FIPS mode : Key Alias Problem

Hello All,
I am using FIPS certified Hardware Accelarator(SCA6000). I have enabled JSSE to use SCA6000 provider.
I have a created a keystore on the SCA6000 which has more than one certificate.
I want to use a specific certificate from the SCA6000 keystore. In FIPS mode JSSE will pick a random Certificate from the keystore and uses it for TLS Session.
How can i specify a KeyAlias while creating SSLSockets in FIPS mode.
Thanks and reagards,
Pramod TK

Thanks again,
One clarification i need.
JSSE allows custom KeyManager for non FIPS mode but Why not for FIPS mode
I can see this comment in JSSE code
// In FIPS mode, require that one of SunJSSE's own keymanagers
// is used. Otherwise, we cannot be sure that only keys from
// the FIPS token are used.
if ((km instanceof X509KeyManagerImpl)
                            || (km instanceof SunX509KeyManagerImpl)) {
        return (X509ExtendedKeyManager)km;
} else {
// throw exception, we don't want to silently use the
// dummy keymanager without telling the user.
   throw new KeyManagementException
                        ("FIPS mode: only SunJSSE KeyManagers may be used");
Pramod TK

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    Originally posted by CROBBO
    @ Assaf correct  
    I tried your suggestion and you were correct again thanks m8  
    I have Built many Pc's first time using an MSI mobo, I have been fault finding and have many problems.
    So Assaf going to need some more of your knowlage please.  
    I have the utils infoview & wminfo and I have big problems.
    Number of Proccessors: 2?  
    External Clock: 200MHz  
    Current Speed: 3200MHz  
    Device manager confirms this in Win XP Pro SP1, Tried uninstalling one of the cpu's reboot and it's still their 2 cpu's
    Some help would be very nice TA!
    Regards CROBBO  
    theres nothing wrong with those readings m8.
     you have 2 processors because of hyperthreading. windows sees it at 2 separate cpus.  you external clock is your fsb, which should be 200. this is quadpumped so essentially it is 800mhz, then your current speed is your cpus clock speed and since you have a 3.2p4 E it tells you its running at 3200mhz = 3.2Ghz  

