Validator for file upload component is not working !!

This validator method for a file upload component is throwing a java.lang.NullPointerException.
public void fileUpload1_validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
long size= fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getSize();
if (size>65535){
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Your image is too big!"));
Any help to solve this problem is very much appreciated.

Hi i have a fileUpload in a pop-up and the methods are :
public void fileUpload1_validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
try {
com.sun.rave.web.ui.model.UploadedFile uploadedFile = ((Upload)component).getUploadedFile();
long l_filesize = uploadedFile.getSize();
if ( l_filesize > 1000000)
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("File Size should be less than 1000000 bytes! It is" + l_filesize));
else {
String tipo = uploadedFile.getContentType();
if ( tipo.compareTo("application/word") == -1 )
if ( tipo.compareTo("application/rtf") == -1 )
if ( tipo.compareTo("application/pdf") == -1 )
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Error : los tipos de archivo aceptados son PDF, WORD y RTF"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
this.mauvaisFichier = true;
public String botonValidar_action() {
if ( !this.mauvaisFichier )
if ( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile() != null )
if ( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getSize() > 0 )
try {
this.getSessionBean1().getComunicacion().setArchivo( new javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob(this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getBytes() ) );
this.getSessionBean1().getComunicacion().setTipoArchivo( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getOriginalName().substring(this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getOriginalName().length() - 3 ) );
} catch(Exception e){
return null;
I have to put a boolean value because the first time, validation code doesn't function ( the method botonValidar_action() is called ) correctly. The error message appears but empty.
If I try next time then it's ok.
Thx for any issue.

Similar Messages

  • File upload with DAD not working

    Hi all,
    I have an application which uses the file upload function, similar to the sample
    During the development I was not using a DAD and it was working perfectly. Now I have changed the application to use a DAD and now the file upload fails with a HTTP 404 - File not found error
    connect_string =
    ;password =
    ;username =
    ;default_page =
    document_table = wwv_flow_file_objects$
    document_path = docs
    document_proc = wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    ;upload_as_long_raw =
    ;upload_as_blob =
    ;name_prefix =
    ;always_describe =
    ;after_proc =
    ;before_proc =
    reuse = Yes
    ;connmax =
    ;pathalias =
    ;pathaliasproc =
    enablesso = No
    ;sncookiename =
    stateful = STATELESS_RESET
    ;custom_auth =
    response_array_size = 128
    ;exclusion_list =
    ;cgi_env_list =
    bind_bucket_widths = 32,128,1450,2048,4000
    bind_bucket_lengths = 4,20,100,400
    ;error_style =
    ;nls_lang =
    BTW, it is on HTMLDB v1.6 on 9iDB (

    The File Browse item type does not require upload table WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$. The POST for the File Browse item type is intercepted by modplsql and is inserted into the Document Table as defined by the Database Access Descriptor.
    You could ultimately create your own DAD with your own Document Table. The Document Table would have to contain the minimum definition as described at:
    This way, users of the application using the Basic Database Authenticated DAD would be uploading directly into your table and not the HTML DB one. A word of caution, though, is that you would never want to use this DAD with HTML DB development would need to use the DAD that specifies upload into WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$ for HTML DB development.
    I hope this helps.

  • File upload custom renaming not working with {KT_ext}

    I used many times custom renaming with file upload, and used {KT_ext} for file's extension, but in first ADDT project is not working. I use this:
    Does anybody know if {KT_ext} is broken in ADDT?
    Thank you,

    Hi Günter,
    {track} and {id_track} are both table fields, and setRenameRule worked right with both, but it didn't with {KT_ext}.
    I've changed {track} with {id_track} in first page, and it stills fail to put extension.
    But maybe is this, in first page the column for Update Transaction is like this
    $upd_cds_peces->addColumn("mp3", "FILE_TYPE", "POST", "mp3");
    and in the second page (where it works right) is
    $upd_cds_peces->addColumn("mp3", "FILE_TYPE", "FILES", "mp3");
    Althought in both cases the file is uploaded and DDBB field is filled, maybe in first case the TNG doesn't expect a file and cannot find its extension.
    I'll try to change it,
    Edit: Yes, it was this... Now it works. Thank you Günter for your help!

