First log in fails

I just made an iTunes Store account, just because I want them to display the album covers in my iTunes. Not because I want to buy stuff.
However, if I go to the store in my iTunes, and try to log in it says the next:
+Deze Apple-ID is nog niet gebruikt met de iTunes Store.+
+Controleer uw accountinformatie.+
+This Apple-ID is not yet used with iTunes Store.+
+Check you accountinformation.+
What do I have to do so that I can just click the button in options to download an display album covers?

You don't have/aren't registered for an iTunes account.
I'm damned if I know what glitched but you never got one when you tried the last time.
Wait a few days, till the 3G iPhone rush is over, then with the same info you used the first time try again and go through all the account steps.
Remember you need the account, you just don't need to use the store, and iTunes won't charge you unless you actually buy something.
If you don't want the store to show up at all you can deep six it.

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  • Proxy Log On failed(Error Code 12154)

    Hello There!
    Can someone P'se help on this
    Two different Oracle homes
    I am trying to test for the first time my portal but i am receiving the following error messages
    1)when I type in <http://mysever/pls/dad> this is the result:
    Proxy log On failed.
    Please verify that you have specified correct connectivity information i.e.username, password & connect-string in the Database Access Descriptor
    Error TimeStamp:Mon, 06 Aug 2001 04:25:15 GMT
    Database Log In Failed
    TNS is unable to connect to destination. Invalid TNS address supplied or destination is not listening. This error can also occur because of underlying network transport problems.
    Verify that the TNS name in the connectstring entry of the DAD for this URL is valid and the database listener is running.
    2)Also when I try this <http://myserver/pls/admin/gateway.htm>the result is as follows:
    Mon, 06 Aug 2001 20:01:28 GMT
    No DAD configuration Found
    DAD name:
    PROCEDURE : gateway.htm
    URL : http://nt2kserver.learning.local:80/pls/admin/gateway.htm
    SERVER_SOFTWARE=Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) ApacheJServ/1.1 mod_ssl/2.6.4 OpenSSL/0.9.5a mod_perl/1.24
    HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, deflate

    Hello Teijo
    sorry about this, but I have checked on both of my two standalone servers(Running similar softwares and settings(host name...etc) independently) I can't see any service registerd by APACHE LISTENER.The only listener service available is for ORACLE8i under the oracle8iHome.
    The only running service under the 9iASHome is HTTPServer.During both installations I didn't encounter any problems,everything ended succefully.Can you p'se let me know if this sounds Ok to you?
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Teijo Lallukka ([email protected]):
    This looks like a tnsnames.ora issue. I copied a reply from a similar post:
    Since you have multiple Oracle homes, you are probably looking at the wrong tnsnames.ora. The reason why SQL*Plus is working is because it is being picked up from an Oracle Home where the correct tnsnames.ora resides. Here is a quick way to confirm this
    - Stop the Apache Listener service
    - Open a "Console prompt window"
    - Go to $IAS_HOME/Apache/Apache
    - Set TNS_ADMIN=Directory_with_correct_tnsnames.ora
    - Issue "tnsping your_dbalias_name" to verify that you can ping the database. If this does not work, then your tnsnames.ora is incorrect
    - If it works, startup Apache by issuing "start Apache -k start"
    - Try connecting to Portal thru your browser
    - This should work.
    - Post a reply if this does not work<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Redo log backup failed

    My redo log backup failed and I've no clue on the errors. Below is the job log. Please advise. TIA !
    Job started
    Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB, variant &0000000000064, user ID BACKUP_USER)
    No application server found on database host - rsh/gateway will be used
    Execute logical command BRARCHIVE On host bering
    Parameters:-u / -jid LOG__20090313130000 -c force -p -cds
    TARGETSYSTEM = bering
    BR0002I BRARCHIVE 7.00 (32)
    BR0181E Option '-cds' not supported for 'disk'
    BR0007I End of offline redo log processing: aeactnyg.log 2009-03-13 13.00.19
    BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2009-03-13 13.00.21
    BR0005I BRARCHIVE terminated with errors
    External program terminated with exit code 3
    BRARCHIVE returned error status E
    Job finished

    You tried to backup redo log on disk.
    Option -cds (create second copy, delete and the first copy serial) is not supported when you do a redolog backup using disk as backup device type.
    Try to change the option to -sd (save first copy and delete)

  • Log in fail to Oracle Management Server

    Why I log in fail to Oracle Management Server if I have user system with password manager and user sys with password manager of
    Message was edited by:

    Please try this
    password oem_temp
    this will help
    .Further you will be asked to change password on first login.Please rememebr it.

