Flex Ant Tasks html-wrapper problem

I'm getting BUILD SUCCESSFUL and an SWF file, but no HTML
wrapper. Any help is appreciated!
Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 13 2006
parsing buildfile
C:\Installs\MTCSEWorkspace\MTCSE_WebApp\flex-build.xml with URI =
Project base dir set to:
[antlib:org.apache.tools.ant] Could not load definitions from
resource org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found.
Build sequence for target(s) `wrapper' is [compile, wrapper]
Complete build sequence is [compile, wrapper, ]
[mxmlc] Loading configuration file
C:\Installs\MTCSEStudio\Flex Builder 3
(592822 bytes)
Total time: 18 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- flex-build.xml -->
<project name="My App Builder" basedir=".">
<property name="FLEX_HOME"
value="C:\Installs\MTCSEStudio\Flex Builder 3
Plug-in\sdks\2.0.1" />
<property name="ANT_HOME"
<property name="MTCSE_WebApp"
value="C:\Installs\MTCSEWorkspace\MTCSE_WebApp" />
<property name="DEPLOY_DIR"
<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks"
classpath="${ANT_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
<target name="main">
filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
<source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" />
<html-wrapper swf="ValidValueTest"
output="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />

Ok, on second inspection, index.html is being generated.
However, the file attribute is unsupported.
Using the ant Move task, I was able to accomplish what I
wanted to do. Thanks!
<target name="wrapper" depends="compile">
<html-wrapper swf="ValidValueTest"
output="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />
<move file="${DEPLOY_DIR}/index.html"

Similar Messages

  • Are the Flex Ant tasks open source? If so, where to find them?

    I took a brief look into Flex SDK source and didn't see the Flex Ant tasks. Is this also open source? Where would I find it?
    I probably won't change anything, just want to take a look. Although, I'm annoyed that the tasks don't work in a similar fashion as the core ant tasks

    Note that the way the tasks are put together ain't exactly pretty--they're just a very thin wrapper on mxmlc / compc / etc. There are some advantages to this approach, but if you're hoping to learn about the compiler options by looking at the task source, it could take some doing.

  • Does compiling an advanced datagrid using flex ant task require additional config other than the license property?

        I am trying to build my Flex app which uses the Advanced Data Grid in a couple of locations. Originally, when I built the app using the flex ant tasks, I noticed the Visualization Trial watermark show up on the screen. I then added the license tag with the serial number to my flex-config.xml and re-ran my ant build. The watermark goes away, but then when I look at the advanced datagrid, the datagrid shows up with the hierarchy, but the data does not display in the grid (only the group by nodes are visible, not the data for the leaf elements). This works fine when I build the app using my Flex Builder. Is there something I am missing or need to add to my flex ant task to make this work?
    Any help or guidance is much appreciated.
    The following is the ant task to build the module that uses the ADG:
        <target name="compile-modules" depends="compile-shared">
            <!-- Module 1 -->
            <echo>Compiling module 1...</echo>
            <mxmlc file="${modulesrc.dir}\ui\modules\mod1\Module1.mxml"
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
                <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
                <!-- source paths -->
                <compiler.source-path path-element="${modulesrc.dir}"/>
                <!-- add external libraries -->
                <compiler.library-path dir="${main.dir}" append="true">
                    <include name="${lib.dir}"/>
                <compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
                    <include name="libs" />
                    <include name="locale/{locale}" />
    And here is the ant task for the main application:
        <target name="compile-ui" depends="compile-modules">
            <mxmlc file="${src.dir}/MainApp.mxml" output="${dist.dir}/MainApp.swf"
                    actionscript-file-encoding="UTF-8" keep-generated-actionscript="false"
                    fork="true" maxmemory="1024m">
                <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"/>
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/>
                <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
                <source-path path-element="${src.dir}"/>
                <source-path path-element="${main.dir}/locale/{locale}"/>
                <!-- List of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files. -->
                <!--<compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
                    <include name="libs" />
                    <include name="locale/{locale}" />
                <compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
                    <include name="libs/datavisualization.swc" />
                    <include name="libs/flex.swc" />
                    <include name="libs/framework.swc" />
                    <include name="libs/rpc.swc" />
                    <include name="libs/utilities.swc" />
                    <include name="locale/{locale}" />
                <compiler.library-path dir="${main.dir}" append="true">
                    <include name="${lib.dir}"/>
                <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${FLEX_FRAMEWORK}/framework.swc">
                    <url rsl-url="framework_3.2.0.3958.swf"/>
                    <url rsl-url="framework_3.2.0.3958.swz"/>

