Flex 2 App on Vista

I have 2 applications that I built with Flex Builder 2 and
when they are run on a Vista Machine with IE 7 and a user types in
some text, some of the user's keystrokes are missing. Has anyone
else experienced this/have a cause/found a solution? This only
happens on the vista machine, on Windows XP captures no keystrokes
are missing. Thanks

I tested a simple app as you requested and I was NOT able to
reproduce the behavior.
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="
<mx:TextInput left="68" top="1" width="150"

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    var file:File = File.documentDirectory.resolvePath("indicators.pdf");
    if (file.exists)
    file.deleteFile(); //delete it if exists
    //create a file stream to be able to write the content of the file   
    var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
    var popUpPage:AlertPage = new AlertPage();
    //open the file stream and set for Write
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    //writes the bytes
    fileStream.writeBytes(pdfBytes, 0, pdfBytes.length);
    //close the stream
    popUpPage.lblAlert.text = "indicator saved in pdf format = "+ file.nativePath;
    this.visible = false;
    catch(err :Error)
    popUpPage.lblAlert.text = err.message + "  "+ file.nativePath;

    This doesn't look like a problem with Acrobat forms.

  • Example working Flex AIR app for Android?

    I'm having trouble getting even the most basic AIR app working on Android. Here is the code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                            xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:local="*"
                            width="600" height="600">
             <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
         <mx:Label text="Hello World"/>
    It works fine running on  Windows in Flash Builder, obviously it's pretty simple. Here are the  commands I use to put it on a Samsung Galaxy Tab with Android 2.2.
    C:\Users\Ryan\Adobe  Flash Builder 4\Test2\bin-release>adt -package -storetype pkcs12  -keystore C:\Users\Ryan\STG-Android.pfx Test2.air Test2-app.xml  Test2.swf
    C:\Users\Ryan\Adobe Flash Builder 4\Test2\bin-release>adt -package  -target apk -storetype pkcs12 -keystore C:\Users\Ryan\STG-Android.pfx  Test2.apk Test2-app.xml Test2.swf
    C:\Users\Ryan\Adobe Flash Builder 4\Test2\bin-release>adb install -r Test2.apk
    2286 KB/s (419172 bytes in 0.179s)
             pkg: /data/local/tmp/Test2.apk
    A Test2 app icon shows up on my Galaxy Tab  under Applications but when I run the app I just see a plain white  screen, I don't see the words "Hello World". Any ideas? Does anyone have  an example Flex AIR app that works on Android and can post the code so I  can try it on my Galaxy Tab? I know AIR is installed correctly on my  Galaxy because I installed an AIR app called South Park Avatar Creator  that I got from the market and it works fine.
    P.S.  Here is the Test2-app.xml from my non-working project above in case it  helps. This is the default generated with a new Flex app in Flash  Builder 4 using the Flex 4.1.0 AIR 2.5 SDK but I uncommented the andoid  tags and set the visible tag to true.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.5">
    <!-- Adobe AIR Application Descriptor File Template.
        Specifies parameters for identifying, installing, and launching AIR applications.
        xmlns - The Adobe AIR namespace: http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.5
                 The last segment of the namespace specifies the version
                 of the AIR runtime required for this application to run.
         minimumPatchLevel - The minimum patch level of the AIR runtime required to run
                 the application. Optional.
        <!-- A universally unique application identifier. Must be unique across all AIR applications.
         Using a reverse DNS-style name as the id is recommended. (Eg. com.example.ExampleApplication.) Required. -->
        <!-- Used as the filename for the application. Required. -->
        <!-- The name that is displayed in the AIR application installer.
         May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
         <!-- A string value of the format  <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999> that represents application  version which can be used to check for application upgrade.
         Values can also be 1-part or 2-part. It is not necessary to have a 3-part value.
         An updated version of application must have a versionNumber value  higher than the previous version. Required for namespace >= 2.5 .  -->
         <!-- A string value (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1") that  represents the version of the application, as it should be shown to  users. Optional. -->
         <!-- <versionLabel></versionLabel> -->
        <!-- Description, displayed in the AIR application installer.
         May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
         <!-- <description></description> -->
        <!-- Copyright information. Optional -->
         <!-- <copyright></copyright> -->
        <!-- Publisher ID. Used if you're updating an application created prior to 1.5.3 -->
         <!-- <publisherID></publisherID> -->
        <!-- Settings for the application's initial window. Required. -->
             <!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
             <!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
             <content>[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]</content>
             <!-- The title of the main window. Optional. -->
