Flex Regex Help

Hi there,
I have a regular expression that is used to validate names in my application. It's intended to only allow alphanumeric names and spaces. My trouble started when I tried to modify it to also accept other unicode characters (umlauts and whatnot) On the java side of my app the following regex works great:
But due to, I'm guessing, lack of support for \p in AS3's regex engine this doesn't work. Does anyone know how to modify this regular expression to allow flex to recognize valid unicode characters?
Here's one that I also thought would work but didn't maybe this will be helpful as a starting point.
Thanks in advance for any help.


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  • [regex help]Find EXACT characters in a String.

    Ok, i got this so far ...
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class Testing2 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[wati]");
            String text = "water";
            Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
            if (m.find()) {
                System.out.print("Found !");
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    i don't know how to acomplish this :(
    hope you can help me, thanks in advance :D

    Username7260 wrote:
    Ok, i got this so far ...
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class Testing2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[wati]");
    String text = "water";
    Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
    if (m.find()) {
    System.out.print("Found !");
    }With that code i got a match, but i ONLY want to find a match if the String matches the EXACTS characters in the Pattern ...
    in this case i got, 'w' 'a' 't' 'i', 'w' 'a' 't', are in water, but 'i' NOT, so i don't want to have a match !
    i don't know how to acomplish this :(AFAIK there's no syntax in regular expressions to accomplish this. Try turning your string into a character array, sorting it, and then do a simple comparison.

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    "Error","cfthread-0","08/31/10","21:03:35",,"CATALOG_ATTRIBUTES_831AE0FE-B7D2-90A5-87AD-CA C5E01116D9: Event handler exception."
    flex.messaging.MessageException: Event handler exception.
    at coldfusion.flex.CFEventGatewayAdapter.allowSend(CFEventGatewayAdapter.java:376)
    at flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager.addSubtopicSubscribers(Subscription Manager.java:330)
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    at coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.SendGatewayMessage(CFPage.java:269)
    at cfCatalogService2ecfc315059253$func_CFFUNCCFTHREAD_CFCATALOGSERVICE2ECFC3150592531.runFun ction(C:\inetpub\wwwroot\staging9sites\staging9si\com\pmdm\suppliers\services\CatalogServi ce.cfc:110)
    at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:472)
    at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(UDFMethod.java:368)
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    Thanks for your help!  Here's what I've got in my messaging-config.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <service id="message-service"
            <adapter-definition id="cfgateway" class="coldfusion.flex.CFEventGatewayAdapter" default="true" />
            <adapter-definition id="actionscript" class="flex.messaging.services.messaging.adapters.ActionScriptAdapter"/>
            <adapter-definition id="jms" class="flex.messaging.services.messaging.adapters.JMSAdapter"/>
        <!-- ======================================== -->
        <!--  ColdFusion Messaging Gateway            -->
        <!-- ======================================== -->
        <destination id="ColdFusionGateway">
            <adapter ref="cfgateway" />
                    Star ('*') means gatewayid is found in the 'gatewayid' message header.
                    To restrict this destination to a specific gateway, enter its ID here
                    If ColdFusion is running on a different host, enter that here.
                    Default is to expect ColdFusion and Flex to share the same web application.
    You must enter 'localhost' if CF and Flex are not in the same web app.
                    List the IP addresses of CF machines allowed to send messages to this destination
                    If not set, the default is to allow only this computer to connect.
                    Credentials to pass along in the headers as CFUsername/CFPassword.
                    It is generally better to use setRemoteCredentials() API on client.
                    You can add general Flex Messaging network and server properties here.
    <!-- You should use the ColdFusion specific channels -->
                <channel ref="cf-polling-amf"/>
        <destination id="clientNotifierGateway">
        <adapter ref="actionscript"/>
        <channel ref="java-amf"/>
    Here's my gateway CFC:
    <cfcomponent output="false">
       <cffunction name="onIncomingMessage" access="remote" returntype="any">
             <cfargument name="event" type="struct" required="true"/>
          x = structNew();
          x['body'] = event.data;
          x['destination'] = "ColdFusionGateway";
          x['headers'] = structNew();
          x.headers['username'] = "System";
          x.headers['DSSubtopic'] = event.data.headers.DSSubtopic;
          x.lowercasekeys = "yes";
      <cfreturn x/>
    <cffunction name="allowSend" access="public" returntype="boolean">
    <cfargument name="subtopic" type="any" required="true"/>
    <cfreturn true/>
    <cffunction name="allowSubscribe" access="public" returntype="boolean">
    <cfargument name="subtopic" type="any" required="true"/>
    <cfreturn true/>

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    information back to the database. What I have, so far is when you
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    anything. My <cfmail looks like this.
    SELECT '1',407,1, id
    FROM glb_products
    WHERE id IN(0)
    As you can see I'm trying to pull the product id from
    glb_products, but its choking on that. Here is my cfc query.
    <cffunction name="NewSessionTotal" access="remote"
    <cfargument name="sessions" default="" type="String"
    <cfargument name="order_id" default="" required="no">
    <cfargument name="hosting" default="" required="no">
    <cfargument name="product_idlist" default=""
    <cfquery name="SessionTotal" datasource="omnitrac">
    FROM glb_products
    WHERE id IN(#ListAppend(arguments.product_idlist,0)#)
    And here is my flex app code.
    var SelectedSalesProducts:Array=new Array();
    var SelectedSalesProductslist:String="";
    for (var i:int = 0; i < gsalesproducts.length; i++){
    this.dataManager.NewSessionTotal(this.nsessiontotal.text,order_id,hosting.selected,Select edSalesProductslist);
    I know its the product_id code that cause everything to choke
    up, but I been working on this for 4 days and cannot find a
    solutions. Any help would be great.

