Flash Player - memory leak

I have created a AS2 script that plays 6 FLV movies one right
after the other... and never stop..
After about 10-15 minutes of looping the videos appear to
start playing choppy.
all flv movies reside on the local machine
Would this not happen if i rewrite the script in AS 3?
is there a way to refresh only the flashplayer and not the
entire IE7 page?
is there a known memory leak in using the flashplayer?

It is hard to say what is causing it. Can you post the code?
My first guess is that you might be creating a new instance of a
video clip everytime one is called up. This would sort of stack
your videos into memory and never really delete from memory, the
previous video clip. So while you see only one video at a time,
Flash sees it as you are just putting one video on top of the
other. Once the RAM starts filling up...the program grinds to a

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    Far as I know, Netflix doesn't use Flash, it uses Silverlight.
    Your Flash likely got pwned.
    So check here and update both
    Then run ALL of OnyX's cleaning and maintainence aspects and reboot

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    It was using a whopping 900+mb of RAM which is almost a fourth of the available memory. I closed the rest of my applications and freed up another 300mb but within about 5 minutes flash player had eaten up all of that as well. I'm not sure if this is considered a memory leak but I am pretty sure that this is not normal.
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    - Camel

    I am having difficulty reproducing my trader desktop result using the blazeds sample application.  So either I was mistaken, or perhaps I have a newer version than what I tested with originally.
    I can reproduce the issue with our Flex application on the latest release of the flash player.  Using chrome and 11.3.300.262 there is a noted increase in memory utilization of between 50-100MB/hour.  This is a real time messaging dashboard application that constantly updates prices displayed in charts and tickers using Adobe messaging.
    On on the same installation of chrome this application reaches an initial memory utilization and then stays at or close to that memory level indefinitely - though memory usage will increase slightly as more and more data points are added to the charts displayed - nothing like 50-100MB/hour.
    I would need to give your people access to our application as it's not publicly accessible.  So again, please contact me - flashbug at vanderberg.fastmail.fm to arrange those details.

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    *** additional info: the leak will reset if the browser is
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    Can any one help?
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    P.S My countdown script play no problem with Firefox
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    Which process is not releasing memory? Which thread within that process? What do the process monitoring programs from Technet/SysInternals (see
    https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb795533.aspx ) show about the memory that is not being released?
    There may be memory leaks in Coded UI but more likely the leaks are in the test cases and the way they use Coded UI. I think you need to do some more investigation and show its results before getting much more than just general advice here.

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    I already know that each process only takes 10% or so of the available memory, but a page with 10 flash apps running will be able to fill 100% of system memory unless there is a way to limit it.
    There may also be a problem with resident but inactive content, likely due to ad caching. this is more of an implementation issue then a code issue,  but it should be noted as a bad practice.

    Hi, Flash Player is a browser plugin and works thru the browser. I'm not familiar with all of the many Adobe programs. Perhaps the Action Script forums or another forum would be more helpful to you.
    You can find a list of the Adobe forums here. The drop down arrow lists them all.

  • What is the flash player memory limitation in browsers?

    thanks in advance

    There is no limitation.  It will depend on available memory and what else is running.  Most apps suffer at around 500MB though.

  • Problem Report: Severe memory leak in Flash Player 9.0

    Flash player 9.0 is prone to a severe memory leak when
    playing SWF files produced by Captivate 1 containing full-motion
    Versions affected
    The problem reproduces with Flash player 9.0 (Flash9.ocx,
    Version hosted in either Internet Explorer 6.0 or Mozilla
    Firefox 1.5 on a Windows XP SP2 system.
    The problem does not reproduce with Flash player 8.0
    (Flash8.ocx, Version in the same environment.
    After a few minutes playing a SWF file produced by Captivate
    1 containing a full-motion recording recorded with Captivate 1, the
    host browser ends up using more than a gigabyte of memory, and the
    playback of the movie slows down to a halt, together with
    responsiveness of the whole system.
    Our organization develops E-learning content with Captivate 1
    for various customers, mostly Fortune 100 companies.
    This bug severely limits our ability to deliver content to
    our customers.
    Steps to reproduce
    1. Using Captivate 1.01.1418, create a “blank
    movie” with default settings.
    2. Use the “Record” button and begin recording a
    full-motion movie for about 2-4 minutes. For the purposes of this
    bug, it is enough to record a user typing random text in a Notepad
    window resized to fit in the default 800x600 window.
    3. After recording the full-motion movie, publish the
    Captivate movie as a “Flash (SWF)” movie, using default
    settings (making sure that the “export HTML” checkbox
    is selected).
    4. Open the published movie’s HTML file with a host
    browser, making sure that the browser is using the Flash 9.0
    5. While the movie is playing, watch the memory usage of the
    browser process using Windows Task Manager, and you will see that
    the values of the “Mem Usage” and “VM Size”
    counters keep increasing until the system becomes unusable.