  • I operate an Amway Business and use the switch share duplicate APP. Initial log in was successful but now it reads " Log in failed ( GW900751 ). This is constant upon log in attempts. Is there a way to rectify this?

    I operate an Amway Business and use the switch share duplicate APP. Initial log in was successful but now it reads " Log in failed ( GW900751 ). This is constant upon log in attempts. Is there a way to rectify this?

    Hi Tracy,
    I don't suspect Malware yet, Id guess Disk corruption or failing Hard Drive with Files not found.
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.

  • The report server has encountered a configuration error. Logon failed for the unattended execution account. (rsServerConfigurationError) Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. (rsLogonFailed) Logon failure: unknown user name or bad

    The report server has encountered a configuration error. Logon failed for the unattended execution account. (rsServerConfigurationError)
    Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. (rsLogonFailed)
    Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password 
    am using Windows integrated security,version of my sql server 2008R2
    I have go throgh the different articuls, they have given different answers,
    So any one give me the  exact soluction for this problem,
    Using service account then i will get the soluction or what?
    pls help me out it is urgent based.

    Hi Ychinnari,
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, as
    Vaishu00547 mentioned that the issue can be caused by the Execution Account you have configured in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager is not correct, Please update the Username and Password and restart the reporting services.
    Please also find more details information about when to use the execution account, if possible,please also not specify this account:
    This account is used under special circumstances when other sources of credentials are not available:
    When the report server connects to a data source that does not require credentials. Examples of data sources that might not require credentials include XML documents and some client-side database applications.
    When the report server connects to another server to retrieve external image files or other resources that are referenced in a report.
    Execution Account (SSRS Native Mode)
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Will I get an alert/notification on my iphone when i first log into icloud control panel on my PC

    You can only create the account on a Mac or an IOS device. Then you can use it on your PC.

  • User change password after first logging in Oracle 11g

    Can you help someone in connection with this problem:
    user can not change password after first logging in Oracle 11g
    All the best
    Ragip Avdijaj

    Sounds like they are not getting logged in at all, so they are never getting to the point where they can change the password, but we need to see more detail to give a better answer (an example or copy-paste of a sqlplus session might help)

