document'
    WHEN 323 THEN 'Sales Employee'
    WHEN 324 THEN 'Stage'
    WHEN 325 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 327 THEN 'Dates'
    WHEN 328 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 329 THEN 'Sales Employees'
    WHEN 330 THEN 'Stage'
    WHEN 331 THEN 'Stage'
    WHEN 333 THEN 'Special Prices - Item Details'
    WHEN 334 THEN 'Copy Item Details'
    WHEN 335 THEN 'Special Prices - Hierarchies'
    WHEN 336 THEN 'Copy Special Prices to Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 338 THEN 'Sales Employees'
    WHEN 339 THEN 'Update Special Prices Globally'
    WHEN 340 THEN 'Stage'
    WHEN 341 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 342 THEN 'Percentage Rate'
    WHEN 343 THEN 'Date'
    WHEN 344 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 345 THEN 'Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 350 THEN 'G/L Account Determination'
    WHEN 352 THEN 'Define Sales Stages'
    WHEN 363 THEN 'Balance Sheet'
    WHEN 365 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement'
    WHEN 366 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement Budget Report'
    WHEN 369 THEN 'Exchange Rate Differences'
    WHEN 370 THEN 'Exchange Rate Differences - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 371 THEN 'Conversion Differences'
    WHEN 372 THEN 'Conversion Differences - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 373 THEN 'Rate Differences - Line Details'
    WHEN 382 THEN 'Extended Preferences'
    WHEN 383 THEN 'Reconciliation'
    WHEN 384 THEN 'Reconciliation Wizard'
    WHEN 385 THEN 'Process External Bank Statement'
    WHEN 386 THEN 'Reconciliation - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 387 THEN 'Reconciliation'
    WHEN 388 THEN 'Manage Previous Reconciliations - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 389 THEN 'Manage Previous Reconciliations'
    WHEN 390 THEN 'Journal Entry'
    WHEN 391 THEN 'Journal Vouchers'
    WHEN 392 THEN 'Journal Entry'
    WHEN 393 THEN 'Journal Vouchers'
    WHEN 399 THEN 'Data Update'
    WHEN 400 THEN 'Reconciliations'
    WHEN 401 THEN 'Tax Reporting'
    WHEN 402 THEN 'Advances on Corporate Income Tax on Sales Report'
    WHEN 403 THEN 'Tax Report Detailed by Months'
    WHEN 404 THEN 'Import Bank List'
    WHEN 409 THEN 'Reconciliation Printing Preferences'
    WHEN 411 THEN 'Period-End Closing - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 412 THEN 'Period-End Closing'
    WHEN 419 THEN 'Define Address Formats'
    WHEN 420 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 421 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement Budget Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 422 THEN 'Define Business Partner Properties'
    WHEN 424 THEN 'Define Credit Cards'
    WHEN 425 THEN 'Select Items to Copy'
    WHEN 426 THEN 'Payments to Vendors'
    WHEN 427 THEN 'Change Internal Document Name'
    WHEN 429 THEN 'Define Item Properties'
    WHEN 430 THEN 'Business Partners Opening Balance'
    WHEN 435 THEN 'Define Credit Card Payment Methods'
    WHEN 436 THEN 'Define Credit Card Payment'
    WHEN 437 THEN 'Credit Card Management'
    WHEN 440 THEN 'Credit Card Management - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 441 THEN 'Define Budget Distribution Methods'
    WHEN 443 THEN 'Define Budget'
    WHEN 444 THEN 'Define Budget'
    WHEN 445 THEN 'Budget Item Details'
    WHEN 446 THEN 'Budget Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 447 THEN 'Budget Report'
    WHEN 448 THEN 'Restore Budget Balances'
    WHEN 452 THEN 'Budget Scenarios'
    WHEN 453 THEN 'Import Budget Scenarios'
    WHEN 454 THEN 'Copy Budget Scenarios'
    WHEN 487 THEN 'Choose BP'
    WHEN 501 THEN 'General Ledger'
    WHEN 502 THEN 'Transaction Report by Projects - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 503 THEN 'Transaction Report by Projects'
    WHEN 504 THEN 'Payment Wizard'
    WHEN 505 THEN 'Define Payment Methods'
    WHEN 506 THEN 'Currency Restriction'
    WHEN 507 THEN 'Form Wizard'
    WHEN 508 THEN 'Choose from List'
    WHEN 509 THEN 'Payment Wizard Reports'
    WHEN 510 THEN 'Vendor Withholding Tax - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 515 THEN 'Withholding Tax Report'
    WHEN 520 THEN 'Check Document Numbering'
    WHEN 521 THEN 'Create/Edit Categories'
    WHEN 530 THEN 'Documents serial numbering list'
    WHEN 540 THEN 'Item Query'
    WHEN 550 THEN 'Inventory Posting List - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 551 THEN 'Expanded Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 599 THEN 'Expanded Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 600 THEN 'Items List - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 601 THEN 'Items List'
    WHEN 603 THEN 'Check Fund - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 604 THEN 'General Ledger - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 605 THEN 'Expanded Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 606 THEN 'Deposit'
    WHEN 607 THEN 'Check Fund'
    WHEN 608 THEN 'Price List - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 609 THEN 'Document Journal - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 610 THEN 'Expanded Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 612 THEN 'Postdated Check Deposit'
    WHEN 614 THEN 'Postdated Credit Voucher Deposit'
    WHEN 615 THEN 'Commission'
    WHEN 630 THEN 'GST Report'
    WHEN 631 THEN 'Detailed Report %s'
    WHEN 632 THEN 'Manual Transactions'
    WHEN 636 THEN 'Posting Period'
    WHEN 640 THEN 'Define Hierarchies and Expansions'
    WHEN 650 THEN 'Special Prices - Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 651 THEN 'Activities'
    WHEN 652 THEN 'Contact Overview for Business Partner'
    WHEN 653 THEN 'Define Cash Discount'
    WHEN 655 THEN 'Payment Drafts Report'
    WHEN 662 THEN 'Interest Rates on Backlog Report - Business Partners - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 664 THEN 'Define Commission Groups'
    WHEN 666 THEN 'Define Sales Employees'
    WHEN 668 THEN 'Special Prices for Business Partners'
    WHEN 669 THEN 'Special Prices - Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 670 THEN 'Recurring Postings'
    WHEN 672 THEN 'Define Bill of Materials'
    WHEN 673 THEN 'Open Work Orders Report'
    WHEN 674 THEN 'Bill of Materials Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 675 THEN 'Production Recommendations'
    WHEN 676 THEN 'Missing Raw Material'
    WHEN 677 THEN 'Work Order'
    WHEN 679 THEN 'Bill of Materials Report'
    WHEN 680 THEN 'Confirmation for recurring postings'
    WHEN 681 THEN 'Cycle Count Recommendations - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 682 THEN 'Restore Item Balances'
    WHEN 683 THEN 'Messages'
    WHEN 687 THEN 'Missing exchange rates'
    WHEN 688 THEN 'Revaluation Preferences'
    WHEN 689 THEN 'Inventory Status - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 691 THEN 'Revaluation - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 692 THEN 'Profit and Loss Statement Revaluation'
    WHEN 693 THEN 'Balance Sheet Revaluation'
    WHEN 694 THEN 'Trial Balance Revaluation'
    WHEN 695 THEN 'Export Transactions to SAP Business One'
    WHEN 696 THEN 'Correcting main accounts in transactions'
    WHEN 698 THEN 'Quality Control'
    WHEN 700 THEN 'Define Balance Sheet Templates'
    WHEN 701 THEN 'Define Profit and Loss Report Templates'
    WHEN 702 THEN 'Define Trial Balance Templates'
    WHEN 703 THEN 'Financial Report Template - Expansion'
    WHEN 704 THEN 'Financial Report Templates'
    WHEN 705 THEN 'Define Banks'
    WHEN 706 THEN 'Financial Report Template'
    WHEN 707 THEN 'Choose Copy Template'
    WHEN 708 THEN 'Formula for Profit and Loss Template'
    WHEN 709 THEN 'Template Properties'
    WHEN 710 THEN 'Define Transaction Codes'
    WHEN 711 THEN 'Define Projects'
    WHEN 712 THEN 'Define %s Rates'
    WHEN 713 THEN 'Define Sales Tax Jurisdiction Types'
    WHEN 714 THEN 'Template Properties'
    WHEN 720 THEN 'Goods Issue'
    WHEN 721 THEN 'Goods Receipt'
    WHEN 730 THEN 'Define Interest'
    WHEN 731 THEN 'Define Meaning'
