Flex 3 - Export to Excel?

Hi everyone, is it possible to export to Excel?
If I have a chart or a datagrid, is it possible to export it
to Excel?

Hi, even I am looking for exporting a datagrid to Excel. It
would be great help if someone can give some details about the
Excel extensions ( I think an example would be much better if you
anyone has it).

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    I am using Flex 3.0 and facing one problem session out while export to excel in Live server not on localhost .
    I have Used navigateToURL (url, "_self"); export to excel. While url is sevrlet call.
    In localhost(tomcat) everything is working fine while another server or live in weblogic server, my session Is Getting Lost and User is re-directed to login screen again.
    what to do to resolve this issue.
    while I tried to use _blank instead of _self then session Is getting preserved but its opening blank new window which user will not accept necessary page.
    please Suggest what to do to preserve The session while using _self ..
    waiting for quick reply.

    I'm not using Flex, but the following preserves session in Flash:
    var url = "http://" + WebServerIPAddress + "/" + ApplicationName + "?data=" + datavalue;
    var cmd:String = "window.open('" + url + "','win','height=768,width=1024,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');";
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:" + cmd + " void(0);");
    navigateToURL(request, "_self");

  • Export flex chart to excel

    How can I export an flex chart to excel? Does anyone have any sample code.

    Yes, now it's easy with AIR2 (and AS3XLS):

  • Getting error while implementing the Export to Excel in VC

    By refering the following link, i have implemented  Export To Excell functionality in VC.
    When i copied the following formula in the respective formula window, then it is giving the following error. can any body awareof what is the problem.
    copied formula :
    Occurred Error:
    Field "REPTNAME" does not exist in DataStore parameters.
    Referred link to implement
    2) Another one that's in the Visual Composer WIKI:

    Hi Anukur,
    Thanks for the reply,
    I have copied same formula which is given in that doc. now i have added one field
    REPTNAME. Now i have come from that problem. Formula showin as valid. when i click on check button.
    Now when i compile , i havnt got any any but when click on deploy i am getting the following error.
    Error in compiling Flex application: Error 1002: String literal was not properly terminated
    Error 1033: ')' expected
    Error 1205: The statement 'dd_ons' is incomplete.
    Error 1025: Left side of assignment operator must be variable or property.
    Error 1033: ':' expected
    Error 1025: Left side of assignment operator must be variable or property.
    Error 1033: ';' expected
    Error 1205: The statement '' is incomplete.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1128: Attribute used outside class.
    Error 1030: Statement block must be terminated by '}'
    Error 1000: Syntax error.
    Failed to compile AADMV.mxml
    Can u tell what is the problem here

  • Export to excel formatting

    I'm working on a quote report which has narrative sections as well as a table. I can get the report to look great in the application but it has formatting problems once exported to excel.
    In one of my narrative reports I have a simple table with a few columns. Once exported to excel the first narrative column is the entire width of the report table below it. The large cell row is also merged cells in excel.
    Is there anything that can be done to help force how the report goes into excel?
    I have also tried creating the report in a narrative html table to export into excel.

    Can someone explain if they face similar issues as I am when you export a report output on portal to Excel it takes huge size. I assume it because of all the color formatting etc. but is there a way to reduce this size. 3.5 Bex Analyzer same report takes only 3 MB while if I export it from portals it takes 32 MB.