    to remove watermark i have added license key in WEB-INF\flex\license.properties file as key = value

  • [svn] 4001: Adding support for asdoc in flex ant tasks

    Revision: 4001<br />Author:   [email protected]<br />Date:     2008-11-03 13:46:13 -0800 (Mon, 03 Nov 2008)<br /><br />Log Message:<br />-----------<br />Adding support for <asdoc> in flex ant tasks<br /><br />QE Notes: Tests need to be added to the flextasks test suite.<br />Doc Notes: flex tasks documentation should be updated with example for <asdoc> task. <br />Reviewer: Paul<br />Bugs: SDK-9775<br />tests: checkintests<br /><br />Ticket Links:<br />------------<br />    http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-9775<br /><br />Modified Paths:<br />--------------<br />    flex/sdk/trunk/modules/antTasks/flexTasks-internal.tasks<br />    flex/sdk/trunk/modules/antTasks/flexTasks.tasks<br /><br />Added Paths:<br />-----------<br />    flex/sdk/trunk/modules/antTasks/src/flex/ant/AsDocTask.java

    You should use compiler.library-path to include libraries.
    Try the following
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <project basedir="." default="build" name="Project_name">
    <property environment="env"/>
    <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="C:/Program Files/Flex 3.4"/>
    <property name="APP_ROOT" value="./src"/>
    <property name="Project_name.location" value="../Project_name"/>
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
    <target name="build">
    <mxmlc file="${APP_ROOT}/AdminConsole.mxml">
    <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
    <include name="${Project_name.location}/src" />
    Although, I don't know what are you planning to include, and whether you should use compiler.library-path for that.

  • Enhacer ant task license key problem

    I'am developing web applicaiton with workshop studio 3.0 and I use It's
    ejb3(kodo 4 EA4) mapping generator.I try to use ant task for
    enhancement,here is my build.xml file's kodoc task
         <target name="enhance">
    Running the enhancer
              <taskdef name="kodoc" classname="kodo.ant.PCEnhancerTask">
                   <classpath refid="cp"/>
              <fileset dir="${basedir}">
              <include name="**/com/demo/model/*.java" />
              <pathelement location="${basedir}/classes"/>
              <pathelement location="${basedir}/src"/>
              <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    ant task starts enhancer,finds my domain classes but gives the following
    expcetion during enhancement of first class
    [echo] ================================================================
    [echo] Running the enhancer
    [kodoc] 611 INFO [main] kodo.Tool - Enhancer running on type "class
    [kodoc] com.solarmetric.license.LicenseException: No product license
    key was found. Please ensure that your license key is specified in your
    configuration file (or in the "General" tab of your IDE''s configuration
    dialog), that the key has not expired, and that it is the correct key for
    the version of the product that you are running...
    build.xml is in WEB_INF directory and my source are in src directory
    compiled classes are in classes directory,I place persistence.xml file in
    the directiory WEB-INF/META-INF/
    my license key is in persistence.xml file and it will expire 3-4 weeks
    later.Here my persistencex.xml file
         <persistence-unit name="kodo">
         <property name="kodo.LicenseKey" value="xxxxxx"/>
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionDriverName"
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionURL"
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionUserName" value="xxx"/>
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionPassword" value="xxxx"/>
              <property name="kodo.jdbc.Schema" value="xxxx"/>
         <property name="kodo.Log" value="DefaultLevel=WARN, Tool=INFO"/>
    where should I pu my license key or persistence.xml file.
    Not:I was using previsous release of kodo (EA3),for ejb3 I set access
    property of Entity annotaion to access=AccessType.FIELD so I did not need
    to enhance and It does works but this version we do not have this
    option,Am I right.Do we always have to enhance our ejb3 entities in EA4

