Firefox sends an error message when I try to load Facebook.

For the last few days, I would try to go to the log-in page on facebook and firefox delivers an error message saying, "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading" and then never loads facebook. I have deleted my browsing history, cleared my cookies and cache. I tested my internet connection (which showed no problems) and I even restarted my computer 5 times! Firefox will navigate to all other websites just fine (hotmail, youtube, myspace, etc) just not facebook.

Also try renewing your iPhoto preferences -
A good general step for strange issues is to renew the iPhoto preference file - quit iPhoto and go to "your user name" ==> library ==> preferences ==> and trash it - launch iPhoto which creates a fresh new default preference file and reset any personal preferences you have changed and if you have moved the iPhoto library repoint to it. This may help
This does not affect your photos or any database information (keywords, faces, places, ratings, etc) in any way - they are stored in the iPhoto library - the iPhoto preference file simply controls how iPhoto works - which is why renewing it is a good first step.

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fpc100026140356=NwWsMjca|s34jofELaa|fses100026140356=|EOOJejvLaa|NwWsMjca|fvis100026140356=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGZW52b3klMkZsaWJ5YS1yZWJlbC1jb21tYW5kZXItY29udGVuZHMtdG9ydHVyZWQtcmVuZGVyZWQtY2lhLTE1MzAzNzg1MC5odG1sJmI9TGlieWElMjByZWJlbCUy.

    * [ Firefox (Tools) > Options] > Advanced > General : Accessibility : [ ] "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page"
    * [[Options window - Advanced panel#General_tab]]
    See also:

  • How to remove itunes latest update from my windows vista 32 bit computer? it now sends an error message when i try to open itunes.


    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    What specific error message did yo get

  • I keep getting an error message when I try to do facebook sharing?why

    What is causing the error message I get when trying to share with facebook?

    Also try renewing your iPhoto preferences -
    A good general step for strange issues is to renew the iPhoto preference file - quit iPhoto and go to "your user name" ==> library ==> preferences ==> and trash it - launch iPhoto which creates a fresh new default preference file and reset any personal preferences you have changed and if you have moved the iPhoto library repoint to it. This may help
    This does not affect your photos or any database information (keywords, faces, places, ratings, etc) in any way - they are stored in the iPhoto library - the iPhoto preference file simply controls how iPhoto works - which is why renewing it is a good first step.

  • Keep getting fatal error message when i try to load itunes

    everytime i try and load the itunes program onto my computer i keep getting the message:
    could not gain access to HKEYLOCALMACHINE\Software\Classes\.cdda\OpenWithProgides key, please make sure you have access to this key and then try again.. now try as i might i cant even find this key on my harddrive and have no idea how to create it or if i am even looking in the right spot. please help me i would really like to put some music on my new motorola rocker or it will just become a waste of money..

    Let's try a standalone Apple Application Support install. It still might not install, but fingers crossed any error messages will give us a better idea of the underlying cause of the issue.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
    Right-click the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64Setup.exe), and select "Extract to iTunesSetup" (or "Extract to iTunes64Setup"). WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunesSetup" (or "iTunes64Setup").
    Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleApplicationSupport.msi to do a standalone AAS install.
    Does it install properly for you?
    If instead you get an error message during the install, let us know what it says. (Precise text, please.)

  • I keep receiving an error message when I try to send an adobe document through Outlook email.

    I keep receiving an error message when I try to send an adobe document through Outlook email.
    The message is : Either there is not default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the message request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client.
    I have checked everywhere on my system and changed Microsoft Outlook as the default mail program but nothing is helping. Does anyone have any ideas?

    I am having the same issue, just replied to a different post on the issue.  I am running Acrobat X Pro with Win 7 Pro 64-bit.  This is a new PC, but my last PC was a 32-bit OS and I didn't have this issue.  I was suspecting that it is due to the 64-bit OS. 
    Reading this post though, I am starting to wonder if there isn't something else going on.  When I go to Edit>Preferences, I don't have anything related to email under Categories, or even within any of the categories listed.  I am I missing a plug in or something?  Or is this a component of a previous version of Acrobat?
    I tried to attach a screenshot of the error message but getting a new error while trying to attach!  File is only 25kb!  Will have to live without i guess.

  • I keep getting an error message when i try to send emails.

    I just got the palm treo 650 on alltel.  didn't realize it was going to be so involved. lol  I got email set up but keep getting an error message when i try to send.  the message is 530 5.7.0 must issue a STARTTLS command first.  What does that mean and how do i fix it? 
    Thanks in advance.
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Alltel)

    Our CEO at our hospital has the exact same problem with this phone, we have been workign with alltel on the problem for quite some time now, and cant seem to find a solution. His can receive emails with no problems but gets an error code 530 when tryng to send an email. But he only gets the error when he is outside of the alltel network. If hes in our hometown then everything works great. Needless to say hes been getting quite irritated with the problem and needs it fixed ASAP. If anyone every figures out a soluting to this problem please let me know.
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Alltel)

  • Very often I get a contact error message when I try to use my contact list to send an e mail. If I use internet exployer I don't have a problem, so it can't be a problem with aol.