             <!-- <title></title> -->
            <!-- The type of system chrome to use (either "standard" or "none"). Optional. Default standard. -->
             <!-- <systemChrome></systemChrome> -->
            <!-- Whether the window is transparent. Only applicable when systemChrome is none. Optional. Default false. -->
             <!-- <transparent></transparent> -->
            <!-- Whether the window is initially visible. Optional. Default false. -->
            <!-- Whether the user can minimize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
             <!-- <minimizable></minimizable> -->
            <!-- Whether the user can maximize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
             <!-- <maximizable></maximizable> -->
            <!-- Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
             <!-- <resizable></resizable> -->
            <!-- The window's initial width in pixels. Optional. -->
             <!-- <width></width> -->
            <!-- The window's initial height in pixels. Optional. -->
             <!-- <height></height> -->
            <!-- The window's initial x position. Optional. -->
             <!-- <x></x> -->
            <!-- The window's initial y position. Optional. -->
             <!-- <y></y> -->
            <!-- The window's minimum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "400 200". Optional. -->
             <!-- <minSize></minSize> -->
            <!-- The window's initial maximum size, specified as a  width/height pair in pixels, such as "1600 1200". Optional. -->
             <!-- <maxSize></maxSize> -->
        <!-- We recommend omitting the supportedProfiles element, -->
         <!-- which in turn permits your application to be deployed to all -->
         <!-- devices supported by AIR. If you wish to restrict deployment -->
         <!-- (i.e., to only mobile devices) then add this element and list -->
         <!-- only the profiles which your application does support. -->
         <!-- <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop mobileDevice extendedMobileDevice</supportedProfiles> -->
        <!-- The subpath of the standard default installation location to use. Optional. -->
         <!-- <installFolder></installFolder> -->
        <!-- The subpath of the Programs menu to use. (Ignored on operating systems without a Programs menu.) Optional. -->
         <!-- <programMenuFolder></programMenuFolder> -->
        <!-- The icon the system uses for the application. For at least one resolution,
         specify the path to a PNG file included in the AIR package. Optional. -->
         <!-- <icon>
         </icon> -->
        <!-- Whether the application handles the update when a user double-clicks an update version
         of the AIR file (true), or the default AIR application installer handles the update (false).
         Optional. Default false. -->
         <!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> -->
         <!-- Whether the application can be launched when the user clicks a link in a web browser.
         Optional. Default false. -->
         <!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> -->
        <!-- Listing of file types for which the application can register. Optional. -->
         <!-- <fileTypes> -->
            <!-- Defines one file type. Optional. -->
             <!-- <fileType> -->
                <!-- The name that the system displays for the registered file type. Required. -->
                 <!-- <name></name> -->
                <!-- The extension to register. Required. -->
                 <!-- <extension></extension> -->
                 <!-- The description of the file type. Optional. -->
                 <!-- <description></description> -->
                 <!-- The MIME content type. -->
                 <!-- <contentType></contentType> -->
                 <!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. -->
                 <!-- <icon>
                 </icon> -->
             <!-- </fileType> -->
         <!-- </fileTypes> -->
        <!-- Specify Android specific tags that get passed to AndroidManifest.xml file. -->
                 <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
                     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
                     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
                     <uses-configuration android:reqFiveWayNav="true"/>
                     <supports-screens android:normalScreens="true"/>
                     <uses-feature android:required="true" android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch"/>
                     <application android:enabled="true">
                         <activity android:excludeFromRecents="false">
                                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
                                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
         <!-- End of the schema for adding the android specific tags in AndroidManifest.xml file -->

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                            xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:local="*"
                            width="600" height="600">
             <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
         <mx:Label text="Hello World"/>

  • Access file object from flex web app

    Hi all,
    I want to access file object from flex web app. What should i do?
    I have to take array from my XML. In XML there will be only dir path. So for taking file name from dir i have to access it and have to perform for loop on that dir.
    What should I do?
    Any Ideas?