  • After Export to Excel File error while opening using xmlwriter in silverlight

    Can one help me in fixing following issue after to export to excel had done iam getting following error message 
    "The file you are trying to open, 'test.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do uou want to open the file now ?"
    If i click Yes file opens correctly but it shows above message . Can any one suggest me how to avoid this programatically with the following code.
    I tried by changing the file saving as  .xls to .xlsx  but it doesnt works.
    Public Sub Export()
    Dim ss As String = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    Dim DataType As String
    Dim DataValue As Object
    'Dim DataView As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataView = m_DataGrid.ItemsSource
    'Dim ItemsSource As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataTable = DataView.Table
    Dim XmlSettings As XmlWriterSettings
    Dim ColumnBinding As Binding
    Dim FieldName As String
    Dim DataGridColumn As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridColumn
    Dim ColumnIndex As Integer
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim DataGridRow As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridRow
    Dim CommonUtil As New GoldCRM.Core.Common.Util
    Dim PropertyInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
    Dim CellFormat As String
    If m_DataGrid.Rows.Count = 0 Then Exit Try
    XmlSettings = New XmlWriterSettings
    XmlSettings.Indent = True
    XmlSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = False
    Using myXML As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(m_Stream, XmlSettings)
    With myXML
    .WriteProcessingInstruction("mso-application", "progid=" & ControlChars.Quote & "Excel.Sheet" & ControlChars.Quote)
    .WriteStartElement("Workbook", ss)
    .WriteStartElement("DocumentProperties", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office")
    .WriteElementString("Author", m_DocumentProperties.Author)
    .WriteElementString("LastAuthor", String.Format("{0} {1}", Application.Current.Resources("EmpFirstName"), Application.Current.Resources("EmpLastName")))
    .WriteElementString("Created", m_DocumentProperties.Created)
    .WriteElementString("LastSaved", m_DocumentProperties.LastSaved)
    .WriteElementString("Company", Application.Current.Resources("REPORTINGSITENAME"))
    .WriteElementString("Version", m_DocumentProperties.Version)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Document Properties
    .WriteStartElement("ExcelWorkbook", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel")
    .WriteElementString("WindowHeight", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowHeight)
    .WriteElementString("WindowWidth", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowWidth)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopX", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopX)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopY", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopY)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectStructure", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectStructure)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectWindows", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectWindows)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Excel Workbook
    For I As Integer = 0 To m_Styles.Count - 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, m_Styles(I).ID)
    If m_Styles(I).Name <> "" Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, m_Styles(I).Name)
    End If
    If Not m_Styles(I).Alignment Is Nothing Then
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Horizontal", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Vertical", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.WrapText = True Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "WrapText", ss, "1")
    End If
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Bottom")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Left")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Right")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Top")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteEndElement() 'Borders
    Dim myFont As Excel.Styles.Font = m_Styles(I).Font
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FontName", ss, myFont.FontName.ToString)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Size", ss, myFont.Size)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myFont.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    If myFont.Bold = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Italic = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Italic", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Underline <> 0 Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Underline", ss, myFont.Underline.ToString)
    Dim myInterior As Excel.Styles.Interior = m_Styles(I).Interior
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myInterior.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Pattern", ss, "Solid")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    Next I
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "DateStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Format", ss, "General Date")
    .WriteEndElement() 'NumberFormat
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("x", "Family", ss, "Swiss")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Font
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteEndElement() 'Styles
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, "WORKSHEET")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedColumnCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedRowCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullColumns", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullRows", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "DefaultRowHeight", ss, 15)
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridNumericColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridDateTimeColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 0)
    End If
    If DataGridColumn.Width.Value <= 100 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, 100)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, DataGridColumn.Width.Value)
    End If
    End If
    J = 0
    For Each DataGridRow In m_DataGrid.Rows
    J += 1
    If TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, "String")
    If DataGridColumn.Header IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J + 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    Dim DataCellValue As Object = Nothing
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    PropertyInfo = CommonUtil.GetProperty(DataGridRow.DataItem, FieldName)
    If PropertyInfo IsNot Nothing Then
    DataCellValue = PropertyInfo.GetValue(DataGridRow.DataItem, Nothing)
    End If
    End If
    CellFormat = String.Empty
    If DataCellValue IsNot Nothing Then
    Select Case DataCellValue.GetType.Name.ToUpper
    Case "BitmapImage".ToUpper
    DataValue = "Image"
    DataType = "String"
    Case "Hyperlink".ToUpper
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = "Hyperlink"
    Case "Decimal".ToUpper
    DataType = "Number"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    Case "DateTime".ToUpper
    If CType(DataCellValue, Date).Year > 1900 Then
    DataType = "DateTime"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    CellFormat = "DateStyle"
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End If
    Case Else
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End Select
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = String.Empty
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    If Not CellFormat.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, CellFormat)
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, DataType)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Table
    .WriteEndElement() 'Worksheet
    .WriteEndElement() 'Workbook
    End With
    End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)
    If m_Stream IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    m_Stream = Nothing
    m_DataGrid.IsLoading = False
    DataValue = Nothing
    'DataView = Nothing
    'ItemsSource = Nothing
    XmlSettings = Nothing
    ColumnBinding = Nothing
    DataGridColumn = Nothing
    End Try
    End Sub

    i have the same issue now where i need to populate the xport file name as report name. can you send me your solution please.

  • Export to Excel Action in MS SSRS Report not exporting all data in Report

    I have developed a complex Report that has many expandable nodes in a table format. The report works fine.
    However, when I export the Report to Excel using Actions --> export to Excel, only the data in expanded nodes is included. The data in collapsed nodes is not included.
    I am looking for approach to include data in expanded nodes in Excel Export. The expanded data can be expanded in Excel.
    Any help in this regard will be appreciated.

