Flat file upload program is not working

Hi Experts,
I am using following code to upload a flat file from my local PC to SAP
The code is NOT inserting records in zassum, /bic/pzassum and /bic/tzassum. zassum is SAP BW infoobject. I have run debugger and found that data is getting populated correctly for ztable_data and ztable_text.
The program is getting compiled / activated successfully. I am even getting message " ZASSUM got updated successfully ". However the issue persists.
I am new for ABAP. I might have committed some mistake any where in the code.
Also  pls let me know whether statement  "PERFORM update_alv_grid_display" is really needed.
FORM upload_batches.
  DATA : wf_title    TYPE string,
          lt_filetab  TYPE filetable,
          l_separator TYPE char01,
          l_action    TYPE i,
          l_count     TYPE i,
          ls_filetab  TYPE file_table,
          wf_delemt TYPE rollname,
          wa_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
          tb_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
          rows_read TYPE i,
          p_error   TYPE char01,
          l_file      TYPE string.
  TYPES : BEGIN OF test_struc,
           /bic/zassum TYPE  /bic/oizassum,
           txtmd   TYPE rstxtmd,
           END OF test_struc.
  DATA : test_upload TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF test_struc.
  DATA : wa_test_upload TYPE test_struc,
         ztable_data TYPE TABLE OF /bic/pzassum,
         ztable_text TYPE TABLE OF /bic/tzassum,
         wa_upld_text TYPE /bic/tzassum,
         wa_upld_data TYPE /bic/pzassum,
         wa_actbatch TYPE /bic/pzassum.
  wf_title = text-026.
  CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
      window_title            = wf_title
      default_extension       = 'txt'
      file_filter             = 'Tab delimited Text Files (*.txt)'
      file_table              = lt_filetab
      rc                      = l_count
      user_action             = l_action
      file_open_dialog_failed = 1
      cntl_error              = 2
      OTHERS                  = 3.                          "#EC NOTEXT
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  LOOP AT lt_filetab INTO ls_filetab.
    l_file = ls_filetab.
  CHECK l_action = 0.
  IF l_file IS INITIAL.
  l_separator = 'X'.
  wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'test'.
  wa_fieldcat-dd_roll = wf_delemt.
  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO tb_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_test_upload.
Upload file from front-end (PC)
File format is tab-delimited ASCII
      filename                = l_file
      has_field_separator     = l_separator
     data_tab                = i_mara
    data_tab                   = test_upload
      file_open_error         = 1
      file_read_error         = 2
      no_batch                = 3
      gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
      invalid_type            = 5
      no_authority            = 6
      unknown_error           = 7
      bad_data_format         = 8
      header_not_allowed      = 9
      separator_not_allowed   = 10
      header_too_long         = 11
      unknown_dp_error        = 12
      access_denied           = 13
      dp_out_of_memory        = 14
      disk_full               = 15
      dp_timeout              = 16
      OTHERS                  = 17.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    LOOP AT test_upload INTO wa_test_upload.
      CLEAR :  p_error.
      DESCRIBE TABLE test_upload LINES rows_read.
      IF wa_test_upload-/bic/zassum IS  INITIAL.
        p_error = 'X'.
        MESSAGE s153 WITH wa_test_upload-/bic/zassum sy-tabix.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
      wa_upld_text-txtmd  = wa_test_upload-txtmd.
      wa_upld_text-txtsh  = wa_test_upload-txtmd.
      wa_upld_text-langu =  sy-langu.
      wa_upld_data-/bic/zassum = '11'.
      wa_upld_data-chrt_accts = 'abc'.
      wa_upld_data-co_area = '1234'.
      wa_upld_data-/bic/zbhpbcsg = 'uv'.
      wa_upld_data-objvers = 'A'.
      wa_upld_data-/bic/zass_mdl = 'pqr'.
      wa_upld_data-/bic/zass_typ = 'I'.
      wa_upld_data-/bic/zdriver = 'defg'.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_test_upload TO wa_upld_data.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_test_upload TO wa_upld_text.
      APPEND wa_upld_data TO ztable_data.
      APPEND wa_upld_text TO ztable_text.
    IF ztable_data IS NOT INITIAL.
          i_iobjnm               = 'ZASSUM'
          i_tabclass             = 'M'
          i_t_table              = ztable_data
          attribute_name_error   = 1
          iobj_not_found         = 2
          generate_program_error = 3
          OTHERS                 = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            arbgb  = 'Zmy_prg'
            msgty  = 'E'
            txtnr  = '054'
            msgv1  = text-033
            OTHERS = 3.
            arbgb  = sy-msgid
            msgty  = sy-msgty
            txtnr  = sy-msgno
            msgv1  = sy-msgv1
            msgv2  = sy-msgv2
            msgv3  = sy-msgv3
            msgv4  = sy-msgv4
            OTHERS = 3.
        MESSAGE e054(z_myprg) WITH 'ZASSUM'.
            arbgb  = 'Z_BM_BPS'
            msgty  = 'S'
            txtnr  = '053'
            msgv1  = text-033
            OTHERS = 3.
        MESSAGE s053(z_myprg).
        IF ztable_text[] IS NOT INITIAL.
              i_iobjnm               = 'ZASSUM'
              i_tabclass             = 'T'
              i_t_table              = ztable_text
              attribute_name_error   = 1
              iobj_not_found         = 2
              generate_program_error = 3
              OTHERS                 = 4.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                arbgb  = 'Z_myprg'
                msgty  = 'E'
                txtnr  = '055'
                msgv1  = text-033
                OTHERS = 3.
                arbgb  = sy-msgid
                msgty  = sy-msgty
                txtnr  = sy-msgno
                msgv1  = sy-msgv1
                msgv2  = sy-msgv2
                msgv3  = sy-msgv3
                msgv4  = sy-msgv4
                OTHERS = 3.
      i_objnm = 'ZASSUM'
      i_scope = '1'.
  PERFORM update_alv_grid_display.
ENDFORM. " upload_batches