    murat wrote:
    I'am developing web applicaiton with workshop studio 3.0 and I use It's
    ejb3(kodo 4 EA4) mapping generator.I try to use ant task for
    enhancement,here is my build.xml file's kodoc task
         <target name="enhance">
    Running the enhancer
              <taskdef name="kodoc" classname="kodo.ant.PCEnhancerTask">
                   <classpath refid="cp"/>
              <fileset dir="$">
              <include name="**/com/demo/model/*.java" />
              <pathelement location="$/classes"/>
              <pathelement location="$/src"/>
              <pathelement path="$"/>
    ant task starts enhancer,finds my domain classes but gives the following
    expcetion during enhancement of first class
    [echo] ================================================================
    [echo] Running the enhancer
    [kodoc] 611 INFO [main] kodo.Tool - Enhancer running on type "class
    [kodoc] com.solarmetric.license.LicenseException: No product license
    key was found. Please ensure that your license key is specified in your
    configuration file (or in the "General" tab of your IDE''s configuration
    dialog), that the key has not expired, and that it is the correct key for
    the version of the product that you are running...
    build.xml is in WEB_INF directory and my source are in src directory
    compiled classes are in classes directory,I place persistence.xml file in
    the directiory WEB-INF/META-INF/
    my license key is in persistence.xml file and it will expire 3-4 weeks
    later.Here my persistencex.xml file
         <persistence-unit name="kodo">
         <property name="kodo.LicenseKey" value="xxxxxx"/>
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionDriverName"
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionURL"
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionUserName" value="xxx"/>
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionPassword" value="xxxx"/>
              <property name="kodo.jdbc.Schema" value="xxxx"/>
         <property name="kodo.Log" value="DefaultLevel=WARN, Tool=INFO"/>
    where should I pu my license key or persistence.xml file.
    Not:I was using previsous release of kodo (EA3),for ejb3 I set access
    property of Entity annotaion to access=AccessType.FIELD so I did not need
    to enhance and It does works but this version we do not have this
    option,Am I right.Do we always have to enhance our ejb3 entities in EA4

  • Compilation of adobe air app that uses ANE fails while using the flex ant tasks.

    The resolution seems to be a hack - which when you rename .ane files to .swc, it works.
    I came across this workaround here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11112705/using-ant-mxmlc-task-with-native-extension?rq= 1
    <mxmlc file="${app.root}/app.as" 
                   swf-version="19" >
                <load-config filename="${framework.root}/air-config.xml"/>
                <source-path path-element="${framework.root}"/>
                <source-path path-element="src"/>
                <source-path path-element="other"/>
                <compiler.library-path dir="libs" append="true">
                    <include name="**/*.swc"/>
                <!-- THIS DOES NOT WORK -->
                <compiler.external-library-path dir="nativeExtension" append="true">
                    <include name="**/*.ane"/>
    However, if I rename all the .ane files in the nativeExtension directory to .swc the following change works..
                <!-- THIS WORKS -->
                <compiler.external-library-path dir="nativeExtension" append="true">
                    <include name="**/*.swc"/>
    Has this issue been addressed?
    I'm using the following:
    - Adobe AIR SDK & Compiler (version 3.7) for Mac OS X
    - ActionScript Compiler 2.0
    - Apache Ant wrapper located in "AIRSDK_Compiler/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar"
    Let me know if any other details will be helpful.

    I'm using something like this in my build.xml (inapp.purchase.flash.swc is the flash wrapper for the ANE):
                <external-library-path dir="${basedir}/extensions/inapp.purchase/inapp.purchase.flash/bin" append="true">
                    <include name="inapp.purchase.flash.swc" />
    I don't think you need ANE when building swf component of your app. ANE is only required for packaging. By linking with external inapp.purchase.flash.swc you're just telling action script compiler that above symbols will be defined later (in ANE).