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    Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance "$Instance -EndTime "02/03/2014 15:26:00" -Reason "PlannedOther" -Comment "Testing Maintenance Mode"
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    Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode : Start time must be before end time for maintenance mode.
    Parameter name: startTime
    At C:\users\x036036\Desktop\Start-SCOMMaintenanceModeForServer.ps1:143 char:21
    +                     Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance $Instance -EndTime $EndT ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (Microsoft.Syste...anceModeCommand:StartSCMaintenanceModeCommand) [Start-SCOMMaintenance
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    Thanks for your help.   I didn't see your response until just now, but I have been playing around with this all since my last response.   I got it to work.  I wish I could pinpoint what exactly I changed to get it to work, but I
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    Just in case anyone finds it useful, here is the code.
    HelpMessage='What is the server you want to put in Maintenance Mode?')]
    HelpMessage='Specifies the time the maintenance will end. The minimum amount of time a resource can be in maintenance mode is 5 minutes. This is a required parameter. Format is 1/29/2014 8:59:26 AM')]
    HelpMessage='PlannedOther, UnplannedOther, PlannedHardwareMaintenance, UnplannedHardwareMaintenance, PlannedHardwareInstallation, UnplannedHardwareInstallation, PlannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration, UnplannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration, PlannedApplicationMaintenance, ApplicationInstallation, ApplicationUnresponsive, ApplicationUnstable, SecurityIssue, LossOfNetworkConnectivity')]
    HelpMessage='Allows you to type a comment about the maintenance activity.')]
    set-strictmode -version latest
    #$currentlog = $start.ToString()
    Write-Verbose "Starting $($myinvocation.mycommand)"
    Write-Verbose "Ready to put ServerName $ServerName in Maintenance Mode"
    Function Start-SCOMMaintenanceModeForServer
    HelpMessage='What is the server you want to put in Maintenance Mode?')]
    HelpMessage='Specifies the time the maintenance will end. The minimum amount of time a resource can be in maintenance mode is 5 minutes. This is a required parameter. Format is 1/29/2014 8:59:26 AM')]
    HelpMessage='PlannedOther, UnplannedOther, PlannedHardwareMaintenance, UnplannedHardwareMaintenance, PlannedHardwareInstallation, UnplannedHardwareInstallation, PlannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration, UnplannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration, PlannedApplicationMaintenance, ApplicationInstallation, ApplicationUnresponsive, ApplicationUnstable, SecurityIssue, LossOfNetworkConnectivity')]
    HelpMessage='Allows you to type a comment about the maintenance activity.')]
    Write-Verbose "Starting Function Start-SCOMMaintenanceModeForServer"
    #Check for minumum Maintenance mode period of 5 mins.
    $start = Get-Date
    $5MinFromNowTime = $start.AddMinutes(5)
    #$end = [datetime]$end
    $end = $end.AddSeconds(5)
    if($end -lt $5MinFromNowTime)
    Write-Error "The time span for the maintenance mode should be at least 5 minutes." -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Verbose "Following server will be put in Maintenance Mode: $ServerName"
    $MSs = Get-SCOMManagementServer
    } #End Begin
    Write-Verbose "Checking if server $ServerName is a Management Server"
    #Write-Verbose ($MSs | Select DisplayName)
    if(($MSs | Select DisplayName) -eq $ServerName)
    Write-Verbose "We don't want to put a Management Server in Maintenance Mode. Skipping"
    Write-Verbose "Let's put server $ServerName in Maintenance Mode"
    $Instance = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Name $ServerName
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Putting $ServerName in Maintenance Mode until $($end).") )
    Write-Verbose ("Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance " + $Instance + " -EndTime " + $end + " -Reason " + $Reason + " -Comment " + $Comment)
    Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance $Instance -end $end -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment
    }#End of whatif
    }#End of else
    if ($PSBoundParameters['EventLog'])
    write-eventlog -LogName "Operations Manager" -Source "OpsMgr SDK Service" -EventID 999 -message "The following Objects are put into in Maintenance Mode until $($end) : $($ServerName)"
    }#End if
    } #End Process
    Write-Verbose "Finished Function Start-SCOMMaintenanceModeForServer Function"
    if ($PSBoundParameters['EventLog'])
    write-eventlog -LogName "Operations Manager" -Source "OpsMgr SDK Service" -EventID 998 -message "The $($myinvocation.mycommand) is used to put Objects in Maintenance Mode"
    Write-Verbose "Checking if OperationsManager Module is loaded"
    #Check if OperationsManager Module is loaded.
    if(!(Get-Module OperationsManager))
    Write-Verbose "Importing OperationsManager Module"
    Import-Module OperationsManager -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Verbose "Checking for OM2012 environment"
    #Check if OM2012 is being used.
    if(!(Get-Module OperationsManager).Description -eq "Operations Manager OperationsManagerV10 Module")
    Write-Error "This script is only for OM2012"
    #Call Function
    if ($PSBoundParameters['EventLog'])
    Start-SCOMMaintenanceModeForServer -ServerName $ServerName -end $end -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment -EventLog
    Start-SCOMMaintenanceModeForServer -ServerName $ServerName -end $end -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment
    } #End Try
    catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]
    "OperationsManager Module not found"
    Write-Warning "Oops something went wrong"
    Write-Debug ("Total processing time {0}" -f ($end-$start).ToString())
    Write-Verbose "Ending $($myinvocation.mycommand)"
    There is one remaining problem with this script.   It does not correctly check to see if something is a management server. We have two management servers. These are the applicable lines, which I still haven't gotten to work yet. First, this retrieves
    the list of my Management servers:
    Next, these lines are supposed to check if the server I specified is a management server:
    if(($MSs | Select DisplayName) -eq $ServerName)
    Write-Verbose "We don't want to put a Management Server in Maintenance Mode. Skipping"
    Thanks to the Intellisense pop-up deal, I can see that $MSs does get my two management servers. And I can clearly see that there is a DisplayName column. And I can also see that the $ServerName does match what I put in my command line.   But it doesn't
    seem to catch them if they are actually equal to each other. I don't know if it's because there's two Management Servers, and it doesn't know how to compare like that? Any idea? Is there some sort of loop I need to write so that it compares is to the DisplayName
    for EACH Management Server it finds? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    FIPS mode is stored in the secmode.db and requires that a MP is set to normally enable it.
    You can only disable FIPS once is has been enabled by deleting the keys.db file and the signons.sqlite file.
    As this will remove all stored passwords that is usually not an option that most would follow.
    I don't know of a way to prevent this and even if you would set the secmode.db file to read-only then this file can be deleted as well.
    FIPS requires to disable some cypher suites, but I don't know which ones in current Firefox releases.
    Prefs can be locked however like posted above by using a mozilla.cfg file.
    You could consider to ask in the newsgroup mentioned to the above posted MDN article if this is possible.