    Hi Abhijit PS,
    Per my understanding you are experiencing the issue with the excel report which have add the drill down action, after export to excel only the expanded nodes included and the collapsed nodes is not shown, right?
    Generally, if we expand the nodes before export to excel then the excel will display the expanded details row and keep collapsed the details row which haven't expand, but we have the toggle "+","-" on the left of the Excel to help
    control the expand and collapse, when you click the "+" you can expand the collapsed notes to see the details rows.
    I have tested on my local environment with different version of SSRS and can always see the "+","-" as below:
    On the Top left corner you can find the "1","2", this help to control the "Collapse All" and "Expand All".
    If you can't see the "+","-" in the excel, the issue can be caused by the Excel version you are currently using, and also excel have limit support of this, please provide us the Excel version information and the SSRS version. You
    can reference to this similar thread:
    lost collapsing columns when export to excel
    Please try to export other drill down report to excel and check if they work fine, if they did, the issue can be caused by the drill down action you have added in this report is not correctly, if possible, please try to redesign the report.
    Article below about how to add  Expand/Collapse Action to an Item for your reference:
    If your problem still exists, please feel free to ask
    Vicky Liu

  • Exporting to Excel from Aria People Search

    Is it possible to export to Excel from Aria People Search.
    I would like to output the Org Chart (built in) and the Tree (I created) to an Excel file.
    Does anyone know how to do this?

    If you are using 10g, then OLE2 is supported. However, it will be executed in the App Server Machine.
    If you want to do the operation in the Client machine (as how it was done in the Client / Server), you need to use Client_OLE (Which is part of WebUtil).
    Look at
    for more details on WebUtil.

  • Matrix exporting to excel with empty columns, with page break option of "Between each instance of a group" selected.

    I am working with Report Builder 3.0 I am using a matrix to produce grouped data on separate worksheets in excel.
    The select is:
    SELECT ID, Measurement, Value, [Date] FROM Measurements_Report. (please ignore the underscores they are just for formatting) 
    The contents of the Measurements_Report table:
    The matrix contains a single row group based on the field "measurement". The Measurement group has the page break option of "Between each instance of a group" selected. 
    There is a column group based on the field "Date". 
    When this is matrix is exported to excel on the first worksheet (Hot) there are three columns as shown below:
    Notice the last column doesn't have a value.
    On the second worksheet (Cold) there are also three columns as shown below:
    This time notice there is only one row and only a value in the last column.
    I only want the columns with data for that worksheet to show up. How can I remove these empty/duplicate columns? Hopefully there is a simple fix. Thanks ahead of time.

    With the following contents of the Measurements_Report table:
    Returns on the first tab (Hot):
    In the excel worksheet it contains a separate column for each date with a value. Thanks again!
    Why is the same date repeating on multiple columns? Do you've the time part also returned from database?
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Mark This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • Issue with export in Excel in WAD

    I have an issue with export to excel in WAD. I have a web template with two or more tabs.
    On the webtemplate I have two buttons to export to excel. One to export the content from the active tab and one button to export content in all tabs.
    My problem is that when I export to excel it always add the current/active content twice. I've tried with both buttons and they work as expected except that they export one table to much (the active).
    can anyone help / give a clue what to look for.
    Edited by: John Dolph on Apr 15, 2010 10:50 AM

    Sorry I has been a while but the problem still occurs,
    I've defined my export button group like this in a seperate template and I expected that it would only return the resultset from TAB_A and TAB_B but it also export the resultset from the tab I'm currently on.
                <bi:BUTTON_GROUP_ITEM name="TAB_BUTTONs" designheight="23" designwidth="300" >
                    <bi:BUTTON_LIST type="ORDEREDLIST" >
                        <bi:BUTTON type="COMPOSITE" index="2" >
                            <bi:CAPTION value="EXCEL" />
                            <bi:TOOLTIP value="Table, Graph and/or Table/Graph download to PDF" />
                            <bi:ACTION type="CHOICE" value="INSTRUCTION" >
                                <bi:INSTRUCTION >
                                    <bi:EXPORT >
                                        <bi:ITEM_REF_LIST type="UNORDEREDLIST" >
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="1" value="TAB_A_ANALYSIS" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="2" value="TAB_A_CHART" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="3" value="TAB_B_ANALYSIS" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="4" value="TAB_B_CHART" />
                                        <bi:EXPORT_FORMAT value="XLS" />

  • Export to excel and others inactive in ALV GRID

    I am creating a report using the 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' FM and the export to excel fucntionality is inactive. There is no spreadsheet push button on the application toolbar and the List->Export sub menu items 'Word processing' 'spreadsheet' and 'local file ' are all inactive. I have tried to run the code on a different system and the export to excel functionality works there. I am considering creating a new GUI staus using the standard status contained in the function group of 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' but will like to know if this issues can be remedied e.g is it probably a basis issue or a configuration issue e.t.c.

