Flash Catalyst HTML5

Will there also be the possibility to convert Flash Catalyst-content into HTML 5??

At this point the focus of Wallaby is on enabling artwork and animation reuse in HTML for FLA files only.
Michael O'Rourke
Adobe Wallaby Team

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    If the argument is that HTML5 is the next standard for UX/UI designers then the easiest tool that can replicate what HTML5 can/will do to use a similar animation workflow that can get basic transitions done quickly and that tool is Flash Catalyst. I stand being corrected an attempt to publish HTML5 documents/banners/slideshows with Flash professional will lead to large file size with partly supported features and bugs which can make designers frustrated. I also believe that Adobe can include some backward compatibility checks when publishing to HTML5 from Flash catalyst for browser(s) that do not presently support all the features of  HTML5.
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    Thank you.

    Yeah Chris, HTML will evolve with time. But for devices (tablet pc revolution-ipad, android based mobile phones, etc)  and browsers with partial support. Designers using Adobe tools shouldn't be left out of the party(I'm a core designer though I get my hands dirty with some AS & FLEX codes when the need arises). Even if Flash Catalyst's future is tied to Flash Builder which is a good idea in the first place. Why did Adobe omitted drag n drop interaction? It just won't do it if we don't have it in the next official release. It defeats the purpose of the tool (I mean FC). By now Adobe should start warming us up for Multi-Touch Interactions in FC. Designers are dying to see these two features in the next release, else Adobe is performing cosmetic surgery to a patient that requires a cure. Adobe - keep up the good work.

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    Error message:
    Unable to run project
    Illegal character in path at index 47: file:///////xxxx.corp/home$/cballew/Application Data/Adobe/Flash Catalysts CS5.5/workspace/Project/bin-debug/Maim.html

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    I'm sorry I really don't know Flash Catalyst as much as I'd like to. Designing interfaces is left up to me, no designers at my agency use Catalyst. Though this is the Flash forum so that's as much as I can tell you. I didn't know Catalyst didn't support basic scripts (I thought I read that it did).
    Ultimately, for a very cheap price you can do something like go to http://www.lynda.com/ and buy a membership. Dirt cheap compared to what you get. They offer many courses on all this stuff and I'm sure your answer would lie in one of the (nicely broken up by subject) video training videos.
    Just searching for Catalyst brings up a bunch of courses:
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  • Three things I would like to see in Flash Catalyst.

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    2. It would be nice if I could just double click groups or layers to edit them (like in Flash an illustrator). Currently, it is very painful having to dig through groups and layers just to edit an object. This is a real time waster and it can add several hours on to a small project.
    3. Effects. I know you can add drop shadows and glows to objects in Photoshop and Illustrator, but is the a way to do these in Catalyst? That would be nice to have.

    Thank you for the feedback. Let me respond to each of your suggestions:
    1. Code editing
    We certainly recognize the value of editing code in Catalyst and recognize that designers as well as developers want to edit their code. Being about to robustly round trip code in Catalyst is a feature that we plan to address in a later version of Catalyst.
    2. Editing in place/isolation mode on groups
    I agree that this is a real time saver by making selections and editing much faster. For now, a work-around that may work for some artwork is to convert it to a custom component so that it can be edited in isolation. I recognize this is a trade off. If you convert artwork to a component then you can edit in place, but you won't be able to use the white arrow selection tool to "reach" into the component when you are not editing in place
    3. Applying effects to artwork in Catalyst
    Coming in the next beta release :-)

  • FAQ: How can I make my Flash Catalyst application scale/use a liquid layout?

    Flash Catalyst CS5 currently only supports applications with fixed dimensions. Custom components you create in Catalyst have absolute sizing.
    If you want to experiment with creating resizable applications (liquid layouts) and components in a preview of the next version of Flash Catalyst, codenamed "Panini",  you can find more information here:
    Introducing Adobe Flash Catalyst "Panini"
    Download Adobe Flash Catalyst "Panini"
    Adobe Flash Catalyst "Panini" help
    Keep in mind that Flash Catalyst "Panini" preview is meant for exploration and testing, not real production. If you are doing real production work, here are some options that work with Flash Catalyst CS5 and Flash Builder:
    Liquid Layouts
    If you are building an application that requires relative constraints, you can take the FXP file from Flash Catalyst into Flash Builder, and apply constraints there so that your components resize according to your application dimensions.
    For more info, see this Help topic:
    Using constraint-based layouts in Flash Builder
    SWF Scaling
    If you want your swf to scale, without relative constraints, there's a simple way to make that work in Builder as well. Simply save out your FXP file from Flash Catalyst and import it into Flash Builder. Open up the "Main.mxml" file. Remove the width and height attributes on the Application tag, and add the attribute:
    The entire Application tag should look something like:
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
    There are a couple other scale modes you may want to try, such as "exactFit", which are outlined at the below link:
    Flash Stage Scale Modes
    Finally, you will have to adjust the object embed code in your html page to set the size of your swf.
    Original discussion here

    you can`t. allow your application internet access without the network admin defining an exception for it specifically.
    If you have admin rights use the router`s/proxy`y configuration software to allow an exception.