  • "Log on failed" with ODBC and Stored Procedure

    I am in the process of porting our application from CR10 to CR.NET and am having some trouble setting the log on info.
    I have a report that was designed against a stored procedure and a development database.  The connection at design time is ODBC to a SQL Server.  At runtime I want to set the database and logon credentials to that of the production server, set the stored procedure parameters, and then display the report.  No matter what I do always get "Log on failed" error.
    After having considerable trouble with ApplyLogOnInfo on the tables where it seemed to not actually apply my changes, I finally found code which appeared to work elsewhere on this forum.  So this is the code that I have now, but the call to VerifyDatabase on the report always throws the Log on Failed exception:-
    void SomeClass::SetLogOnInfoForReportRecursively(ReportDocument^ ReportObj)
            CrystalDecisions::Shared::TableLogOnInfo^ l_pTableLogOnInfoToSet = gcnew CrystalDecisions::Shared::TableLogOnInfo();
            CrystalDecisions::Shared::ConnectionInfo^ l_pConnectionInfo = l_pTableLogOnInfoToSet->ConnectionInfo;
            l_pConnectionInfo->AllowCustomConnection = true;
            l_pConnectionInfo->ServerName = gcnew String(m_strServerName);
            l_pConnectionInfo->DatabaseName = gcnew String(m_strDatabaseName);
            l_pConnectionInfo->UserID = gcnew String(m_strUserID);
            l_pConnectionInfo->Password = gcnew String(m_strPassword);
            DbConnectionAttributes^ l_pConnectionAttributes = gcnew DbConnectionAttributes();
            l_pConnectionAttributes->Collection->Set("Database DLL", "crdb_odbc.dll");
            l_pConnectionAttributes->Collection->Set("QE_DatabaseName", String::Empty);
            l_pConnectionAttributes->Collection->Set("QE_DatabaseType", "ODBC (RDO)");
            l_pConnectionAttributes->Collection->Set("QE_SQLDB", true);
            l_pConnectionAttributes->Collection->Set("SSO Enabled", false);
            l_pConnectionInfo->Attributes = l_pConnectionAttributes;
            //main connection
            ReportObj->SetDatabaseLogon(l_pConnectionInfo->UserID, l_pConnectionInfo->Password, l_pConnectionInfo->ServerName, l_pConnectionInfo->DatabaseName, false);
            //other connections
            for each(CrystalDecisions::Shared::IConnectionInfo^ pConnection in ReportObj->DataSourceConnections)
                pConnection->SetConnection(l_pConnectionInfo->ServerName, l_pConnectionInfo->DatabaseName, l_pConnectionInfo->UserID, l_pConnectionInfo->Password);
                //pConnection->SetLogon(l_pConnectionInfo->UserID, l_pConnectionInfo->Password);
                pConnection->LogonProperties->Set("Data Source", l_pConnectionInfo->ServerName);
                pConnection->LogonProperties->Set("Initial Catalog", l_pConnectionInfo->DatabaseName);
            // Now we need to set the log on info for any subreports otherwise they will always look for the datasource they were set up with.
            if (!ReportObj->IsSubreport)
            for each (ReportDocument^ l_pSubReport in ReportObj->Subreports)
            for each (CrystalDecisions::CrystalReports::Engine::Table^ l_pTable in ReportObj->Database->Tables)
                TableLogOnInfo^ l_pCurentTableLogOnInfo = l_pTable->LogOnInfo;
                l_pCurentTableLogOnInfo->ConnectionInfo = l_pTableLogOnInfoToSet->ConnectionInfo;
                if (!l_pTable->TestConnectivity())
                   // handle error situation
    ... then the calling code
    SetLogOnInfoForReportRecursively( pReportObj );
    // l_Parameters contains the stored proc param name/values pairs to set at runtime
    for each (KeyValuePair<String^, String^> param in l_Parameters)
            pReportObj->SetParameterValue(param.Key, param.Value);
    which then fails.  Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

    Hi Paul,
    Are you using CR for VS SP 13? If not you can get it here:
    SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio: Updates & Runtime Downloads
    And MS SQL Server does not use a blank database name:
    l_pConnectionAttributes->Collection->Set("QE_DatabaseName", String::Empty);
    Set it to a database used in the report.
    And you don't need to call .Verify, unless the reports are not up to date, which is not recommended, you should be using ReplaceConnection. ( Search for this, KBA's and posts on how to use it )
    So rather that call .Verify try CRTable.TestConnectivity();
    If that fails then you know your log on failed also.
    Curious, if you try to preview the report it should prompt for log on info, if the Server and Database names are grayed out ( not editable ) then CR can't find the client either.
    And MS recommends using the client that matches the version of SQL Server, So if 2005 and less you can use the MDAC SQL Client driver, for MS 2008 then use the SQL Native 10 or above.

  • First RFC call failed, config not loaded. Check the System landscape configuration.

    Dear Experts,
    We are getting below error on portal while using the BEX query in BI system.
    BEx Web Application
    Error: First RFC call failed, config not loaded. Check the System landscape configuration.
    Exception occurred while processing the current request; this exception cannot be handled by the application or framework
    Failed to process request; contact your system administrator
    To facilitate analysis of the problem, keep a copy of this error page
    We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    As the ITS & WEB AS connection tests go successful on object created for BI system in portal.
    Kindly suggest me on this issue..

