Flash/Director LocalConnection - AllowDomain

I am using the LocalConnection object to communicate between
a Flash MX2004 SWF and a Director MX2004 movie (running in the
Authoring environment). I need the two to communicate across
different domains but, although I have followed the documentation,
this does not appear to work!
My Director movie WILL execute the called handler when the
calling SWF is run locally, but NOT when it is run on the web.
The documentation says that in order to allow the sending
LocalConnection to talk cross-domain to the receiving
LocalConnection I need to do the following:
1) Make sure both connections are connected with names
starting with an underscore... CHECK. My LCs are connected as
"_SourceLC" and "_DestLC"
2) Make sure that the allowDomain functions for both LCs are
set to return true for the required domains... CHECK. My LCs'
allowDomain functions both simply return true
When running cross-domain, when I call the desination LC
(_DestLC) from the source LC (_SourceLC), it gets as far as the
allowDomain function, but does NOT execute the required function.
However, when both are run on the same domain, the allowDomain
function is executed followed by the required function being
successfully executed.
Can anyone help? Am I missing something, or is the
documentation wrong?

After having no luck, I found that I can communicate between AIR and an embedded an SWF in my Director movie. So I am just doing that as a go-between to pass commands from my AIR app to my Shockwave Projector.  I hope this helps anyone else who comes across this issue.

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    Any comments?
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    "alec mce" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    >I have a director shell which allows file system IO,
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    > Currently, AFAIK you can't force Flash 9 into full
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    > looking
    > to squeeze as much speed out of the app as possible.
    > Thanks in advance to anyone who knows.

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    Scenario is : When user click on any song in .swf file, at the application we should be able to display its title.
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    Now i have written a another flex application which has a textinput. i emebeded this in the portal application (as embedded .swf file). Whenever a radio popup is launch at site and user click on any song the title of the song should be displayed inside this flex application
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" creationComplete="{createLw()}">
        import flash.net.LocalConnection;
        private var incoming_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
        private function createLw()
              incoming_lc.client = this;
        function setPlayerLabel(param1:String,param2:String,param3:String):void
          sentMessage_txt.text = "param1";
        <mx:TextInput id="sentMessage_txt" x="0" y="0"/>
    this is very imp for me please let me know how to ahieve this

        public function setPlayerLabel(param1:String,param2:String,param3:String):void
          sentMessage_txt.text = param1;     // no quotes
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.
    Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

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    Any chance you could describe what's happening on screen a
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    working completely. Although I'm not sure it's due to Flash,
    but I'm
    suspicious now.
    "googleguy" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eh3u7l$srm$[email protected]..
    > anybody have any input? thanks :)

  • LocalConnection problem with Popup page

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    This is the code,

    from the flash help files:
    As discussed in the entry LocalConnection.connect(), Flash
    adds the current superdomain to connectionName by default. If you
    are implementing communication between different domains, you need
    to define connectionName in both the sending and receiving
    LocalConnection objects in such a way that Flash does not add the
    current superdomain to connectionName. You can do this in one of
    the following two ways:
    Use an underscore (_) at the beginning of connectionName in
    both the sending and receiving LocalConnection objects. In the SWF
    file containing the receiving object, use
    LocalConnection.allowDomain to specify that connections from any
    domain will be accepted. This implementation lets you store your
    sending and receiving SWF files in any domain.
    Include the superdomain in connectionName in the sending
    LocalConnection object--for example, myDomain.com:myConnectionName.
    In the receiving object, use LocalConnection.allowDomain to specify
    that connections from the specified superdomain will be accepted
    (in this case, myDomain.com) or that connections from any domain
    will be accepted.
    Note: You cannot specify a superdomain in connectionName in
    the receiving LocalConnection object--you can only do this in the
    sending LocalConnection object.