    I found what was wrong. Here, is the fix :) in the flex app I
    needed to add this line
    I forgot to join my string, and array. Also the biggest thing
    I missed was on this line
    Instead of id it actually needed to be product_id

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    second, be able to mark them in a way that the bpm for each song would change to match the tempo track (which will fluctuate through out the editing process)
    third, some how still have control of the anchor point in flex time which seems to get locked
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    I welcome any and all suggestions. Thanks.

    Received this advice and responded on another forum but still need help.
    Thanks for the response!
    Had a few problems trying your suggestions.
    *"Finding BPM: select the audio region and choose from the local Arrange area menu: Audio > Detect Tempo."*
    Since it is a whole song and not just a part, such as drums, with well defined transients, it either can't detect the tempo or when it does it is wrong.
    *"Make it follow the tempo track: Use Flex Time (in the track parameters, choose a Flex mode). "*
    This would be fine if I didn't have to redefine all the transient markers as correct flex markers. Since Flex Time has problems defining the correct transient markers for complete songs it can be very time consuming.
    Maybe I'm still missing something?
    *"Third: what anchor? Do you mean the transient? Or the flex markers? You can move the transients in the Sample editor, and the Flex markers right on the track in Flex view (Click the Flex button in your toolbar)."*
    The audio region anchor in the sample edit window, the orange arrow. I think this is some how turned off after turning on flex time and I am unable to move it. I use this to line up the first beat if there is something before the music starts, such as someone speaking or a lead in with a different tempo than the song tempo, that I would still like to keep. That way I can move the region in the arrange window and it will line up according to the first beat and not the beginning of the region. Am I making any sense?

  • In need of Regex help

    I've never used Regex before, and since I currently need to use it for a command-line parser in my server application I thought that I should try to see if anyone feels kind enough to take a couple of minutes and help me out (The regex tutorial is way complicated to get down and study for this tiny purpose).
    I need a regex that will be used with String.split to chop up an input string.
    If the string looks like: get 2.worm from bag
    the result should be:
    If the string looks like: cast "magic missile" 3.turtle
    the result should look like:
    magic missile
    In short, it should never return any whitespace if it is not delimitered with ":s.
    Does it make any sense?
    Grateful for any help I can get.
    /Viktor Klang

    Try this:
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class Parser {     
         private static String REGEX          = "([^\\s\"]+)|(\"[^\"]+\")";
        private static String INPUT          = "cast \"magic missile\" 3.turtle";
        private Pattern pattern;
        private Matcher matcher;
        private List lineParts = new LinkedList();
         public void processString(String input) {
            String token = null;
              Integer value = null;
            while ( matcher.find() ) {
                 token = input.substring( matcher.start(), matcher.end() );
                 token = token.replaceAll( "\"", "" );
                 lineParts.add( token );
         public void printResults() {
              Object token = null;
              Integer value = null;
              for (Iterator iter = lineParts.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                   String element = (String) iter.next();
                   System.out.println( element );
         public void doIt() throws IOException {
              pattern = Pattern.compile( REGEX );          
              matcher = pattern.matcher( INPUT );
              processString( INPUT );
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
              Parser parser = new Parser();

  • VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of z in mx.core.UIComponent in adobe flex  pease help me!

    While I tried to run already existing adobe AIR application in Flex Builder3 using  Flex SDK4. I got this error
    VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of z in mx.core.UIComponent in adobe flex
    please anyone help me to solve it

    Try setting your target player for 10 in your compiler options. It might be compiling for flash player 9.

  • RegEx help requested.

    Hello, All.
    I am new to Java and I am not much familiar with Java regExp package as well. I am looking into it though. I have a specific question related to Reg Exp creation.
    We are in need of parsing a string like "XXX > 6 && YYY> 10" [Meaning variable XXX is greater than 6 and variable YYY is greater than 10 ] please note that this string/condition is dynamic and we need to support the normal operators and AND and OR operator for clubbing the condition.
    We are just thinking that whether regex will solve our problem? if so how it can be recommended used and what would be the sample of regex grammer?
    Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
    Best Regards,

    novice_questions wrote:
    Thanks for your reply. It may not have brackets in side the expression.
    LHS = will contain alphabets/digits and . [xxx.a1]
    RHS = [0-9]
    Operator can be [>,<]
    But this expression can be combined [AND,OR]
    like [exp]+[AND,OR][exp] ..some thing like this.
    Prasanna.As already mentioned: you can't use regex for this. You either have to write your own parser or, if the expression stay as simple as you posted, use the existing script engine from Java 1.6.
    Here's a small demo:
    import javax.script.*;
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("js");
            String expression = "a > 2 && b < 2";
            engine.put("a", 3);
            engine.put("b", 1);

  • Regex help

    Hello i need some help with regex to do the following
    String to get:
    String to search:
    <img src="
    width="202" height="62" />
    Using the following regex expression:
    <img src="([^>]*[^/]?)>
    So far when i run this it grabs the following:
    width="202" height="62" /
    Any help is very much appreciated.