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    Both the client and the server are running from a unit test using:
    JDK 1.8.0_31-b13
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    Startup Items are in System Preferences>Accounts>youraccount>Startup Items. To delete them just highlight one and click the minus sign. To test it without deleting any just create a new administrator account. Call it test and set the password as test also (easy to remember). Make sure there are no Startup Items. Log out of your account (Apple Menu>Log Out) and log into the new one or if you're running in safe mode, restart and log into the test account. See if it runs OK. If it does, you know it's something in your account causing the problem.

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    I have used ViaVoice on my Mac for years, more or less without problems (ViaVoice's bugginess is notorious).
    Those who know ViaVoice will know that one has two general options for dictation. One can dictate into ViaVoice's so-called SpeakPad, which allows special formatting, editing and dictation error correction within the dictated text, or one can dictate into "external" software such as Microsoft Word, in which case ViaVoice just sends a string of characters to that software. SpeakPad appears to make strong use of the operating system's built-in functionality for character formatting, document formatting, etc.
    I have a German keyboard on my PowerBook, yet dictate in US English. When I dictated into SpeakPad under Tiger, all characters appeared correctly. However, when I dictated into Microsoft Word using Tiger, I had to switch the keyboard mapping from German to US to get all characters (that means including the characters that are located at different positions on a German keyboard than they are on a US keyboard such as y, z, apostrophes and parentheses) to appear correctly.
    Under Leopard, things have changed. Now it doesn't matter whether I dictate into SpeakPad or Word; the results are the same and many characters do not appear correctly.
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    "(" appears as ")"
    ")" appears as "="
    apostrophes appear as "#" and
    ";" appears as ","
    If set to a US keyboard, y and z are interchanged. "(" and ")" appear as expected. Apostrophes appear as "\" and ";" appears as ","
    By comparison, if typed (as opposed to dictated, as in the examples above) "correctly" (i.e. based on the letters printed on the keyboard) on a German keyboard set to imitate a US keyboard:
    y and z are interchanged
    apostrophes appear as "|"
    "(" appears as "*"
    ")" appears as "(" and
    ";" appears as the symbol for "less than"
    Since I don't have a US keyboard, I can't say how it would behave if set to imitate a German keyboard, i.e. if there's a correlation to the results I get when I dictate.
    Since I was previously able to dictate correctly into SpeakPad by setting the keyboard to "German" and into Word by setting the keyboard to "US," I presume that this is a problem in Leopard, not ViaVoice.
    In addition to the aforementioned key mapping problems (that may be specific to those of us with foreign keyboards), ViaVoice appears to have lost considerable functionality in Leopard. I cannot access SpeakPad's Preferences and the correction window. Moreover, the traffic-light like window buttons have disappeared from the VoiceCenter (although they work if you click where they should be). SetupAssistent appears to function.
    I've written to Nuance about these problems, but have little hope that they will invest the time in producing a patch since they haven't released any updates since 2003.

    I've never had to "register" ViaVoice after updating the system. I thus suspect you haven't fully followed my above, three-step advice (particularly step 3).
    1) Reinstall ViaVoice from CD.
    2) Update to the latest version (using the patch downloadable from Nuance's website).
    3) Replace the “temp” and “users” folders (in the "ViaVoice" folder at the upper level of your home directory) by a previous copy thereof. When I say previous copy, I mean a copy from when ViaVoice was still working properly, e.g. a copy from when it was running under Tiger.
    As I said, I've gotten ViaVoice to survive several system updates by following the above steps. To my knowledge, the last step is critical since it saves you from having to reconfigure ViaVoice under the new operating system (in this case Leopard). I suspect that ViaVoice is crashing on your system because it's trying to start some module of the SetUpAssistant that is incompatible with Leopard (as many are). If you instead use old copies of the "temp" and "users" folders (from the previous system), then ViaVoice doesn't have to go through the initial "registration" process; ViaVoice doesn't need the SetUpAssistant; and all is (more or less) fine.
    Good luck!
    BTW, to my knowledge, Dictate only runs on Intel Macs. It thus won't run on a G4 iBook, just as it won't run on my PowerBook G4.

