Flash player breaks in OpenSUSE linux 11.1 x64

The plugin doesn't work in Firefox, and when I run it via the
command line I get the following:
[nathan@ebisu ~] flashplayer
WARNING: environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING set and it
is not UTF-8
Currently in use: 62 blocks containing 162.1 KiB bytes total.
Allocated during whole lifetime: 21849 blocks containing 64.7
MiB bytes total.
Sample cache size: 0 B
User name: nathan
Host Name: ebisu
Server Name: pulseaudio
Server Version: 0.9.12
Default Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
Default Sink:
Default Source:
Cookie: 9bc7bfef
Segmentation fault
[nathan@ebisu ~] flashplayer --version
WARNING: environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING set and it
is not UTF-8
There are no debugging symbols so I can't give a useful
Thanks for the help.

Does the router have DHCP enabled???
I'm just going to throw you a bone and say that it might be Linux.
I'll keep looking into it but another option for you maybe this.
DD-WRT is pretty safe to use and is Linux based so I'm only guess it has a better chance to work with your computer (so i read).
I'm not much a of Linux guy but you can trust DD-WRT.

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  • Flash Player Crashes in QT linux platform

    I have written a small web browser code, which will invoke the youtube  site using NPAPI plugin support. I successfully installed the flash  player. In windows as well as Linux machines .
    In Windows - I can able to compile the program as well as i can able to  see the youtube videos in my machine.
    In Linux- I can able to compile the code but i am not able to run the  browser. Within a fraction of seconds the browser closed as well as i am  getting the following error in the console window.
    (process:11411): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2458: initialization  assertion failed, use IA__g_type_init() prior to this function
    (process:11411): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion  `initialization_value != 0' failed
    (process:11411): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion  `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
    The program has unexpectedly finished.
    Please any one help me to solve this problem.
    A. Peter Jerald

    Here's an experiment I want you to try.
    Go to: [User]/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles (hold the "Option" key when clicking "Go" from the Finder menu to access your [User] Library)
    Copy the "default" profile folder from there to ANYWHERE other than the Firefox folder (a Flash Drive preferably, so you can remove it)
    Trash the "default" profile folder and empty the trash.
    Relaunch Firefox.
    Go to YouTube and play ANY video there.
    If prompted to install Flash Player again do so.
    Let us know if that changes anything.

  • Problem with Arabic text with flash player 10 32bit under linux platforms

    Arabic encoding characters do not show correct in the right form at all linux distributions .
    note: with windows platforms, it shows arabic characters correctly.
    this video contains captions and subtitles, in the attachement two snapshots,
    First, show the arabic sentences in the right form with "swfdec mozilla" plugins.
    The other, show the arabic words with "adobe flash player 32bit" plugins,
    for example: Arabic font enconding cp-1256
    the character ب
      in the beginning of the word " بـ ".
    in the middle " ـبـ "
    at the end "ـب"
    isolated character "not in word "ب"
    the word
      كتب in the right form
    begin from right with " كـ "
    with adobe flash player
    ب ت ك
    it shows from left to right and use only isolated characters.
    I report to adobe and they response
    Hi Ghost,
    Since you do not have a 64 bit machine please proceed to reinstall the
    32 bit edition.
    For the current release version of Flash player 10, it does support
    Right to left, But you can’t use a text field on stage and have it
    work. When authoring the content in Flash cs4, you would have to use
    the Flash text engine. more information on that can be found here:
    Thank you.
    Thomas S.
    Technical Support Engineer
    Adobe Systems, Inc.
    Get the answers you need, when you need them!
    Knowledge Base: <(><<)>http://www.adobe.com/support>
    Support Plans: <(><<)>http://www.adobe.com/support/programs

    I too am having this problem. On all of my linux distributions, including Ubuntu 8.04, 8.10, knoppix 5,1, fedora 8,9,10 flashplayer 10 is broken in the same way.  It reports that it cannot find webcam, and the settings dialog refuses to recognize mouse clicks.  I've poked around the web quite a bit and have not yet found a solution.  I saw the problem mentioned on an adobe bug reporting site and their response was to close the issue saying it wasn't repeatable on their system.  I tried to re-open it and my post was deleted without comment (I may have posted incorrectly or something)
    Looking here  and elsewhere I see that the problem is very common and I don't see any posted bug-fixes, or even acknowledgement that a bug exists.  Has adobe lost interest in being cross-platform compatible?

