Fireworks CS4 gibberish in menus & tooltips

Just installed Fireworks CS4 on my XP SP3 system. In the
menus, the menu
shortcuts show up as "Ctrl+[empty squares & garbage]",
etc. instead of
e.g. "Ctrl+C". The same for the tooltips when hovering over
the tools in
the LH panel , e.g. "Subselection tool [long string of
squares, etc.]".
Anyone know what's going on? I'm sure I installed it in
English, etc.,
but could reinstall it if something else needs to be

Here's a screen shot illustrating the problem:

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    Is there any issues with developing pop ups in Fireworks CS4
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    > I have no programming (HTML) experience
    DW will be a very tough learning curve for you in this case.
    Are you sure
    it's the right choice?
    > I was reading where DW CS3 doesn't do popups.
    Where? Surely you are misinterpreting that - it has Spry
    menus built in,
    but a much better choice even than those exists.
    Check the uberlink and MacFly tutorials at PVII -
    and the Navbar tutorial/articles at Thierry's place
    Or this one (more recent article):
    Or to get it done fast, go here -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "BRF64" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ge7gfg$p2s$[email protected]..
    > Murry,
    > Thanks for responding. I was reading where DW CS3
    doesn't do popups. The
    > result I would like would be to have a popup occur from
    a line of text (no
    > graphic). I have no programming (HTML) experience and I
    am not sure how to
    > achieve that result. Any recommendations would be

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    Hi Linda,
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    Fireworks is a graphics editor that can export code; it is not an HTML/code editor.
    If you have exported HTML from Fireworks, you ought to be able to re-import that, but I would think most people who use Fireworks exported code would just modify their Fireworks document and re-export. (Fireworks' code is not robust and it is only intended for mockups and prototypes. Fireworks is not intended for developing and maintaining live Web sites; Dreamweaver is.)
    If your developer used Dreamweaver, then I really don't expect that Fireworks would be able to import that, nor any code that isn't in exactly the format that it can export. If you know your developer used Fireworks, then you need to look for .png files. Fireworks uses an enhanced version of the PNG format for its native document format.
    If you are making small adjustments to your site, then you might be better off working in Dreamweaver. If you're doing a site re-design, then Fireworks is an excellent tool for laying out your design and producing your graphics, but you will, at some point, need to move over to Dreamweaver for coding.

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    <user_name> = Your User Name:
    in XP:
    Application Data Path:
    C:\Documents and Settings \<user_name>\Local Settings\Application Data
    Fireworks CS4 Preference Folder Path:
    C:\Documents and Settings \<user_name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Fireworks CS4
    Delete the Preference folder and re-launch FW.
    Note: They are hidden folders, you need to uncheck the 'Show Hidden Files' and "Hide System Protected File" in Folder Options > View.
    --  Sag-e-Attar Junaid Atari

  • Can't Open Fireworks CS4 in Mac. Error Message

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    All my other Adobe products are working fine - it's just this one.
    I operate Mac 10.6.7
    Any suggestions? I'm not a graphic designer, so if you're able to assist, pretend you're explaining to an 8 year-old! :-)
    Thank you kindly.
    Process:         Adobe Fireworks CS4 [307]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Fireworks CS4/Adobe Fireworks Fireworks CS4
    Identifier:      com.macromedia.fireworks
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [110]
    Date/Time:       2011-04-22 22:49:22.228 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.7 (10J869)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          34494 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
    Anonymous UUID:                      BC97E414-33E1-4359-8E55-3107A9B0E1E6
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/AdobeAXEDOMCore.framework/Versions/A/A dobeAXEDOMCore
      Referenced from: /Applications/Adobe Fireworks CS4/Adobe Fireworks Fireworks CS4
      Reason: image not found
    Binary Images:
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4162b  dyld 132.1 (???) <A4F6ADCC-6448-37B4-ED6C-ABB2CD06F448> /usr/lib/dyld

    Thank you Linda, I thought I would post here since other users may have had a similar experience. My next step will be to reinstall the software since I'd rather not pay for their technical support if it's a simple fix - thus the posting here.
    8 year olds don't make a lot of dough selling lemonade!
    I appreciate the reply.

  • How can I turn off the "open in tabs" in Fireworks CS4?