  • JS Validation for Drop down List is not working in Oracle PL/SQL Package

    Hi All,
    I am facing an issue with JavaScript validation done in Oracle PL SQL package.
    System Requirement:
    There is one screen which contains two fields viz. FLD 1 & FLD 2 and one 'Submit' button.
    FLD 1 and FLD 2 fields are drop down list boxes.These are mandatory fields.
    The screen is developed in Oracle Mod PL SQL package.
    The html coding and java scripting are embedded in the respective Oracle PL SQL Package procedure which generates this screen,takes the input values provided by user,does the
    field validations and submits the form.
    The javascript validation for FLD 2 dropdown is working successfully.
    When the user leaves this field as blank,the embedded javascript pops up an error message 'Selection of FLD 2 is manadatory before submitting the form!'.
    As FLD 1 is also a mandatory field,the javascripting validation should pop up the similar error message 'Selection of FLD 1 is manadatory before submitting the form!'.
    But,this first field validation is not at all working.
    The system allows to submit the form even if the 'FLD 1' is left blank.
    The javascript code sysntax for validation of FLD 1 & FLD 2 drop down list boxes as follows:
    function validate_form_fields()
    if (document.forms[0].p_fld_1.selectedIndex == 0))) || (document.forms
    [0].p_fld_1.selectedIndex < 1 )
    alert("Selection of FLD 1 is manadatory before submitting the form!!!");
    return false;
    else if (document.forms[0].p_fld_2.selectedIndex == 0))) || (document.forms
    [0].p_fld_2.selectedIndex < 1 )
    alert("Selection of FLD 2 is manadatory before submitting the form!!!");
    return false;
    return true;
    I am viewing the screen from the web browser IE version 8.0.
    Your timely help will really be appreciated.
    Regards & Thanking in advance,

    1. Your problem is actually related to JavaScript, not SQL and PL/SQL. So, this is the wrong forum to post. The closest to JS is the Application Express forum {forum:id=137}. Clearly state that it is not an Apex issue and that you are looking for JS help.
    2. Your JS code, the way you has posted it, is syntactically incorrect, so if you post on Apex forum put the correct code and in tags as described in the FAQ
    function validate_form_fields()
    if (document.forms[0].p_fld_1.selectedIndex == 0))) || (document.forms
    [0].p_fld_1.selectedIndex < 1 )
    alert("Selection of FLD 1 is manadatory before submitting the form!!!");
    return false;
    else if (document.forms[0].p_fld_2.selectedIndex == 0))) || (document.forms
    [0].p_fld_2.selectedIndex < 1 )
    alert("Selection of FLD 2 is manadatory before submitting the form!!!");
    return false;
    return true;