    Hi Bharath,
    Please go through the below SAP Note and let me know if this helps.
    1903392 - Error: First RFC call failed, config not loaded

  • The report server has encountered a configuration error. Logon failed for the unattended execution account. (rsServerConfigurationError) Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. (rsLogonFailed) The user name or password is incorrect

    I am able to run the report fine in BIDS in the preview window, and it deployes fine.  When it goes to view the report in the browser, I get the following error.  There is no domain, I am using a standalone computer with SQL Server and SSRS on
    this one machine.
    Can anyone point to where I might configure the permission it is looking for?  thanks!  Steven
    The report server has encountered a configuration error. Logon failed for the unattended execution account. (rsServerConfigurationError)
    Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. (rsLogonFailed)
    The user name or password is incorrect
    Steven DeSalvo

    Hi StevenDE2012,
    Based on the error message "The report server has encountered a configuration error. Logon failed for the unattended execution account. (rsServerConfigurationError)", it seems that the Unattended Execution Account settings in Reporting Services
    Configuration is not correct.
    Reporting Services provides a special account that is used for unattended report processing and for sending connection requests across the network. Unattended report processing refers to any report execution process that is triggered by an event rather than
    a user request. The report server uses the unattended report processing account to log on to the computer that hosts the external data source. This account is necessary because the credentials of the Report Server service account are never used to connect
    to other computers. To configure the account, please refer to the following steps:
    Start the Reporting Services Configuration tool and connect to the report server instance you want to configure.
    On the Execution Account page, select Specify an execution account.
    Type the account and password, retype the password, and then click Apply.
    In addition, please verify you have access to the Report Server database by following steps:
    Go to SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager, make sure the configuration is correct.
    Go to Database, Verify that you can connect to the database.
    Make sure you are granted public and RSExecRole roles.
    Configure the Unattended Execution Account
    Configure a Report Server Database Connection
    If the problem is unresolved, i would appreciate it if you could give us detailed error log, it will help us move more quickly toward a solution.
    Wendy Fu

  • Slow first log-in

    At a customer site we are experiencing a slow (1m35sec) on the first log-in every day. After the first log-in the log-in time is dramatically reduced to 15-25sec.
    Does anyone know if there's a setting somewhere in the system that may cause this behaviour?
    We're running NW 7.5 SP07

    Hi Lars,
    SAP Note [1541181|] says that on the first logon all template files are loaded, but not on subsequent logons. Do you have a lot of (or large) files in your wizard folder?

  • Log In Failed - Enter New Password

    Hi Guys,
    I've been using TB for a while now, along with the several email accounts, including: Hotmail, Outlook, & to a lesser degree Supanet !?
    Every now and then, when trying to Send, I get the message "Log In Failed - Enter New Password". I usually just click the red cross a couple of times, & it goes away. I never need to input a new password,,,,
    but, today its one of the accounts. I've been on their own site and sent the message. There isn't a problem with, or my settings.
    As usual, it worked fine until today.
    I tried inputting the current p.w and creating a new one, but to no avail.
    How do I fix this please ?
    I'm glad to see that the 'colouration' problem was fixed.