  • Problem Extracting Photoshop elements/gradient in Flash Catalyst to create skin

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    gradient/color portion are getting converted into images.
    Excluding catalyst, Do we have any mechanism to create skin file(mxml)from psd files,except the Flex skin extensions.
    Please let me know how can we open photoshop file into Catalyst so that its color/gradients won't get convert into image.

    I took a look at the tutorial PSD file and couldn't find anything wrong with it.
    When you save your project file, the only file that it should save is the ecotours_ui.fxp file. The ecotours_site.fxp file was one that was bundled in the tutorial files .zip package.
    It shouldn't be a problem that you have the CS3 versions of Photoshop and Flash. As you have said, you are not running them. The lack of RAM could possibly be an issue. Another possibility might be some permissions getting in your way. Have you checked to see if the files or folders that got unzipped will allow you to write to them?
    -Adam Altman
    Catalyst Engineering

  • How do I reuse a custom component in Flash Catalyst?

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    If you look in the library panel, there should be an entry for your custom component - probably something like CustomComponent1.mxml. Drag this out onto the artboard to create a new instance of the component.
    In the case of a custom component, you can't change much on the second instance. If you have something like a text input skin though, you can change the text it is displaying for each instance.
    We are working on making this sort of thing easier in the future, so stay tuned

  • FAQ: How do I create a scrolling panel in Flash Catalyst?

    A common challenge in web design is finding space in the available window to display all of the necessary content. One solution is to create scrolling panels. A panel creates a well-defined container for content in the user interface. By adding scrolling content and a scroll bar, you can place a large amount of information in a limited space. To create a scrolling panel in Flash Catalyst, you need:
    An object to define the panel area, such as a rectangle shape (optional)
    Scrolling content, such as a long block of text or a series of images (required)
    A scroll bar used to scroll the content (recommended)
    Follow these steps in Flash Catalyst Help to create a scrolling panel:
    Create a scroll panel component
    There are also video tutorials showing examples of different scrolling panels:
    Creating a scroll panel in Flash Catalyst, by Doug Winnie
    Create a scrolling text panel in Flash Catalyst, by Terry White

    Thank You, Thank You,
    Thaqnk You
    Allen D. Macfalda

  • Warning when trying to install flash catalyst

    I get this warning when I try to install Falsh Catalyst:
    Support for CPU extension SSE
    This product does not support PowerPC architecture CPU.
    Is my computer too much of a dinosaur or something? It's a G5. Help

    Thanks for the input Arthurlock,
    This is such a bummer. You guys aren't alone in your disappointment. I was extremely excited too. Thank you two for posting. I finally found a relevant post after 5 hrs and change. I couldn't figure out how to resolve this same problem, and I was too stubborn to give in. All I needed was a simple answer, as Arthur stated.
    That said, what are our options? I've been running around in circles trying to figure what my next steps should be? ... Any input is welcome. I really don't want to purchase another computer to be able to use the new adobe software. I guess I didn't realize my computer was turning into such a dinosaur...
    "Sorry Mac Daddy, no more Christmas Flash Catalyst for you... "
    Running on:
    imac 1.6GHz PowerPC G5
    OSX 10.5.8

  • Switching from Flash to Flash Catalyst/Flex

    For the last few years I have been developing applications for project reporting. To explain this in simplest terms, my clients give me hundreds of reports and supporting documents, graphics, videos, etc. which I then condense and reorganize into a presentation/application in Flash. The project is then published as an .exe to be burned to CD ROM or DVD along with any supporting files and is then distributed to project stake holders, investors, etc.
    I'm considering the possibility of a switch from Flash to Flash Catalyst/Flex and want to outline what my needs are, here in the forum, in hopes that others now using Catalyst/Flex can help me decide if this is an appropriate move.
    Features needed:
    1. Basic animation, transitions, etc.
    2. Full Navigation (up to 3 levels) for up to 300 slides.
    3. Keyboard navigation (PageUp/PageDown) to navigate sequentially through the entire presentation.
    4. Linking into other applications and documents - Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.
    5. Full Screen Mode
    6. Slide Show Mode
    7. Search Features
    8. Slide sharing (via email)
    9. Video and audio w/controls
    10. Pan and Zoom w/controls (panning and zooming of graphics and .swf files)
    11. Scrolling (scrolling of text, graphics and .swf files)
    12. Interactive forms
    Can anyone please comment specifically on these features and wether or not they are possible using Catalyst and/or Catalyst/Flex in combination.
    Thank you all for any insight or suggestions.

