Fix for unknown error (-50)  ??

I have downloaded several CD to my itunes library.
When I attempt to syc with my IPOD touch I receive error (-50_)  ???

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    Too bad they dont have stickies. This would be a great one.
    This is a thorough fix for art work and the -50 error.
    If you see artwork in itunes, first verify that the artwork is in the mp3 tag using a program like "tag and rename"
    If the artwork shows up in tag and rename, then you added it correctly.
    If the artwork isn't displaying on ipod, delete the song and retransfer to the ipod. Next make sure the "view artwork" check box is checked. To do this connect your iPod to iTunes and there will be a checkbox that should be checked to see if you want artwork to show up on your iPod.
    If you get this message -
    The ipod cannot be updated. An unknown error occured (-50).
    And have no artwork at all in you IPOD , dont fret. I am getting there..
    NO you DO NOT NEED to FORMAT YOUR IPOD YET as commonly posted. I have tested and retested the following fix-
    Eject IPOD. Kill ITUNES.
    Backup the following files
    iTunes Library.itl
    iTunes Music Library.xml
    & anything in the Previous Itunes library folder
    and delete them. More info on these at
    Dont worry, its much easier to recreate the database than to wipe your IPOD.
    Next Start up ITUNES. Plug in IPOD. You now should have a empty database.
    At this time, uncheck copy ARTWORK to IPOD, and when it's done deleting artwork, CHECK Copy ARTWORK to IPOD.
    It now should sucessfully display ARTWORK and not get the -50 error!!
    Now, goto you ITUNES Music folder and drag to the library and it will add you music back in, including your PODCASTS.
    All you need to do is click the RESUBSCRIBE button and you are back in business!
    IF this fails, which i cant DUPLICATE anymore, try this
    Its the DREADED IPOD FORMAT article.
    But you probably wont need it if you follow all these steps.
    Post back if this doesnt work and if it does, give me some credit;)

    Just as an fyi, to shorten this procedure instead of deleting the files i found out you and open the .itl files and delete all the lines in it so its an empty file.
    Then open itunes, and it will rebuild the database with the files from the .xml file.
    This saves you from having to rescan the songs..

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    Oh - I answered on your other post.
    Try turning your cable modem off for a minute.
    Here's an article on that error, easily found by googling itunes error 9812:

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    What operating system are you using Premiere?
    Premiere requires a 64-bit OS

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    Revision: 5408
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-03-18 20:57:19 -0700 (Wed, 18 Mar 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix for - Compiler error using Reparent in a Halo Navigator.
    QE Notes: None.
    Doc Notes: None.
    Reviewer: Paul, please review.
    Bugs: SDK-20099
    tests: checkintests
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/mxml/builder/ComponentBuilder.jav a

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    Why the option import cd is gone now if you Itunes 10.5?

    Hello there, please verify that you are using the latest version of iTunes.
    Try these steps
    Step 1. Connect a Ethernet cable to your macbook no wifi.
    Step 2. Open iTunes
    Step 3.Plug in your iPhone to your macbook
    Step 4.  Put the device into DFU mode.
    Hold the Power Button (3 secs)
    Continue holding the power button and also hold the home button (15 secs)
    Release the power button while continuing to hold the home button (10 secs)
    You Should have black screen with nothing on the screen if done correctly.
    Step 5: iTunes will either prompt to restore and update click restore and update
    Just sit back and wait until you see the setup screen on your iphone if you still see error 53 is a hardware problem and needs to be replace by Apple.

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    What is the exact error message? Perhaps this article can help.