  • Flat file upload program is not working

    Hi Experts,
    I am using following code to upload a flat file from my local PC to SAP
    The code is NOT inserting records in zassum, /bic/pzassum and /bic/tzassum. zassum is SAP BW infoobject. I have run debugger and found that data is getting populated correctly for ztable_data and ztable_text.
    The program is getting compiled / activated successfully. I am even getting message " ZASSUM got updated successfully ". However the issue persists.
    I am new for ABAP. I might have committed some mistake any where in the code.
    Also  pls let me know whether statement  "PERFORM update_alv_grid_display" is really needed.
    FORM upload_batches.
      DATA : wf_title    TYPE string,
              lt_filetab  TYPE filetable,
              l_separator TYPE char01,
              l_action    TYPE i,
              l_count     TYPE i,
              ls_filetab  TYPE file_table,
              wf_delemt TYPE rollname,
              wa_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
              tb_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
              rows_read TYPE i,
              p_error   TYPE char01,
              l_file      TYPE string.
      TYPES : BEGIN OF test_struc,
               /bic/zassum TYPE  /bic/oizassum,
               txtmd   TYPE rstxtmd,
               END OF test_struc.
      DATA : test_upload TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF test_struc.
      DATA : wa_test_upload TYPE test_struc,
             ztable_data TYPE TABLE OF /bic/pzassum,
             ztable_text TYPE TABLE OF /bic/tzassum,
             wa_upld_text TYPE /bic/tzassum,
             wa_upld_data TYPE /bic/pzassum,
             wa_actbatch TYPE /bic/pzassum.
      wf_title = text-026.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
          window_title            = wf_title
          default_extension       = 'txt'
          file_filter             = 'Tab delimited Text Files (*.txt)'
          file_table              = lt_filetab
          rc                      = l_count
          user_action             = l_action
          file_open_dialog_failed = 1
          cntl_error              = 2
          OTHERS                  = 3.                          "#EC NOTEXT
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      LOOP AT lt_filetab INTO ls_filetab.
        l_file = ls_filetab.
      CHECK l_action = 0.
      IF l_file IS INITIAL.
      l_separator = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'test'.
      wa_fieldcat-dd_roll = wf_delemt.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO tb_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_test_upload.
    Upload file from front-end (PC)
    File format is tab-delimited ASCII
          filename                = l_file
          has_field_separator     = l_separator
         data_tab                = i_mara
        data_tab                   = test_upload
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        LOOP AT test_upload INTO wa_test_upload.
          CLEAR :  p_error.
          DESCRIBE TABLE test_upload LINES rows_read.
          IF wa_test_upload-/bic/zassum IS  INITIAL.
            p_error = 'X'.
            MESSAGE s153 WITH wa_test_upload-/bic/zassum sy-tabix.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wa_upld_text-txtmd  = wa_test_upload-txtmd.
          wa_upld_text-txtsh  = wa_test_upload-txtmd.
          wa_upld_text-langu =  sy-langu.
          wa_upld_data-/bic/zassum = '11'.
          wa_upld_data-chrt_accts = 'abc'.
          wa_upld_data-co_area = '1234'.
          wa_upld_data-/bic/zbhpbcsg = 'uv'.
          wa_upld_data-objvers = 'A'.
          wa_upld_data-/bic/zass_mdl = 'pqr'.
          wa_upld_data-/bic/zass_typ = 'I'.
          wa_upld_data-/bic/zdriver = 'defg'.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_test_upload TO wa_upld_data.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_test_upload TO wa_upld_text.
          APPEND wa_upld_data TO ztable_data.
          APPEND wa_upld_text TO ztable_text.
        IF ztable_data IS NOT INITIAL.
              i_iobjnm               = 'ZASSUM'
              i_tabclass             = 'M'
              i_t_table              = ztable_data
              attribute_name_error   = 1
              iobj_not_found         = 2
              generate_program_error = 3
              OTHERS                 = 4.
          COMMIT WORK.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                arbgb  = 'Zmy_prg'
                msgty  = 'E'
                txtnr  = '054'
                msgv1  = text-033
                OTHERS = 3.
                arbgb  = sy-msgid
                msgty  = sy-msgty
                txtnr  = sy-msgno
                msgv1  = sy-msgv1
                msgv2  = sy-msgv2
                msgv3  = sy-msgv3
                msgv4  = sy-msgv4
                OTHERS = 3.
            MESSAGE e054(z_myprg) WITH 'ZASSUM'.
                arbgb  = 'Z_BM_BPS'
                msgty  = 'S'
                txtnr  = '053'
                msgv1  = text-033
                OTHERS = 3.
            MESSAGE s053(z_myprg).
            IF ztable_text[] IS NOT INITIAL.
                  i_iobjnm               = 'ZASSUM'
                  i_tabclass             = 'T'
                  i_t_table              = ztable_text
                  attribute_name_error   = 1
                  iobj_not_found         = 2
                  generate_program_error = 3
                  OTHERS                 = 4.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                    arbgb  = 'Z_myprg'
                    msgty  = 'E'
                    txtnr  = '055'
                    msgv1  = text-033
                    OTHERS = 3.
                    arbgb  = sy-msgid
                    msgty  = sy-msgty
                    txtnr  = sy-msgno
                    msgv1  = sy-msgv1
                    msgv2  = sy-msgv2
                    msgv3  = sy-msgv3
                    msgv4  = sy-msgv4
                    OTHERS = 3.
          COMMIT WORK.
          i_objnm = 'ZASSUM'
          i_scope = '1'.
      PERFORM update_alv_grid_display.
    ENDFORM. " upload_batches


  • Please give me some code for file upload. I am working in websphere

    I have made the form with encript = multipart. with four text field to enter some information about the file. now i want to upload a file f1.txt in the folder And also I want to make appear the file and the four information regarding that file in a another jsp page as grids.
    Please help how to do that. I am using Websphere Studio Application Developer. Please help with some code