    With the exception of making fre-form animations (like a cartoon for example), everything you can do in Flash can be done in Flex considerably faster.
    The downside is that Flex applications (especially ones designed in Catalyst) are generally larger, and consume more memory. Personally, I never publish anything made in Catalyst without optimizing it in Flash Builder first.
    If the drop in operating performance isn't a deal breaker (most of the time you can't even notice it), then I would certainly consider moving to Flex going forward on new projects.

  • FAQ: SWF's and loading external files in Flash Catalyst

    How do I make the images in my Flash Catalyst project external to the published SWF?
    You can choose whether images are embedded in your Flash Catalyst SWF, or loaded dynamically; this can help to keep your SWF's small. Simply right-click an image and chose "Externalize Image".
    Answered by: Adam Cath.
    See entire discussion.
    How do I make the SWF I imported to Flash Catalyst load external files?
    When importing a SWF, Flash Catalyst only pulls the SWF asset into your project. Many SWF's, such as slideshows and media players, rely on external data files, such as configuration files or media assets. If you would like to use such a SWF in Catalyst, then you will have to place these external resources into your Catalyst project as well as importing the SWF.
    Let's assume you have a SWF source folder that contains your SWF file and all of the external files it needs. You can open the SWF file from this folder and it works fine. But, if you import the SWF into Catalyst, the Catalyst project doesn't display it correctly because it can't load the external files. Here's what you do:
    1. Open your swf source folder, and copy all of the files/folders there except the SWF you imported.
    2. In Catalyst, Run/Preview your project (Ctl/Cmd-Enter)
    2. Note the file path to Main.html in your browser
    3. In your OS, open the folder that contains /bin-debug/Main.html from above
    4. Open the "src" folder
    5. Paste all of the files from step 1 into the src folder.
    6. Catalyst won't pick up that your project changed, so tweak it a bit (add a Rectangle), and save it.
    7. Run your project. If it doesn't work, try closing and reopening your project and running again.
    For an example, check out: Using an XML-driven SWF in Catalyst to create a slideshow.
    See entire discussion.
    Answered by: Bear Travis

    You can make you swf a custom component with 2 states.
    The first state will be empty and rename it "OFF" the second state will have your swf file and name it ON.
    Then go back to your artboard/project, add your 2 buttons ON & OFF.
    For the ON button add interaction "play transition to custom component ON"
    For the OFF button add interaction "play transition to custom component OFF"
    Here is an example swf_control

  • Is there a Flash to HTML5 converter? Or other options.

    Is there a Flash to HTML5 converter Application for desktop/laptop Macs? I have tried to stay the course of 'no flash' but it can be challenging.
    So a sub question could also be, for those in the Mac community who advocate HTML5, what do you do when you come across a site that requires flash?

    I have Flash turned off via an extension. I have to click on Flash content to play it.

  • How to send submited information on the form created in flash catalyst to an email??

    i have created a contact form in flash catalyst including submit button and i need this information to be emailed, when people press the submit button.
    does anyone here have the idea what should i do and what is the easiest way????
    please help me on this...

    Hi Faryar,
    Emailing a form requires some special setup on your web server. The actual sending of the email is done on the server-side. The SWF you create in Catalyst sends a request to your server, which then sends the email. Unfortunately, you have to be prepared to learn some server-side coding to get this to work.
    Here are some resources to help you get started:
    - A tutorial on making web forms: http://www.javascript-coder.com/html-form/how-to-make-a-form.phtml . Note that you'll be doing the actual form UI in Catalyst, instead of HTML (so you can skip those parts).
    - Using the Flex Form control to sending email using PHP on the server: http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Submitting_a_Flex_form_using_PHP-8523.html . Note that you're not using the Form control, but this demonstrates how to write the PHP code.
    - A good discussion of this topic. http://www.actionscript.org/forums/showthread.php3?t=181049
    - One cheesy way of doing this without a server is to create a mailto link with the email body pulled from the form. When the user clicks the link, his email client will open up with the email pre-written, but he will still have to send it. I don't really recommend this method as many users don't have mailto configured on their machines. If you do want to do it, you just need to construct a mailto link dynamically from the form contents. Add a "Go to URL" interaction in Catalyst, import the project to builder, and then change the URL to something like this:
    "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Form Submission&body=" + firstNameTextInput.text + ", " + lastNameTextInput.text".

  • Using Flash Catalyst Custom Component in Flash Builder

    I created a custom component in  Flash Catalyst that is intended to be used in the way that one would use  a BorderContainer in Flex/Flash Builder. Can anyone advise me how I  might go about doing this?
    many thanks,

    And also there's a lot of new content to help every one started at http://www.adobe.com/devnet
    If you're a CF/Flex developer you're gonna enjoy the new content here too

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