    Very often I get a contact error message when I try to us my contact list to send an e mail. If I use internet exployer I don't have a problem, so it can't be a problem with aol..

    See this support article -

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    It will play in iTunes but just gives a black screen when I try o email. I get an error message when I try to upload. Any Ideas?? I've already reinstalled OS X

    Not sure if this Term is Relevant towards an iPhone but, my iPhone won't Post unless if it's plugged into a Charger.

  • Error message when I try to start the SC SM Console

    i get the following error message when I try to start the SC SM Console in TN MSDN Virtual Lab
    Message: Failed to connect to server ''
    service threw an unknown exception. See inner exception for details.
    ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.UnauthorizedAccessException]:
    The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason. (Fault Detail is
    equal to System.UnauthorizedAccessException:
    You have exceeded the
    evaluation period of this product. For information on purchasing the
    retail version of this product, go to
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceDataLayer.SessionManagerService.CheckLicence()
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceDataLayer.SessionManagerService.Connect(SdkClientConnectionOptions
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceDataLayer.BasicDispatcherService.Connect(SdkClientConnectionOptions
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.Internal.ExceptionHandlers.HandleChannelExceptions(Exception
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.Internal.SdkDataLayerProxyCore.CreateEndpoint[T](EnterpriseManagementConnectionSettings
    connectionSettings, SdkChannelObject`1 channelObjectDispatcherService)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.Internal.SdkDataLayerProxyCore.ConstructEnterpriseManagementGroupInternal[T,P](EnterpriseManagementConnectionSettings
    connectionSettings, ClientDataAccessCore clientCallback)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.Internal.SdkDataLayerProxyCore.RetrieveEnterpriseManagementGroupInternal[T,P](EnterpriseManagementConnectionSettings
    connectionSettings, ClientDataAccessCore callbackDispatcherService)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.Internal.SdkDataLayerProxyCore.Connect[T,P](EnterpriseManagementConnectionSettings
    connectionSettings, ClientDataAccessCore callbackDispatcherService)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManagementGroup.InternalInitialize(EnterpriseManagementConnectionSettings
    connectionSettings, EnterpriseManagementGroupInternal
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManagementGroup..ctor(ServiceManagementConnectionSettings
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.SdkDataAccess.ManagementGroupSessionManager.Connect(String
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.Credentials.ManagementGroupConnection.TryConnectToManagementGroupJob(Object
    sender, ConsoleJobEventArgs args)
    The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason. (Fault Detail is
    equal to System.UnauthorizedAccessException:
    You have exceeded the
    evaluation period of this product. For information on purchasing the
    retail version of this product, go to
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceDataLayer.SessionManagerService.CheckLicence()
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceDataLayer.SessionManagerService.Connect(SdkClientConnectionOptions
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceDataLayer.BasicDispatcherService.Connect(SdkClientConnectionOptions

    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: You have exceeded the evaluation period of this product
    If this is an evaluation lab, then it's time to rebuild it.
    If this is a production system, then you'll need to contact product support, show proof of ownership, and get their tool that will convert the management group to a licensed version.
    Generally, when building a system for production, you should do it with a full product key. there is no supported method to add the license key later except through product support's special tools.

  • I receive an error message when I try to save my 3 security questions. As a result you can't download apps

    I receive an error message when I try to save my 3 security questions. As a result you can't download apps

        Congratulations on your new phone, Nonaleigh.
    We would love to get to the bottom of your message mystery.
    I'm guessing you are getting the error for all messages you attempt to send, is that correct?
    What type of phone did you upgrade from? We ask because if you have switched from an Apple device (e.g., iPhone) to a non-Apple device (e.g., Android, Blackberry, etc.) and previously used the iMessage service, you may experience issues sending/receiving SMS/MMS messages with Apple device users. You need to deactivate the iMessage service within your Apple account to restore normal SMS/MMS functionality.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport 

  • I keep getting the following error message when I try to update my itunes, "There is a problem with this windows installer package. Aprogram run as part of the set up did not finish as expected.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor."

    I keep getting the following error message when I try to update my itunes, "There is a problem with this windows installer package. Aprogram run as part of the set up did not finish as expected.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor."

    Yes, I had found a similar solution also.  I'm running XP Pro, SP3.  I went Control Panels/ Add-Remove programmes/apple software update/ change/ repair.  Then run the 10.5 exe.
    While the programme updated from version 8 of iTunes, my new iTunes is now a mess.  Not all of my music was in the same folder previously but it all showed up on iTunes.  Now many albums have been left out, some have only a few tracks and some have two copies of some tracks as well as having other tracks missing.  I haven't begun to work on that.

  • HT1386 I get an error message when I try to sync my iPod touch - "you do not have enough access privileges for this operation"

    I recently installed a new hard drive on my PC, downloaded iTunes, updated the software on my iPod touch and now I get this error message when I try to sync:  "you do not have enough access privileges for this operation."  It never did this before, whether it's the upgrade in software or something in iTunes, but it's very frustrating, since I'd like to add more things to my iPod.

    iPhone - not enough access privileges: Apple Support Communities

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