Flash Tree Object & node list

Hi All,
Unsure if this is a noodle scratcher or undoable!
Either way, does anyone know of a way when using the 'tree'
flash component in Director to get the component to supply a list
of some sort back to director.
I'm adding & subtracting branches to the Object
successfully, but I figure it must know whats where I just need it
to tell Director so I can manipulate it out to a XML file !!

Alright, this is a long one. Make a Director file based on
the following and when it starts it’ll open the xmlDoc.xml
XML file, parse it into a Flash XML object and assign that object
as the dataProvider for a Flash component Tree. Then you can select
a planet node from the Tree, enter text into the Flash component
text field, and click the Flash button to add a moon to the
selected planet node with the entered text as its label. The button
also saves whatever XML makes up the tree to the xmlDoc.xml XML
file by calling the saveXml() function. You could have whatever
event you want call the save function.
To start, drag a Flash Tree component to the stage as sprite
1, a Flash TextInput component to the stage as sprite 2 and a Flash
Button component to the stage as sprite 3. Make sure to do
Modify>Movie>Xtras… and add the FileIo.x32 Xtra so
it’ll work if you make a projector.
Add this script to Frame one:
function exitFrame(me)
///// make Fileio obj, Flash XML obj, populate Tree
// Fileio
var fileObj = new xtra("fileio");
fileObj.openFile(_movie.path + "xmlDoc.xml",0);
var xmlString = fileObj.readFile();
fileObj = null;
// Flash XML obj
var fTree = sprite(1);
var fXmlObj = fTree.newObject("XML");
fXmlObj.ignoreWhite = true;
// populate Tree
fTree.dataProvider = fXmlObj;
///// make button listerner to handle clicks
var fButton = sprite(3);
var fButtonEvt = fButton.newObject("Object");
fButton.setCallback(fButton, "click",
symbol("fButtonClick"), "fButtonEvtScript");
Make this Movie Script, name it fButtonEvtScript:
function fButtonClick(me,evtObj)
var fTree = sprite(1);
var fText = sprite(2);
// determine if a Tree node is selected
// execute if node selected is planet
if (fTree.selectedNode.nodeName == "planet")
var newNode = fTree.newObject("XMLNode",1,"moon");
// make node lable text field if text present, else default
if (fText.text == "")
newNode.attributes.label = "Default Moon";
} else {
newNode.attributes.label = fText.text;
// add new moon node
} else {
_player.alert("Must select planet node");
} catch (errObj) {
// alert no node
_player.alert("No Node Selected");
function saveXml()
var fTree = sprite(1);
// make string to save
var xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>\n"
xmlString += fTree.dataProvider.firstChild.toString();
// save file
var fileObj = new xtra("fileio");
fileObj.openFile(_movie.path + "xmlDoc.xml",0);
fileObj.createFile(_movie.path + "xmlDoc.xml");
fileObj.openFile(_movie.path + "xmlDoc.xml",0);
fileObj = null;
Finaly add this script to any Frame after Frame one; I used
Frame 10.
function exitFrame(me)
Here’s the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<star label="Sol">
<planet label="Mercury" />
<planet label="Venus" />
<planet label="Terra">
<moon label="Luna" />
<planet label="Mars">
<moon label="Phobos" />
<moon label="Deimos" />
<planet label="Jupiter">
<moon label="Callisto" />
<moon label="Ganymede" />
<moon label="Europa" />
<moon label="Io" />
<planet label="Saturn">
<moon label="Titan" />
<planet label="Uranus" />
<planet label="Neptune" />
<planet label="Pluto">
<moon label="Charon" />
Sorry I got slack with the code comments, but I reckon you
can figure out what’s going on. I figure this’ll give
you a good start on what you’re trying to accomplish. I
strongly suggest checking out the LiveDocs for Director regarding
Flash and Components and Flash regarding Flash XML, XMLNode and the
Components Language Reference. Remember though, things have changed
since the Flash 8 Asset Xtra, so some of the documentation is out
of date.

