Flex Style Explorer - Backgrounds

The Flex style explorer has some awesome backgrounds:
Upon inspecting the source code, these background assets all come from "backgrounds.swf" -- anybody know if the actual bitmap pictures of these background are available anywhere?

In your Start menu, right-click on the Adobe Extension
Manager CS3 and explicitly Run as administrator or they won't
install properly under Vista.
I had trouble installing the Kuler extension, but Rolinstone
solved the problem here:
That should fix it. It worked for me on a couple of
extensions. I'm using CS3 on Vista Home Premium.

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    I realize this has been unresolved for a few days now and I sincerely apologize for this. We hope to resolve this issue with Apple as quickly as possible.  The revel team members do care about our users and are working diligently to remedy the situation. We will post updates as soon as we have resolution.

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    Hi, Peter. Yes, I found the link. I would like to see the
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    The file is still available, and this link works fine for me.
    The site is also active. If you cannot reach the domain, you must
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    Maybe that link is removed...
    Instead, you can download FxStyleExplorer.air.
    Here is download link.
    click "Softpedia Secure Download (US)" please.
    Have a good time^^

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    This worked for me in Flex (the Border container was recently renamed BorderContainer, you'll have to modify the code or try downloading a newer Flex 4 SDK from http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+4 ):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            <s:VerticalLayout paddingLeft="20" paddingTop="20" />
        <s:SkinnableContainer backgroundColor="red" width="400" height="100">
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    ntsiii wrote:
    > I am running it inside FB.
    > Are you having any other problems with FB?
    Yes, the code hints pop ups do not work for me, I have a
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    > Do you get an error message?
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    effect. Do you want to restart your computer now? Yes | No"
    happens whenever I click on the component links on the left
    side menu.
    If I say yes, my computer reboots. If I say no nothing
    happens and no
    component example.
    > Stand alone FB or Eclipse plug-in?
    Stand alone Flex Builder 2 Beta 3.

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    There are no known Mac viruses.
    Try booting from your install disk and run Disk Utility.
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger and later) and launch Disk Utility.
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    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
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    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    If you can't boot from your install disk, try booting in Safe Mode

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    please let me know your views.
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    Amar Deep Singh

    Try to use t-code MCM0 to delete the old versions.
    Good luck

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    Thanks for that!
    Thats a bit anoying! I liked to add shortcuts to various folders, can't do that with the normal explorer!

  • JTextPane styles and backgrounds

    i'm trying to implement bracket matching where the background of the brackets is changed. it works fine for the most part but one strange problem happens depending on where the caret comes from. i've posted some test code below which if you run it you'll see what i mean.
    basically it works ok except when you move the caret with the arrow keys from the left of the bracket when it is currently highlighted. so basically do the following to see what i mean:
    1. position the caret to the right of the inserted text - say 2-3 characters.
    2. use backspace to delete those characters up to the bracket so the bracket becomes highlighted.
    3. now move the caret with the arrow keys to the left of the bracket.
    4. move the caret back over to the right of the bracket and type some characters.
    you will notice that the background of those characters is highlighted when they shouldn't be. the style doesn't exist at this point - why is it being applied???
    strangely if you don't move the caret to the left and then back over to the right of the bracket after deleting text, it doesn't happen!!! the state in both cases at the caret position is the same - yet for some reason having moved it one char to the left over the bracket and back again stuffs it up.
    i've dumped the elements at this point and i can't see where the style is coming from.
    there is also a caret listener as a part of this i haven't added as it doesn't seem to affect the result (as you can no doubt see).
    where is this style coming from?? to me it looks like a bug - or i've stuffed something up somewhere. has anyone else experienced such a thing??
    any suggestions would be appreciated. this one has me stumped!!! i have tried it using both jdk1.4.2_05 and 1.5beta - happens in both.
    code below:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class TextPaneTest {
        private int bIndex1;
        private int bIndex2;
        private Style bstyle;
        private Style normal;
        private DefaultStyledDocument myDoc;
        private static final char[] BRACES = {'(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']'};
        public TextPaneTest() {
            myDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument() {
                public void insertString(int offset, String text, AttributeSet attrs)
                  throws BadLocationException     {       
                    super.insertString(offset, text, attrs);
                    updateBraces(offset + 1);
                public void remove(int offset, int length)
                  throws BadLocationException {
                    super.remove(offset, length);       
                    if (offset > 0) {
            /* initialise the styles */
            normal = myDoc.addStyle("normal", null);
            StyleConstants.setForeground(normal, Color.BLACK);
            StyleConstants.setFontSize(normal, 12);
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(normal, "Monospaced");
            bstyle = myDoc.addStyle("bracket-highlight", null);
            StyleConstants.setFontSize(bstyle, 12);
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(bstyle, "Monospaced");
            StyleConstants.setForeground(bstyle, Color.BLUE.darker());
            StyleConstants.setBackground(bstyle, Color.YELLOW);
            JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane(myDoc);
            textPane.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12));
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Text Pane Test");
            frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                    System.exit(0); }
            frame.setSize(new Dimension(400,400));
        public void resetBracePosition() {
            if (bIndex1 == -1 && bIndex2 == -1) {
            applyBraceHiglight(false, bIndex1, bIndex2);
            bIndex1 = -1;
            bIndex2 = -1;
        public void applyBraceHiglight(boolean apply, int index1, int index2) {
            Style style = apply ? bstyle : normal;
            if (index1 != -1) {
                myDoc.setCharacterAttributes(index1, 1, style, !apply);
            if (index2 != -1) {
                myDoc.setCharacterAttributes(index2, 1, style, !apply);
        public void updateBraces(int offset) {
            try {
                int length = myDoc.getLength();
                String text = myDoc.getText(0, length);
                char charAtOffset = 0;
                char charBeforeOffset = 0;
                if (offset > 0) {
                    charBeforeOffset = text.charAt(offset - 1);
                if (offset < length) {
                    charAtOffset = text.charAt(offset);
                int matchOffset = -1;
                if (isBrace(charAtOffset)) {
                    matchOffset = getMatchingBraceOffset(offset,
                else if (isBrace(charBeforeOffset)) {
                    matchOffset = getMatchingBraceOffset(offset,
                if (matchOffset != -1) {
                    bIndex1 = offset;
                    bIndex2 = matchOffset;
                    applyBraceHiglight(true, offset, matchOffset);
            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                throw new Error(e);
        private int getMatchingBraceOffset(int offset, char brace, String text) {
            int thisBraceCount = 0;
            int matchingBraceCount = 0;
            char braceMatch = getMatchingBrace(brace);
            char[] chars = text.toCharArray();
            if (isOpenBrace(brace)) {
                for (int i = offset; i < chars.length; i++) {
                       if (chars[i] == brace) {
                       else if (chars[i] == braceMatch) {
                       if (thisBraceCount == matchingBraceCount) {
                           return i;
            else {
                for (int i = offset; i >= 0; i--) {
                       if (chars[i] == brace) {
                       else if (chars[i] == braceMatch) {
                       if (thisBraceCount == matchingBraceCount) {
                           return i;
            return -1;
        private char getMatchingBrace(char brace) {
            switch (brace) {
                case '(':
                    return ')';
                case ')':
                     return '(';
                case '[':
                    return ']';
                case ']':
                     return '[';
                case '{':
                    return '}';
                case '}':
                     return '{';
                    return 0;
        private boolean isOpenBrace(char brace) {
            switch (brace) {
                case '(':
                case '[':
                case '{':
                    return true;
            return false;
        private boolean isBrace(char charAt) {
            for (int i = 0; i < BRACES.length; i++) {
                if (charAt == BRACES) {
    return true;
    return false;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new TextPaneTest();