  • Flash Player 10.1 for Linux Debian 64bits

    I am a Debian Lenny 64bits user and I trying to install flash player 10.1 or something that can play the flash files in webpages, my web browser is "Iceweasel", the default browser in Debian linux, It's based in Mozilla Firefox code.
    I can't configure the flash player, I'm really desesperate.
    In the Downloads section of Adobe's website there arent any version for 64bits debian based linux (or I can't found It).
    I have searched in forums.adobe.com and other forums but the solutions that I have found don't work or the browser simply crashes.
    I tryed to install flash player 10.1 for i386 ubuntu (debian based) architecture with the ia32-libs and the workaround emulation but It didn't work either.
    The open source swf players dont play the version 10 files.
    Somebody knows how to install adobe flash player 10.1 in a 64bits Debian based system or how can I do to view correctly the flash contents in web pages without installs windows or 32bits linux? (I need this 64bits Debian system for my job)
    Why Adobe compiles the 32bits debian package and don't compiles the 64bits? however Adobe compiles native 64bits versions for private operating systems like Microsoft or MacOS. I think that Adobe must be renewed in this topic (or disclose the source code and don't make monopoly).
    PD: sorry for my English

    I have an embedded ati x1250 in an asus m2a-vm motherboard, I bought this motherboard because in that moment asus gave full support in 64bits linux debian based systems.
    At this moment asus and amd only provides full support for this chipset on 64bits red-hat based linux and de source code produces error dependences in debian linux, I am using the fglrx that provides debian linux but It don't works correctly and the 3D sometimes crashes the x window system.
    This is my xorg.conf:
    Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "aticonfig Layout"
        Screen      0  "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0
    Section "Files"
    Section "Module"
        Load  "GLcore"
        Load  "glx"
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver      "kbd"
        Option        "XkbRules" "xorg"
        Option        "XkbModel" "pc105"
        Option        "XkbLayout" "es"
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
        Driver      "mouse"
    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Configured Monitor"
    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
        Option        "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
        Option        "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
        Option        "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier  "Configured Video Device"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier  "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
        Driver      "fglrx"
        BusID       "PCI:1:5:0"
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Default Screen"
        Monitor    "Configured Monitor"
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0"
        Device     "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
        Monitor    "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
        DefaultDepth     24
        SubSection "Display"
            Viewport   0 0
            Depth     24
    I tried to start x without the glx and GLcore modules but It don' work and if I start x with the standart vesa drivers when I move the mouse I can take a coffee while the pointer moves across the screen.
    I prefer to try to run natively the flash components in webpages but I see that It can' be.

  • Flash Player still slow on Linux

    I've tried, with my hi-configuration pc, last beta flash
    player amd64 version, on last Jaunty Ubuntu 9.04 with last nVidia
    driver 180.37 and with
    Direct rendering enabled... but still very slow (with HD
    videos, worse with fullscreen mode) VS Windows Vista platform on
    the same machine. I tried to uncheck and recheck "hardware
    acceleration" on Flash Player 10 settings box without see any
    difference (if don't work, why is present a box?).
    With some player (mplayer/smplayer for example) I can see
    without performance problems Full-HD videos... but with Flash
    Player, HDReady videos is "slow and choopy"...
    Can I hope better performance on Linux for the future?
    Thank you much and sorry for my english!
    Intel Q6600 2.4GHz, Asus P5Q Deluxe, 4Gb DDR2, nVidia 8800 GT