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    Are you on Windows or MacOS X?
    For Windows version, not sure this can be done.
    On Windows XP, see this example path:
    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Adobe\Fireworks CS4\English\Fireworks CS4 Preferences.txt
    Close Fireworks CS4, then open this file Fireworks CS4 Preferences.txt with Notepad and find key:
    Change the "true" to "false", save the file. Open Fireworks CS4, and see if there's any difference...
    On Windows XP, I do not see any difference. But I see that once I have floated one of the files open, all the next files I open, become floated too (not opened as tabs!). So this may help you maybe?
    If you are on Mac OS X, search for a similar preferences file for Fireworks CS4 and see if it helps you edit "OpenNewDocumentAsTabs" key from "true" to "false".
    Not sure if this helps you much but at least I tried...
    If nothing helps, this is my suggestion:
    1) Open Fireworks.
    2) Open a file, "float" it away from the tabs area and it will be un-docked and then, all other files you open later, will be not opened as tabs...

  • Fireworks CS4 Won't Launch in Mac OS 10.6.7

    I have had CS4 for 2 years almost and recently Fireworks won't open. When I click on the icon, I get this error message (below). I have updated by my Mac OS and Adobe updates with no success. I thought about uninstalling and reinstalling Fireworks, but it says I would need to deactivate my serial number from within Fireworks. Since I can't open Fireworks, I can't deactivate it - so presumably I wouldn't be able to reinstall it.
    All my other Adobe products are working fine - it's just this one.
    Any suggestions? I'm not a graphic designer, so if you're able to assist, pretend you're explaining to an 8 year-old! :-)
    Thank you kindly.
    Process:         Adobe Fireworks CS4 [307]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Fireworks CS4/Adobe Fireworks Fireworks CS4
    Identifier:      com.macromedia.fireworks
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [110]
    Date/Time:       2011-04-22 22:49:22.228 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.7 (10J869)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          34494 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
    Anonymous UUID:                      BC97E414-33E1-4359-8E55-3107A9B0E1E6
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/AdobeAXEDOMCore.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAXEDOMCore
      Referenced from: /Applications/Adobe Fireworks CS4/Adobe Fireworks Fireworks CS4
      Reason: image not found
    Binary Images:
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4162b  dyld 132.1 (???) <A4F6ADCC-6448-37B4-ED6C-ABB2CD06F448> /usr/lib/dyld

    Thank you. I thought I would start here. I'll repost!

  • Error 2 when installing Fireworks CS4 Trial?

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    Adobe Exstention Manager CS4
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    Problem help?

    Fixed it!  Yay
    I've got to say - I owe it all to a guy called Justducky on  Still, here's the story.  After search around I found his post about a similar problem with Dreamweaver.  He dug, and delved and worked on permissions etc but nothing worked.
    Finally he got down to the solution:
    Uninstall everything Adobe.  I mean everything.  AIR, flashplayers if you can.  Everything.  Delete .plist and .pref files that have adobe in the name (carefully).
    Create a new account that has admin privileges (not convinced this was necessary but don't know Macs enough to confirm)
    Safe Boot and log into the new account
    Install Fireworks.
    And there you go, it works.  Simple eh?  As an extra precaution when installing Fireworks I only did the bear minimum.  I didn't install Air, Media Player, Bridge etc.  I have done now and they work.
    You can read the full account of JustDucky's journey here
    Hope this works for you too!

  • Fireworks CS4 will not open multiple images in tabs

    Run into a problem with CS4. I frequently open 10+ images at the same time using Fireworks CS4. My problems is, whenever I highlight and click the 10+ images from desktop, they all open in Fireworks, but only 2 are tabbed. The rest of the images are in a floating window. How do I fix this? This is really frustrating.
    Here's a screenshot of my problem:

    Things have now become significantly worse!
    Now when I try to open anything from Bridge, or try to open PhotoShop at all, I receive a popup that gives me 2 options: 1) License PS CC, or 2) continue with my trial of PS CC.
    So far as I know, I have not downloaded any trial of anything from Adobe in many months. In fact, I have no interest in PS CC. I wish simply to use PS CS6.
    I have uninstalled my Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard, of which my PS CS is a part, and reinstalled it but I still am blocked from using my properly licensed programs.
    Please advise.
    Mike Hannisian

  • Bug in fireworks CS4 when exporting 24/32bit png with transparent alpha?