    Thanks for your help so far.
    I ''think'' this particular problem is fixed, but as it happens quite often, I have included the details that you asked for, in the hope that you can help me to either clean it up, or see any anomalies.
    Mail and News Accounts
    ID Incoming server Outgoing servers
    Name Connection security Authentication method Name Connection security Authentication method Default?
    account2 (none) Local Folders plain passwordCleartext
    account3 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account4 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account5 (pop3) alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account6 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account7 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account8 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account9 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account10 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account11 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account12 (imap) SSL passwordCleartext SSL passwordCleartext true SSL passwordCleartext false
    account13 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account14 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account15 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account16 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account17 (pop3) plain passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account18 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext SSL passwordCleartext true
    account19 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext SSL passwordCleartext true
    account20 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account21 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account22 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account23 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account24 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account25 (rss) Feeds plain passwordCleartext
    account26 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account27 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account28 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    account29 (pop3) SSL passwordCleartext alwaysSTARTTLS passwordCleartext true
    Name Version Enabled ID
    Folderpane Tools 0.6.1 true {b243fe83-b8a7-47de-855d-21d865243d5d}
    British English Dictionary 1.19.1 false [email protected]
    Important Modified Preferences
    Name Value
    browser.cache.disk.capacity 358400
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run false
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max false
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value 358400
    browser.display.foreground_color #3333FF
    browser.zoom.full true
    extensions.lastAppVersion 24.6.0 Consolas Consolas Consolas Consolas Consolas Consolas Consolas Calibri Calibri Calibri Calibri Calibri Calibri Times New Roman Cambria Cambria Cambria Cambria Cambria Cambria Cambria
    font.size.fixed.el 14 14
    font.size.fixed.x-baltic 14
    font.size.fixed.x-central-euro 14
    font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic 14
    font.size.fixed.x-unicode 14
    font.size.fixed.x-western 14
    font.size.variable.el 17 17
    font.size.variable.x-baltic 17
    font.size.variable.x-central-euro 17
    font.size.variable.x-cyrillic 17
    font.size.variable.x-unicode 17
    font.size.variable.x-western 17
    mail.openMessageBehavior.version 1
    mail.winsearch.firstRunDone true 8847ee7d-245d-42d0-8681-37221dcd524
    network.cookie.prefsMigrated true
    places.database.lastMaintenance 1401969491
    places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages 93904
    places.history.expiration.transient_optimal_database_size 150247342
    plugin.importedState true
    Adapter Description NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
    Vendor ID 0x10de
    Device ID 0x0de0
    Adapter RAM 1024
    Adapter Drivers nvd3dum nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Driver Version
    Driver Date 6-21-2013
    Direct2D Enabled false
    DirectWrite Enabled false (6.2.9200.16571)
    ClearType Parameters Gamma: 2200 Pixel Structure: BGR ClearType Level: 50 Enhanced Contrast: 100
    WebGL Renderer false
    GPU Accelerated Windows 0
    AzureCanvasBackend skia
    AzureFallbackCanvasBackend cairo
    AzureContentBackend None
    Incremental GC 1
    Activated 0
    Prevent Accessibility 0
    Library Versions
    Expected minimum version Version in use
    NSPR 4.10.2 4.10.2
    NSS 3.15.4 Basic ECC 3.15.4 Basic ECC
    NSS Util 3.15.4 3.15.4
    NSS SSL 3.15.4 Basic ECC 3.15.4 Basic ECC
    NSS S/MIME 3.15.4 Basic ECC 3.15.4 Basic ECC

  • Log On Failed. COMException (0x80000000): No Error.

    Version of Crystal Reports Designer: 12.0.0683
    Visual Studio 2005
    OS Vista Ultimate
    I have designed a report that uses an XML file as a data source.  In the deigner, the connection I am using is XML and Web Serivces.  I specify the XML and the schema file.
    I have a Windows application that creates a dataset from an XML file and sets it as the report's data source. 
    After I run VerifyDatabase I get the following error:
    Log on failed., System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80000000):
    No error.
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ReportClientDocumentClass.VerifyDatabase()
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.VerifyDatabase()
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.VerifyDatabase()
    Here is my code:
                Dim PathToDB As String = mReportLog
                Me.crPrinterUse = New AXIARReports
                Dim ds As Data.DataSet = clsDataSet.ReportDataSet(PathToDB)
                Dim SubReport As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
                For i As Integer = 0 To Me.crPrinterUse.Subreports.Count - 1
                    SubReport = Me.crPrinterUse.Subreports(i)
                Me.crv.ReportSource = Me.crPrinterUse
            Catch ex As Exception
                MessageBox.Show("Error setting report data: " & ex.Message & vbLf & "Check the log file for more details.", _
                    "Report Data Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                cGlobal.Log("Error setting report data: " & ex.Message & ", " & ex.InnerException.ToString)
                Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
            End Try
    I ran the modules appliacation and noticed that the development machine version is slightly different from the deployed machine.
    Version of file on the deployed machine:
    Could this be causing my porblem?  If so, how do I solve this?
    I also have VS 2008 installed on my machine.

    Thanks for your reply Ludek.
    I performed the steps in your blog.  Using the XML file that the data set creates with the embeded schema gives me no mapping errors.
    I simplifiied my report to the simplest form, just a few fields in the details. I simplified the XML source file to just two records and found that the report is loading the data file in the connection used at design time.  I have checked off Save Data with Report.  So there must be some step that I am missing so that the report at runtime accepts the data set as the new data an not attempt to connect.
    I will review my code again and see if there is something essential that I missed.  I will report back.