    Also see:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=44&catid=184&threadid =1249396&enterthread=y
    Flash is generating around 300 page faults per second per
    flash animation
    issues: page faulting
    Flash is also generating around 300 page faults per second.
    This can be observed by following the instructions in the link
    above for displaying page faults in the system task manager.

  • Evony Memory Leak in Flash Player

    Is there a work-around of any sort for the massive memory leak in the Evony flash player based game?   When you play this game actively, opening dialogs, and submitting attack, the game can easily leak 250MB/hour until the browser grows in size to well over 1GB, before either crashing or becoming unacceptably slow to interact with.
    This problem is well known on the Evony forums and easily verified by numerous people.  Just google "Evony memory leak".
    It has been repro'ed on all browsers and all platforms that have the Adobe Flash player.  Is this being investigated?  Does the dev team know about this problem?  Is there already a thread on it here somewhere that I missed?

    Also see:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=44&catid=184&threadid =1249396&enterthread=y
    Flash is generating around 300 page faults per second per
    flash animation
    issues: page faulting
    Flash is also generating around 300 page faults per second.
    This can be observed by following the instructions in the link
    above for displaying page faults in the system task manager.

  • Memory leak found in flash player active-x 'CallFunction' method.

    I think I found a memory leak that results from  calling the flash player active-X object's method 'CallFunction'. Each time this  method is called it seems that memory is not properly freed.
    I'm attaching here a  simple program I've made with C# that uses the shockwave flash object to load a  SWF and continuously perform calls to it using the 'CallFunction'. It also  displays the process memory so you can see how it's being increased after some  time running.
    In the zip file, under the bin/release directory, you'll find the  compiled executable and both the test SWF (CallFunctionTest.swf) and its source (AS3 file) which is  just a dummy Sprite that exposes a callable method using the ExternalInterface.  The SWF has been compiled using Flex compiler (Version 3.3.0 build 4852).
    The  leak may become more visible after some hours running. Also, it's interesting to  note that even by reloading the SWF without closing the application (by stopping  and restarting the stress in my test application) the memory is not freed.
    As a reference, in my  computer (Intel Dual core E2180 @ 2Ghz) the test application's virtual memory  (VM64) increased from 192MB to 480MB in 4 hours. In Windows XP 32-bit when this value reaches 2GB the process runs out of memory and the application crashes.
    Does anyone experienced the same problem?
    I have Flash Player version 10,0,32,18 installed.

    I found this problem recently.
    I embedded Flash in my Visual C++ project through ActiveX, and intensively call
    It seems that every time I invoke this function, the memory usage of my program increase about 8kB, and never goes back again. I think this is caused by the internal memory leak in Flash.
    Does adobe have any plan to fix this issue?
    Alvin. C. Chung