  • Flex Ant Task

    I am setting up Ant to compile my flex projects.
    When I use compc to compile my SWC library, I need a way to
    include all of my assets without naming them all in
    <include-file> tags. Is it possible to pass a directory or a
    pattern or a fileset? It is very unmanageable if I have to name
    each asset in the script since we are constantly
    adding/removing/renaming assets.

    I don't think that it is possible currently.
    You may want to vote for the following bug:
    or add a new enhancement request at

  • Flex ant html-wrapper

    I cannot get the Flex ant tasks to run.
    I have copied the lib/flexTasks.jar to my project.
    - created a Proj-config.xml
    - created a Wrapper-build.xml
    - created an External Run Config that points to my
    I keep getting Exception Occurred Executing Command Line.
    No matter what I put in the xml file I get the same error.
    Is there anything I can do to see the flexTasks.jar kicking?
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks"
    classpath="${basedir}/flexTasks/lib/flexTasks.jar" />

    Yeah, that's what I'm going to be doing, using Flex Builder's
    generated template. Of course this defeats the purpose of the Ant
    task completely.
    As for making an enhancement request- it's already been done,
    and was apparently deemed a waste of time:
    "Deferred" i.e. it was shrugged off as not important. Without
    even providing any kind of target date or version for "Deferred"
    features, you might as well say "This is indefinitely postponed and
    will probably never get done."
    Sorry to sound bitter but I've seen too many important
    "Deferred" issues with Flex that will probably never be resolved.
    Ever since they deferred 50% of refactoring (rename is implemented
    in FB3 but move isn't??) I've yet to be impressed with Adobe's
    responsiveness on other issues.

  • Building from flex builder vs ant task

    I have a flex application written using flex builder. When I
    build it and run it using flex builder, or create an air file from
    flex builder and run that, then my application works just fine.
    However, I would like people without copies of flexBuilder
    installed to be able to build my application, so I am using the
    flex ant task (flex-mxmlc) to build my application. As far as I can
    tell I have the same configuration, and the same libraries included
    in the ant task. However, when I run the air file generated by the
    ant task nothing happens. If you look in the task manager, you can
    see that the application is running, but the main window for the
    application never appears.
    I tried running the swf through a debug version of flash to
    get some log output, and I am getting a bunch of exceptions, the
    first of which is:
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class flash.display::NativeWindow
    could not be found.
    at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
    at mx.managers::SystemManager/deferredNextFrame()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()
    at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
    at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    It seems like it might not be finding the main flex library
    (flexlib.swc), is that where that class would be? In my ant task I
    have an include-libraries tag that points to that file.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    I experienced a similar problem (although the class that
    could not be found was different for me). Googling around I found
    someone who had a similar problem and claimed that using the
    flexlib.swc library was the culprit.
    The root of the problem is that the Flex SDK that comes
    bundled with the Flex Builder has libraries (under frameworks/libs)
    that are NOT included in plain free Flex SDK that you and I are
    presumably using on our build machines.
    When flexlib.swc is linked in, it causes certain classes to
    be required at runtime. Apparently when you compile these classes
    are linked in if available, but when they are not the compilation
    still succeeds. Only you get a VerifyError when you run the thing.
    What worked for me was to copy all the additional .swc files
    found in my Flex Builder SDK's frameworks/libs directory to the
    same directory on my build machine. Also you will need to copy the
    additional files under frameworks/locale/en_US.
    Rebuild and clear your browser's cache and it should then