  • Log on Failed error

    I've a report developed with DB2 9.7.5. It works fine in Crystal Report designer on my machine with local DB2 server with one of the database. It works fine from my ASP.NET application as long as I connect to same database. But if I chnage the database, I keep getting log on failed error. Then, if I change the report in crystal reports designer and connect to the other database and perform check dependencies, it starts working again.
    The report is developed using couple of stored procedures and it has multiple subreports. I verified that the stored procedures are exactly same on other database and the userID to connect to both databases has exact same privileges.
    Also, I get the same error when I try to connect another server with another copy of DB2 database. In this case, even if I use crystal reports designer to connect and save, it doesn't work.
    Following is my code when I try to connect. The interesting thing is call to subreport.VerifyDatabase() works fine. But call to m_rpt.VerifyDatabase() throws exception.
    ReportDocument m_rpt;
                    if (m_rpt.Subreports != null && m_rpt.Subreports.Count > 0)
                        foreach (ReportDocument subrpt in m_rpt.Subreports)
                            foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table tbl in subrpt.Database.Tables)
                                CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo logInfo = tbl.LogOnInfo;
                                logInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = m_strDBName;
                                logInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = m_strDSN;
                                logInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = m_strDBUserID;
                                logInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = m_strDBPassword;
                    foreach(CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table tbl in m_rpt.Database.Tables)
                        CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo logInfo = tbl.LogOnInfo;
                        logInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = m_strDBName;
                  logInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = m_strDSN;
                        logInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = m_strDBUserID;
                        logInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = m_strDBPassword;
    Edited by: kushalkaleshwari on Mar 5, 2012 5:54 PM

    Following is the exception:
    -          excep     {"Log on failed."}     System.Exception {CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException}
    +          [CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException]     {"Log on failed."}     CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException
    +          Data     {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}     System.Collections.IDictionary {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}
              HelpLink     null     string
    -          InnerException     {"\rNo error."}     System.Exception {System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException}
    +          [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]     {"\rNo error."}     System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
    +          Data     {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}     System.Collections.IDictionary {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}
              HelpLink     null     string
    +          InnerException     null     System.Exception
              Message     "\rNo error."     string
              Source     "Analysis Server"     string
              StackTrace     "   at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ReportClientDocumentClass.VerifyDatabase()\r\n   at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.VerifyDatabase()\r\n   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.VerifyDatabase()"     string
    -          TargetSite     {Void VerifyDatabase()}     System.Reflection.MethodBase {System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo}
    +          [System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo]     {Void VerifyDatabase()}     System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
    +          base     {Void VerifyDatabase()}     System.Reflection.MemberInfo {System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo}
              Attributes     FamANDAssem | Family | Virtual | HideBySig | VtableLayoutMask     System.Reflection.MethodAttributes
              CallingConvention     Standard | HasThis     System.Reflection.CallingConventions
              ContainsGenericParameters     false     bool
              IsAbstract     false     bool
              IsAssembly     false     bool
              IsConstructor     false     bool
              IsFamily     false     bool
              IsFamilyAndAssembly     false     bool
              IsFamilyOrAssembly     false     bool
              IsFinal     false     bool
              IsGenericMethod     false     bool
              IsGenericMethodDefinition     false     bool
              IsHideBySig     true     bool
              IsPrivate     false     bool
              IsPublic     true     bool
              IsSecurityCritical     true     bool
              IsSecuritySafeCritical     true     bool
              IsSecurityTransparent     false     bool
              IsSpecialName     false     bool
              IsStatic     false     bool
              IsVirtual     true     bool
    +          MethodHandle     {System.RuntimeMethodHandle}     System.RuntimeMethodHandle
    +          Non-Public members          
    +          Static members          
    +          Non-Public members          
              Message     "Log on failed."     string
              Source     "CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine"     string
              StackTrace     "   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.VerifyDatabase()\r\n   at WebUtilLib.ReportCacher2.ApplyLogonInfo(String strDSN, String strDBName, String strDBUserID, String strDBPassword, String strDBType)"     string
    +          TargetSite     {Void VerifyDatabase()}     System.Reflection.MethodBase {System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo}
    +          Static members          
    +          Non-Public members

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