    Check out the fileupload package in the apache commons project

  • How to use file upload component inside a portlet

    Thank you for reading my post.
    does file upload works inside portlets ?
    can some one help me with a sample code , does it need some tricks ?
    Thank you

    any help is welcomeLegolas,
    You could try your own implementation. Someone was able to implement a file upload with Creator 2004Q4 and the O'Reilly Servlet. See
    You will have to configure O'Reilly Servlet's "MultiPart Filter" in your application. Creator 2 uses a same approach (a filter) to accomplish this. Given that the file upload component is not supported on portlets, this leads me to the following: I don't know anything about portlets and portlet containers, but I'd check first for some architechtural restriction in the portlet subsystem that avoids the use of a filter for a file upload. If think this could be the only thing that will restrict you to implement your own file upload.
    Hope this helps.

  • Emulating HTTP POST for file upload with J2ME

    I have search through a lot of site and couldn't find the actual code. I try to emulate below html with J2ME.
    <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="Insert.asp">
    <td>File :</td><td>
    <input type="file" name="file" size="40"></td></tr>
    <td> </td><td>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>
    here is my code :
    HttpConnection c = null;
    InputStream is = null;
    OutputStream os = null;
    byte[] filecontent = file byte content ...
    try {
    c = (HttpConnection)"");
    c.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(cmg.length + 15));
    os = c.openOutputStream();
    I can emulate form with text field and it work, but when it come to file upload, above code not working, I don't know what to put for the outputstream, filename ? content ? or both ? since the html only has one field that is the "file" field. The file is actually store in rms with filename abc.png, and I just put in the c:\ for the server as a dump path.

    File upload is more complicated then that... you need multi-part MIME formatting.... But I have just the code...

  • Uploading Files Using InputFile Component -- Sometimes not working

    This is the 2nd time I make a post about it!
    Because I have more than 1 application using upload, and everything is correct! But it doesn't work as it should!
    You can check the original post here: Uploading Files Using InputFile Component - Sometimes not working
    I need a solution please!
    The only thing we can conclude is that it could be a bug from oracle !!! (???) But I talked with other people and they say that it works fine for them.
    There is one important thing: when we put a form to "Uses Upload = true" it seems that the page doesn't work very normal. For exemple: if you use a table in a form that uses upload the table get's "crazy".

    I have now access to METALINK!
    I can find some problems and patches about inputFile but not mine! I will check better later!
    I think the problem is caused because of my framework!

  • I've become increasingly frustrated with the ipad adobe app. I've subscribed to be able to convert my pdf files into word documents and it has yet to work I've paid for a service that does not work which in turn makes me a disgruntled customer to say the

    I've become increasingly frustrated with the ipad adobe app. I've subscribed to be able to convert my pdf files into word documents and it has yet to work I've paid for a service that does not work which in turn makes me a disgruntled customer to say the least very disappointed with such horrible service

    Which service did you subscribe to?  Adobe PDF Pack?
    Once I know the service that you subscribed to, I can move this post to the right forum so that you can get in touch with the folks who can assist you.

  • Smart file component(html5smartfile) not working

    I have been working on developing a custom extjs console to enable author drop an asset usinghtml5smartfile component. But somehow, the html5smartfile component is not working the way it should. The Area where an author can drop an asset is not displaying. The same is working fine if i am creating a CQ5 dialog. But in my case where i have created a window it's not working.
    i have declared my smartfile component like this :-
    var assetLinkDropField = { xtype: 'html5smartfile', fieldLabel: 'Asset Link', ddAccept: 'video/.*',ddGroups: 'media', fileReferenceParameter: './linkUrl', name: './linkUrl', allowUpload: false, allowFileNameEditing: false, allowFileReference: true, transferFileName: false };
    but this is rendering like this:-
    i have tried a lot, after working for 8-10 hours, i found out that the CQ5 dialog updates the view for the component but in case of my window, i have to update it myself. Thus, with a slight manipulation, i just succeeded in displaying the drag area by by tweaking the declaration like this:-
    var assetLinkDropField = { xtype: 'html5smartfile', fieldLabel: 'Asset Link', ddAccept: 'video/.*',ddGroups: 'media', fileReferenceParameter: './linkUrl', name: './linkUrl', allowUpload: false, allowFileNameEditing: false, allowFileReference: true, transferFileName: false, listeners: { afterlayout: function () { this.updateView(); } } }
    so now the panel looks like:-
    but still the Drag and Drop is not working. My Window declaration is like this:-
    win = new CQ.Ext.Window({ height          : 750, width           : 700, layout          : 'anchor', // animateTarget   : btn.el, closeAction     : 'close', // Prevent destruction on Close id              : 'manageLinkWindow', title           : '<b>Multi Link Widget Dialog</b>', frame           : true, draggable       : false,modal           : false, //Mask entire page constrain       : true, buttonAlign     : 'center', items : [assetLinkDropField] }); }
    Can anyone please look into this issue. I am stuck here for 3 days. Thanks in Advance.