    Hi Michael
    My question is that I dont want to give name of images in XML file.
    In XML file there will be only path of image directory. So I need to find all image name from that image directory.
    Thats why I want to access file object.
    Any ideas?    

  • Replacing WebDynpro for Java with Flex 3 Apps

    Hi there, I am new in developing Flex 3 app.
    I know how to use web Services with Flex and so on. But the my question how can I replace WebDynpro Apps in SAP NetWeaver portal. What do I have to do?
    How can I integrate Flex App in Portal without using the Visual Composer?
    Best regards Jay

    Hi Jan,
    Below check the below weblog. It may help you.
    Using Flex in SAP Web applications (without Adobe Flash Islands)

  • Flex Mobile App eats memory on device

    I have my flex mobile app that manages a lot of bitmapdata objects. Every bitmapdata is disposed after use. It's a multi-layer drawing app, and I have many SpriteVisualElements displayed on the screen. Every SpriteVisualElement contains 4 SpriteVisualElement that I use to paint different images. The problem is that on device (iPad2) the app eats a lot of RAM. It's not a memory leak problem (the memory is properly released when I return to the first view). I don't know what to do... please help me!
    ps: on Flex profiler the app seems to consume 6 times less RAM

    oooooh nooooo
    you have to pay Apple first
    and then request a certificate and provisioning file
    and then try and figure out how to convert the certificate to a .p12 file
    and cross your fingers and hope they will allow it in their store
    and you have to own a mac, although there are some convoluted ways to get a certificate using a pc you still cant get onto the store without a mac

  • Flex mobile app - which data grid control to use?

    Trying to build my first Flex mobile app in FlashBuilder 4.6 and I need a grid control to display a 2 dimmensional array of 6 columns x 50 rows.
    The user doesn't don't need to have any interraction with the grid except for scrolling the rows.
    I was looking at using dataGrid component but adobe doesn't recommend it for mobile apps.
    Is there a grid component that is recommended for mobile apps?

    Here it is.
    // Show empty grid to start
    private function initGrid():void
        const dataArray:Array = new Array(1);
        var values:Array = new Array(1);
        values[0] = "";
        dataArray[0] = values;
        grid.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(dataArray);
    // Build array and feed it to the grid - 50 rows x 9 columns dataGrid (grid)
    protected function FillGrid():void
    var rows:int = 50;
    var columns:int = 9;
    // rows array
    const dataArray:Array = new Array(rows);
    // Get rows
    for(var row:int=0; row<rows; row++)
      const arrLine:Array = [columns+1];
      arrLine[0] = row+1;
      for(var col:int=1; col<columns+1; col++)
       // columns array
       arrLine[col] = Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
      dataArray[row] = arrLine;
    // At this point the multi dimensional array is assembled, now we connect it to the dataGrid
    grid.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(dataArray);
    <!-- The DataGrid's dataProvider and typicalItem are set at initialize time by the initializeDataProvider method. -->
    <s:Panel id="tablePanel" x="519" top="91" width="470" height="400" color="#827259" fontSize="18" title=".">
    <s:DataGrid id="grid" left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5" selectionMode="singleRow" initialize="initGrid()" fontSize="17" >
      <!-- The default item renderer is used by the first 6 columns to display
      the dataProvider item's array element value at col. -->
           override public function prepare(hasBeenRecycled:Boolean):void
            label = data[columnIndex];
        <!-- Columns inherit the DataGrid's itemRenderer. -->
        <s:GridColumn id="zero"    headerText="N0" width="65" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="one"     headerText="N1" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="two"     headerText="N2" width="45" resizable="false"/>   
        <s:GridColumn id="three"   headerText="N3" width="45" resizable="false"/>   
        <s:GridColumn id="four"    headerText="N4" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="five"    headerText="N5" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="six"     headerText="N6" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="seven"   headerText="N7" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="eight"   headerText="N8" width="65" resizable="false"/>

  • Does a flex ios app support international characters?

    does a flex ios app support international characters?
    i just built an app using flash builder 4.6 and the ios 5.1 sdk... and my text fields won't show international characters. is this supported?
    Also... i'm embedding the arial unicode font... and it works on windows and android. just not ios.