  • Memory leak in Flash with Win7, IE9, 64bit

    I have been having an issue for quite some time on 2 different computers. Both of them are Windows 7 64bit and use IE9.
    Generally I have 1 - 5 tabs open in IE at any given time. Usually one of them is a tab for Yahoo Mail. Other tabs are related to whatever I may be searching for or doing at that time, so pretty varied. Throughout the day at random times I will begin to get a grey icon for anywhere on some tabs where there is supposed to be a flash video (like the ad in the right side of the Yahoo Mail tab)... When it happens I can open Task Manager in windows and I notice that 1 or two "iexplore.exe *32" processes have memory consumed in excess of 600,000K. When I end those processes I am again able to see any flash videos that need to be viewed.
    If I leave Task Manager open throughout the day I can see the memory consumption increase on various tabs until I cannot see any more flash videos or even open new tabs in IE until I end those processes. Further, the memory does not get released if I just close the tabs in IE, but I must either end the specific process or close all tabs in IE so that IE is completely unloaded.
    I have since uninstalled the Flash player and the issue has gone away. I can re-install the flash player and the issue returns. Can you please help? This has been a huge annoyance and I had hoped that it would be fixed sooner or later. Unfortunately it has not been fixed and has finally prompted me to post something....

    First, I just wanted to follow up on this thread and let you guys know that we'll continue to look into it.  I also want to clarify some player behavior, and provide tips for helping to identify a defect that we can take action on.
    Whenever you refresh/reload a tab, the browser should signal to us that our process is being destroyed, at which point we would release all of our resources and shut down.  SergeStone's comment above makes it sound like this might not be happening in a particular case.  I'm going to build out a few tests this week to explore this in more detail, and I'll follow up with results.
    Also, it's worth discussing the difference between memory consumption and memory leaks.  Flash Player is designed to consume a percentage of your available memory.  If you have a 32-bit machine with 2GB of RAM, we're going to consume a lot less memory than a 64-bit system with 16GB of RAM. 
    Not all Flash content is authored well.  If the ActionScript developer is continuously loading objects into their SWF and never releasing them (a slide-show is a good simplistic example), you'll see a steady usage increase as each new object loads in.  You should also see that evenutally, our automatic Garbage Collection process will kick in.  Memory will peak out, and then you'll see a short CPU spike as we look at all of the available objects and cull as many unused ones as possible, consumed memory will dip down significantly (as long as we can cull stuff), and then start growing again until the next time GC kicks in.  We tend to do this judiciously, as poorly-timed GC can cause games to stutter if it happens when lots of things are moving around on the display and you don't have a lot of available CPU.
    If it's our bug, it should be straightforward to fix, and I can follow up to this thread with a beta build for you guys to evaluate once we have one available.  In the meantime, it would be interesting to know if you're seeing the problem on our current Beta builds (which is where we would do the work). 
    Here's a link to the latest Beta download:
    Also, the simplest example is the most actionable.  If you can find a situation where a site in a single tab reproduces the problem, that's a quick and easy thing to deal with.  If the repro case involves opening seven tabs and waiting six hours, someone needs to repeat that over and over, until they can isolate what content experiences the problem and then iterate a bunch more with a debugger attached to try and isolate the root cause.  The more complicated the content, the more difficult that is.
    Secondly, I wanted to offer some actionable suggestions that you could use now to work around this issue. 
    Try Firefox or Chrome.  Both of these browsers run Flash Player as a separate process.
    For those of you using Performance Monitor and other tools to measure, you can directly observe the resources used by Flash Player
    For the folks concerned about Bookmarks synchronization, both Firefox and Chrome provide native bookmark syncing and import from IE mechanisms. 
    Xmarks is a really nice, free utility that provides cross-browser, cross-platform bookmark synchronization.
    Jeromie Clark

  • Memory Leak with Flash Game - video of incident - Fix?