    Hi Max,
    Checked the PF_STATUS_SET routine and there was code that deactivated  all gui download function codes of the standard gui status if an authorisation check failed ( auth obj. S_GUI) but the function code for excel export is &XXL not &VEXCEL.
    Thanks for the prompt reply max, much appreciated

  • Running report with alv grid in background and exporting to excel

    Hi Guys,
                  I've created a report program that uses the alv grid. When I run the report in foreground, I can easily export it to excel. However, if I run it in background, then display the spooled report and try to export to excel, it does not put it in excel format (seems to go over as one big column rather than individual columns that are defined in the report). Is there a way to run it in background ,export to excel properly and i have to email also in Excel sheet format.?

    In background u cannot do a download to excel. you can do is create CSV format file
    write a report for output with tabs then call that report using
      submit yXXXX exporting list to memory
               and return.
      call function 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY'
          listobject = report_list
          not_found  = 1
          others     = 2.
    and send the report_list to email users

  • Header of ALV with space when exported to excel using Standard ALV

    I am Using Reuse alv grid display    to dispaly my report and it works fine and I am using the standard SAP application tool to export it to excel.
    But for some of the header fields I am getting space in the excel sheet but there is no space while displaying through ALV.
    I am using the following field catalog for the same.
    wa_fieldcat-col_pos = 10.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SOLLWERT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'text-t10'.      "Target value (* this has no space here)
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 32.
    wa_fieldcat-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat to it_fieldcat.
    but there are still space for this Colomn when exported to excel if after optimizing the column.
    kindly suggest what field needs to be passed to the field catalogoe to avoid spaces in excel for the header.

    hey all,
    Thanks everyone for the reply.
    I am using the foloowing field cat:
    l_col_pos = l_col_pos + 1.
        wa_fieldcat-col_pos = l_col_pos.
        wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 32.            
         wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SOLLWERT'.
         wa_fieldcat-inttype   = 'P'.             
    *    wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_final'.      
        wa_fieldcat-seltext_l = text-t11.         "Target Value
        APPEND wa_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
        CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    I have use this also in the field cat but stil i get space in the excel header.
    wa_fieldcat-REF_FIELDNAME = 'SOLLWERT'.
    *    wa_fieldcat-REF_TABNAME =  'QAMV'.
    Also the space comes with the descrip[tion in the cell of excel.
    its like [space Target Value] and i dont need this Space.
    I have also used  wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. but it doesnt wrk.
    Please suggest

  • Export to Excel Issues

    We just upgraded from Crystal 8.5 to Crystal 10.  When we export to Excel, the formatting is terrible.  We have close to 100 reports that we routinely export...some with 40,000 rows.  To try to fix these once they're in Excel is out of the question.
    In previous threads I've been reading about a "patch" that supposedly fixes this.  Where can I download this?
    Eric Hill

    The way reports work and export changed significantly in CR 9. While there was a dll available to help move from CR 8.x to CR 9, that dll is no longer available. Not for CR 9, nor any other versions of CR. Instead, you will have to modify your reports as per the article [Crystal Reports Designer Version 10 Exporting to Microsoft Excel|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/boc/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/10d3ba69-951e-2b10-3093-e3cf287a57c9?quicklink=index&overridelayout=true].
    No other work-arounds or options exist at this time.
    Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/SAPCRNetSup

  • Cross-Tab Report export to Excel

    I have a cross-tab report that I need to export to excel and keep the same formatting.  When I export the report the first column is Part # the next is operation #.  The report is grouped on Part number, but each part may have multi operation.  When I look at the report in Crystal or as a PDF the part # is at the top then each operation is a seperate row that follows.  When I export it to excel it works fine but instead of the part # appearing at the top then follow by each operation the part number ends up on the last operation in the list.  How can I export this and keep the format the same?  by the way I have tried both xls data only and xls 2007 options

    Hello Experts,
    I also tried to export the CR cross tab report in Excel Data only format.
    Also I want to display Row label i.e. my Rows are different dates so I created a text field and named as Date & Time but when export it to Excel Data Only, the date time label appears 1 row above then rest of the columns. It works good while looking on InfoView but export messed it up.
    Can you please suggest.

Maybe you are looking for