    WHEN 732 THEN 'Define Information Source'
    WHEN 733 THEN 'Define Sales Stages'
    WHEN 734 THEN 'Define Causes for Failure'
    WHEN 735 THEN 'Define Partners'
    WHEN 736 THEN 'Define Competitors'
    WHEN 750 THEN 'Edit Chart of Accounts'
    WHEN 751 THEN 'Edit Chart of Accounts'
    WHEN 752 THEN 'Transaction Journal Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 753 THEN 'Account Code Generator'
    WHEN 754 THEN 'Find Account'
    WHEN 755 THEN 'Find Account'
    WHEN 756 THEN 'Account Code List'
    WHEN 757 THEN 'Find G/L Accounts'
    WHEN 760 THEN 'Define Indicators'
    WHEN 770 THEN 'Define Triangular Deal'
    WHEN 771 THEN 'Inventory in Warehouse Report'
    WHEN 772 THEN 'Inventory in Warehouse Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 773 THEN 'Stocks per Warehouse'
    WHEN 774 THEN 'Define Data Migration Package'
    WHEN 775 THEN 'Define Goods Shipment'
    WHEN 776 THEN 'Define Locations'
    WHEN 777 THEN 'Inventory Posting List - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 779 THEN 'Define 1099 Table'
    WHEN 800 THEN 'Posting Templates'
    WHEN 802 THEN 'Sales Order Balance'
    WHEN 804 THEN 'Chart of Accounts'
    WHEN 805 THEN 'G/L Account Details'
    WHEN 806 THEN 'Chart of Accounts'
    WHEN 809 THEN 'Bookkeeping Balance'
    WHEN 810 THEN 'Define Profit Centers'
    WHEN 811 THEN 'Define Distribution Rules'
    WHEN 812 THEN 'Table of Profit Centers and Distribution Rules'
    WHEN 819 THEN 'Profit Center - Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 820 THEN 'Choose Company'
    WHEN 821 THEN 'System Startup'
    WHEN 822 THEN 'New Company'
    WHEN 823 THEN 'Profit Center - Report'
    WHEN 824 THEN 'User Administration'
    WHEN 830 THEN '835874 Report - replace report'
    WHEN 840 THEN 'Inventory Tracking'
    WHEN 841 THEN 'Check and Restore Former Reconciliations'
    WHEN 849 THEN 'Voiding Checks for Payment'
    WHEN 850 THEN 'Checks for Payment Drafts'
    WHEN 851 THEN 'Bank Codes'
    WHEN 852 THEN 'Define Users'
    WHEN 853 THEN 'Define Deduction Groups'
    WHEN 854 THEN 'Checks for Payment'
    WHEN 855 THEN 'G/L Accounts and Business Partners'
    WHEN 856 THEN 'Voiding Checks for Payment'
    WHEN 857 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 858 THEN 'Voiding Checks for Payment'
    WHEN 859 THEN 'Inventory Posting List by Item'
    WHEN 860 THEN 'Inventory Posting List by BP'
    WHEN 861 THEN 'Inventory Posting List by'
    WHEN 863 THEN 'Comprehensive Import'
    WHEN 864 THEN 'Restore G/L Account and Business Partner Balances'
    WHEN 865 THEN 'Define Indexes'
    WHEN 866 THEN 'Define foreign currency exchange rates'
    WHEN 870 THEN 'Purchase Analysis - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 871 THEN 'Tax Report - Date - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 876 THEN 'Define Interest Rates'
    WHEN 877 THEN 'Define Meeting Locations'
    WHEN 878 THEN 'Define Credit Vendors'
    WHEN 879 THEN 'Define Deduction Groups'
    WHEN 888 THEN 'Define Contact Types'
    WHEN 889 THEN 'Define Contact Subjects'
    WHEN 890 THEN 'Define Expenses'
    WHEN 892 THEN 'G/L Accounts and Business Partners - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 893 THEN 'Define Length and Width UoM'
    WHEN 894 THEN 'Define Weight UoM'
    WHEN 895 THEN 'Define Tax Groups'
    WHEN 896 THEN 'Define Customs Groups'
    WHEN 897 THEN 'Define Manufacturers'
    WHEN 898 THEN 'Define Landed Costs'
    WHEN 899 THEN 'Define Shipping Types'
    WHEN 900 THEN 'Inventory Valuation - Selection Criteria'
    ELSE 'Unknown Form'
    T2.ItemID as 'Area/header field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.ColID as 'Column field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.FieldID as 'Auto refresh Field'
    ON T0.CategoryId = T1.QCategory
    ON T1.IntrnalKey = T2.QueryId
    WHERE T0.CategoryId != -2 AND T2.FormID < 901
    SELECT T0.CatName AS 'Category Name',
    T1.QName as 'Query Name',
    T1.QString as 'Query',
    T2.Refresh as 'Auto refresh',
    T2.FrceRfrsh as 'Refresh regularly',
    T2.ByField as 'If refreshed by header field',
    'Form Description' = CASE T2.FormID
    WHEN 901 THEN 'Inventory Valuation Report'
    WHEN 902 THEN 'Update After Inventory'
    WHEN 906 THEN 'Entering stock balance sheet'
    WHEN 907 THEN 'Beginning Quantities and Cycle Counting'
    WHEN 908 THEN 'Select Database'
    WHEN 909 THEN 'Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 910 THEN 'Transaction Settings'
    WHEN 911 THEN 'Year Transfer'
    WHEN 912 THEN 'BP Properties'
    WHEN 914 THEN 'Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 916 THEN 'Year Transfer'
    WHEN 917 THEN 'BP Properties'
    WHEN 918 THEN 'Accounts - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 919 THEN 'Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 920 THEN 'Card Properties'
    WHEN 921 THEN 'Card Properties'
    WHEN 922 THEN 'Business Partners Opening Balance - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 923 THEN 'G/L Accounts Opening Balance - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 924 THEN 'G/L Accounts'
    WHEN 925 THEN 'Accounts - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 926 THEN 'Accounts - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 930 THEN 'Accounts - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 940 THEN 'Stock Transfer'
    WHEN 941 THEN 'Define Countries'
    WHEN 942 THEN 'Define Departments'
    WHEN 943 THEN 'Define Branches'
    WHEN 944 THEN 'Define States'
    WHEN 946 THEN 'Data Migration Wizard'
    WHEN 950 THEN 'Authorization Tree Management'
    WHEN 951 THEN 'Authorizations'
    WHEN 952 THEN 'Open Saved Query'
    WHEN 953 THEN 'Automatic Summary Wizard'
    WHEN 954 THEN 'Business Partners - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 957 THEN 'Save Query'
    WHEN 958 THEN 'Define Discount Groups'
    WHEN 960 THEN 'Cash Flow - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 961 THEN 'Cash Flow'
    WHEN 962 THEN 'Customer Receivables Aging - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 963 THEN 'Vendor Liabilities Aging - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 964 THEN 'Customer Receivables Aging'
    WHEN 965 THEN 'Vendor Liabilities Aging'
    WHEN 968 THEN 'Restore'
    WHEN 969 THEN 'Restore Wizard'
    WHEN 971 THEN 'Restore Open Check Balances'
    WHEN 973 THEN 'Report 856'
    WHEN 974 THEN 'Specified deduction at source report for vendor'
    WHEN 975 THEN 'Contact Overview - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 976 THEN 'Contact Overview'
    WHEN 977 THEN 'Data Migration Packages'
    WHEN 978 THEN 'Creating journal entries'
    WHEN 989 THEN 'Encoding Table'
    WHEN 990 THEN 'Volume & Weight Calculation'
    WHEN 991 THEN 'Choose Documents'
    WHEN 992 THEN 'Landed Costs'
    WHEN 993 THEN 'Define Business Partner Catalog Numbers'
    WHEN 994 THEN 'Global Update to Business Partner Catalog Numbers'
    WHEN 995 THEN 'Choose BP'
    WHEN 996 THEN 'Table Sort'
    WHEN 997 THEN 'Properties'
    WHEN 998 THEN 'Settings'
    WHEN 1011 THEN 'Sales Journal'
    WHEN 1012 THEN 'Cash Report'
    WHEN 1020 THEN 'Tax Report - Purchasing Preferences'
    WHEN 1021 THEN 'Tax Report'
    WHEN 1030 THEN 'Choose From List Settings'
    WHEN 1100 THEN 'Graphic'
    WHEN 1101 THEN 'Graphic Preferences'
    WHEN 2002 THEN 'Card Properties'
    ELSE 'Unknown Form'
    T2.ItemID as 'Area/header field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.ColID as 'Column field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.FieldID as 'Auto refresh Field'
    ON T0.CategoryId = T1.QCategory
    ON T1.IntrnalKey = T2.QueryId
    WHERE T0.CategoryId != -2
    AND T2.FormID > 900 AND T2.FormID < 3001
    SELECT T0.CatName AS 'Category Name',
    T1.QName as 'Query Name',
    T1.QString as 'Query',
    T2.Refresh as 'Auto refresh',
    T2.FrceRfrsh as 'Refresh regularly',
    T2.ByField as 'If refreshed by header field',
    'Form Description' = CASE T2.FormID
    WHEN 3001 THEN 'Document Drafts - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 3002 THEN 'Document Drafts'