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    We are facing repetatively the following problems.
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    Pl. help me to sort out the problem.

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    Pl. help to solve the problem..

  • Database column alias problem

    When joining the firstname and surname fields in my inital SQL query of my interactive report i.e
    When clicking through to the record detail page I am getting the following error from the page item where in the source I am specifying FULLNAME under Source value or expression
    Column FULLNAME not found in table MYTABLENAME
    How can I get around this?
    Many Thanks

    Hi Bas
    Thanks - it will just be a view as basically I just want to print the data via jasper
    In my IA report under column attributes there is one called FULLNAME which is derived from INITCAP(INDSNAME)||' '||INITCAP(INDFNAME) AS FULLNAME,
    So how can I get the data displayed in the FULLNAME column in the IA report into a single record view.  At the moment my IA report the Link Column is currently linked to a 'Link to custom target'
    the target is a 'Page in this Application'  in this case page 9
    and in Item1 under Name the value is P9_ROWID and the value is #ROWID#
    Database column alias problem 

  • SSLv2Hello support with SunPKCS11/NSS in FIPS mode

    Does anyone know if there is a way to enable support for SSLv2Hello when the JRE is configured to use a FIPS crypto module?
    I have an NSS database running in FIPS mode, plugged into my JRE via the following lines in my file: C:/nss-pkcs11-test/nss-pkcs11.cfg SunPKCS11-NSSFIPS
    nssModule=fipsand keystore/truststore config in the SSL connector in Tomcat's server.xml:
        <!-- TEST NSS PKCS11 MODULE -->
        <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
                   maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
                   clientAuth="true" sslProtocol="TLS" />I've tried setting -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,SSLv2Hello, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Currently the only way I can get things working is to disable SSLv2 in the browser, which is less than ideal in terms of user base support. Without SSLv2 disabled in the browser, I see the following error in my logs and am unable to establish the SSL connection with the server:
    http-8443-1, handling exception: SSLv2Hello is disabled
    I understand that SSLv2 is not (and should not be) supported in FIPS mode, but it seems like when you have a browser client that supports TLS but sends an SSLv2Hello by default, the server (in my case, Tomcat 6 using the aforementioned JRE) should be smart enough to renegotiate the connection to TLS.
    Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    The browser should have disabled SSLv2Hello by default in the latest releases, because SSLv2 is prohibited now. "TLS clients MUST NOT send the SSL version 2.0 compatible CLIENT-HELLO message format." [RFC6176]

  • Steps to enable FIPS mode

    I have been looking around for a good SUN documentation on enabling java in fips mode.
    The below link is not satisfactory to get going and enable fips mode.
    Can anybody share detailed documentaion or steps to enable java in fips mode.
    Edited by: Sanj_M on Feb 2, 2010 1:35 AM

    1. How do I get a FIPS compliant provider.From a FIPS-compliant JCE provider vendor.
    2. The doc mentions two options to configure the provider
    Where will JSSE look for the configured provider.I believe it is jre/lib/ext but the vendor will tell you.
    3. How to test my application for FIPS complianceWell you could try to do any of the things described in the document you derided, such as enabling SSLv3 or a non-compliant protocol, and ensure that exceptions are thrown. However it is up to the vendor to provide you with a compliance certificate - this isn't something you need to test.

  • Key board problems

    Hi folks
    I switched from PC to Mac I had purchased an Imac 20’.
    Now I have a key board problem. I can't get upper case „s“ with the right shift button, neither with the left button. I need your help and I’m at a loss.
    Please solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance

    I resolved the problem.I created an new user.
    And my Key board problem dosen‘t existed .
    Thx to all

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    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache.<BR><BR>
    Clear the Cache<BR>
    '''''Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"'''''
    Remove Cookies<BR>'''''Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy.'''''<BR>
    Under '''History''', select Firefox will '''Use Custom Settings'''.<BR>
    There is a button on the right side called '''Show Cookies'''.<BR><BR>
    If there is still a problem,
    '''''[ Start Firefox in Safe Mode]'''''
    <BR>While you are in safe mode; '''''Firefox Options > Advanced > General'''''.<BR>
    Look for and turn off '''Use Hardware Acceleration'''.<BR>
    Poke around safe web sites and see if there is still a problem. Then restart.