  • Ant task cyclic library refrence

    Hello everyone,
    I am using flex ant task from my Flash builder to compile application. Its working fine and I am able to get the output. But the problem is whenever I use a library in my main project which is refrencing other library than I am unable to find refrence of components in lib 2. Below is the structure
    NewLib >> contains a NewLibGrid(which is a normal spark grid)
    MainLib >> ExtPanel which includes NewLibGrid from NewLib .
    MainApp >> This uses ExtPanel
    No I am getting error during ant compilation
    [compc] D:\Data\Flex\Projects\CompLib\src\ExtPanel.mxml: Error: Could not resolve <local:NewLibGrid> to a component implementation.
    Here is part of antscript I am using
    <target name="lib1" depends="lib2">
    <compc output="${STAGE_DIR}/stagingDir/CompLib.swc"
    <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/framework.swc">                                                                                              
    <url rsl-url="framework_${FLEX_VERSION}.swf"/>                                                                                                        
    <url rsl-url="framework_${FLEX_VERSION}.swz"/>                                                                                              
    <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${PROJ_HOME}/NewLib/bin/NewLib.swc">                                                                                              
    <url rsl-url="${PROJ_HOME}/NewLib/bin/NewLib.swf"/>                                                                                                        
    <url rsl-url="${PROJ_HOME}/NewLib/bin/NewLib.swz"/>                                                                                              
    <compiler.library-path dir=".." append="true">
    <include name="Common/libraries"/>
    <exclude name="global_library.swc" />
    <source-path path-element="../CompLib/src" />
    <target name="lib2">
    <compc output="${STAGE_DIR}/stagingDir/NewLib.swc"
    <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/framework.swc">                                                                                              
    <url rsl-url="framework_${FLEX_VERSION}.swf"/>                                                                                                        
    <url rsl-url="framework_${FLEX_VERSION}.swz"/>                                                                                              
    <compiler.library-path dir=".." append="true">
    <include name="Common/libraries"/>
    <exclude name="global_library.swc" />
    <source-path path-element="../NewLib/src" />

              <load-config filename="${air.config}"/>
              <source-path path-element="${project.name}/src" />
             <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${flex.frameworks.dir}/libs/framework.swc">
                    <url rsl-url="${rsl.dir}/framework_3.2.0.3958.swz"/>
                    <url rsl-url="${rsl.dir}/framework_3.2.0.3958.swf"/>
             <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${flex.frameworks.dir}/libs/datavisualization.swc">
                    <url rsl-url="${rsl.dir}/datavisualization_3.2.0.3958.swf"/>
    This also seems to work. AIR libraries are included in my output SWF. It all happens right when I have static-link-runtime-shared-libraries="true" . Why? Why does that not work when i have static-link-runtime-shared-libraries="false"  ??

  • Flex Ant html-wrapper task

    Isn't there a way to use a CUSTOM template instead of one of
    the predefined ones?
    If you want to add anything additional, like telling the
    browser not to cache the swf, or detecting when the browser window
    is closed, etc, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this if you're
    using this Ant task.
    What do people usually do when they need a custom wrapper?
    Just use the version that Flex Builder generates, or run the Ant
    task one time only and modify from there? Seems to me that this is
    a pretty big omission for the html-wrapper task, unless I've missed

    Yeah, that's what I'm going to be doing, using Flex Builder's
    generated template. Of course this defeats the purpose of the Ant
    task completely.
    As for making an enhancement request- it's already been done,
    and was apparently deemed a waste of time:
    "Deferred" i.e. it was shrugged off as not important. Without
    even providing any kind of target date or version for "Deferred"
    features, you might as well say "This is indefinitely postponed and
    will probably never get done."
    Sorry to sound bitter but I've seen too many important
    "Deferred" issues with Flex that will probably never be resolved.
    Ever since they deferred 50% of refactoring (rename is implemented
    in FB3 but move isn't??) I've yet to be impressed with Adobe's
    responsiveness on other issues.

  • [svn:fx-3.x] 13067: Fix for html-wrapper ant task generates incorrect wrapper files for flash player version detection .

    Revision: 13067
    Revision: 13067
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-17 12:48:20 -0800 (Thu, 17 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix for html-wrapper ant task generates incorrect wrapper files for flash player version detection.
    QE notes: None.
    Doc notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-18826
    Reviewed By: Paul
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Could you try creating a new Firefox profile to see if that helps?
    8. Make a new profile