    I am using a very fast computer: Phenom quad-core 2.6GHz with an NVidia GeForce 8800GT. I notice a number of issues with flash 10 performance on this platform. For one, it's barely fast enough to play the Youtube HD video windows and not fast enough to play anything but traditional low def youtube FullScreen. The player doesn't thread at all so it relies soley on the clock speed of the machine. And as another poster said, the hardware acceleration box doesn't really seem to do anything.
    To some degree HD video is going to be a CPU hog...but this performance is far worse than what flash gets on the same machine on windows. That is the first issue. The second issue is that the player really needs to be threaded. Sure, some systems have the power to decode high res x264 with a single core. But there is no point...it's like lifting heavy things with one finger just to show how strong you are. Linux supports threads and the vast majority of machines have multiple cores, so use them! To release a player with such an obvious deficiency is simply lazy programming and design.

  • Flash player 10 debugger on Linux

    When I attempt to use the flash player debugger by right clicking on a flash movie and selecting "Debugger", nothing happens. Is there something I need to do besides install libflashplayer.so? Also, I'm using Firefox 3.5.

    I too am having this problem. On all of my linux distributions, including Ubuntu 8.04, 8.10, knoppix 5,1, fedora 8,9,10 flashplayer 10 is broken in the same way.  It reports that it cannot find webcam, and the settings dialog refuses to recognize mouse clicks.  I've poked around the web quite a bit and have not yet found a solution.  I saw the problem mentioned on an adobe bug reporting site and their response was to close the issue saying it wasn't repeatable on their system.  I tried to re-open it and my post was deleted without comment (I may have posted incorrectly or something)
    Looking here  and elsewhere I see that the problem is very common and I don't see any posted bug-fixes, or even acknowledgement that a bug exists.  Has adobe lost interest in being cross-platform compatible?

  • No sound with Flash Player under OSS in Linux

    Flash 9 & Flash10 under OSS 4.1 with Opera or Firefox.
    No sound at all on any flash using website. Websites such as
    the BBC that have some content in RealAudio or Windows Media
    formats work absolutely fine for non-Adobe content but Flash player
    content produces no sound.
    All other audio software works flawlessly - Skype, Real
    Player, Mplayer, Kaffeine, Wine, Games (ETQW, Doom3 etc), Helix,
    RhythmBox, Rosegarden.
    Whatever the fault is, it's an Adobe fault - fix it.

    Ditto with me. No sound with Flash Player in both IE and
    Firefox. Sound works with other applications.

  • Installing Flash Player 12 on Windows Server 2008 R2 X64 with IE 8

    I have an app that runs on Windows Server 2008 R2 X64 that requires Flash Player 12. When I try to install Flash Player 12 it says that Windows Server R2 X64 is not supported by way of eliminating it from the list of supported operating systems. When I do a search I can find many people who indicate they have it running or explain "hacks" to get it running. Since the app requires it there is an implimcation that it should be running on this OS. What is the offical word on this?  This is a production server and I really don't want an "unsupported hack" running in this environment. Is there a supported means of having Flash Player 12 run on Windows Server 2008 R2 X64 with IE8 even if it is within the 32 bit version of the browser?

    Server 2008 (x86) is supported, and I had an x64 machine set up last month that had FP12 installed and running in IE and Firefox. 64 bit IE wouldn't run it for some reason, but the 32 bit did. It installed in C/Windows/System32/Macromed/Flash and C/Windows/SysWOW64/Macromed/Flash, but I was unable to get the ActiveX plug-in to enable outside of 32 bit IE.
    I also set up a Server 2012 machine that DID support the x64 ActiveX, but that's probably not an option for you.
    Like you, I'd be leery of "hacks" to get it to run as an x64 pkug-in, as it may have unintended and undesired consequences in other areas.

  • Will there be a 'Pepper' Linux Flash Player available from Google for versions after 11.2?