    WHEN 3007 THEN 'Expenses'
    WHEN 3020 THEN 'Queries List'
    WHEN 3090 THEN 'Payment Methods for BP - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 3900 THEN '1099 Editing - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 3901 THEN '1099 Editing'
    WHEN 3902 THEN '1099 Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 3903 THEN '1099 Box - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 3904 THEN '1099 Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 3905 THEN '1099 Report'
    WHEN 3906 THEN '1099 Detailed Report per Vendor'
    WHEN 3907 THEN '1099 Opening Balance - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 3908 THEN '1099 Opening Balance'
    WHEN 3910 THEN 'Define Late Payments Fees'
    WHEN 3915 THEN 'EST'
    WHEN 4000 THEN 'Define survey variables'
    WHEN 4001 THEN 'Message to User'
    WHEN 4002 THEN 'Changing Description'
    WHEN 4666 THEN 'User Reports'
    WHEN 4667 THEN 'Create User Report'
    WHEN 5003 THEN 'Update Control Report'
    WHEN 8001 THEN 'Define Business Partner Priorities'
    WHEN 8002 THEN 'Define Dunning Levels'
    WHEN 8003 THEN 'User Tables'
    WHEN 8004 THEN 'Define Payment Blocks'
    WHEN 8005 THEN 'Central Bank Ind.'
    WHEN 8006 THEN 'Define Solution Statuses'
    WHEN 8007 THEN 'Define Service Call Origins'
    WHEN 8008 THEN 'Define Service Call Statuses'
    WHEN 8009 THEN 'Define Service Call Types'
    WHEN 8010 THEN 'Define Service Call Problem Types'
    WHEN 8011 THEN 'Define Employee Types'
    WHEN 8012 THEN 'Define Employee Statuses'
    WHEN 8013 THEN 'Define Termination Reasons'
    WHEN 8014 THEN 'Define Education Types'
    WHEN 8015 THEN 'Define Agents'
    WHEN 8017 THEN 'Define File Formats'
    WHEN 8018 THEN 'Define Doubtful Debts'
    WHEN 8020 THEN 'Define Queues'
    WHEN 8661 THEN 'Set Rate for Selection Criteria'
    ELSE 'Unknown Form'
    T2.ItemID as 'Area/header field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.ColID as 'Column field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.FieldID as 'Auto refresh Field'
    ON T0.CategoryId = T1.QCategory
    ON T1.IntrnalKey = T2.QueryId
    WHERE T0.CategoryId != -2
    AND T2.FormID > 3000 AND T2.FormID < 10001
    SELECT T0.CatName AS 'Category Name',
    T1.QName as 'Query Name',
    T1.QString as 'Query',
    T2.Refresh as 'Auto refresh',
    T2.FrceRfrsh as 'Refresh regularly',
    T2.ByField as 'If refreshed by header field',
    'Form Description' = CASE T2.FormID
    WHEN 20004 THEN 'Import from Excel'
    WHEN 20007 THEN 'Export Transactions'
    WHEN 20010 THEN 'Export Account Balances to Text File'
    WHEN 20011 THEN 'Import External bank Statement'
    WHEN 20012 THEN 'Define Interface for Importing Bank Statement'
    WHEN 20013 THEN 'Export Accounts to Foreign Software'
    WHEN 20019 THEN 'Import Items from Foreign Software'
    WHEN 20030 THEN 'Export Accounts to Pinkasit Software'
    WHEN 20100 THEN 'Launch Application'
    WHEN 20101 THEN 'Application Details'
    WHEN 20200 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer'
    WHEN 20201 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer'
    WHEN 20202 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer'
    WHEN 20203 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Items'
    WHEN 20204 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Item'
    WHEN 20205 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Items'
    WHEN 20206 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer'
    WHEN 20207 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer'
    WHEN 20208 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer'
    WHEN 20209 THEN 'Sales Analysis for Customer'
    WHEN 20210 THEN 'Sales Analysis for Customer'
    WHEN 20211 THEN 'Sales Analysis for Customer'
    WHEN 20212 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor'
    WHEN 20213 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor'
    WHEN 20214 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor'
    WHEN 20215 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Items'
    WHEN 20216 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Items'
    WHEN 20217 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Items'
    WHEN 20218 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor'
    WHEN 20219 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor'
    WHEN 20220 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor'
    WHEN 20221 THEN 'Purchases Analysis for Vendors'
    WHEN 20222 THEN 'Purchases Analysis for Vendors'
    WHEN 20223 THEN 'Purchase Analysis for Vendors'
    WHEN 20230 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer (Annual)'
    WHEN 20231 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer Group (Annual)'
    WHEN 20232 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Customer (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20233 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Customer (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20234 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Customer (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20235 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer Group (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20236 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20237 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Customer Group (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20238 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Items (Annual)'
    WHEN 20239 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Item Group (Annual)'
    WHEN 20240 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Item (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20241 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Item Group (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20242 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Items (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20243 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Item Group (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20244 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Items (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20245 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Item Group (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20246 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Sales Employee (Annual)'
    WHEN 20247 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Sales Employee (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20248 THEN 'Sales Analysis by Sales Employee (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20249 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendors (Annual)'
    WHEN 20250 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor Groups (Annual)'
    WHEN 20251 THEN 'Purchase Analysis Rep. by Vendor (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20252 THEN 'Sales Vol. Analysis Rep. for Cust. (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20253 THEN 'Purchase Analysis Rep. by Vendors (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20254 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor Groups (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20255 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendors (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20256 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Vendor Groups (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20257 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Items (Annual)'
    WHEN 20258 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Item Groups (Annual)'
    WHEN 20259 THEN 'Purchase Analysis Rep. by Vendor (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20260 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Item Groups (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20261 THEN 'Purchase Analysis Rep. by Sales Employee (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20262 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Sales Employee (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20263 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Sales Employee (Annual)'