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    Recently, I faced into one issue: I want to binding incoming xml node (it's not avaliable at start) list to the tree control as a dataProvider.
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            public var treeXML:XML=<nodes><car label="virtualOne" id="1">
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            private var _model:CsModel = new CsModel();
            private function addNode():void
                    var newNode:XML=<car/>;
                             private function cleanData():void
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    For method: cleanData(),It's expected that when the treePage is shown, we first delete the virutalOne to provide one 'clear' tree since we don't want show virtualOne to the user. The virutalOne node just for building the relationship between treeData and treeXML at beginning. But the side effect of this method, I found, is that the relationship between treeXML and treeData was cut off. And this leads to that when I added new node (by click the 'addNode' button) to the xmlXML, the xmlData was not affected at all !
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    If u want to display the name : value then u can do like this
    <xsl:eval>this.selectSingleNode("name").nodeName</xsl:eval> : <xsl:value-of select="name" />

  • How we know the selected node in a Tree object in a form?

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    please help

    I've just notice what might be a bug in Oracle forms because when I have the when-tree-node-selected trigger present for the tree (It does not matter if it executes null or some code), the code in option 1 works fine on a when-button-pressed trigger on a button item. This is what I had done to give you a reply.
    My second option will work because you're populating a parameter with when-tree-node-selected trigger which is then readable form anywhere else in the form. All you add is a check on when-button-pressed. Also for bug handling you need to consider setting the value to null when deselecting. I have this option working currently in one of my applications.
         num_selected NUMBER;
         htree ITEM;
    curren_node FTREE.NODE;
    htree := find_item('tree.form_list');
    num_selected := ftree.get_tree_property(htree,ftree.selection_count);
    for j in 1..num_selected
    curren_node := ftree.get_tree_selection(htree,j);
    message('hello :'||ftree.Get_Tree_Node_Property(htree,curren_node,ftree.node_value),acknowledge);
    end loop;

  • Bette way to referenced tree model nodes from UI to perform actions on them

    A singleton facade is built.
    Its init() method loads several "tree model configs", each of them referenced by a name.
    This singleton creates a Project instance for a given "tree model config" calling the facade method -> createProject(String pjrName, String modelConfigName)
    When the Project is built a new Model instance is set ( remember the model instance is a tree holding nodes )
    The new Project instance built is added to a List that the facade has and then it's returned to the UI part that called ->createProject(prjName,modelconfigName)
    Given the Project instance the UI has to build a JTree representation of the model that the project references and the UI will have button actions that should call methods of the Nodes of the model referenced by the Project.
    Doing it this way the UI will be able to reference objects directly without going through the facade.
    Maybe I should return to the UI something like a ProjectKey instance instead of letting have the UI the Project instance ?
    It should be better if I process the possible node actions behind the Facade and not the UI, but how can I do it ?
    Having a ProjectKey in my UI I could ask the facade a model tree representation but not having the real nodes, otherwise having some NodeKey instances ?

    Sounds like you want to represent a tree structure, without a reference to the real tree.
    I'll take it further: maybe you don't want the UI to know there's a real tree data-structure with nodes and pointers to children, because maybe you build the tree on the fly from a database.
    So use the Builder pattern instead of committing to a specific data structure.
    Google results for Builder pattern: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=builder+pattern&btnG=Google+Search
    Your UI should know how to construct nodes and children graphically, when told. This means it should have methods like addNode, but related to the domain: addSubProject maybe.
    A Project object is the Director, knowing which part goes where, but it doesn't know the real end result (a JPanel or HTML). So it has a method buildProject(Builder e) or exportProject(Exporter e), where all logic of assembling the parts is.
    When you have that, write a class JTreeProjectExporter implements Exporter.
    Hope this helps.

  • Programatically creating ADF Tree with nodes,child nodes & links?

    Currently I am using Build JDEVADF_11.1.1.3.PS2_GENERIC_100408.2356.5660. Please provide me detailed code for programatically creating ADF Tree with nodes, child nodes and links in it.