  • LocalConnection between AS3 App into Loaded AS2

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    The Main App (AS3)
    // the SWFLoader loads the ChildSWF, and on (Event.COMPLETE, openLocalConn);
    private function openLocalConn(e:Event):void {
       my_send_lc = new LocalConnection();
       my_send_lc.send("ConnCountryList", "publicMethod", "jo");
       my_send_lc.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
    private function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void {
       switch (event.level) {
         case "status":
            trace("**** LocalConnection.send() SUCCESS ****" + event.toString());
         case "error":
            trace("**** LocalConnection.send() FAILED ****");
    Loaded SWFChild (AS2)
    trace ("Loaded Child SWF");
    var getArray_lc : LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
        getArray_lc.client = this;
    function publicMethod(jo:String) {
    So When I run the MainApp, The ChildSWF gets Loaded (traceout: Loaded Child SWF, it's calls the openLocalConn(), it Gives me another traceout: **** LocalConnection.send() SUCCESS ****,
    BUT I GET no traceout for the called publicMethod() in the ChildSWF in which I am supposed to see: Eureka

    LocalConnection will only work between two applications running on the same machine.
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/LocalConnecti on.html
    "LocalConnection objects can communicate only among files that are running on the same client computer, but they can be running in different applications — for example, a file running in a browser and a SWF file running in Adobe AIR."
    If you need to communicate between an app running on an iOS device and a swf in a browser on a computer look into the ServerSocket Class:
    Works a little differently than LocalConnection but will allow connections between two different physical devices (ie: 2 computers, a computer and a mobile device, 2 mobile devices, etc).  Since the iOS device uses the air runtime stuff it should have access to the ServerSocket Class while the browser swf can use a standard Socket to connect to the iOS device.

  • SSL access from SWF in Director projector

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    Hoping one of you clever people has the answer...
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    I have spent sometime googling the issue and believe it may
    have something to do with flashes security.allowInsecureDomain,
    allowDomain, or loadPolicyFile methods, but cannot work out how
    these might be used from an SWF running in director.
    Any help (examples) greatly appreciated.
    Many Thanks
    - Ben

    I'm pretty sure a Director projector can't communicate over
    Shockwave can, since it "piggybacks" on the browser's
    ability. Hence the
    existence of SecureNet xtra from INM:
    However, I think you'll have to
    route your data sending and receiving through Director rather
    than use
    the built-in Flash method.
    Alternatively, it might work from an externally linked swf
    instead of
    one fully imported, so you might try this.

  • Air to Air LocalConnection error

    I am unable to send and receive messages using local connection in air 1.5 but the exact same code works fine when run as a Flex app in the browser. Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong?
    Here is my code:
    Air App 1
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" initialize="initConn()">
            import flash.net.LocalConnection;
            private var conn:LocalConnection;
            private function initConn():void
                btnSend.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendMessage);
                conn = new LocalConnection();
                conn.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
            private function sendMessage(event:MouseEvent):void
                conn.send("taskConnection", "localconnectionHandler", inputTask.text);
            private function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void
                switch (event.level)
                    case "status":
                        labelStatus.text = "LocalConnection.send() succeeded";
                    case "error":
                        labelStatus.text = "LocalConnection.send() failed";
        <mx:Panel horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
            <mx:Form width="100%" height="100%" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
                <mx:FormItem label="Enter Task">
                    <mx:TextInput id="inputTask"/>
                <mx:FormItem label="Send Task ">
                    <mx:Button id="btnSend" label="Send"/>
                    <mx:Label id="labelStatus" text=""/>
    Air App 2
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" initialize="InitConn()">
                import flash.net.LocalConnection;
                private var conn:LocalConnection;
                private function InitConn():void
                    conn = new LocalConnection();
                    conn.client = this;
                    catch (error:ArgumentError)
                        trace("Can't connect.");
                public function localconnectionHandler(msg:String):void
                    textareaTasks.text= textareaTasks.text + msg + "\n";
                private function clearTasks(event:MouseEvent):void
        <mx:Panel  horizontalCenter="0"
            paddingLeft="20" paddingRight="20" paddingBottom="20" paddingTop="20"
            height="300" width="500">
            <mx:Label text="Your tasks are..."/>
            <mx:TextArea id="textareaTasks"
                top="20" left="20" right="20" bottom="20"
                width="100%" height="100%"/>
                <mx:Button id="btnClearTasks" click="clearTasks(event)" label="Clear Tasks"/>