  • Deploying a Flex iPad App wirelessly without registering a device's UIUD

    Is there any information or step by step guide to building and deploying a Flex iPad app wireless, without registering the device's ID? Is this possible with Flex? We do have an iOS Developer Enterprise Program license. Every set of instructions from a Flex point of view that I have read assume that either 1) The release build will be deployed through iTunes or 2) the release build will be deployed to device who's ID are registered on the Apple dev center. Any help would be appreciated.
    The problem is that when attempting to install the app on a device that is not registered on the apple site, an error occurs stating that the app was unable to download/install.

    Hi Emanuele,
    In your case, SUP would provide the development tools, framework and APIs to easily handle the authentication, synchronization etc. You wouldn't need to define your own synchronization mechanism, it's in the product. Now if the updates are only sent from the server to the mobile devices, this shouldn't be to difficult to handle even without SUP.
    You could easily create REST Web Services using Gateway and then consume them using the mobile devices. You don't want to consume SOAP Web Services using a mobile application, trust me. You could do this using the ICF (Internet Communication Framework) to  achieve this but again it would be easier with Gateway.
    You don't necessarily need SUP or Gateway to create only a simple mobile application. But then if your customer is happy with their first mobile application, they'll want more. And then products such as SUP or Gateway can make the difference. These products prodvide a standard development environment, tools to manage the apps and the users etc. With multiple mobile apps connected to multiple back-ends with more and more users, you'll need a middleware to manage all this and make sure the performance is great.
    Usually people don't use SUP or Gateway for their first mobile application but then they start to see the benefits of mobility and they want more. And then they start to realize the benefits of these products and they understand that a real mobile strategy has to be defined etc.

  • Flex Air Apps on Blackberry

    I've had a Flex Air app on Playbook since it Adobe first supported Blackberry.  But, I haven't had a client requirement for deploying to Blackberry in a long time.  What is the status on Adobe's support for Blackberry?  On the Air Dev Center, I see no references to Blackberry anymore???
    Can I still build a cross-platform app for latest Blackberry devices (Blackberry 10, Playbook, etc.) using the standard Flex mobile components and Flash Builder 4.6?
    After a brief search on Blackberry's Air page, it looks like they moved to requiring the QNX components, ANEs and a new pure AS3 SDK only.  If I have to re-write code specific for Blackberry now, then it makes no sense for me to offer that to my clients. (unless they only want BB).
    So, where does Adobe stand now with Flex Mobile in Flash Builder deploying to Blackberry 10 and the Playbook?
    I'd appreciate if you could help bring me back up to speed.

    Absolutely, Flex works very well indeed and is fully supported on BlackBerry PlayBook and BB10 devices. The free packaging module for Flash Builder is part of the BB SDK for AIR and is supplied by RIM, not by Adobe.
    With Flex you'll of course be using Adobe UI components, which look less native than the BB-supplied "pure AS3" UI components unless you skin them. But they work just fine.

  • How to remove Button from Flex Mobile app actionbar with AS3?

    How exactly would i remove a Button from the actionBar "actionContent" in a flex mobile app?
    I tried these:
    I'm not having any luck with those. Im guessing where it is located in the actioncontent isn't considered the stage. Any ideas?
                            <s:CalloutButton id="menu_btn" icon="@Embed('assets/images/menu/menu_btn.png')" visible="false">
                                      <s:Button id="btn_one" label="Button" />
    The actionContent is setup like that, I know like with most mxml stuff I could give it an ID to reference it but im not sure how how to give the action content an id number `<s:actionContent id="testID">` does not work. So how can i access this to remove it? making it invisible isn't cutting it i need to actually remove it.