    You need to create a model for the tree. ADF has a build in model that you can use to build your own tree.
    This is what you need to write in your JSPX:
    <af:tree summary="Navigation" id="treeNav" value="#{pageFlowScope.treeNavigationBackingBean.model}"
               var="node" contextMenuSelect="true" rowSelection="single" fetchSize="30">   
           <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
          <af:outputText id="txtText" value="#{node.text}"/>
    </af:tree>This is the code to retreive the model:
      public TreeModel getModel() {
        if(model == null)
            model = new ChildPropertyTreeModel(instance,"children");
        return model;
      }instance contains the actual tree. I build it in the constructor of my managed bean:
        public BeanTreeNavigation() {
          ArrayList<TreeItem> rootItems = new ArrayList<TreeItem>();
          TreeItem node1 = new TreeItem("Root node");
             ArrayList<TreeItem> level1 = new ArrayList<TreeItem>();
             TreeItem level1Node1 = new TreeItem("Level1 Node1");
          root = rootItems;
      public void setListInstance(List instance) {
        this.instance = instance;
        model = null;
      }The TreeItem class is not a default one. I created it myself. You can make of it whatever you want:
        public class TreeItem {
          private String text;
           private List<TreeItem> children = null;
           public TreeItem(String text){
            this.text = text;
            public void setText(String text) {
                this.text = text;
            public String getText() {
                return text;
            public void setChildren(List<TreeItem> children) {
                this.children = children;
            public List<TreeItem> getChildren() {
                return children;
            }I wrote the TreeItem as an inner class of the managed bean.
    The most important part is the getModel methode. There you need to specify an Object and the name of the getter that will return a List of the children.
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Yannick Ongena on Feb 22, 2011 7:30 AM

  • Get tree selected node onPageLoad

    We just turned on change persistence to keep our row selections as we traverse our taskflows and pages.
    In one of our pages we have a situation where we have a tree (master) and table (table) whose data is partially based on what is selected in that tree. We use the following logic to determine what is selected in the tree to perform the query on the table.
    public static JUCtrlHierNodeBinding getTreeSelectedNode(RichTree tree) {
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding node = null;
    if (tree != null) {
    Object oldRowKey = tree.getRowKey();
    try {
    RowKeySet selectedRowKeySet = tree.getSelectedRowKeys();
    if (selectedRowKeySet != null) {
    for (Object selectedRowKey : selectedRowKeySet) {
    node = (JUCtrlHierNodeBinding)tree.getRowData();
    } finally {
    return node;
    I hooked up a beforePhase listener on my jspx to call this function and get the (previously - last time user was on this page) selected row and then refresh the table based on the selected tree row's data. This seems to work, but . . . in my log I'm seeing the following error. It seems like for some reason it's trying to convert my Raw UUID to an int, I have no idea why.
    <SortableModel> <_toRowIndex> Invalid rowkey:oracle.jbo.Key[B68F305BF7F5496D8A0FF99EE8F97CF0 ] type:class oracle.jbo.Key
    <SortableModel> <_toRowIndex>
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jbo.Key cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.SortableModel._toRowIndex(SortableModel.java:341)
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.SortableModel.setRowKey(SortableModel.java:137)
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.ChildPropertyTreeModel._setRowKey(ChildPropertyTreeModel.java:376)
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.ChildPropertyTreeModel.setRowKey(ChildPropertyTreeModel.java:178)
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection.setRowKey(UIXCollection.java:425)
    at oracle.apps.aia.sr.common.JSFUtils.getTreeSelectedNode(JSFUtils.java:392)
    So, I thought that maybe this wasn't the best way to get the selected node. So, after some research I changed the logic to be:
    public static JUCtrlHierNodeBinding getTreeSelectedNode(RichTree tree) {
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding node = null;
    if (tree != null) {
    CollectionModel treeModel = (CollectionModel)tree.getValue();
    if (treeModel != null ){
    JUCtrlHierBinding treeBinding = (JUCtrlHierBinding)treeModel.getWrappedData();
    if (treeBinding != null){
    RowKeySet rks = tree.getSelectedRowKeys();
    if (rks != null){
    if (!rks.isEmpty()){
    List firstSet = (List)rks.iterator().next();
    node = treeBinding.findNodeByKeyPath(firstSet);
    return node;
    However, at the time of the beforePhase (I even tried an afterPhase listener) the tree isn't null, but the CollectionModel is null for some reason. I'm not sure where to go from here, any ideas?

    if you use lazy loading (contentdelivery="lazy" then the data is queried after the tree renders. ou would need to set it to immediate to acess data suring the Preparerender phase).

