FIX IT! Priorities for RIMM - let's trim down the overwhelmi​ng confusion to top priorities here

Hey guys and gals - obviously RIMM has it's hands full, how about guiding them to the most important stuff and stop nit-picking and dissing for now. It's getting overwhelming and confusing.Let's help here instead of dissing them - they have a reputation they are struggling to compete for and this is the most awesome platform I have imagined. OBVIOUSLY it was released half baked but to me that's great, it is IN MY HANDS and we can all help develop this thing. Let's focus on priority areas that make it NON-functional and keep the list to a minimum. Remember, everyone was tired of waiting and had to have it NOW so you got what you asked for stop whining. TO me it should be called a WorkBook and let the toy seekers go Ipad. RIMM focus on what you built your rep on and do best - BUSINESS and stop trying to get a piece of the consumer pie that everyone else is feasting on.
Here are my 2 biggies -
1) RELIABLE NON BUGGY WEB BROWSING most annoying is the browser mode where the "back" button wont work, it only responds to SOME link touches but not others, and the refresh button does NOT refresh, along with other browser anomalies that are annoying, various freezes crashes etc, because after all isn't browsing the bare minimum functionality of this thing? Having to close the browser and start all over because of a freeze or a crash is about the highest impediment to productivity I can think of.
2)The bridge files app that show nothing but directories, shows no files, FREEZES if you try to drill into one. BIG DEAL because we want the stuff that's already on our phones!
I will stop there although I have a huge laundry list like everyone else - do this stuff FIRST! (please)
RIMM can't be everywhere at once let's help them focus, after all we all want this thing to become what we expected ASAP and it certainly has that potential! The more overwhelmed they are the less they can get done in a short period of time. The more RIMM goes down the tubes, the more we all suffer so please encourage and hlep those who are discouraged and ready to return the thing. THe bigger the communit y, and the more successful RIMM is the more we ALL benefit.
Have I got your attention RIMM?  Perhaps you can just look at this one thread and put the rest on the back burner.
Now, can everyone contribute just your top two or three items that make you feel you are not getting the functionality you expected? Things that make you wonder if you should have even bought this thing? Lets get those fixed ASAP.

jgoldman wrote:
Skype, Kindle, Netflix.
For the Amazon Kindle, you can use the online web browser:​PlayBook/Kindle-Cloud-Reader/m-p/1249433
The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    Post the full Panic Log. Look here for the location, which will be in Console in Applications>Utilities.
    Suggested reading

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    If you have not taken the iPod apart, Apple will exchange it for a refurbished one for $99. You can do it an an Apple store
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    Or sent it to Apple

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    Apparently these symptoms indicate that a low-level component of Mac OS X, lookupd, has hung. Since lookupd is used by many other parts of Mac OS X, it effectively hangs Mac OS X itself.
    If this sounds like a problem you are having, try the steps in the following link to fix it.
    Mac OS X Tiger lookupd bug & adsonar fix
    Hope it helps,
    [The above link goes to a bug fix on, my commercial website. While neither I nor DreamLight receives any compensation for this fix, or for visits to the site, increased traffic to the site could of course indirectly lead to additional business opportunities.]

    Hi Bee,
    There is indeed "such a bug", though you may be fortunate enough to not be affected. Unfortunately MANY others are affected by this. I spent three days helping track this down (many of those 38 posts were while tracking it down in the Tiger discussions) and find a fix to this and thought that others might benefit by my efforts... By the way it's NOT a Safari bug, it happens in any browser, it's a "lookupd" bug which may be triggered by surfing to certain sites which contain links to "", which if you have JavaScript enabled can hang lookupd and take down your entire system... consider yourself lucky that it hasn't happened to you...
    Here is some background information if you don't believe me:
    Apple Discussions: "Fixes" for lookupd Problems, some via Java Updates
    Apple Discussions: System unresponsive within the last week
    MacFixit Discussions: Progressive Freeze and Network Access under Tiger
    MacFixIt Special Report
    MacFixit Follow-up: Another fix for system-wide freezes when Web browsing
    I only posted this fix to the specific threads where people were having Safari hang, incase it might help them. Forgive me for trying to help them... I thought that was the point of these boards and that was why they started threads about their issues... I'd be willing to bet that this fix will indeed fix many of their problems...
    I also posted one additional new topic here on the Safari board and one on the Tiger board for new readers looking for solutions to the same system hangs they may be getting while surfing.
    If this fix does indeed help any of you other readers, please post back here so that Bee can indeed see that I'm not just posting here to waste my time...

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    I want to be able to create my slideshows the way I want, not Apple.
    For now, I have to:
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    2- remove the entire EXIF info from each picture (so it doesn't have time stamps)
    3- use a "touch" utility to change all the file dates to (current date+ 1second X picture number)
    It's a bit hard and not accessible to the alpha user.
    It would be nice to have a "sequential" and a "alphabetic" order in the slideshow options, as well as ascending and descending parameters.
    Any clue?

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    1. I suggest that you should post your program description and
    link as a brand new topic so that everyone with the same
    annoying problem can find it. I would call it something like
    "Photo Sort Problem SOLVED".
    I'll do that in a very short time, once I have enough feedback about the stability of the utility.
    2. The link you posted needs to have a .html at the end.
    Yeap. I'll correct the ipad directory to be redirected on the ipad.html file.
    3. Would it be possible for your program to handle some other image
    formats with EXIF tags, especially Png's?
    I'll check this. If my EXIF class handles them (it should also handle TIFF since Exif derives from TIFF), I will implement this a.s.a.p.
    4. Would it be possible to directly change the subject files instead
    of creating the _iPad copies? Perhaps as a user option?
    Yes, I'm working now to add this as an option:
    1) overwrite the original picture without backup copies (keeping the same name)
    2) prefix the file name with a string of your choice
    3) suffix the file name with a string of your choice
    Thanks for your input.

