Firstchangenumber and lastchangenumber reset back to "0"

I have recently installed two multimaster directory servers (DSEE6.3.1).
/<path>/ds6/lib/64/ns-slapd -V
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Sun-Java(tm)-System-Directory/6.3.1 B2008.1121.0156 64-bit
I have enabled Retro Change log and given below is relavent configuration parameters. (in both servers)
Retro Changelog (Note that I have only changed the retro-cl-max-age and retro-cl-path from its defaults)
retro-cl-enabled : on
retro-cl-ignored-attr : copyingFrom
retro-cl-max-age : 3d
retro-cl-max-entry-count : 0
retro-cl-path : /<custom_directory_path_for_chglog>/
retro-cl-suffix-dn : undefined
Replication related parameters trimmed from "dsconf get-suffix-prop" is as below.
repl-accept-client-update-enabled : on
repl-cl-max-age : 1w
repl-cl-max-entry-count : 0
repl-id : <ReplicaID>
repl-manager-bind-dn : cn=replication manager,cn=replication,cn=config
repl-purge-delay : 1w
repl-rewrite-referrals-enabled : off
repl-role : master
I have no issue with data replication between servers. But I noticed that both my firstchangenumber and lastchangenumber resets back to 0 everytime I restart the directory server. This causes the changelog not growing as “dn = changenumber=1,cn=changelog” is already exists.
[26/Mar/2009:21:10:20 -0400] - INFORMATION - iDSRetroclPlugin - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - replog: an error occurred while adding change number 1, dn = changenumber=1,cn=changelog: Already exists.
What will cause firstchangenumber and lastchangenumber reset with reboot. Appreaciate anyone could comment.

Thank you for the reply. I am not replication the change log.
However I was managed to identify the issue and I found one of the missing system indexses causes this reset.
Added following index to the directory and now all are working fine.
dn: cn=changenumber,cn=index,cn=changelog,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsIndex
cn: changenumber
nsSystemIndex: true
nsIndexType: eq
entrydn: cn=changenumber,cn=index,cn=changelog,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config

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