    Adobe has stated that:
    "For Flash Player releases after 11.2, the Flash Player browser plugin for Linux will only be available via the “Pepper” API as part of the Google Chrome browser distribution and will no longer be available as a direct download from Adobe. "
    To me this sounds like going forward, after 11.2,  all Linux Flash Players will be released by Google as part of Chrome using Pepper and not by Adobe - but that there will be Linux Flash Players after 11.2, its just that they are only available in Chrome. However most people in the community seem to have interpreted this to mean 11.2 is the last Linux Flash Player ever other than 5 years of security updates from Adobe. Could an Adobe employee please clarify? Will there be Linux Flash Players, via Pepper and Chrome, for 11.3, 11.4. ...12 and so on? This is crutially important for those using the Flash Player within the embeded Linux market.
    Thanks in advance,

    Which version of Flash Player do you have in a specific browser which is causing problems?  http://tinyurl.com/fpversion

  • How do I install Flash Player for Iceweasel web browser on Debian Linux?

    How do I specify the path to the Iceweasel installation

    The simplest way to install the flash player on Debian GNU/Linux is to install the flashplugin-nonfree package from the contrib external repository.
    Make sure the contrib repository is enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, and then do:
    sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
    If you want to check for flashplayer updates, do:
    sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
    Note that this is proprietary software, and is not part of Debian itself.
    For more info, see the debian wiki

  • Adobe flash player - no more updates for linux

    I dont know if Im in the right place, but a week ago I discovered that Adobe is not going to provide new version of flash player.
    I have the most recent one, Flash Player 11.2 for Linux, but some of my internet apps require 11.5 or higher. Im not a geek and Im still quite a newbie, but I was searching in several forums and all over google and I didnt find any other alternative.
    Is there any chance to run these apps on Linux? I know I can switch to Windows but its a really stupid thing. Since Im on Linux I run Windows only for gaming or using Photoshop.
    Thanks for any idea

    Didnt know its that easy, thanks

  • Linux and Flash player

    We have recently switched from Windows to Linux and can't get flash player to install.  What do I need to do.

    Check out this video from James Ward, it might help you out:

  • Flash Player no longer using the 'speaker fill' option in Windows.

    The latest update of Flash Player breaks the 'speaker fill/sound enchancement' feature of Windows. i.e whenever I play some online videos only 2 of 6 speakers will output sound. Previously all 6 (1 Subwoofer + 5 speakers) used to play audio. I can confirm the issue with both Chrome & Firefox (I was using an older build of Flash Player 11.x in Firefox so the Audio was fine but when I upgraded to 11.3.x the compatibility was broken). So how am I supposed to fix this issue?
    It's not a software/driver error btw as everything else works fine, audio from Media Player or any other sound application will play on all speakers.
    In short worlds: This newer version of Flash player just 'bypasses' the 'System Effects/Speaker Fill/Sound Enchancements' of Windows. It just plays the audio directly but on only 2 Speakers since my System requires these 'System Effects/Speaker Fill/Sound Enchancements' to ouput sound on all speakers. So why did adobe change this?

    I am also having this exact same problem and it is infuriating. And I am not seeing a quick download links to the previous version unless it was the last major version change and I don't want to go back that far. I am using a Creative Titanium X-fi PCI-e sound card with a Sandybridge chipset (2700k). My sound works fine in anything that isn't flash and I have also tested in multiple browsers.

  • Flash Player Error Codes?

    Does anyone know where a list of the Error Codes for Flash Player is? I found the list for Flash Lite (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/314/314d9136.html).
    I have Flash Player running standalone on Linux and is crashing/segfualt and it displays error code 4,5 or 6. Trying to figure out what these mean.

    Thanks for the Live Docs link. I found the error codes for
    the FL2.0 player, which simply states "N/A" for error code 9. I was
    wondering if people have encountered it before as well and how to
    work around it.
    The link for FL 2.x is
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/flashlite/2/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=L iveDocs_Parts&file=00000103.html#151722

  • Flash player debug library is old at download page

    I downloaded flash player debug library for linux. I installed it, reloaded browser and checked it's version, but it is 10.1.85
    It seems flash player debug library for linux is old at the download page of adobe.com
    How can I use the newest debug player?

    Sorry, this is not something I can help you with here in the user forum.
    You either need to contact Adobe Support, or file a bug report at https://bugs.adobe.com/flashplayer/

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