Flash 8 download?

I want to try a 30 day trial of flash 8 to see if I want to
purchase it, same with fireworks 8 and dreamweaver 8, I believe
they used to be on this website sadly all I can find is CS3
versions and I don't want CS3 on my computer does anyone have a
place to get the 8 versions please anyone adobe help me out.

Oh that's horrible. I've been trying like mad to find a 30
day trial version of Flash Professional 8 and ran into a similar
problem. The really aggravating part is how in the long searches
when you finally do find a link to something that sounds like it
might have a Flash 8 trial but then even though it's labeled as
Flash 8 it yanks you into the page for downloading CS3.
I mean, what are people without a Pentium IV processor
supposed to do?
I don't see why they'd have any reason to want to buy a newer
version if it wasn't compatible with the system they have. Just
doesn't make sense.

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    You should ask on the support site for your downloader software.
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    I just tried the link and it is just fine. If the GateKeeper pops up then open Security & Privacy preferences, click on the General tab, set the last radio button to Anywhere.

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    Please provide a crash id for the flash crash -> https://developer.mozilla.org/en/How_to_get_a_stacktrace_for_a_bug_report
    What version of flash player do you have installed? http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
    You can download the latest release from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/

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    Download and save the uninstaller Save it to your downloads folder -  DO NOT run it yet.
    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by right clicking one (or both) of the following links and selecting "Save Target as"(IE) or "Save Link as"(other browsers).
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    Save the installer(s) to your downloads folder - DO NOT run it(them) yet.
    Reboot your system.
    BEFORE you run anything else, locate and run the uninstaller.
    When it finishes, run the  installer(s) to put Flash Player on your system again.
    If you use IE see also:Enabling Flash Player in Internet Explorer  and: ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer

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    Have you checked whether or not the publish location has been added to your own PC's Flash Global Security as a trusted location?
    Your issue might also be security related.

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    Double click the home button and swipe up the messages app to stop it, then open the app again. This pretty much completely stops the process and freshly opens it again, resolving problems at times. I have had this happen before as well on my iPad, I get a banner, check messages, and nothing new is there.
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    This is a forum for users of Adobe SendNow.
    For help with Adobe Flash Player - start here: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html

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    The only site you should download Flash from is the Adobe site otherwise you may subject your Mac to malware.
    Flash is not available from the App Store anyway.. it's written by Adobe. It's not an app, it's a plugin. Big difference.
    If you are having problems with Flash streamed content, do the following:
    Assuming you are using Safari for video, quit Safari.
    Open System Preferences > Flash Player then select the Storage tab. Click: Delete All
    Now uninstall the Flash plugin then reinstall new >  Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Very important to uninstall the currently installed Flash plugin first even if it's the most recent version.
    Launch Safari From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Empty Cache
    Now try a video.
    BTW... if you have the ClickToFlash extension installed, that can prevent Flash based video from streaming. It can also be installed as a plugin in /Library/Internet-Plug-Ins.
    And check to see if Safari is running in 32 bit mode. Right or control click the Safari icon in your Applications folder then click Get Info. If the box next to:  Open in 32 bit mode  is selected, deselect, quit then relaunch Safari.
    edited by:  cs

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        System Preferences >  Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
        Press the "Delete All" button.
        Install Adobe Flash Player.
       Download it first.
       The next step is important.
       Click Safari in the menubar and select “Quit Safari”.
       Follow the prompts and install it.
       Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.

  • Flash download/close Internet Explorer Windows

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    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by right clicking the following link and selecting "Save target as".
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Save the file to your downloads folder - DO NOT run anything yet.
    Reboot your system.
    BEFORE opening anything else, run the installer from your downloads folder.

  • Adobe Flash download fails?

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    Trash what you have already downloaded.  Repair permissions and restart your computer.  Once you reach the desktop, uninstall all previous versions of flash player - Flash Player Uninstaller.  Afterwards, download and install Adobe Flash Player Software.  Again, repair permissions and restart your computer when done. 

  • Adobe Flash download website is hosed?

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    Ok, so I go into control panel and uninstall both the Active X and the plug-in and go to www.adobe.com, scroll down to "Download", and click "Adobe Flash", just like I've done dozens of times before, to get the new version.
    However, this time it is telling me that version is available, and I get a "404 not found" when it tries to download.
    The same thing happens when I try to get the plug-in for Firefox while in Firefox.
    Now, I have no flash on this computer.  I'm XP SP3.
    What's going on?

    I cannot tell you what's going on; my guess is that this is a little coordination problem due to the fact that Flash Player 11 is about to be released.
    As for now, I was successfully able to download Flash Player from the standard download page.  I haven't tried to install it yet; I am waiting for all official download sites (at Adobe.com) to show version
    For now I suggest that you download version from the links in http://forums.adobe.com/thread/889580
    I will keep an eye on the situation, and publish update information when it becomes available.  I will also try to alert some people from the Adobe Flash Player team.

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