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  • In version 31.3 the arrow that let me pull down the recipient list to an email I'm composing has gone. It's impossible to check if all are listed.

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    ''Raggedy [[#question-1039699|said]]''
    It's difficult to check whether I've entered all of several intended recipients of an email I'm composing. I can scroll up and down, but I can't see the entire list to check for inclusions and duplicates. Please reinstate the pull-down arrow!
    ''Zenos [[#answer-673279|said]]''
    Hover your cursor over the addresses. Hopefully a pop-up tooltip thingy will appear listing the addressees.
    It's become difficult to see, but if you move the cursor about slowly in the grey area between the addresses and the message text window, you should be able to find the handle that lets you resize the addressing area and thereby see more addresses. Mine reveals its presence by changing to a slightly paler shade of grey.
    I do detest the near-zero discoverability in modern GUI design. We seem to be slavishly copying of all the worst features of the Google UI. :-(
    Got it! Thanks so much. A little more detail for the benefit of others: you'll find the addressing area resize handle immediately above the white text area, in the narrow part of the grey area below all of the address field, subject line, scroll boxes and icons.

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    Anyone want to look in their crystal ball and make a prediction?
    (Hoping this gives people something to discuss other than the ad naseum "Where is the GN already???" threads.

    budone wrote:
    I took GN as Galaxy. NEXUS
    Oh...  I didn't think of that, its getting to the point that so many are referencing a device by 2 letters, between that and the OS being abbreviated I am having trouble keeping up with what means what.. 
    My mistake...
    droidsw wrote:
    "Everyone" looking forward to the Nexus like they were the Thunderbolt and Bionic? Then, what? The big letdown.
    Up until about 6 months ago, I couldn't have imagined NOT being interested in the Nexus, or whatever next "latest and greatest" is coming soon from Android.
    Not anymore.
    ICS might change that, but for some reason (bloat, OEM skins, bad apps, etc.), I doubt it. Not interested in rooting and I just noticed that word wasn't edited in the OP's
    post, whatever that means.
    I agree, I really don't see what the big deal is with the Nexus anyway, it don't seem to have anything really different from all the others, the Bionic was a flop and the razr did not have to be out long before users started complaining about the battery life and the manufacture rumors of a new revised version of the phone...
    Can someone get up close to all the ones all hyped over this phone and scream "HAVEN'T YOU LEARNED AFTER SEEING THE IPHONE?" , they are just selling you the same hardware labeled as something different.
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    I am having difficulty getting back on my computer.  I have to have the Veterans Day Program done by next Monday, and it will not boot back up.  All I get is a white screen.  If I push Options and F4 I can get system preferences, but that doesn't seem to do any good.  It was telling me before I shut it down that my Start up menu was full?  What does that mean, and would that be my problem, and how would I fix it?  I would appreciate all the help I can get, I haven't saved anything yet that I was creating.  I have videos of the student singing that I will not be able to do over again.  Please Help!!!
    Thank you!

    How about in your Applications folder?

  • Safari will not let me scroll down the page , it defaults to the top, this seems to have started after moving to Maverick.

    I recenty upgraded to Maverick, I now find Safari has become erratic , it will not allow me to scroll down on a page it keeps defaulting back to the top , I do not have the same problemc with FireFox, only Safari.
    I have tried restarting with a holding down option command PR and it did not help.
    Thoughts ?

    Hey Snozdrop-
    Thanks for the reply. I did what you said. And the Time Warner page AND the disappeared. However, now I still do not get Safari when I touch the Safari icon. Instead, it goes to a plain white page with an Apple icon, a Disney icon and ESPN icon and a Yahoo icon in a straight row across the top (under time and such and under a shaded out bar that says "Search or enter an address".) If I touch the search bar it DOES give me a keyboard below. and I can search now, but nowhere does it say that I am on Safari. (I believe there was a shaded out word google  on the grey bar, but not sure) AND -- why do those 4 icons appear in a row left to right on a blank white page when I click the Safari button? It really is truly bizarre. Never did that before. It went to Safari, lol.
    I look forward to any more info you can provide. And THANK you for the help you have provided so far.

  • HT1338 My Mac keeps Looking for Networks? The ICON in menu when clicked shows the WI- FI (in gray) ON then goes to Looking for Network again. Shutting down the connection.

    My MAC keeps looking for networks? The ICON in menu bar when clicked shows the WI-FI (in grey) it keeps shuting off and disconnecting. Any Ideas???

    Test after taking each of the following steps. Back up all data before making any changes.
    1. Make sure the network is on the preferred list by following these instructions.
    2. Follow the instructions in this support article under the heading "Symptom: The network connection drops unexpectedly."
    3. Make a note of all your settings for Wi-Fi in the Network preference pane, then delete the connection from the connection list and recreate it with the same settings. You do this by clicking the plus-sign icon below the connection list, and selecting Wi-Fi as the interface in the sheet that opens. Select Join other network from the Network Name menu, then select your network. Enter the password when prompted and save it in the keychain.
    4. From the Location menu at the top of the Network preference pane, select Edit Locations. A sheet will drop down. Click the plus-sign button to create a new location. Give it any name you want. In the new location, set up the Wi-Fi service with the same settings you used before. Click Apply and test.
    5. Launch the Keychain Access application. Search for and delete all AirPort network password items that refer to the network. Make a note of the password first.
    6. In some cases, the problem has been resolved by repairing permissions on the startup volume.
    7. Reinstall OS X.

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