  • Creating custom html-wrapper from ANT build

    I have been using flex from last six month. I am facing problem while creating html-wrapper. As per my requirement, my application need to run on all the browser. But whenever I use to run application on firefox, there is some focus related problem. For that I need to set wmode='opaque' and < 
    body scroll="no" onLoad="window.document.${application}.focus();">. But I am unable to find out how to set this property in html-wrapper through ant build.
    currently I am using following and script to build my flex application.
    <!-- compile flex source code -->
    <target name="compile.flex" description="Compile the Flex source code" unless="eclipse.running">
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${flex.home}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
    <echo level="info">Compiling flex mxml</echo>
    <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="${flex.home}" />
    <mxmlc file="${basedir}/src/main/flex/main.mxml" output="${exploded.dir}/${project.name}.swf" actionscript-file-encoding="UTF-8" incremental="true" services="${basedir}/src/main/resources/services-config.xml" context-root="/${project.name}">
    <source-path path-element="${basedir}/src/main/resources/messages/{locale}" />
    <!-- Get default compiler options. -->
    <load-config filename="${flex.home}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
    <!-- List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class hierarchies. -->
    <!--<source-path path-element="${view.dir}/flex/assets" />-->
    <compiler.library-path dir="${flex.lib.dir}" append="true">
    <include name="*" />
    <echo level="info">Generating html</echo>
    <html-wrapper title="${project.name}" file="${project.name}.html" application="app" swf="${project.name}" version-major="9" version-minor="0" version-revision="0" width="100%" height="100%" history="true" template="client-side-detection" output="${exploded.dir}" />
    I have also tried to edit respective index.template.html file in flex SDK, but that also doesn't work. Please suggest what shoud I do?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Ravindar kumar

    Did you already try the narrative view?

  • Flexunit ant task on CI Server - rundll32.exe causing problems

    My team is using flexunit and a CI server running Hudson. On a development system, everything runs fine, and we get the reports just like we need them. It also works fine on the CI server when just the flexunit task is run, but the build fails when the CI server tries to run a full build - the build tries to run the tests and clean to prepare for the next build, but the clean fails because there is a "rundll32.exe" process using one of the files and it can't be deleted. We tracked this process down to the one run by the flexunit task.
    Our task is:
        <target name="xci-test" depends="set-flex-coverage-home, prepare-domain-metadata-to-war, prepare-sounds-to-war, prepare-domain-metadata-for-testing, compile-unit-test-flex">
            <echo>**** The flexunit target requires that you have the standalone flash player installed and configured to run .swf files automatically! ****</echo>
            <mkdir dir="${dir.flexgui.test.output}"/>
        <!-- Execute TestRunner.swf as FlexUnit tests and publish reports -->
        <!-- Please see http://docs.flexunit.org/index.php?title=Ant_Task -->
        <flexunit workingDir="${dir.flexgui.test.output}"   
                  haltonfailure="false" verbose="true" localTrusted="true"
                                port="11028" timeout="40000"/>
            <!-- Generate readable JUnit-style reports -->
            <junitreport todir="${dir.flexgui.test.output}">
                <fileset dir="${dir.flexgui.test.output}">
                    <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
                <report format="frames" todir="${dir.flexgui.test.output}/"/>
            <sleep seconds="10"/>
    I can reproduce this behavior on my dev machine by running "ant xci-test clean". We tried putting a sleep in to give the process time to shut down, no change. We attempted to use the 'command' option to the flexunit task to bypass the use of rundll32.exe, but then the flash player just hangs onto the file and the clean still fails. Since "ant xci-test" followed by "ant clean" works, we also tried running ant from within ant in order to force the process to stop, but that also didn't work. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for your time,

    @Linden - Have not heard of this side effect from anyone as of yet, but good to know.  Sounds like the file lock is coming from the Flash Player and causing the spawning process (rundll32.exe) to hang around as well.  The FlexUnit team runs on Hudson using the FlexUnit Ant task, but we don't seem to encounter the same issue.  What's the longest interval you've tried to use with the sleep task?  Does the FP ever release its handle to the test SWF on your development machines?
    Not sure this is a problem with the FlexUnit Ant task, but in 4.2 we could try to explicitly kill the rundll32 process since we'll have the PID when the task launches it.  Head on over to JIRA and file a feature request for us and I'll see what I can do in the new year.  In the short term though, maybe try upgrading your version of the stand alone debug flash player to see if that helps.  Has anyone else seen this issue?  Could you possible just move the clean target to be called before the xci-test target is run?  Just some suggestions.