    My hypothesis:
    There is a memory leak in Flash Player that leads to Flash crashing, predictably and repeatedly, when used.
    My question:
    When will this problem be fixed?
    Observe the progression in the following single-take video of me playing my favorite Flash game, posted to Youtube.  Skip to the times indicated in the "About" description for the video to observe the increase in use of physical memory, as observed in Windows Task Manager, until there isn't anything left.
    My computer gets bogged down, the game stalls out, and Flash needs to be closed to enable my computer to function once more.  It makes it impossible to play this specific game for very long, and is an insidious problem lurking in the background every time I watch a video, play a game, or use Flash Player for any purpose.  My computer always slows down, with the problem worsening as time passes until I need to close everything and start again.
    Flash Player Version: 11.7.700.224
    Operating System: Windows Vista (32-bit)
    Browser: Mozilla Firefox
    (Also happens when using Google Chrome)
    If you need further information about my specific computer, please feel free to ask.
    If this problem is specific to my computer, I would appreciate knowing this and determining a way to solve the problem.  My suspicion is that the problem originates in Flash Player itself and is experienced by many people in a variety of circumstances.  It is my hope that an articulate response indicating how long it will take to correct this bug in Flash Player can be provided.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    My hypothesis:
    There is a memory leak in Flash Player that leads to Flash crashing, predictably and repeatedly, when used.
    My question:
    When will this problem be fixed?
    Observe the progression in the following single-take video of me playing my favorite Flash game, posted to Youtube.  Skip to the times indicated in the "About" description for the video to observe the increase in use of physical memory, as observed in Windows Task Manager, until there isn't anything left.
    My computer gets bogged down, the game stalls out, and Flash needs to be closed to enable my computer to function once more.  It makes it impossible to play this specific game for very long, and is an insidious problem lurking in the background every time I watch a video, play a game, or use Flash Player for any purpose.  My computer always slows down, with the problem worsening as time passes until I need to close everything and start again.
    Flash Player Version: 11.7.700.224
    Operating System: Windows Vista (32-bit)
    Browser: Mozilla Firefox
    (Also happens when using Google Chrome)
    If you need further information about my specific computer, please feel free to ask.
    If this problem is specific to my computer, I would appreciate knowing this and determining a way to solve the problem.  My suspicion is that the problem originates in Flash Player itself and is experienced by many people in a variety of circumstances.  It is my hope that an articulate response indicating how long it will take to correct this bug in Flash Player can be provided.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • FLVPlayback Memory Leak in Flash CS3

    Hi There,
    I' making a flash file with AS2 in Flash CS3. I put a FlVPlayback in stage and let it load a couple of FLV files from my local HDD and playing continuously. I use "addEventListener" to check the current running flash movie is completed. After complete event occur, I load another flv movie to paly again.Here, I noticed that memory usage is increasing every time a new flv file is loaded and played. I heard "addEventListener" in CS3 is causing the memory leak and not being detected by GC.
    Please let me know if there is a solution to solve the memory  leak issue. I posted my codes here to know something I'm doing wrong.
    Thanks in advance...
    onClipEvent (load)
        function _fun_complete(eventObj)
            this.autoRewind = "true";
            var _v1 = _root.v;
            var _v2 = _root.FLVlists.length;
            if (_v1 < _v2)
                _v1 = 0;
            this.contentPath = _root.FLVlists[_v1].path;
            var _v3 = _root.listVids[_v1].width;
            var _v4 = (stage._width - _v3) / 2;
            this._x = _v4;
            _root.v = _v1;
        this.addEventListener("complete", _fun_complete);

    Helllo Friend,
    Thanks for your feedback. The problem with removeEventListener is that , the player stops and not playing anymore. In my application, I nned to loop and play one FLV files after another. For example, I need to play 3 flv files, File1.flv, File2.flv, File3.flv. I load and play File1.flv first. Once complete event trigger from "addEventlisterner" , then I load File2.flv and then File3.flv and then Flie1.flv. So it needs play continuously and causing memory leak. Please let me know if there is another way of working around.

  • Memory-Leak in communication of Acrobat-Flash and JS

    The situation is as follows:
    I have a Flash-SWF (in which I have programmed a GUI)
    I have a 3D-Annotation containing an annotation-script with some functions that can be called from the GUI.
    So far so good.
    The SWF is added as overlay to a 3D-Annotation. The SWF contains some AS3-Functions, among them an enterframe-event, that keeps repeating an external-interface call to a function in the 3D Annotation-script. It works so far.
    When I tested for performance however I noticed that there is a memory-leak under these conditions. I tested my setup, and noticed the memory-useage increase by about 1 MB every 3 seconds. To further test this I stripped about everything from both the swfs Actionscript  and the annotation-JavaScript. Still the memory-useage of process "acrobat.exe*32" gradually climbs by 7-10 MB per minute. The memory-useage of "A3DUtility.exe" remains constant. Deactivating the annotation will decrease the memory-useage by a certain amount (though not to the initial value upon opening the file and starting the annotation) , but upon re-activating it immediately jumps back to the value assumed last before deactivating it. From that last value the increase starts again as well. I could observe this behaviour both in Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, Acrobat X and ReaderX.
    It seems something is wrong with the ExternalInterface-Object.