  • Multiple tree objects in ApEx 4.0

    Hi all,
    I'm working on a project where i need to put 2 tree objects in one region.
    First tree object is correct but when i add my second tree below the first one no data is shown or the wrong data is shown.
    Strange thing is when i put the second tree above the first tree it all works well.
    Is there an explanation for this or is it a bug in ApEx?
    my apex version is
    Edited by: Mario DS on 15-nov-2011 14:20

    Pre-Apex4 you could make use of the A1 and A2 columns in the tree SQL along with the tree template to conditional set the color of the node text. Does anyone know how to achieve this in Apex4? I've tried using the tree SQL shown below but this displays the HTML (SPAN tags) as text.
    select case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0
                when level = 1             then 1
                else                           -1
           end as status,
           '<span style="color:red;">'||"ENAME"||'</span>' as title,
           null as icon,
           "EMPNO" as value,
           null as tooltip,
           null as link
    from "#OWNER#"."EMP"
    start with "MGR" is null
    connect by prior "EMPNO" = "MGR"
    order siblings by "ENAME"Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • Unable to expand table (or 'any' object) node - permissions issue?

    I am the dba for a database and hence have access to the system user. When I connect to the db through SQL Developer, I can expand the table node under any user and list tables. As I can with any object node.
    I now want to create an admin user that has restricted capabilities, one of which will be to view objects, such as tables etc..
    (I will ultimately do this via a role to allow multiple users to have the admin capabilities, but for now have just created an admin_user userid).
    However, when I connect to the database using this admin_user userid, I am unable to expand any object node.
    I have played with different permissions, granting 'select any dictionary', 'select_catalog_role', 'select on dba_tables' but the user still can not view any objects via the appropriate node. eg. attempting to go to Other Users - username - Tables just shows nothing. (There are no filters).
    However the admin_user can run a SQL command to view the tables. eg. Select * from dba_tables, will list all tables for all users within the database. So they DO appear to have the appropriate access.
    So why can't they see the tables in the tables node?
    Is there some piece of configuration within SQL Developer itself that I have overlooked?

    I am the dba for a database and hence have access to the system user. When I connect to the db through SQL Developer, I can expand the table node under any user and list tables. As I can with any object node.
    I now want to create an admin user that has restricted capabilities, one of which will be to view objects, such as tables etc..
    (I will ultimately do this via a role to allow multiple users to have the admin capabilities, but for now have just created an admin_user userid).
    However, when I connect to the database using this admin_user userid, I am unable to expand any object node.
    I have played with different permissions, granting 'select any dictionary', 'select_catalog_role', 'select on dba_tables' but the user still can not view any objects via the appropriate node. eg. attempting to go to Other Users - username - Tables just shows nothing. (There are no filters).
    However the admin_user can run a SQL command to view the tables. eg. Select * from dba_tables, will list all tables for all users within the database. So they DO appear to have the appropriate access.
    So why can't they see the tables in the tables node?
    Is there some piece of configuration within SQL Developer itself that I have overlooked?

  • Custom Icon In Tree Parent Node

    I can't replace the default parent node icon. I'm able to
    replace the child nodes. I've attached my code. Any

    MyTreeCellRenderer extends DefaulTreeCellRenderer{
      public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(
        JTree tree,
        Object value,
        boolean sel,
        boolean expanded,
        boolean leaf,
        int row,
        boolean hasFocus) {
          tree, value, sel,
          expanded, leaf, row,
        //Do your condition on your value
        if( value ....){
        return this;

  • Why the non-cluster SQL Server appeared in the cluster nodes list

    1, I install the node rs6 standalone, Why it appeared in the cluster node list by inquiry the dmv?
    2, how to removed the rs6 from the cluster node list ?
    by "set -clusterownernode -resource "XXXASQL" -owners NODE1,NODE2"?
    But how to find the resource  name? I tried to use window cluster name, SQL cluster name, and SQL role name , All of them say failed to get the cluster object.
     3,how to set the owers to {}, I try below, but failed.

    IMHO, sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes  DMV is associated with the SQL Server
    Operating System (SQLOS), sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes returns one row for each node in the failover cluster configuration.
    As you are running standalone instance on cluster I am assuming this information is being picked from
    OS and not from RS6 SQL instance.
    As you have confirmed Is_cluster is false and if you don’t see RS6 instance in failover cluster manager I don’t think anything damaged here. Everything looking as expected, dont change owner node as its standalone instance.