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    ;username =
    ;default_page =
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    bind_bucket_lengths = 4,20,100,400
    ;error_style =
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    The File Browse item type does not require upload table WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$. The POST for the File Browse item type is intercepted by modplsql and is inserted into the Document Table as defined by the Database Access Descriptor.
    You could ultimately create your own DAD with your own Document Table. The Document Table would have to contain the minimum definition as described at:
    This way, users of the application using the Basic Database Authenticated DAD would be uploading directly into your table and not the HTML DB one. A word of caution, though, is that you would never want to use this DAD with HTML DB development itself...you would need to use the DAD that specifies upload into WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$ for HTML DB development.
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    Hi Günter,
    {track} and {id_track} are both table fields, and setRenameRule worked right with both, but it didn't with {KT_ext}.
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    try {
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.model.UploadedFile uploadedFile = ((Upload)component).getUploadedFile();
    long l_filesize = uploadedFile.getSize();
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    if ( tipo.compareTo("application/word") == -1 )
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    throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Error : los tipos de archivo aceptados son PDF, WORD y RTF"));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
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    if ( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getSize() > 0 )
    try {
    this.getSessionBean1().getComunicacion().setArchivo( new javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob(this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getBytes() ) );
    this.getSessionBean1().getComunicacion().setTipoArchivo( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getOriginalName().substring(this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getOriginalName().length() - 3 ) );
    } catch(Exception e){
    return null;
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    Thx for any issue.

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              String contents = null;
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    // put this before the for loop
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    // put this inside the for loop
    output.println(contents);Now, do you understand why you have to do that?

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    <thtmlb:fileUpload id="fileUpDown" />
    <thtmlb:button id = "UPLOAD"
                    iconSrc = "ICON_XLS"
                    tooltip = "Upload Excel file"
                    text = "Upload"
                    onClick =  "upload_file( );" />--%>
      <thtmlb:textArea id  = "Excel_Data"
          text   = " "
          width  = "0"
          height = "0"
          rows   = "0" />
    <%-- Registering server event--%>
    <bsp:htmlbEvent name = "nameUpload"
                      id = "idUpload"
                      onClick = "SERVEREVENT"
    <%--                 serverEvent"--%>
                      p1 = "p1"
                      p2 = "p2"
                       p3 = "p3" />
    <script language="javascript"  type="text/javascript">
    function upload_file( ){
    var iRow="1",
          sValue=" ";
    fileName=document.getElementById("<%= controller->component_id %>_fileUpDown").value;
    if ( fileName == "" ) {
    alert("Upload." + "\n" + " " + "\n" + "Please choose an Excel file as source.");
    if ( fileName != "") {
    <%--alert("Upload." + "\n" + " " + "\n" + "This file is to be uploaded:" + "\n" + fileName);--%>
    var r=confirm("Upload." + "\n" + " " + "\n" + "This file is to be uploaded:" + "\n" + fileName);
    if (r!=true)
    Excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
    Book = Excel.Workbooks.Open( fileName );
    ActiveRows = Book.Worksheets("Input").Range("A1.IV64000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count;
    <%--ActiveRows = Range("A1.IV64000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count;--%>
    for (iRow=1; iRow<=ActiveRows; iRow++) {
    for (jCol=1; jCol<=4; jCol++) {
    cData = Book.Worksheets("Input").Cells(iRow,jCol).value;
    <%--cData = Cells(iRow,jCol).value;--%>
    sValue = sValue.concat(cData,"\n");
    sValue = sValue.concat("\n\r");
    document.getElementById("<%= controller->component_id %>_Excel_Data").value = sValue;
    <%--return statement here calls the server event SERVERVENT--%>
      return nameUpload();

    Hello all,
    Excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
    the above statement is not working in Service pack 10 CRM 7.2.  any help is appropriated