    WHEN 20264 THEN 'Sales Analysis Report by Sales Employee (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20266 THEN 'Purchase Analysis Rep. by Items (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20267 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Item Groups (Monthly)'
    WHEN 20268 THEN 'Purchase Analysis Rep. by Items (Quarter)'
    WHEN 20269 THEN 'Purchase Analysis by Item Groups (Quarterly)'
    WHEN 20270 THEN 'Purchase Analysis Rep. by Sales Employee (Detailed)'
    WHEN 20271 THEN 'Choose Detailed Analysis Report'
    WHEN 20301 THEN 'Update Delivery Notes'
    WHEN 20302 THEN 'Delivery Notes - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20303 THEN 'Delivery Summary Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20304 THEN 'Delivery Summary Report'
    WHEN 20305 THEN 'Summary Report for Delivery Notes on Invoices'
    WHEN 20306 THEN 'Invoices Summary Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20307 THEN 'Export general data file'
    WHEN 20308 THEN 'Define Retail Stores'
    WHEN 20309 THEN 'Export document to retail chain'
    WHEN 20311 THEN 'Define Retail Stores'
    WHEN 20320 THEN 'Interest Calculation Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20321 THEN 'Interest Report'
    WHEN 20322 THEN 'Interest Report for Card %s'
    WHEN 20330 THEN 'Payments to Vendors'
    WHEN 20331 THEN 'Unapproved Payments to Vendors Report'
    WHEN 20450 THEN 'Credit Card Summary - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20451 THEN 'Credit Card Summary'
    WHEN 20452 THEN 'Credit Card Vouchers for Update'
    WHEN 20453 THEN 'Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20454 THEN 'Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 20502 THEN 'Credit Card Debit'
    WHEN 20605 THEN 'Links'
    WHEN 20607 THEN 'Update FC Rate from the Internet'
    WHEN 20611 THEN 'Open a service call in SAP Manage support center'
    WHEN 20612 THEN 'Support List'
    WHEN 20620 THEN 'Country Upgrader'
    WHEN 20621 THEN 'Upgrade Preparation Test'
    WHEN 20700 THEN 'Define Users'
    WHEN 20701 THEN 'Change Password'
    WHEN 20702 THEN 'Define Payment Run Defaults'
    WHEN 20703 THEN 'Payment Run - Payment Methods'
    WHEN 40001 THEN 'Item by Warehouses'
    WHEN 40003 THEN 'Display Connected Files'
    WHEN 40005 THEN 'Calendar'
    WHEN 40009 THEN 'Calendar Settings'
    WHEN 40011 THEN 'Month Calendar'
    WHEN 40012 THEN 'Define Alternative Items'
    WHEN 40013 THEN 'Alternative Items - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 40014 THEN 'Define Alternative Items'
    ELSE 'Unknown Form'
    T2.ItemID as 'Area/header field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.ColID as 'Column field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.FieldID as 'Auto refresh Field'
    ON T0.CategoryId = T1.QCategory
    ON T1.IntrnalKey = T2.QueryId
    WHERE T0.CategoryId != -2
    AND T2.FormID > 10000 AND T2.FormID < 50101
    SELECT T0.CatName AS 'Category Name',
    T1.QName as 'Query Name',
    T1.QString as 'Query',
    T2.Refresh as 'Auto refresh',
    T2.FrceRfrsh as 'Refresh regularly',
    T2.ByField as 'If refreshed by header field',
    'Form Description' = CASE T2.FormID
    WHEN 50101 THEN 'Define Approval Stages'
    WHEN 50102 THEN 'Define Approval Templates'
    WHEN 50103 THEN 'Request for Approval'
    WHEN 50104 THEN 'Approval Status Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 50105 THEN 'Approval Status Report'
    WHEN 50107 THEN 'Approval Decision Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 50108 THEN 'Approval Decision Report'
    WHEN 50109 THEN 'Sweeping Update'
    WHEN 50300 THEN 'RP Export Strings'
    WHEN 60000 THEN 'Machine ID'
    WHEN 60001 THEN 'Properties'
    WHEN 60002 THEN 'Connected Users'
    WHEN 60003 THEN 'License Removal'
    WHEN 60006 THEN 'License Server Definition'
    WHEN 60009 THEN 'Define Localizations'
    WHEN 60011 THEN 'View Preferences'
    WHEN 60013 THEN 'Dunning Terms'
    WHEN 60014 THEN 'Dunning Wizard'
    WHEN 60016 THEN 'Define Packages Types'
    WHEN 60017 THEN 'Define Packages'
    WHEN 60018 THEN 'Define Employee Position'
    WHEN 60019 THEN 'Define Teams'
    WHEN 60020 THEN 'Pick List Details'
    WHEN 60021 THEN 'AddOn Identifier Generator'
    WHEN 60022 THEN 'Dunning History Report'
    WHEN 60023 THEN 'Dunning History Summery Report'
    WHEN 60048 THEN 'Details'
    WHEN 60049 THEN 'Deposited - Details'
    WHEN 60050 THEN 'Bill of Exchange Managment'
    WHEN 60051 THEN 'Bill of Exchange Managment'
    WHEN 60052 THEN 'Bill of Exchange Transactions'
    WHEN 60053 THEN 'Bill of Exchange - Receivables'
    WHEN 60054 THEN 'Bill of Exchange Transactions'
    WHEN 60055 THEN 'Bill of Exchange Reconciliation'
    WHEN 60056 THEN 'Bill of Exchange - Payables'
    WHEN 60057 THEN 'AddOn Registration'
    WHEN 60058 THEN 'AddOns Administrator'
    WHEN 60059 THEN 'AddOns Manager'
    WHEN 60070 THEN 'License Administration'
    WHEN 60071 THEN 'Define Predefined Text '
    WHEN 60090 THEN 'A/R Invoice'
    WHEN 60091 THEN 'A/R Reserve Invoice'
    WHEN 60092 THEN 'A/P Reserve Invoice'
    WHEN 60100 THEN 'Employee Master Data'
    WHEN 60101 THEN 'Absence Info'
    WHEN 60102 THEN 'Education'
    WHEN 60103 THEN 'Reviews'
    WHEN 60104 THEN 'Previous Employment'
    WHEN 60105 THEN 'Employee / Phone Book Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60106 THEN 'Employees List'
    WHEN 60107 THEN 'Phone Book'
    WHEN 60108 THEN 'Absence Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60109 THEN 'Employees Absence Report'
    WHEN 60110 THEN 'Service Call'
    WHEN 60115 THEN 'Recommended Solutions'
    WHEN 60116 THEN 'Service Call Expenses'
    WHEN 60117 THEN 'Expense Document - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60120 THEN 'Knowledge Base Solution'
    WHEN 60125 THEN 'Contract Templates'
    WHEN 60126 THEN 'Service Contract'
    WHEN 60130 THEN 'Service Calls Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60131 THEN 'Service Calls'
    WHEN 60132 THEN 'Service Call Views'
    WHEN 60133 THEN 'Service Monitor'
    WHEN 60135 THEN 'Service Contracts Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60136 THEN 'Service Contracts'
    WHEN 60138 THEN 'Average Closure Time'
    WHEN 60139 THEN 'Average Closure Time Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60140 THEN 'My Open Service Calls'
    WHEN 60141 THEN 'My Service Calls'
    WHEN 60142 THEN 'My Overdue Service Calls'
    WHEN 60143 THEN 'Service Calls for BP'
    WHEN 60150 THEN 'Customer Equipment Card'
    WHEN 60151 THEN 'Customer Equipment Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60152 THEN 'Customer Equipment Report'
    WHEN 60156 THEN 'Sale Opportunity List Report Filter'
    WHEN 60157 THEN 'Select Customers'
    WHEN 60158 THEN 'Date'
    WHEN 60159 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 60160 THEN 'Percentage Rate'
    WHEN 60161 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 60162 THEN 'Opportunities list report'
    WHEN 60163 THEN 'Opportunities forecast report'
    WHEN 60164 THEN 'Select Customers'
    WHEN 60165 THEN 'Date'
    WHEN 60166 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 60167 THEN 'Percentage Rate'
    WHEN 60168 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 60169 THEN 'Opportunities Forecast Report'
    WHEN 60171 THEN 'Opportunities list report'
    WHEN 60173 THEN 'Define Relationships'
    WHEN 60174 THEN 'Define Industry'
    WHEN 60175 THEN 'Lost opportunities report'
    WHEN 60176 THEN 'Select Customers'
    WHEN 60177 THEN 'Date'
    WHEN 60178 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 60179 THEN 'Percentage Rate'
    WHEN 60180 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 60181 THEN 'Lost opportunities Report'
    WHEN 60182 THEN 'My open opportunities Report'
    WHEN 60183 THEN 'My close opportunities Report'
    WHEN 60184 THEN 'Source distribution over time report'
    WHEN 60185 THEN 'Select Customers'
    WHEN 60186 THEN 'Date'