  • Populate a canvas when a tree-leaf node is clicked

    I'm trying to populate a canvas or a list container with
    images when a tree-leaf node is clicked. I got the tree control
    working alright so far (populated via an external XML) but I'm
    having a hard time figuring out how to populate the adjacent
    container when a leaf node from a tree is clicked by a user. I know
    I'm supposed to code this in the 'change' event but am having a
    difficult time trying to figure out how to do this. I looked at the
    source code in some of the sample apps but I couldn't find anything
    that resemble what I'm trying to do.
    Since each leaf node would be unique, each one of them would
    trigger an external load of images (via http service) ... and so
    the url would be unique as well for each.
    'Appreciate the help from anyone who could help.

    Thanks for the quick response Tracy ...
    Actually, I don't have mage load part coded yet :) ... I do
    have a somewhat general idea on how it should be coded though (i
    think, hehe). I'm thinking the selected item in the leaf node would
    have the data for the 'url' or 'folder location' of the images that
    would have to be retrieved and displayed in the canvas. I'm just
    not sure how to go about diplaying them in the canvas. Do I have to
    load them in some sort of array first and then datasourced it for
    my canvas? Not really sure how to go about doing it ... 'am totally
    newbie with Flex and just learning it by going through the online
    help and looking at the codes on some of the sample apps.
    Thanks again.

  • Jaxp xpath evaluate method node list parameter?

    The javadoc for XPath.evaluate(String, Object, QName) says that the second parameter is the context "node or node list for example". I'm familiar with the concept of an XPath context node. What does it mean to pass a node list as the second argument?
    With Xalan 2.7 and this xml:
    NodeList nl = (NodeList) xp.evaluate("//*", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
    Number n = (Number) xp.evaluate("count(self::node())", nl, XPathConstants.NUMBER);
    Results in zero.
    NodeList nl2 = (NodeList) xp.evaluate("self::node()", nl, XPathConstants.NODESET);
    Results in an empty node list.
    Message was edited by:

    Specify the XML document as the context node.
    InputSource inputSource =
        new InputSource(new FileInputStream(xmlDocument)));xmlDocument is the java.io.File object of the XML document.
    NodeSet nodes =
        (NodeSet) xPath.evaluate(xpathExpression,
            inputSource, XPathConstants.NODESET);

  • BRF+ Deleting functions within object nodes

    Hi Experts,
    We are a large FMCG company and are implementing SAP Master Data Governance module for managing our material master data.
    Hence, we have chosen BRF+ as the business rule engine to drive SAP MDG. SAP MDG version is EHP5
    To create a ruleset, I initially create an object node within the 'Trigger tab' in the catalog. This object node is created with a naming convention DERIVE_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE. I have then successfully created a function within the object and defined a ruleset as well.
    Now if I delete the object node; it gets deleted from the trigger function tab. However if I create a new object node with a similar function, the system does not allow me to create the function as it throws a warning message stating that the function still exists.
    Hence I wanted to know HOW DO I DELETE THE FUNCTION if the Object node for that function has already been deleted?
    Is there any option to search the function and delete it?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Reenav on Nov 29, 2011 12:29 PM

    Hi Carsten,
    Where do you actually restore an object though?  I don't see a button on the UI. 
    I have deleted an object by mistake, but since I don't have versioning turned on I cannot do a version restore.  However I can still see the deleted object since it's only logically deleted?
    If you do not have versioning turned on is it then impossible to restore?

  • Services for Objects Attachement List Display Note not Viewable

    Hi Experts!
    Good day! I'm trying to display a note in FK03 (related to Services for Objects - Attachment List) and I only see white screen pop up window. No message and text information. When I tried to use another PC I can successfully view it.
    Is there's a plugin that I may need to install?
    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Marty
    It is my understanding that the IXOS licensing is based on users retrieving of documents not necessarily the viewer so the licensing implications of having non-IXOS viewers accessing documents using the generic archivelink viewer is still likely to result in licensing implications if an audit is conducted at any stage.
    The transaction for specifying the viewer is the OAA3 and OAG4.

  • Is it possible to put two different colors in tree parent node background and child nodes background?

    Is it possible to put two different colors in tree parent
    node background and child nodes background?
    Any help will be very helpful.

    Hi PanosE,
    Yes, you can set up another Standard Edition Server in child domain and then deploy pool pairing.
    You need to deploy a new Front End Pool for the new Standard Edition Server.
    A similar case for your reference.
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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