    add a slider component to the main (loading) swf's library.

  • Screen hangs when user types in some text in file upload component

    Dear All
    I am using file upload component in webdynpro java in a custom application and added some validation logic on the file
    selected. This is being used to upload jpeg files to KM repository. Now the issue is if user types some text in the file
    upload input field and click on upload button the screen hangs and it goes to infinite loop. It seems that the framework is not able to accept and check the arbitrary value entered by user.
    Can anyone tell me how this can be sorted out?

    Hello Sudeep,
    I have also faced the same issue and to me it seems an issue with the UI element itself. Please follow the following threads for more information:
    [File Upload UI Element going in Infinite loop;
    [upload UI element;
    Hope this may be of some use.

  • File upload component in JStudio Enterprise

    Dear all,
    I am not sure that File Upload Component is supported in JStudio Enterprise 8.1 or not. I see that Netbeans has one:
    So I thought JStudio Enterprise may have one similar. If so, can anyone tell me how to do that please?

    FileUpload component is not supported in Java Studio Enterprise. The FileUpload is a component that conforms to the spec recognized by Java Studio Creator line of products (which is now Visual Web Pack) and will not work in JSE.
    You can use NetBeans 5.5 and install Visual web pack (for javafaces support), enterprise pack (which provides all capabilities of JSE) and uml on top of it. It would give you a single install with all add-ons.

  • BI IP --- Planning function for File Upload

    Hai All,
    In BI IP , When I am trying to load the data (text file) by using Planning function for File Upload. I am getting an error message When I am clicking on Update .
    Error Message : Inconsistent input parameter (parameter: <unknown>, value <unknown>).
    In Text file I am using Tab Separation for each value
    Anyone help me out.

    Hi Bhima
    Try one of these; it should work:
    1. If you are on SP 14 you would need to upgrade to SP 15. It would work fine
    2. If not, then -
         a] apply note 1070655 - Termination msg CL_RSPLFR_CONTROLLER =>GET_READ_WRITE_PROVIDS
         b] Apply Correction Instruction 566059 [i.e: in Object - CL_RSPLFR_CONTROLLER GET_READ_WRITE_PROVIDS,
    delete the block: l_r_alvl = cl_rspls_alvl=>factory( i_aggrlevel = p_infoprov ).
    and insert block - l_r_alvl = cl_rspls_alvl=>factory( i_aggrlevel = i_infoprov ).

  • Ipad i have load swf file but swf  is not working proper(flex 4.6) but android is fine to work how

    ipad i have load swf file but swf  is not working proper(flex 4.6) but android is fine to work how

    On the MBP, in iTunes, switch to Song view and enable the iCloud Status column by pulling down View > View options and selecting the option for "iCloud Status." Close the small window. Look for any tracks that have a status of "waiting." If you see several of them disable iTunes Match while holding down the Option key. Quit iTunes, wait a few seconds, then open it again and turn iTM back on. Let it compelete the scan. Wait until all tracks that are "waiting" have a status of either "matched" or "uploaded."
    On the iPad, turn off iTunes Match then launch the Music app and let the contents clear out. Power cycle the iPad for good measure, then re-enable the service once all the tracks in iTunes have been processed.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Iphone won't sync!

    My Iphone will not sync with my laptop! It says that I must download the 64 bit version of Itunes! I've already done this 3 times and it still gives the same message! What can I do?

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