    The communication between the two air applications is not working because they are in different domains. In order to communicate you must explicitly tell your applications which domains are allowed to communicate with. For this you will have to make the following adjustments to your code:
    This code assumes that your apps are named LocalConnAir1 and LocalConnAir2
    For app1 you have to modify the sendMessage() function and tell it explicitly to send the the message to the connection named taskConnection from   the app#LocalConnAir1 domain:
            private function sendMessage(event:MouseEvent):void
                conn.send("app#LocalConnAir2:taskConnection", "localconnectionHandler", inputTask.text);
    For app2 you have to modify the initConn() function and incoming messages from the app#LocalConnAir1 domain:
              private function InitConn():void
                    conn = new LocalConnection();
                    conn.client = this;
                    catch (error:ArgumentError)
                        trace("Can't connect.");
    Best Regards,

  • AIR to AIR localconnection working only in one direction

    I have two simple air applications and i need to be able to send a message to the opposite app on the click of a button. My code works fine from app1 to app2 but i am getting the following error when trying to send a message from app2 to app1: Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: flash.net.LocalConnection was unable to invoke callback returnMessageHandler. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property returnMessageHandler not found on flash.net.LocalConnection and there is no default value.
    Here is my code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" initialize="initConn();">
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import flash.net.LocalConnection;
                public var conn:LocalConnection;
                public function initConn():void
                    conn = new LocalConnection();
                    conn.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
                    catch (error:ArgumentError)
                        trace("Can't connect.");
                private function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void
                    switch (event.level)
                        case "status":
                            //Alert.show("LocalConnection.send() succeeded");
                        case "error":
                            //Alert.show("LocalConnection.send() failed");
                public function returnMessageHandler():void
                    Alert.show("Recieved return message from app2");
                public function sendMessage():void
                    conn.send("app#app2:taskConnection", "localconnectionHandler");
        <mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="send message" click="sendMessage();"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" initialize="InitConn();">
              import mx.controls.Alert;
              import flash.net.LocalConnection;
              public var conn:LocalConnection;
              public function InitConn():void
                    conn = new LocalConnection();
                    conn.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
                    conn.client = this;
                    catch (error:ArgumentError)
                        trace("Can't connect.");
                public function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void
                    switch (event.level)
                        case "status":
                            Alert.show("LocalConnection.send() succeeded");
                        case "error":
                            Alert.show("LocalConnection.send() failed");
                public function localconnectionHandler():void
                    Alert.show("Recieved message from app1");
                public function sendReturnMessage():void
                    conn.send("app#app1:returnConnection", "returnMessageHandler");
        <mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="send return message" click="sendReturnMessage()"/>
    If anyone can plese help me figure this out I would greatly appriciate it I'm tearing my hair out!

    I figured out what my problem was...
    app1 needed the following line: conn.client = this;
    in order to receive the return message from app2.

  • Flash conflict w/ IE 6

    Apparently there is a conflict between Flash Player and Windows Explorer 6.  If I open a site that uses flash player, obviously I am asked to download flash player.  Shortly after doing the download an error message pops up telling that Windows Explorer is shutting down.  Then if I reopen my browser and go to another site that uses flash player I get the same message.  If I uninstall flash player and all flash directories, I can then open my browser and go to any site using flash.  As long as I always answer "no" when asked to install flash player, I can continue to view the site - just with out any video or flash gadgets.
    Is anyone familiar with this problem or know what I can do to fix it.  My OS is W2K.

    Hi again, When I checked on the ServerProtect, I could not determine whether it provided a Firewall. Perhaps you do.
    The built in Firewall with the Modem is not a problem since you'll be installing off line.
    I hope you have had a chance to look over the Uninstall/Install instructions as they are very important to follow.
    If you have those taken care of, then the first thing you would do is download this Adobe Uninstaller to your Desktop.
    Download and SAVE the Installer to your Desktop.
    Then do the following and in this order please.
    1. Whatever Add ons you have Disable them all, and any Toolbars, likewise.
    2. Disconnect from the Internet
    3. Disable any Firewall that may be with the ServerProtect (Windows Firewall if you have it is ok)
    4. Disable the ServerProtect Anti-Virus and any other Spyware etc that runs in the background
    5. Close all browsers and any program that uses Flash & check the system tray for that also.
    6. Run the Uninstaller from your Desktop, being sure to follow the last NOTE in the Uninstall instructions, Reboot Twice.
    7. Run the Installer and Reboot Once.
    8. Re-enable your Anti-Virus and any Firewall that was Disabled.
    9. Reconnect back to the Internet.
    Go to this Adobe Test site: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about
    After this is completed, you can enable add ons that are Microsoft, Adobe and Java.
    Then we will take care of the old Java and update it.
    If you have any questions, before or after, just post.