    OK, I'll do that.
    By the way, imho it's not that minor. ~1mb in two seconds sums up to ~30mb/minute, i.e. 2gb/hour. So if you leave your PDF open for some 15 minutes that's 500mb ram down the drain. Considering the file started at merely 30mb that's quite massive.

  • Flash Player Install Error: Memory can not be "written"

    Actual error (with fake addresses because I get a different address each time it fails this way) is
    CAPTION: iexplore.exe - Application error
    TEXT: "The instruction at "0x99999999" referenced memory at "0x99999999". The memory could not be "written".
    So far I have used the uninstall_flash_player.exe and tried the reset_fp10.cmd with the MS subinacl.exe tool. I have used a registry
    scrubber (RegScrubXP) and re-tried all of the above. I still can not get the flash player to load and I still get the error each time I try. I have run IE8 manage add-ons and the flash player is not listed. I am at my wit's end, I have searched everywhere and tried everything. This is a brand new computer with very little other than MS products loaded. Nothing is loaded that is not loaded on my other 3 computers that run flash player 10 just fine. I have run complete diagnostics on mt Thinkpad t500 and all checks out.
    Machine: Lenovo ThinkPad model 2242CTO
    Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.53 Ghz
    Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP 3
    Browser: Microsoft IE 8

    I had the same problem as previous described.  Some how I lost Flash Player.  The first indication I got was when I went to Utube site and tried to view aa clip.  It came back with an error saying I had java turned off or Flash Player was not installed.  It gave me link to install flash player and tried to install it and failed with memory written error.  The error message also said it was coming from Abode DLM. I was also at the point that a banner appeared that said an Adove system was trying to install and add on DLM.   This also caused IE to hang and it took quite sometime to close the IE to get out this hang condition with a bunch of error reports being sent to MIcrosoft.  After going to Sun System and testing my Java which it said was ok, I tried to install flash player.  Same thing happen.again.  I download Flash Player uninstall and ran it.  Tried install again.  Same results.  I found Adobe tech note how to uninstalled DLM.  I found none of the modules that it indicated should be deleted.  I tried installing Acrobat Reader which I already have on the system same error.  I found this forum and tried manual loading of Flash Player and that worked.  Now things are working ok except that if I try to download Flash player It still fails but the error has changed a little.  I hear the beep to approve the install of DLM addon  but IE fails cleanly and when I close the window said had the following error. I think the problem is DLM add on related.
    I am running IE V
    Internet Explorer has closed this webpage to help protect your computer
    A malfunctioning or malicious add-on has caused Internet Explorer to close this webpage.
    What you can do:
    Go to your home page
    Try to return to adobe.com
    More information

  • Flash Player uses excessive memory when in use for a long time.

    Good morning,
    I'm using firefox with flash player viewing streaming video from www.bloomberg.com/tv/us.The longer this runs the more user memory it uses (from Windows Task Manager, Processes tab).
    I had this site running for about 4 houres and at that time it was using 1.7 GB memory and the video was  getting eratic. This shows up in a file called "plug-incontainer.exe". I terminated the process and flash player disappeared with a message the said "flash player has crashed".
    It doesn't matter if I use Flash Player 10 or 11 or Firefox 3.6 or 21.01.
    This also occurs with Internet explorer Ver. 8 except it's manifested in a second instance of Iexplore. Same creeping memory useage.
    OS is Windows Xp sp2, processor is a 3GHz hyperthreading P4 with 2GB of installed memory.
    I really don't think it should do this.
    [email protected]

    Was the computer turned off or asleep? It won't hurt to have it taken off. Normally I wouldn't worry about it unless it was going to be a few more months.

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