    Just repace this
    public void insertString(int offset, String text, AttributeSet attrs) throws BadLocationException {
                          // super.insertString(offset, text, normal); replace this as follows
                        super.insertString(offset, text, normal);
                        updateBraces(offset + 1);

  • How to include beehiveonline in Oracle Content Servers for quick navigation in "style" explorer?

    I can see my stbeehive workspaces so that it is easier to manage the moving of documents between one folder and another. But I am not able to configure beehiveonline content.
    Can someone help?
    Thank you

    Could you please provide more information on what you trying to configure? Are you trying to configure BOL workspaces in explorer? If so its the same way as ST Beehive workspace but the URL is different. You can use OBEE or any webdav client.

  • Stopping Flex Style Inheritance

    Hey everyone,
    I'm using a TitleWindow as a container for several controls.
    A lot of the internal controls are RichTextEditors and other things
    based off the Panel control. Such internal controls inherit the
    styles from the TitleWindow, but I don't want them to. I attempted
    inheriting TitleWindow and using the following metadata:
    [Style(name="headerColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint",
    format="Color", inherit="no")]
    But I get this error:
    Declaration of style 'headerColors' conflicts with previous
    declaration in
    Anyone know how to accomplish what I want without having to
    apply the "normal" style to all my child controls?

    Hey everyone,
    I'm using a TitleWindow as a container for several controls.
    A lot of the internal controls are RichTextEditors and other things
    based off the Panel control. Such internal controls inherit the
    styles from the TitleWindow, but I don't want them to. I attempted
    inheriting TitleWindow and using the following metadata:
    [Style(name="headerColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint",
    format="Color", inherit="no")]
    But I get this error:
    Declaration of style 'headerColors' conflicts with previous
    declaration in
    Anyone know how to accomplish what I want without having to
    apply the "normal" style to all my child controls?

  • Changing styles, removing background in navbar

    I'm stumped…
    I've customized an iWeb theme (Elegant) and want to use the navbar provided at the top of the page but would like to change the font, capitalization (not all caps), and, most importantly, remove the iWeb-provided background and add my own.
    But the box in which the navbar appears seems impervious to any change other than being resized, or, of course, deleted with the Inspector. The navbar box only has horizontal handles and nothing within can be selected, even with the links deactivated. I've scoured the Inspector and messed with it for hours but nothing works. Does anyone know have any ideas about what to do?

    That is because the nav bar supplied with the page templates cannot be changed as you have found, other than re-sizing, moving around and hiding with the use of the Inspector.
    It is a javascript based nav bar, so if you want anything different on your site, you need to hide it and build your own text based nav bar using text boxes and shapes and you can place this wherever you want to on your site - top, bottom, sides or a mixture of both and don't forget to hyperlink your pages to them.
    The joy of a text based nav bar is that your site will then be found better by search engines - they don't always pick up java and lots of PC's have java turned off so they won't be visible at all.

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    It the Flex Style Explorer is correct, it is: 869ca7
    Look at the Style Explorer if you have not yet.

Maybe you are looking for

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