  • Yet another high cpu using flash issue

    Salutations. What I'm about to tell you won't come to you as a surprise as there have been many similar topics discussed here. In fact, on the first page, there were two. So let's get on with it!
    hp pavillion entertainment notebook dv6 e2170ee
    windows 7 64bit
    6gb ram
    intel core i7 cpu q 720 @ 1.60 GHz    (never overclocked. don't know how to)
    nvidia geforce gt 230m
    firefox is on safe mode. kind of better than regular mode.
    firefox waaaay better than chrome in handling flash. haven't tried it on ie. don't want to. i left ie8 at version 8
    flash hardware accelration is off
    firefox hardware accelaration is on
    latest flash player enabled
    latest shock player enabled
    latest flash director enabled
    latest firefox
    no idea if my vents and cooling system work properly. read several posts about this issue being related to hardware.
    i have updated my drivers using hp support assistant, driver detective, and windows update. wouldn't be surprised if there was a conflict with all this nvidia driver as well. went to the site. it detected my model and sent me the driver. had audio and video options in it.
    while writing this post, the adobe tab + 4 flash tabs off the same site (youtube, younow, cam sites, etc) are open.
    performance tab in taskbar says
    flashplayer 15 *32bit (2 processes with the same name but diff cpu usage by the way. why 2?) is using 5%
    firefox *32 bit is using 5%
    audiodg.exe is nowhere to be found
    now firefox and flashplayer keep alternating ofcourse. flash always ends up with higher cpu when everything breaks. i have noticed that even after closing ff, ff and flash are still in the processes table. they stay there for a bit. why?
    ISSUE NUMBER 1: i can't play a video and have flash players on at the same time. I'd like to watch a movie and every now and then look to my other screen to see what's going on with the flash site. it can't be done. all is well at the beginning then it goes to hell. i have the latest free version of bsplayer and videolan. Yes vlc handles better but it all goes to hell in the end. sometimes the video won't even show on vlc; only audio
    ISSUE NUMBER 2: i don't understand the logic behind the increase in cpu. if i have 6 tabs open all flash all is well. but at some point it just spikes up. so i always try to keep the number of flash tabs as low as possible. sometimes 4 are no issue but 5 are a big issue. sometimes closing a tab helps and sometimes it doesnt.
    ISSUE NUMBER 3: audiodg starts using more than 2%. It can go up to 11 or 13 even. That shouldn't happen. I've been told that for it to go beyond 2 or even 3 means there's a conflict. I had trouble dealing with this issue. I don't know what or where the conflict is. So if there's anyone here that's good at this please contact me. Ill post a pic of device manager. For the sound, i have 4 nvideo and 1 idt audio codec. I cdon't know which to disable or uninstall. im thinking of unintalling every audio/video driver i hav and start from the beginning. BUT LETS NOT MAKE THIS ABOUT AUDIO/VIDEO CONFLICT
    QUESTION 1: was there ever a time when this issue didn't exist? perhaps there's a "stable" version of ff or flash that don't cause this.
    QUESTION 2: ive seen a lot of posts about this but I honestly can't remember any participants saying OH REALLY? ODD, I NEVER HAD THIS ISSUE BEFORE
    QUESTION 3: isn't there some kind of tracer that can track the moment that it goes to hell? im sure there is but no one's mentioned it so far
    QUESTION 4: would buying a new laptop solve this? I'd like to think not since the issue is flash not the capabilities of a laptop but i can't help but think that a better laptop will fix this. My laptop is 4 years old.
    QUESTION 5: i don't know anything about multithreading or multiple cores handling a single process but if someone showed me how, would that resolve my issue?
    MY WISH: for flash to coexist peacefully with human beings