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    Screen dumps:
    Regards Pete
    Message was edited by:
    the heat
    Message was edited by:
    the heat
    Message was edited by:
    the heat

    this should have some answers for you

  • HT201317 My photostream in windows 7 PC does not shows any pic. when i click on slide show it start showing me slide shows of pic but when i try to copy files i cant do as no photo is viewd in list mode. This problem has arised since IOS is updated.

    My photostream in windows 7 PC does not shows any pic. when i click on slide show it start showing me slide shows of pic but when i try to copy files i cant do as no photo is viewd in list mode. This problem has arised since IOS is updated.I reinstalled my icloud and checked if icloud sharing is ON. I can see pic in my photo stream in PC only in slide show mode. While in list mode it shows pics before i actually click on photostream folder. My phone memory is out becose of bunch of photoes. How do i copy my photostream photoes.

    Hi all.  I can’t tell you how to solve your iCloud 3.x issues.  Heck, I don’t think they’re even solvable.
    But if you had a previous version of iCloud that was working correctly then I can definitely tell you how to solve the “iCloud Photo Stream is not syncing correctly to my Windows 7 PC” problem.  …without even a re-boot.
    Log out of iCloud 3.0 and uninstall it.
    Open My Computer and then open your C:\ drive.  Go to Tools/Folder Options and click on the View tab.  Select the “Show hidden…” radio button and click on OK.
    Open the Users folder.
    Open your user folder
    Open ProgramData (previously hidden folder)
    Open the Apple folder – not the Apple Computer folder.
    Open the Installer Cache folder
    In Details view sort on Name
    Open the folder for the newest entry for iCloud Control Panel 2.x – probably dated 4/25/2013
    Right click on iCloud64.msi and select Install.
    When finished, the synching between iCloud and your PC will be back to working perfectly as before the 3.0 fiasco.  The pictures will be synched to the same Photostream folder as before the “upgrade”.  Now all you need to do is wait until Apple/Microsoft get this thing fixed and working before you try the 3.x upgrade again.
    I think the iCloud 3.0 software was written by the same folks who wrote with the main difference being that might eventually be made to work.
    For those of you who hate to go backwards, think of it as attacking to the rear.  Which would you rather have, the frustration of no synching or everything working on an older version?
    Good luck…

  • Macbook Pro Key repeat problem

    I've had my MacBook Pro for almost 2 years now but it's recently started to have keyboard repeat issues. The keys are not physically stuck but behave like they are, in a totally random manner - including the delete key and the space bar. Messages will end up lookinggggggg a bittttttt like thissssssssssssss. Very annoying.
    This tends to be accompanied by a sluggish trackpad too. Then after a while - it behaves normally again.
    I have nothing else attached - anyone any ideas?

    I've been having an occasional key repeat problem for a while, I'd say for a year. I'll be typing, and then I'll stop, and the last key I pressed starts repeating and keeps going until I press another key. I've also seen it miss characters sometimes. This happens more often than a key repeating by itself. I'll be sure I pressed a key, but I get "wrds like ths." Maybe I'm just not pressing a key "deep" enough. Sometimes I've tried typing a bit slower and that seems to help.
    I regret not bringing my laptop in for someone to look at earlier, but I've been very busy for the last couple years. The problem hasn't occurred often enough to make it a problem that I felt compelled to solve right away. It just feels like an annoyance, like, "Come on. This shouldn't have made it off the line like this!" I don't want to start a "war", but I had a Windows laptop before my Mac and I never had these problems with the keyboard. There are other attributes I like about my Mac, so it's annoying but not a big deal for me.
    I usually run VMWare Fusion 2.0, and I've suspected that it's a culprit. The problem doesn't just occur on web pages, though that's where I usually notice it when it happens. I've seen it in TextEdit as well. What I notice is it happens when I've got something else running in the background taking up CPU time. Maybe the computer is swapping to/from disk. Sometimes I've seen it happen on a web page with some slow Javascript on it, again taking up CPU time. It seems to me it's a matter of the hardware or software missing the signal from the keyboard. Perhaps it's related to the "keyboard sleep" problem, which I've also seen, where the keyboard and trackpad just go dead. In this case I put the computer to sleep for a bit and then wake it back up. That brings both back for a bit, but it usually reoccurs, in which case I reboot it.
    I've been hoping that Apple would come out with a patch for the key repeat problem. So far I haven't seen it. Would an upgrade to Snow Leopard fix it?

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