    WHEN 60187 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 60188 THEN 'Percentage Rate'
    WHEN 60189 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 60190 THEN 'Source distribution over time Report'
    WHEN 60191 THEN 'Opportunities Statistics report'
    WHEN 60192 THEN 'Select Customers'
    WHEN 60193 THEN 'Date'
    WHEN 60194 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 60195 THEN 'Percentage Rate'
    WHEN 60196 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 60197 THEN 'Statistics Report'
    WHEN 60198 THEN 'Opportunities list report'
    WHEN 60199 THEN 'Statistics Report'
    WHEN 60200 THEN 'Control Accounts'
    WHEN 60201 THEN 'Bookkeeping Balance by Control Accounts'
    ELSE 'Unknown Form'
    T2.ItemID as 'Area/header field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.ColID as 'Column field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.FieldID as 'Auto refresh Field'
    ON T0.CategoryId = T1.QCategory
    ON T1.IntrnalKey = T2.QueryId
    WHERE T0.CategoryId != -2
    AND T2.FormID > 50000 AND T2.FormID < 60202
    SELECT T0.CatName AS 'Category Name',
    T1.QName as 'Query Name',
    T1.QString as 'Query',
    T2.Refresh as 'Auto refresh',
    T2.FrceRfrsh as 'Refresh regularly',
    T2.ByField as 'If refreshed by header field',
    'Form Description' = CASE T2.FormID
    WHEN 60202 THEN 'Service Calls by Queue'
    WHEN 60203 THEN 'Response time by Owner Report'
    WHEN 60205 THEN 'Define Territories'
    WHEN 60206 THEN 'Service Calls by Queue'
    WHEN 60207 THEN 'Response time by Owner Report'
    WHEN 60210 THEN 'Set Default Template for Report'
    WHEN 60211 THEN 'Business Partners - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60214 THEN 'Data Ownership Permissions'
    WHEN 60215 THEN 'Data Ownership Exceptions'
    WHEN 60216 THEN 'Opportunities Forecast over time report'
    WHEN 60217 THEN 'Select Customers'
    WHEN 60218 THEN 'Date'
    WHEN 60219 THEN 'Amounts'
    WHEN 60220 THEN 'Percentage Rate'
    WHEN 60221 THEN 'Documents'
    WHEN 60222 THEN 'Forecast over time Report'
    WHEN 60223 THEN 'Opportunities list report'
    WHEN 60265 THEN 'Balance Sheet Comparison - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60266 THEN 'Define New Status'
    WHEN 60300 THEN 'Tax Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60301 THEN 'Withholding Tax Report'
    WHEN 60302 THEN 'VAT Refund Report'
    WHEN 60305 THEN 'Tax Reconciliation Report'
    WHEN 60310 THEN 'Tax Summary Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60330 THEN 'Stamp Tax Report'
    WHEN 60350 THEN 'Tax Summary Report'
    WHEN 60361 THEN 'Define Document Belguim Localization'
    WHEN 60400 THEN 'Object Properties'
    WHEN 60401 THEN 'Document Properties'
    WHEN 60402 THEN 'Area Properties'
    WHEN 60403 THEN 'Object Properties'
    WHEN 60410 THEN 'Period-End Closing - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60411 THEN 'Period-End Closing Settings'
    WHEN 60412 THEN 'Period-End Closing Settings'
    WHEN 60413 THEN 'Period-End Closing'
    WHEN 60414 THEN 'Period-End Closing'
    WHEN 60420 THEN 'Find G/L Accounts'
    WHEN 60501 THEN 'Bill of Exchange Fund'
    WHEN 60502 THEN 'Bill of Exchange Fund - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60504 THEN 'Withholding Tax Table'
    WHEN 60505 THEN 'Payment Dates'
    WHEN 60506 THEN 'Holiday Dates'
    WHEN 60507 THEN 'Installments'
    WHEN 60508 THEN 'Payments List'
    WHEN 60510 THEN 'Manage User Keys'
    WHEN 60511 THEN 'Down Payments to Draw'
    WHEN 60555 THEN 'Document Journal'
    WHEN 60600 THEN 'G\L Acoounts Inflation Wizard'
    WHEN 60601 THEN 'User Defined Object Wizard'
    WHEN 60605 THEN 'Cost Of Sale Revaluation Wizard'
    WHEN 60610 THEN 'Stock Inflation Wizard'
    WHEN 60700 THEN 'Define %s'
    WHEN 60712 THEN 'Define Tax Codes'
    WHEN 60713 THEN 'Define Tax Categories'
    WHEN 60714 THEN 'Define Tax Types - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 60715 THEN 'Update Serial Numbers'
    WHEN 60716 THEN 'Update Batch Numbers'
    WHEN 60750 THEN 'User Permission Form'
    WHEN 60751 THEN 'User Perm. - Forms ID'
    WHEN 63771 THEN 'Command Center - Settings'
    WHEN 65000 THEN 'WT Mode'
    ELSE 'Unknown Form'
    T2.ItemID as 'Area/header field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.ColID as 'Column field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.FieldID as 'Auto refresh Field'
    ON T0.CategoryId = T1.QCategory
    ON T1.IntrnalKey = T2.QueryId
    WHERE T0.CategoryId != -2 AND T2.FormID > 60201 AND T2.FormID < 65001
    SELECT T0.CatName AS 'Category Name',
    T1.QName as 'Query Name',
    T1.QString as 'Query',
    T2.Refresh as 'Auto refresh',
    T2.FrceRfrsh as 'Refresh regularly',
    T2.ByField as 'If refreshed by header field',
    'Form Description' = CASE T2.FormID
    WHEN 65001 THEN 'Vendor Mode - Detailed Format'
    WHEN 65002 THEN 'Document Type'
    WHEN 65007 THEN 'Nota Justificativa Report'
    WHEN 65008 THEN 'Anexo report'
    WHEN 65009 THEN 'Appendix O and P'
    WHEN 65010 THEN 'Report 347'
    WHEN 65011 THEN '347 Report'
    WHEN 65012 THEN 'Vendor Selection'
    WHEN 65013 THEN '349 Report'
    WHEN 65014 THEN '349 Report'
    WHEN 65015 THEN 'Define Withholding Tax Codes'
    WHEN 65016 THEN 'Exception Report'
    WHEN 65017 THEN 'WT Codes Allowed'
    WHEN 65018 THEN 'Update Parent Item Prices - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 65019 THEN 'Template'
    WHEN 65020 THEN 'Update Parent Item Prices Globally'
    WHEN 65021 THEN 'Installments'
    WHEN 65022 THEN 'Update Stock Valuation method Report'
    WHEN 65023 THEN 'Update Stock Method - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 65024 THEN 'Appendix O and P'
    WHEN 65025 THEN 'Deferred Sales And Purchase Ledger - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 65026 THEN 'Deferred Sales And Purchase Ledger'
    WHEN 65027 THEN 'Sales And Purchase Ledger'
    WHEN 65028 THEN 'Annual Sales List'
    WHEN 65050 THEN 'Insufficient Available Quantity'
    WHEN 65051 THEN 'Serial Numbers Details'
    WHEN 65052 THEN 'Define Bussiness Partner Bank Accounts'
    WHEN 65053 THEN 'Batches Details'
    WHEN 65055 THEN 'Quantities'
    WHEN 65060 THEN 'Define Stamp Tax Groups'
    WHEN 65070 THEN 'Tax Declaration Boxes '
    WHEN 65080 THEN 'Print Invoice'
    WHEN 65081 THEN 'Folio Number Confirmation'
    WHEN 65082 THEN 'Folio Numbers Confirmation'
    WHEN 65083 THEN 'Folio Number Assignment'
    WHEN 65084 THEN 'Document Selection for Folio Number Assignment'
    WHEN 65085 THEN 'Document Selection for Folio Number Assignment'
    WHEN 65086 THEN 'Documents Folio numbering list'
    WHEN 65087 THEN 'Check Folio Numbering'
    WHEN 65088 THEN 'Text Editor'
    WHEN 65100 THEN 'Define Period Indicators'
    WHEN 65200 THEN 'MRP Wizard'
    WHEN 65201 THEN 'Define Forecasts'
    WHEN 65203 THEN 'Warehouses Selector'
    WHEN 65204 THEN 'Pegging Information'
    WHEN 65211 THEN 'Production Order'
    WHEN 65212 THEN 'Select Items To Copy'
    WHEN 65213 THEN 'Issue for Production '
    WHEN 65214 THEN 'Receipt from Production '
    WHEN 65215 THEN 'Order Recommendations Report - Selection Criteria'
    WHEN 65217 THEN 'Order Recommendations Report'
    WHEN 65250 THEN 'Tax Declaration Boxs Report'
    WHEN 65300 THEN 'A/R Down Payment'
    WHEN 65301 THEN 'A/P Down Payment'
    WHEN 65302 THEN 'A/R Invoice Exempt'
    WHEN 65303 THEN 'A/R Debit Memo'
    WHEN 65304 THEN 'A/R Bill'
    WHEN 65305 THEN 'A/R Exempt Bill'
    WHEN 65306 THEN 'A/P Debit Memo '
    WHEN 65307 THEN 'A/R Export Invoice'
    WHEN 65308 THEN 'A/R Down Payment Request '
    WHEN 65309 THEN 'A/P Down Payment Request '
    WHEN 65310 THEN 'Tax Declaration Boxs Report'
    WHEN 70001 THEN 'Material Revaluation'
    WHEN 999999 THEN 'About SAP Business One'
    ELSE 'Unknown Form'
    T2.ItemID as 'Area/header field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.ColID as 'Column field where FMS is assigned',
    T2.FieldID as 'Auto refresh Field'
    ON T0.CategoryId = T1.QCategory
    ON T1.IntrnalKey = T2.QueryId
    WHERE T0.CategoryId != -2 AND T2.FormID > 65000
    ORDER BY T1.QName