    Disabling Hardware Acceleration in Flash means that we're doing all of the processing on the CPU, instead of on the GPU.  The GPU is purpose-built for 3D graphics and video decoding and is far more power efficient.  Decoding H.264 video in software is very CPU intensive, which is why we made the huge investment to enable hardware acceleration on the vast majority of available desktop hardware. Running six CPU intensive tasks simultaneously (which is what you're doing by using six simultaneous tabs) is unsurprisingly going to tax your machine.
    If you've disabled Hardware Acceleration because video wasn't working right or something, figuring out how to get that enabled (or moving to better hardware with good driver support) would solve the vast majority of what you're describing here.  If HP doesn't offer updated drivers, I'd recommend trying the corresponding Nvidia drivers, as OEMs aren't always motivated to pick up the latest fixes once a model is no longer generating new revenue for them.  The chipset manufacturers tend to provide longer support, but those drivers aren't officially supported by the OEM.
    The architecture for Protected Mode for Firefox is a result of the fact that we've retrofitted a modern plug-in security approach to a legacy plug-in architecture.  As you've noticed, equivalent sandboxing in other major browsers is designed into their plug-in architectures, and is therefore more efficient.  We've made huge investments to support modern security architecture and always do our best to accommodate efforts from our partners in the browser space to further secure the browser.  You can find a detailed explanation of our approach to Firefox here: Inside Flash Player Protected Mode for Firefox
    Firefox controls the instantiation and destruction of Flash instances.  You'll also notice that Firefox hangs out for a while after shutdown.  This is something that we're aware of, but it's beyond our control.
    Flash doesn't have much to do with audiodg, except for the fact that it generates sound and uses the windows sound subsystem.  This article seems to present some reasonable advice in resolving issues with high CPU consumption from the sound subsystem.  Fix Audiodg.exe High CPU Usage in Windows 7 | Windows EXE Errors
    Hardware accelerated video encoding is typically not available on consumer-grade hardware (primarily because of the difference in licensing models for encoding and decoding with popular commercial codecs), and therefore is done on the CPU.  The particular website chooses what codecs and bitrates are involved, and higher quality feed will consume more CPU.  It's also worth pointing out that not all video can be decoded in hardware.  We provide clear guidance to content providers on how to encode video so that it can be played back efficiently, it's ultimately up to the content provider to follow that advice.
    So, long story short, each tab consumes resources.  Running a single tab is going to use less resources than running multiple tabs.  The latest version of Internet Explorer does some stuff to reduce resource consumption in tabs that you're not actively looking at.  We're discussing possibilities with the Chrome folks for doing the same thing in Chromium-based browsers.  Mozilla isn't interested in investing in browser plug-ins, so we don't expect to see the necessary browser-side improvements there.  The Chrome sandboxing model is more efficient that protected mode for Firefox, so tasks that require moving a lot of data (like streaming video) may use less CPU in Chrome.
    To answer your questions specifically:
    1.) There was a time before we supported multiple tabs, webcam streaming, H.264 video decoding and modern security sandboxing.  I wouldn't recommend using those versions.
    2.) There are a few posts about this, but we have ~1.5 billion users.  The majority of the very small number of folks relative to our install base are complaining their machines are overheating, which is a symptom of an ineffective cooling system. 
         There's nothing magic about Flash that causes it to somehow superheat the CPU.
         There was a time before tabs, where people didn't normally run 5-50 browser windows.  Websites also got much more complex, and the security threats got far more serious and complex.
         Playing video as a plug-in in the browser as opposed to something like VLC is inherently less efficient, as pretty much each pixel and packet gets passed through the browser before it gets to the OS or drivers.
         All of these things require additional processing.  The resources on your computer are still finite, and there is an upper limit to the number of simultaneous tabs you can use.
         At some point, you come to a juncture where you need to decide between throwing more hardware at the problem, or using less tabs simultaneously.
         Also, most laptops have power saving CPUs, so they'll ratchet the clock speed down to save battery.  You might want to check your power settings to make sure you're running at the CPU's full capacity when plugged in.
    3.) Not that would generate anything really useful.
    4.) Possibly.  You actually already have a multi-core machine.  I think you'd get more bang for your buck by enabling hardware acceleration and switching browsers.
    5.) You already have a multi-core machine that we support.
    Your Wish: We're constantly addressing security issues identified through our own testing, emerging research and intelligence from our partners in academia, government and industry.  We're also looking for opportunities to tune the player, but the reality is that Intel, Nvidia and ATI (and a long list of others, in addition to Adobe) have tuned Flash Player extensively for their hardware.  We work closely with the Internet Explorer and Chrome teams to continue to make the Flash experience better, and are always happy to work with the Firefox team should they decide that they're interested in plug-ins and the desktop browser again.  At the end of the day, Flash is just a low-level runtime.  It's just as possible to write inefficient ActionScript as it is to write inefficient C++, and while we provide some fantastic tooling for profiling your Flash content, it's up to individual content providers to write efficient code.  It's really difficult to find opportunities to make generic optimizations that don't break a percentage of the hundreds of millions of sites published with Flash content.
    I'm actually still not clear on what the problem you're experiencing is.  All software running on your machine that's actively processing something is going to use a non-zero percentage of CPU time.  The symptoms you describe indicate that Flash consumes 5% of the CPU, which is totally reasonable.  I'm guessing that I don't have the complete story.