    Does this do what you are looking for?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="HomeView">
            <s:Button id="excess" label="excess" />
            <s:Button label="remove" click="this.navigator.actionBar.actionGroup.removeElement(excess);" />

  • Datagrid for flex mobile apps

    Since in-built Datagrid component is not optimized to be used in flex mobile apps, what is the best alternative we can go ahead with?
    I have seen some of the posts which says that we can use List. But I'm still unable to find how List can be used. As we would need multiple columns, should we be using multiple Lists for each column?
    Kindly let me know if any of have have got this working and how.
    Appreciate your help..

    Anyone please?:) Flex HarUI ??

  • How to use BusyIndicator Flex Android App??

    I am currently developing an application using the Flashbuilder 4.5 framework and I am having trouble using the BusyIndicator. I have tried setting its visible property in order to show it when an action is being perform(as shown below) however this has not worked. Does anyone know how to work with the BusyIndicator in a Flex Android App????
    busy.setStyle("visible", true);

    public var bsy:BusyIndicator=new BusyIndicator();
    Add this code at your Method Call
    Add  This Code after u get the result

  • Announcing: BlogRadio, a Flex 4 App - Get the Adobe Pack Now

    I'd like to introduce to you my Flex 4 app that I've been working on for about a year now: BlogRadio.
    BlogRadio is simple: we allow anyone to *listen* to their favorite blogs. We have a Text-to-Speech engine that converts the text of RSS feeds to a natural voice. If the RSS feed contains any images, then we’ll convert the images to video and stream the combined media to the user wherever they are.
    We created this app using Flash Builder 4 beta, and Flash Catalyst.
    We've worked out a deal with Adobe, so that anyone who downloads the AIR application by 3/31 will automatically subscribed to the "Adobe Pack" of blogs (Christophe Coenraets, James Ward, Ryan Stewart, and a whole bunch of others).
    For kicks and giggles, I also made the app automatically read the latest BlogRadio tweet from twitter (which turns out to be a handy way to broadcast a quick message to everyone).
    Feel free to download the app from our website, and of course submit your feedback on new features.
    Bruce Hopkins

    Now that's pretty cool

  • FDS and Tomcat : Flex Sample App - Contact Manager

    When loading, I see the contact list load with Randy Carter
    as the default.
    1. Click on New
    2. Fill in my First and Last Name
    I get the following error messages:
    Unable to access UserTransaction in DataService.
    I followed these directions for Tomcat for installing JOTM
    and editing the conf/server.xml for Tomcat
    Please advise on how I can get this sample app to be able to
    add new Contact details.

    If you're getting the error message - "Unable to access
    UserTransaction in DataService", then your transaction services is
    not set up correctly. There is not enough detail in your message to
    diagnosis what the issue is but this is what I would recommend and
    the configuration that works for me.
    (a) During development, get in the habit of running the
    server in debug mode and check for errors in the server console and
    logs frequently, especially when you encounter errors on the
    For FDS, you'll want to set debug level logging in
    enterprise-services.xml. Restart the server after making changes.
    (b) Double-check that JOTM is configured correctly.
    These are the steps I used to get Flex running with Tomcat
    5.5.17 and JOTM 2.0.10 - the latest versions.
    With Tomcat, there are several different ways of configuring
    the server so this is not the only way of doing things. The
    directions under 'Configuring Tomcat' seems to have the most
    details for all versions of Tomcat -
    i. drop the JOTM jars into <tomcat>/common/lib
    ii. add the following line to my application configuration
    file <tomcat>/conf/Catalina/localhost/samples.xml
    privileged="true" antiResourceLocking="false"
    iii. restart the server for good measure, check the logs
    localhost-xxxx.log and catalina-xxx.log to be sure that everything
    started correctly.
    (c) Verify that transactions are working correctly with this
    test JSP page. Just drop the jsp page into your web application and
    access from the browser. If you see an exception, go back to the
    JOTM setup. If you see, 'success'. Then proceed with the contact
    manager example.
    <%@ page import="javax.naming.*,javax.transaction.*" %>
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    UserTransaction tx =
    (d) Run the contact manager sample and try to update a
    contact. If you see "Unable to access UserTransaction in
    DataService", then check the server console and server logs for
    errors and/or exceptions.
    - Cathy

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