  • Poor performance of CMP entity bean finder that uses unicode notation N''

    I am using Weblogic 6.1 with SQL Server 2000. I have an entity bean
    with a finder method that does a lookup based on a (indexed) varchar
    field. I noticed during testing that the performance of this finder
    method was much worse than other finders. I did some profiling of the
    SQL calls going from the Weblogic container to the database, and
    noticed that the query generated for the finder call used the unicode
    notation, which seems to result in very poor performance. If you run
    the following two queries through SQL Analyzer (or SQL Profiler),
    you'll notice a significant performance hit on the query that uses the
    unicode notation:
    example of generated SQL:
    SELECT WL0.field1, WL0.field2 ... FROM tblAccount WL0 WHERE
    WL0.accountId = N'40879'
    example of desired SQL:
    SELECT WL0.field1, WL0.field2 ... FROM tblAccount WL0 WHERE
    WL0.accountId = '40879'
    Is there any way to force it to generate the SQL without using the
    notation with the unicode 'N'?
    Thanks for any help,

    Don wrote:
    That worked (we use the Weblogic JDBC driver). The performance is MUCH
    better! Glad to help.
    Is there some place in the documentation where I should have
    seen this (ie. where can I find the documentation on other possibly
    useful connection properties)?It should be documented in the jdbc driver documents...
    Don Tranquillo
    Joe Weinstein wrote:
    Hi. The driver does this to ensure that any 16-bit character string
    that Java has,
    is absorbed unaltered into the DBMS. There is no way to know a-priori
    the DBMS needs/wants an nvarchar datum or an 8-bit varchar datum. As
    you see,
    there is a big performance issue. You can tell the jdbc driver to
    send data
    as 8-bit (without the "N'" prefix) by setting a connection property:
    If you are using the weblogic mssqlserver driver, add the
    property. If you are using the MS free driver or the DataDirect driver,
    add a property sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false.
    Don wrote:
    I am using Weblogic 6.1 with SQL Server 2000. I have an entity bean
    with a finder method that does a lookup based on a (indexed) varchar
    field. I noticed during testing that the performance of this finder
    method was much worse than other finders. I did some profiling of the
    SQL calls going from the Weblogic container to the database, and
    noticed that the query generated for the finder call used the unicode
    notation, which seems to result in very poor performance. If you run
    the following two queries through SQL Analyzer (or SQL Profiler),
    you'll notice a significant performance hit on the query that uses the
    unicode notation:
    example of generated SQL:
    SELECT WL0.field1, WL0.field2 ... FROM tblAccount WL0 WHERE
    WL0.accountId = N'40879'
    example of desired SQL:
    SELECT WL0.field1, WL0.field2 ... FROM tblAccount WL0 WHERE
    WL0.accountId = '40879'
    Is there any way to force it to generate the SQL without using the
    notation with the unicode 'N'?
    Thanks for any help,