  • Make Flash Plug-In for Firefox Remember Privacy Settings for Camera and Mic Access on Local File

    My company is using Flash Player to develop some kiosk-style applications to run on a standalone computer (no network connection). This computer will contain web pages containing Flash content. They will be opened from the local HD with Firefox with the Adobe Flash plug-in (v11.7.700.224). One of the applications accesses the microphone hooked up to the computer. When this application is started, it always asks for permission for "local" to access the microphone and camera. In previous versions of our system, we could click "Remember" if we did it once and that would make it so it wouldn't ask for permissions again (in this case, the Remember option isn't available, and the site settings don't even offer the Privace tab). However, in the previous case, we were running IE with a previous ActiveX Flash version (unfortunately, this approach is no longer available as we have had to switch to Windows 8 and that changes the game with IE and Flash entirely).
    At this point, we have tried to use the Global Settings for "Camera and Microphone Settings by Site..." to enter "Local" as an always allowed site. This does not seem to have any effect. We also tried entering the root directory of the applications in "Trusted Location Settings", but that also seemed to have no effect.
    I'm not sure what has fundamentally changed here. I think there might be some differences in the Plug-In version (compared to ActiveX), but I'm not sure what they might be or how to do the same thing as before.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    We learned that the Privacy tab (in Settings) can be found under the Flash plug-in for Firefox, but only if Firefox is running under an administrator.
    Unfortunately, we haven't had much luck with the mms.cfg file. The following was used in the mms.cfg file (placed in both the %WINDIR%\SysWow64\Macromed\Flash and %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\Flash” directories):
    AVHardwareDisable = 0
    AVHardwareEnabledDomain = local
    AVHardwareEnabledDomain =
    AVHardwareEnabledDomain = localhost
    AutoUpdateDisable = 1
    The AVHardwareEnabledDomain settings seem to be getting ignored regardless of whether the user is a standard user or an administrator. I also checked to make sure it wasn't just a local problem by going to a website that uses a microphone (http://www.testden.com/accent-reduction/systemcheck.htm). Adding the requested domain to the list (AVHardwareEnabledDomain = train.act360.com) still didn't bypass the allow/deny dialog box.
    We know that the mms.cfg file is being read because setting "AVHardwareDisable = 1" will result in no prompt and that section being greyed out in Global Settings. I saw a post that suggested this setting was required to even make the AVHardwareEnabledDomain work, but it seems to block the local entirely and still brings up the dialog query on the internet site.

  • Command line to detect installed flash player version

    Hi All,
    Happy New Year to you all.
    I have one desktop application (Flash Director/C++) for which I am developing Windows installer script. I am facing some problem developing the installer script regarding installed Flash Player version. When I am running the script, it is overriding the already installed Flash player irrespective of the version.
    Is there any command line (for Windows script) to know the version of the Flash player prior to install the installer contained Flash player so that I can check before pushing the installer Flash player?
    I would appreciate your quick reply.
    Thanks in advance.

    Can anyone please give some inputs on this query?

  • AllowDomain error (#3207) when loading local swf

    I am trying to load a swf that is on my local file system using an AIR application. The swf I am loading has the code Security.allowDomain("*") in it's constructor. I am getting the following runtime error when I load it.
    SecurityError: Error #3207: Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature.
        at flash.system::Security$/allowDomain()
        at ball_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
    Is there anyway to load this file without recompiling it?