    Hi there,
    I recently upgraded to CS4 from CS3 and am quite disappointed to find that the png export facility for 24 or 32 bit png's is next to useless on my installation of Fireworks (Vista). I have a colleage who has reported the same behanviour on his mac.
    Please see this native fireworks CS4 png file and attempt to export it as 24 or 34 bit png, ensuring the canvas is transparent (it shuold be already)...
    Viewing in preview mode in CS3 would show the png with its alpha channel indicated by the chequered transparent pattern. Exporting it as such would produce the desired result > a png with a nice blended alpha channel.
    Viewing in preview mode in CS4 shows a horrible render of the image on a white background. Exporting the image produces the same result. Please see this link for confirmation:
    Please also see this simpler image, this time using a simple ellipse shape:
    You'll notice that it is not transparent, and the ellipse has not been anti-aliased.
    Can anyone shed some light on this behaviour?
    Exporting png's as such is something that I do daily at work, and is a basic requirement of an image editting application targetted at web design.
    Am I doing something wrong? I've been using Fireworks since 2003 so I'm inclined to think that I'm not.

    That's a bit, um, oh never mind. Would've been a rubbish joke anyway.
    Aww...pooh. I love "rubbish" jokes!
    If fireworks is unable to export a transparent png at 24bit, then why have the option?
    (granted the option is acutally implied, not given)
    Also, why the horrible rendering on preview and export?
    Transparency for 24-bit isn't an option and isn't implied. Create a FW document with a transparent canvas. Go to File>Image Preview. If you select PNG8 as your export option, then you have drop-downs for No Transparency, Index Transparency, or Alpha Transparency. PNG32 shows the checkerboard where the document is transparent. If you select PNG24, you do not have the transparency options. Transparent areas in your document are set to white, just as they are if you select the JPEG format. Try it.
    I don't know why your rendering is horrible. I'd have to see your image.
    And also, why all this confusion related to Photoshop, seems Adobe really aren't helping the issue:
    Possibly Adobe thought it was less confusing, as they didn't have to go into the math. However, you do see Linda Rathgeber's answer, that the Photoshop convention is...well...misleading? (I'd call it wrong, but that's just me. ) It's just one other issue to bring into alignment as Adobe works to merge the Macromedia offerings into their line.

  • Drag and drop in Fireworks CS4?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to create a basic 'drag and drop' game in fireworks cs4?  I want to be able to drag a small image from one column in a table to another.  Any thoughts?


  • Fireworks cs4 batch change color in jpegs?

    Is it possible to use fireworks cs4 batch command to change the same background color on multiple jpegs?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hey... solved it! Changed the background color in almost 2,000 jpegs. Heres how:
    Photoshop CS4, first define a color in an AXT file:
    Open test image, image, adjustments, replace color. use eye dropper to sample the background color, bring hue, saturation, and lightness bars all the way to the right (background color now turnd white), click save (save the definition AXT file, you will need to reference it later).
    Now create a new action called "replace color", have test image open (with original background that you want to change), start record and do this to record the action:
    Image, adjustments, replace color. Click load and select the AXT file, click load (the background color now turns white with the loaded AXT definition). Click ok. save file. Stop record action.
    Now run a batch command and use that action you just recorded: File, automate, batch, select your new action in the play section, select the folder of files to process and the destination... click ok to run the batch.
    I changed the "background" color in 2,000 estore product images of various sizes (thumbnail, medium, and large sizes) in about 15 minutes. Wow! I knew there had to be a way.
    Hope it helps lots of people, 'cause it sure is a common need.

  • Font Agent Pro 4.0.3 font library doesn't show up in Fireworks CS4

    My extensive Font Age Pro 4.0.3 library of fonts does not show up in Fireworks CS4. Does anyone know why? The only fonts
    Fireworks sees are those controlled by Font Manager. I do not recall this problem with Tiger and Fireworks CS3.
    Photoshop CS4 has no problem (yes there is an Auto-Activation Plug-in for Font Agent Pro 4), however did not have a problem not having it when was
    running CS3 Fireworks.
    Fireworks Version:
    Mac OS X: 10.5.8 (Leopard)
    Font Agent Pro: 4.0.3

    Delmar Penner wrote:
    I changed it all to 3D and moved a few of them around closer - looked at it from top, right, left, back.. yea, all of the different views and couldn't see anything wrong.
    Actually, the need to use 3D isn't very apparent in this comp.  I wouldn't use 3D unless there was a reason to do so.
    Delmar Penner wrote:
    ... everything up from "Other Credits" don't show up...  I noticed that there is the kind of grid with blue symbol right in front of where I name the layers -- what does that mean? It's all those that are not showing up... Any connection?
    Indeed there is!  You've mistakenly made guide layers, not text layers.  Here's a description of them: a.html
    ...and here's more on them: ts_product_adobelr&site=aftereffects_cs5_all&self=1&filter=0

Maybe you are looking for

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