  • Currency Translation Type in queries using currency conversion

    I have a question on the Currency Translation Type (EUR_VAR) that is used in all of the queries using currency conversion on the fly. (currency is maintained automatically nor in table.)
    User wants to use 2 different exchange rates in a single query. The months in 2010 (Actuals) are to
    be converted using Xchangerate-type EURO and the months in 2011 (Planned) to use Xchangerate-type USD.
    But store different rates with different starting dates. This is however not possible because the Currency Translation
    Type is set-up (1) to work with Query Key date - rather than a characteristic in the data and (2) apparently these
    currency translation types only work with time characteristics like 0fiscyear
    My idea is therefor to:
    1. Create a new variable (similar to EXC_RATE) to prompt for a 2nd Exchange Rate type when query starts
    2. Create a new Currency Translation Type (next to EUR_VAR), referencing the new variable or sticking to fixed Xrate type, fixed to EUR
    Is this possible to create Idea (2)
    Many Thanks in Advance.

    The best way would be to create two curr conversion types , one converting to EUR and other to USD .Put them in properties of coressponding KFs in query.For timref in RSCUR , variable time ref can be used individually for two conv types.

  • How do I find and use the "Spotlight Effect" in PS6?

    How do I find and use the "Spotlight Effect" in PS6?  I was using it yesterday and now I can find it ... help!

    I'll start with the most basic qusetion if you have Spot selected from the dropdown in the Lighting Effects Properties.
    There are also some presets under Presets including a Default Setting.

  • I'm getting prompted to update adobe acrobat 9.5.5 which I have deleted. I am currently using 10.1.13. It is still asking me to update 9.5.5 (can't find anything using it) I have tried to cancel the updates for 9.5.5 but it only recognizes the 10.1.13 ver

    I'm getting prompted to update adobe acrobat 9.5.5 which I have deleted. I am currently using 10.1.13. It is still asking me to update 9.5.5 (can't find anything using it) I have tried to cancel the update prompts for 9.5.5, but it only recognizes the 10.1.13 version. Suggestions? Am I missing something? It's driving me crazy!

    Hi ncm72,
    Could you please let me know what version of OS are you using.
    Also, go to Control Panel/System Preferences in Windows/MAC and check whether Acrobat 9 is shown under installed programs list.
    You might also try running Acrobat cleaner tool to remove all traces of previous versions of Acrobat:
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Then, install Acrobat X again from the link mentioned below:
    Download Acrobat products | Standard, Pro | XI, X
    Let me know if this works.