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  • Solutions for "Unknown error occured" when publishing in iWeb

    Many complaints where written on the forums about this annoying *"Unknown error occurred"* bug, while publishing in iWeb.
    Until now, nobody could actually find the problem, but in most cases the problem is not a network connection, but an iWeb bug, that occurs during html files creation process.
    I'm using iWeb a lot and through my work found several different solutions, that worked for me and for many other users. Try them all out, before going desperate and rebuilding the site from scratch:
    1. Try closing and reopening iWeb (do it in all other steps between operations).
    2. Try to publish the site Locally. If it works, try publishing to the server again.
    3. Try publishing the ENTIRE site, first Locally, then to the server (File>Publish Entire Site). This operation forces iWeb to rebuild all the files from skratch.
    4. Try closing iWeb and deleting the User/Library/Preferences/ preferences file. iWeb will create a new one again next time it opens (don't worry, you will only lose iWeb preferences, but not your website)
    5. If publishing locally worked, but online didn't, then upload the locally published site folder to your server manually using any FTP client.
    6. If nothing works, try reinstalling iWeb. Before doing that, back-up your project file, which is located at +User/Library/Application Support/iWeb+ to some other location.
    Also, as an advice, avoid using non web-safe names in your files and web pages. I.e. - don't use spaces and Capital letters, this may cause problems. For example, instead of naming a file: "Nice picture.jpg", name it: "nice_picture.jpg"
    Post more solutions, if you have them.

    Try signing out of the app (Store menu,) quitting the app, restarting the app and signing back in.

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    I attempted to reinstall the font with a new version of the Univers CE family but that refused to install because the older font that was having issues with Lion was still installed (albeit not working).  I attempted to remove the non-functional font and then reinstall the new one and that still did not work.  If there is a way to just force Lion to install the font despite the FOND error that would be preferable.
    This is highy inconvenient since the Univers font family is what I use the most in Quark and now I will have to manually switch over to another font for my files to display correctly.  It is not the entire Univers font family that is affected by this glitch, only the Univers fonts that have CE in them.  According to all of the reports I've seen with Leopard, this issue is caused by it not recognizing bitmaps or something like that.  If anyone can offer any insight on how I can fix this I would be very appreciative.

    kirchoff - if you still have an issue with the font, have you completely cleared the font cache by restarting your mac in safe mode? I'm wrestling with FOND errors in Lion myself and that has alleviated 'some' of my problems. my other problems are related to screen fonts that have multiple weights contained within the file and internal names that don't resolve well...but i digress. good luck!

  • Any fix for 0xE8000003 error ??

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    I came across this post while trying to troubleshoot this error myself.
    This was a really stupid fix for me - I expected more from Apple but it may help others.
    In the course of building a new computer (PC), I connected my phone, drivers loaded, iTunes opened and I received a message to follow the instructions on my phone. Problem was the nothing happened - phone didn't wake up, nothing on screen not even a flash.  Then I received the cryptic message & started my research
    WELL...had I just clicked my phone to wake it, I would have seem the "trust this computer" message...What A DUH! moment. Click yes & voila...iTunes now recognizes my phone!

  • Fix for General Error (34) on export

    Hi everybody.
    I've noticed a lot of people getting many different General Error (34) errors, and I just wanted to post a fix for the one I ran into.
    When I tried to export from my sequence I got the error.
    I found out, that it was because my In-Point was placed outside of the sequence footage (at the end of the sequence), and that was what caused the error.
    Hope this helps out some people.

    I did it and works perfect

  • How to fix an unknown error occurred -54

    anyone to know about this can you show me how to fix thanks a lot

    It would help if you would tell us in which context this is occurring.
    == Error -54 ==
    From an OS9 reference, error -54 is a software lock on a file or a permissions error. (Some of the old codes still apply to OSX although there is no formal list of OSX error codes.)
    First, try simply restarting your computer.
    iTunes Library cannot be saved (Error -54) -
    Unknown error (-54) while syncing ipod - - problem was locked files
    Why does iTunes keep showing a -54 error when I sync my iPad? -
    Error -54 possibly related to Touch Copy - - cleared by deleting preferences on iPad.

  • How to fix itunes unknown error 4210 burning cd

    iTunes for windows.  Have ripped CD into iTunes but when I commence burning to a blank cd I get unknown error 4210.  Have burned CDs this way only yesterday.

    Hi JemimaP,
    If you are having issues burning CDs in iTunes on your Windows machine, you may find the following articles helpful:
    iTunes 11 for Windows: If you have trouble burning a disc
    Apple Support: Can't burn a CD in iTunes for Windows
    iTunes for Windows: Additional troubleshooting tips for burning issues
    - Brenden

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