  • Can i reference external flex-config in flexunit ant task?

    flexunit gurus,
    i'm trying to figure out how to best specify the compiler arguments for the flexunit ant task in flexunit 4.1 beta 1.  from the documentation i see this sample flexunit usage:
    <flexunit workingDir="${bin.loc}" toDir="${report.loc}"
    haltonfailure="false" verbose="true" localTrusted="true">
    <testSource dir="${main.src.loc}" />
    <testSource dir="${test.src.loc}">
    <include name="**/*Test.as" />
    <library dir="${lib.loc}" />
    in this example, the source and library paths are explicitly listed.  in this simple example all the needed libraries reside within a single directory.
    when i build my application, i use a custom flex-config.xml file, as the following snippet shows:
            <mxmlc file="${application.file}" output="${swf.debug.file}" debug="true" headless-server="${headless.server}">
                <load-config filename="${flex.config.file}" />
    in that custom flex-config.xml file i list all the build options (e.g. source dirs, library paths, theme, etc.) appropriate for building the application.  the libraries i reference are in a number of different directories (in general each 3rd party library is in a different directory).
    in the flexunit task, i could individually reference all the same libraries that are in the flex-config.xml, but that'd be a pain to keep them in sync.  i suppose i also could parse the flex-config.xml to extract the library information and use that to populate the library argument.  really what i want to say in the flexunit task is "build all source and tests as indicated in flex-config.xml, then run the tests", perhaps with a syntax like the following:
    <flexunit workingDir="${bin.loc}"  toDir="${report.loc}"
    haltonfailure="false" verbose="true" localTrusted="true">
                <load-config filename="${flex.config.file}" />
    <testSource dir="${test.src.loc}">
    <include name="**/*Test.as" />
    <library dir="${flexunit.lib}" />
    i'd rather keep the flex-config.xml file free of any test specific information, so ideally i'd specify the path to the flexunit swc's and the test path in the flexunit task (as in the above example).
    is there support for such usage currently or planned for in the future?  recommendations on how best to accomplish my goal of not duplicating library information already present in a custom flex-config.xml?

    hi brian,
    thanks for your response.
    i understand the desire to avoid re-implementing the flex sdk ant tasks.  i'm not sure that can reasonably be accomplished wihen the TestRunner is dynamically generated from within the flexunit task.  in addition to the source path and library path, the theme setting and namespaces settings can affect successful compilation, and the runtime-shared-library-path setting can affect whether the produced swf runs correctly.
    perhaps there's an alternative.  what if we separate the creation of the TestRunner.mxml from the compilation and the execution of the tests.  if flexunit offers an ant task that can produce (but not run) a TestRunner.mxml, i can write the mxmlc task that compiles it properly, and then i can invoke the old style flexunit specifying the swf argument.  this would still accomplish my primary goal of not needing to manually enumerate every test file in a TestRunner.mxml that i have to maintain (and which neither Flash Builder nor maven builds require).  to compile the TestRunner.mxml, i'd load in my custom flex-config.xml, then append to the source path and library path to include my test directory and flexunit libraries.
    maybe something like the following to create the TestRunner:
    <generatetestrunner output="${bin.loc}/TestRunner.mxml">
              <testSource dir="${test.dir}">
                 <include name="**/*Test.as" />
    one other thing i noticed about the current library argument to flexunit is that it assumes a directory even if you provide an explicit path to an swc (i tried switching <library dir...> to <library file...> but that didn't seem to make a difference).  in my case, there are specific swc's i need in the library path, and the task assuming i mean a directory when i specify an explicit swc is problematic.  the directory my swc libraries are contained in sometimes contain multiple and conflicting versions of a library (each library directory contains various snapshot builds of the library).  i need a way to explicitly indicate which library to use.
    finally, could you point me to the java source for the flexunit ant tasks?  i've found the flexunit action script source ok but haven't found where the java ant task is defined.

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