  • My music app icon is missing from my home screen and I have to go through the search to find and use it. How do I get the icon back on my home screen

    (IOS 7 update trouble) My music app icon is missing from my home screen and I have to go through the search to find and use it. How do I get the icon back on my home screen

    Find which screen, folder it was moved to, and hold down the icon until the icons start shaking. Then drag it to the left or right edge of the screen, and it will allow you to move it to which ever screen you want it. When you have it there, tap the Home button to stop the icons form shaking.
    Or do what hannahsage said above.

  • How to find u0091Where used list of BSP Applicationu0092?

    In standard, one BSP application is calling another BSP application by hard coded in application.
    I want find a where used list of a BSP application.
    How to find ‘Where used list of BSP Application’?

    Hi Naddy,
    there is a way to find such hard coded things as long as they are really written as literal in the coding. So far i havn't used it on BSP but it's just a token search.
    You can use the code inspector for such things (TCode SCI). You define an object list. Therefore you have to use the static list (dynamic won't work) e.g. for all objects in a package. The ugly thing is that sap has built a filter in SCI that you cannot run it on their standard objects (no comment on that). So you get always 0 objects on sap packages. But you can debug into SCI and set a break point on statement 'SELECT'. One of the selects gets the objects from repository. In this statement sap hands select options to exclude SAP objects. If you change the values you can get these objects in the list.
    Then you run a search on these objects to find the string you look for.
    Ok that's not very comfortable but still faster than checking dozens of objects by hand.
    Best regards

  • In iphoto there is a one click button in edit for enhance which I find very useful, in Aperture 3 is there the same quick edit ?

    In iphoto there is a one click button in edit for enhance which I find very useful, in Aperture 3 is there the same quick edit ?

    Hello Michael,
    Yes, there is. Look in the Inspector - Adjustment Tab:
    In the "Presets-Selector -> Quick Fixes" you will find "Auto Enhance"

  • Workflow and/ or script to rename finder items using a .txt or a .csv file as a reference?

    Can someone assist me, I am looking for a workflow and/ or script that would allow me to rename finder items using a .txt or a .csv file as a reference for the new naming convention?

    THANK YOU!!!! 
    I have taken your recommendation and enabled the script menubar item.  I also tweeked the script as you recommended, I will play with both options to see which I prefer.   I thank you again for the quick turn around on this. 
    If I am to understand your comment correctly about placing the .csv file in the same folder as the files to be renamed I should modify the script as such.
                        set csvFile to choose file with prompt "Select the CSV file." of type "public.text"
                        set workingFolder to (choose folder "Select the folder to be processed") as text
                        set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder workingFolder whose visible is true and name begins with "untitled"))
    REPLACE WITH:     
                        set csvList to paragraphs of (read "/path/to/csvfile.csv")
                          set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder "/pah/to/folder" whose visible is true andname begins with "untitled"))
    After reading this and attempting to modify it I am missing one piece of markup or the arrangement of the markup.
    Please find the modified script with options:
    -- change this to specify the correct csv delimiter
    set splitDelimiter to ","
    -- change this to specify the file name join character
    set recombineDelimiter to "_"
    -- choose the csv file
    set csvFile to choose file with prompt "Select the CSV file." of type "public.text"
    -- choose the folder
    set workingFolder to (choose folder "Select the folder to be processed") as text
    -- csv contents as list
    set csvList to paragraphs of (read csvFile)
    --set csvList to paragraphs of (read "/path/to/csvfile.csv")
    tell application "System Events"
    -- list of files in alphabetical order
         set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder workingFolder whose visible is true and name begins with "untitled"))
      -- set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder "/path/to/folder" whose visible is true and name begins with "untitled"))
         repeat with i from 1 to count of fileList
    -- get a file from the file list and note its extension
              set currentFile to file (item i of fileList)
              set fileExtension to name extension of currentFile
    -- get a line from the csv list, split it at the delimiter,  and recombine it
              set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, splitDelimiter}
              set newFileNamePieces to text items of (item i of csvList)
              set my text item delimiters to recombineDelimiter
              set newFileName to newFileNamePieces as text
              set my text item delimiters to oldTID
    -- write the new name back out to the file
              set name of currentFile to (newFileName & "." & fileExtension)
         end repeat
    end tell

  • Where can I find a useful "user guide" I can print for an ipad2

    Where can I find a useful "user guide" I can print for an ipad2

    Be green and don't print!  The iPad user's guide is in the bookmarks section of Safari.  But, because you'll be reading it in Safari, you have to be in a wifi area or using the 3G network.  However, you can download the .pdf and open it in the free iBooks reader.  Then you have it with you wherever you go and don't have to be on the internet to read it.

  • Where can i find the "use audio port for" button?

    I am a Dj and am trying to record. All instructions I have seen, it says to plug my mixer into the line-in input and go to system preferences>sound>input, then change the "use audio port for" option to "sound input". I am not able to do find the "use audio port for" drop down menu, any help??? I have a MacBook Pro that is about six months old and I am running OS X 10 9 4.

    King_Penguin wrote:
    What are hoping to achieve via Bluetooth ? On iOS devices it's mainly for headphones and keyboards, not, for example, for copying content between the devices : supported profiles
    I was actually hoping to use my computer as a DHCP. I am in Iraq and have a very hard time getting a solid connection. However my computer has no issues. I am usualy able to use Safari but can not get to iMessage or Facetime servers. I have Windows 7 64bit a bluetooth compatibility. Not looking for any file transfers or special stuff. Just a ICS set up.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Why isn't the movie I bought on my iPod Touch not showing up on iTunes?

    I purchased a video while on my iPod Touch one night, but when I got to Sync my iPod, it won't show up in the movies section on iTunes, only on my actual iPod. Is there something that makes it so that purchases on your iPod can't be transfered to iTu

  • Problem in unzip a file

    hai, Iam trying to unzip a file but its not working. //Unzip a file   final int BUFFER = 2048;   String zfname=application.getRealPath("/") + "temp/";         File  zf=new File(zfname);   try {          BufferedOutputStream dest = null;      

  • Excel chart - create second axis

    I've created a script which makes an Excel object, takes some data, generates a chart and then exports the chart as a JPG. The thing is it's a CPU report with one series for Mhz and one for % - and using only one axis results in it ending in the thou

  • Date update using OBFUSCATION

    Hello, I'm trying to encrypt dates in a DATE type field.  If I perform a select, it encrypts the field: select dob,dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5( input_string => dob ), from person where person_id = 138; However, when I try and perform the update, it

  • Reg ApplicationContext interface

    Hi all Could any of you give some sample codes that uses ApplicationContext interface and its methods, or please suggest me the way to set values using ApplicationContext. Thanks Raj