[Flash Pro CC] Bug - re-open saved fla

Hi, I found a bug in Flash CC.
When I create a FLA file in Flash CC - I can not open it later in the same program. There is information that the scene is broken. There is also available from the library elements.
The version of "Flash CC":
OS: Windows 7 SP1 x64
However, when opened in version CS6 and saved, this fla file is opened by version CC.
Has anyone had this problem? How did you solved it?

Im working with Flash Buldier and Flash Profesional CC.
After lunchinng flash project, everytime in flash i got massage it can't save file (i see that another process of flash profesional cc is loocking the file).
Saving file with another name helps a bit, but after i have to close flash and rename in explorator to orginal file (to name with i started project) to continue work.
But... NOW i'am working on important project for several hours RIGHT NOW, and i can't open file bacause it says THE file is broken..
I updated Flash Profesional from CS6, because of problems with windows like Actions, Timeline (atfer reopen program it forgot settings of it's positions).
I'am user of CS5.5 and then updated to creative cloud AND FOR WHAT ? SUPPORT ?!

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    thank you

    Thanks Filippo, I could see that now!
    While I was investigating this, I found that this is even happening on a file created and saved on just Windows. I was able to reproduce this using the following steps
    - Create a new AS3 file on Windows
    - Drag out a component to the stage say a Button component from the User Interface section of the Components panel
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    - Save the file as XFL and examine the Library XML files (the End of Line is just 'LF' in CDATA section whereas it is 'CR LF' everywhere else)
    Since you were saying 'Items created in windows have no problem', does that means, SVN can commit those without any issues for you? And do you face problem only when the file is Created and Saved on Mac(where the end of line is just LF every where) but Modified and Re-saved on Windows(where the end of line is inconsistent)? 

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    p.s. flash pro 8 is very old.  we're on flash pro 14  now.
    Downloadable installation files available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4, CS4 Web Standard | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Lightroom:  5.7.1| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5.5, 5 | 1
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3 | 3,2
    FrameMaker:  12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7.2
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

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    Disabled Gatekeeper in Security and Privacy settings of System Preferences.
    Disabled Gatekeeper manually in Terminal.
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    Bernst did you also run the uninstaller located in the Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers folder?  This is meant to be ran prior to utilizing the CC Cleaner Tool.  You can find more details at Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs5-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html.
    Also what specific configuration error are you receiving?

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    Thanks but your Mac is luckier than mine. I tried and failed.
    Just gives me a white square but not the workspace or timeline nor anything to work.
    Thanks for trying to help.

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    Thanks for the reply Amy, that is essentially what I am doing already only I'm not using version control software I'm just managing it on my own since its a solo project, though I have been considerring using git anyway. It still doesn't explain why I can open and save the supposedly damaged project (according to CC) in CS6 and only then will it work again in CC. Also I'm not gettting a chance to save as a new version over and over for long. Its only a couple of days max, usually just over one day, and I've primarily been working on the code in Flash Builder with little functional change in the actual fla project. Its primarily changing movieclips instance names, which in this project is tedious and time consuming. Having to revert back to the older working version is exaclty what I'm trying to avoid. I shouldn't have to commit the project to a repository every little change that I make to the fla file.

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    If you save with flash pro CC and then save with CS6, in the library panel, symbol names are changed.
    Specifically, pipes | and trailing spaces ("|Divider", "Divider ") get replaced by escape sequences ("&#124Divider", "Divider&#032" ...) Ampersands & and number signs # also get replaced, such that symbol names grow exponentially if you continue to save with both flash pro CC and CS6 ("Divider&#032", "Divider&#038&#035032", "Divider&#038&#035038&#038&#035035032" ...) This makes it difficult to transition a team from CS6 to CC.
    Sometimes, the original-name symbol remains, and an escaped-name symbol is also created. In this case, the children are removed from the original-name symbol, so it doesn't render anything to the screen; a mysterious, silent failure.
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Create a library symbol named "|", save an xfl with flash pro CC, and close.
    2. Open, save, and close with flash pro CS6.
    3. Open, save, and close with flash pro CC.
    A library symbol named "&#124".
    Expected results:
    A library symbol named "|".
    I submitted this bug with the bug form, and also with adobe bugbase (in case it isn't obsolete) - I'm just trying to maximize my chances of getting a fix.  Has anyone else encountered this bug?

    We are aware of this issue and its open for investigation internally. This issue is observed when you have certain special characters in your symbol names and try to open that file in Flash CS6. This happens due to a change in the way symbol naming is handled in Flash CC and in Flash CS 6.
    As a workaround, request you to use only Underscore or Hyphen as special characters while naming symbols or library layers etc.
    We shall update you as soon as this has been fixed.

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    Why can I make this slideshow and have it run perfectly, save it successfully (so I think) and then it won't load properly or let me work on it after one save?
    I physically called customer support which would not help me.  I must have gotten Nancy Pelosi for support because they wanted to make me buy the package so I could find out what was in it that was causing the problem.  I think my boss would have some sharp instructions for me if I had the company spend close to a grand for something that does not work in the first place.
    I have updated the software when the system  tray tells me to,  I have installed the software multiple times on one of the machines.  No matter,  I get the same result in every case.  I thought the software was a full version for 30 days trial but I am now wondering if it is a lameware version that needs purchasing before it will work completely.
    Can anyone help me?  I searched the forums (and the internet) and could find no mention of this problem.  I find that hard to understand when I get it so consistently.

    Hi Max,
    We are currently working on a way to handle these type of images better in Flash. In the mean time, please see below on how to fix these images.
    1. open the JPG in Photoshop.
    2. re-save as a JPG with a different filename.
    3. import the new JPG.
    These steps correct the JPG header bytes and allow Flash to correctly read them from XFL files.
    In your case specifically, after step 2 you should use the bitmap properties dialog in Flash Library panel to reimport the image. After importing you may or may not see a change on stage. Please save the file, close, and reopen the file. The images will appear on stage correctly.
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention and thank you for the quick response.

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