  • File upload program by jsf

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    <af:inputFile label="File to Upload" columns="90"
    in Jdeveloper 11g i am getting the correct result,
    but when i'm tryin to run it in Jdeveloper jdevstudio10131 it is giving this error.
    java.io.EOFException: Per-request disk space limits exceeded. at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.UploadedFileImpl.loadFile(UploadedFileImpl.java:187) at
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    tomat 5.0 i'm using there..
    Or is there any otherway to upload file using jsf component which should work in eclipse-tomcat enviornment also..
    please help

    Mr BalusC,
    Yes Iam talking about a custom made upload component. The fileupload tutorials u send are good but my requirement is not meeting them. Among my requirements one is mutilple file uploads in the single view page. This is possible at present with my custom upload componet. Only if the problem gets solved. Any way once again please think on my problem and give your solution on it.
    Here is my problem:
    The problem is I have to access the components from view page which this kind of requirement possible in jsp by request parsing which results the key value pairs of the form components. This same thing/way I should get in backing bean from JSF view page.
    The solution I want may like as follows.
    Note this code is incorrect and wrong but for to understand my requirement.
    someobject.getComponentIdValue("clientID"); which returns a string value as d:\images\Tutle.jpg
    The clientID is upload file component' Id . In the request it may be the key associated with value as file complete path. By this kind of way my upload filter is able to get the orignal file. Ok i need this in my  backing bean to get the orignal filename to insert into the database. Please for this give the solution or reply.many thanx,

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    What do you think happened across the SDK versions? Shouldn't the JSObject
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    I want to know whether JSObject supports in JSDK1.4.2_06.
    It goes into the loop. It neither say error nor execute.

    Do not spam the site by posting to 4 forums

  • BPS  Flat File Upload Error Messages

    I am using the BPS flat file upload and am getting error messages. These error messages are coming from the user exit in the characteristics relationships. Unfortunately the message does not indicate which line on the upload file the error is for. In the user exit it does not pass the line no of  the flat file that is being processed.
    Does anyone have any ideas how the message could be enhanced to indicate the line in error or if there is another exit I could perform the validation in?
    Paul Cairncross

    Hi Sai,
    The issue is not the particular message. The message is in fact my message in the user exit in the characteristic relationships. The issue is when using the flat file upload the message does not indicate which line in the file the message apply's to. Looking at the userexit no line number is passed. This is not a problem in the web as the specific line is highlighted when the user is keying in the data.
    Paul Cairncross


    What kind of questions are needed to be asked (from client) for requirements gathering for a flat file upload (from legacy system) to BI? Basically what are all the questions that i need to ask them to make sure I have all information for designing a flat file extractor?

    I would ask them what do they want to report on from the legacy system and is data already in R/3?  I would also ask what kind of data is stored in the legacy system .... inventory, financial data, sales, etc ... Once I knew that, I would ask what do they want to report on .... stock quantities/costs, gl account data, revenue, deliveries, etc....
    Then I would ask, do you want this to be seperated from the R/3 datastream?  More than likely this will be yes, if not, fight to keep it seperated and possible in it's own cube/ODS and combine in a multiprovider (you need to use the same 0material, 0customer, 0vendor, 0gl_account info objects if you want to combine nicely on a multiprovider).
    If the database the legacy system is on is either SQL Server or Informix or Oracle, you may want to consider DBConnect and connect directly to their tables.
    In all cases, I try to avoid bringing everything in "just because we may need it".  If the system is legacy and it's been a legacy for 2 years, see what people keep going back for and grab that data only.  If someone claims to need data, but have not sought it out for 2 years, then the probably don't need it.
    Also, check the granularity of the data.  Do they need individual documents for legal reasons?  Can you summarize the data?  What are they going to use the data for?

  • BPC delta flat file upload possible?

    Hi experts,
    Ive been trying to find an answer of whether or not it is possible to retain member data on manual flat file upload into a dimension. We have created a dimension (employee) and have created some dummy nodes member data and would like to determine if it is possible to then keep this manual member data while manually loading further member data through flat file load. Is this sort of manual flatfile delta load possible? If so how? What is best practice here?
    Also, is it possible to load data into a dimension using two methods IE manual upload file and then another form (IE BW load) without overwriting data? Im assuming this is where the merge data option comes in to play.
    Any guidance would be much appreciated.

    Hi Danielle,
    While uploading data, if you have added dimension members manually, then, it never gets deleted untill and unless you specify for it.
    In your scenario, you have created dummy members and want to upload data thru flat file. Then, the data will be uploaded only for those members for which you want to upload data, rest of the members will display the old data.
    As you rightly said earlier, while running data manager package, you need to select MERGE option instead of REPLACE & CLEAR data values. This keeps the old data intact and adds the new ones as well.
    Hope this clarifies further.

  • .CSV File upload  program in CCM

    HI Gurus,
    Is there any possibility of calling file upload program from another program which should pick the file stored in server and upload as we do it in manually selecting the supplier and upload the .csv file by specifying the path.Kindly advice.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sathya kumar.

    I have not tried this.. But i guess it's possible.
    What's your detailed business requirement ?
    Do let me know.
    - Atul

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