    Mrs. Man wrote:
    > Hello i need some help with regex to do the following
    > String to get:
    > String to search:
    > <img src="
    width="202" height="62" />
    > Using the following regex expression:
    > <img src="([^>]*[^/]?)>
    <img src="([^"]*)"

  • Regex help wanted

    OK - I have a CSV file where each cell value is surrounded by double-quotes. What's more, the values can have commas in them (which are not escaped in anyway). The values can also be empty. So if I have the line
        "a,b","c","","d,e,f"I want to get 4 cells here:
        <the empty String>
        d,e,fand I'm trying to do this with java.util.regex - I've tried using (\".*\") - and then getting the groups returned (as the cells) but this matches no groups!
    Yes I've read the docs for Pattern, yes I've searched around (etc etc) and yes I've asked my colleagues; we're all useless at regex. Any help would be great!

    sabre150 - thanks, this is a great help. I've used groups before and, quite frankly, I'm not sure how because now they don't seem to be working how I thought they did:
                String line = "\"a,b\",\"c\",\"\",\"d,e,f\"";
                Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\"([^\"]*)\"");
                Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
                //This just returns 1 instead of the 4 I was expecting
                //group(1) is null
                int groupCount = m.groupCount();
                String[] cells = new String[groupCount];
                for (int i = 1; i <= groupCount; i++) {
                    cell[i-1] = m.group(i);
                }Is how I've been using the group facility on the Matcher. Trouble is, it doesn't work; evidently it doesn't behave as I was expecting it to! Could you elaborate on how it works and how (if at all possible) I can get the pattern to tell me how many cells it will find up front?

  • Regex help for URL rewriting

    I have the following regular expression for rewriting a URL (from existing code which I had to make some quick changes)
    String     regex = "s#(href|src|url|action|background)=(\"?)(/|" + "http:originalserver.com" +"/|http.?://" + "originalserver.com"+ ")([^\">]*?)(\"?)#$1=$2" + "myserver.com" + "/$4$5#gis";
    which does a URL rewrite and changes the URL from something like
    src="http://originalserver.com/images/someimage.gif" to
    Now I want to change this regex to add some parameters to the URL. ie.
    case 1:
    case 2:
    How can I change the regex to do this. As I have to do this fast and not an expert in Regex, any help would be appreciated.

    try this :
    - first set delimiter (? or &) to append your parameters :
    char delimiter = '\?';
    String myParams = "myParam1=myValue1";
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "\?" );
    Matcher m = p.matcher( url );
    if( m.matches() )
    delimiter = '\&'; // not sure ampersand needs to be "backslashed"
    - then use the modified regex
    String regex = "s#(href|src|url|action|background)=(\"?)(/|" + "http:originalserver.com" +"/|http.?://" + "originalserver.com"+ ")([^\">]*?)(\"?)#$1=$2" + "myserver.com" + "/$4$5" + delimiter + myParams + "#gis";

  • Regex help for SQL update statement

    need help from IPS regex guru - trying to build the signature to detect SQL update statement in HTTP requests.
    1) Am I correct with regex below specified as Request-Regex?
    2) How do I make sure that it detects 'Update' in URI and Arguments only and not in the body on entire webserver response (currently looks like the case)?

    1) It looks correct to me
    2) Typically, the "service HTTP" engine is used to inspect requests and the "TCP string" engine is used to inspect HTTP server responses. If you only want to inspect requests, use the service HTTP engine.

  • Flex 15D Help reinstalling - Boot from USB

    I'm hoping someone can help.
    I have a Flex 15D (no optical drive) shipped with Windows 8.1
    At present it is completely unresponsive, taking anything up to 5 minutes to recognise that I have clicked anything, open the task manager, etc.  The task manager doesn't show anything heavy running, AV has scanned the PC and there are no infections. so I decided to go back to scratch and restart.
    OneKey simply tell me that the recovery partition has become corrupted and can't be used.
    I then bought a copy of Windows 8.1 from Microsoft, followed their instructions to create a bootable USB key and get windows 8.1 set up from the DVD onto it, but the Lenovo won't boot from USB.  I have been in the BIOS, boot from USB is set, but the boot options give me the OS booter only.
    Third attempt i went out and bought a USB DVD drive, connected that and tried to install a brand new Windows 8.1, but again the Lenovo won't acknowledge that there is a DVD drive attached (although it sees and uses it perfectly when it does finally boot into windows).
    Can anyone give me any help as to how I could reinstall the laptop?
    Moderator Note; subject edited

    Looks like you'll have to remove the hard drive, put it in a usb caddy and use another computer to get your data.

Maybe you are looking for

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