    As you can see Security.allowDomain() is not permitted in the AIR application sandbox. This is because we want to prevent non-application content (possibly from unsafe sources) to access AIR APIs (such as filesystem reading). However, you can cross-script to content from other domains using the sandbox bridge. This lets non-application content access specific methods and properties in your application (and vice versa). For more information, see the following:
    Scripting between content in different domains

  • LocalConnection to run a function in another .swf not working....

    I'm trying to establish a LocalConnection so that I can communicate between my navbar & the main page on my website. Here is the code I have so far for the sending and receiving AS3 files, please let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary. The idea is that when you click on one of the icons on the navbar my "book" slides down to the center of the screen on the correct page. I actually have 4 buttons but only included the code I'm using for two in order to make this post shorter. The same idea is used for all four buttons though.
    var sending_lc:LocalConnection;
    sending_lc = new LocalConnection();
    servicesBtn.buttonMode = true;
    portfolioBtn.buttonMode = true;
    function servicesBtnOver(event:MouseEvent):void{
    function servicesBtnOut(event:MouseEvent):void{
    function servicesBtnClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    sending_lc.send("my_lc_as3", "gotoServicesPage");
    servicesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, servicesBtnOver);
    servicesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, servicesBtnOut);
    servicesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, servicesBtnClick);
    function portfolioBtnOver(event:MouseEvent):void{
    function portfolioBtnOut(event:MouseEvent):void{
    function portfolioBtnClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    sending_lc.send("my_lc_as3", "gotoPortfolioPage");
    portfolioBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, portfolioBtnOver);
    portfolioBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, portfolioBtnOut);
    portfolioBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, portfolioBtnClick);
    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    var receiving_lc:LocalConnection;
    receiving_lc = new LocalConnection();
    receiving_lc.client = this;
    var bookPosition:String = "up";
    function gotoServicesPage(event:MouseEvent):void {
    if (bookPosition == "up");
            TweenLite.to(book, 2, {y:830});
              var bookPosition == "down";
    function gotoPortfolioPage(event:MouseEvent):void{
    if (bookPosition == "up");
            TweenLite.to(book, 2, {y:830});
             var bookPosition == "down";
    The reason I'm keeping track of whether the book is in the "up" or "down" is so that if it's in the down position already it doesn't re-tween back onto the screen. I am new to declaring and using variables; TweenLite; and LocalConnection so there is probably some simple problem with my AS3 code (although no errors are coming up in Flash). Any help would be much appreciated.

    Alright I'm going to fix one problem at a time, starting with the LocalConnection. I've checked several websites for tutorials and examples but cannot seem to get it working properly. I'm just trying to run a simple function over it and can't get it working. Once I can get it working, I'll modify the rest of the code to do what I need. Right now I'm just trying to use it to run a function (slideServicesIn) in a seperate swf. file. I've checked and rechecked the code and just can't figure out why it's not working.
    Here's the sending code:
    import flash.net.LocalConnection;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    var lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    function servicesBtnClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    servicesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, servicesBtnClick);
    Looks pretty simple.... And here's the receiving code:
    import flash.net.LocalConnection;
    var lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    /*If you're not familiar with TweenLite or TweenMax, I can revise the code. I can't get it to work even just to go to a certain frame label. This seems pretty basic if you are even a little familiar with TweenLite/Tweenmax*/
    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import com.greensock.plugins.*;
    var bookPosition:String = "up";
    var currentPage:String;
    function slideServicesIn ():void{
             if (bookPosition = "up"){
             //Goes to a certain frame label in the book movie clip
             //Slides the book down 825px from the top of the screen using TweenLite
             TweenLite.to(book, 3, { y:825 } );
             bookPosition = "down";
             currentPage = "book.servicesPage";
            else () {
             //Fades out the current page using TweenLite
             TweenLite.to(currentPage, 1, { alpha:0, ease:Quad.easeIn } );
             //Fades in the Web Design Page using Tweenlite
             TweenLite.to(book.webDesignPage, 1, { alpha:1, ease:Quad.easeIn, delay: .2 } );

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