FLV shows in MacOS browser, not Windows

I have a site in DW CS3 and pages that were converted from
asp, but are now PHP.
While embedding an FLV video using DW-CS3, files seem to save
fine, and upload OK...
But-the video does not display, nor do the controls (halo
skin, etc)..in a Windows browser MSIE7, nor firefox 3.
In a Mac OSX 10.5.x, safari browser, the page seems to be
Any help is welcome.
Test page is here:
Are there versions of these scripts that work differently
than other versions?
Thanks so much.

I replaced the scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js file from a
different DW CS3 site folder, uploaded it to the problem site...and
the flv file ran the way it's supposed to.
So I'm thinking that the 'js' file was somehow corrupt
(probably during the site conversion...).
But why would a Mac Browser play the vid, and windows
That may be the mystery unsolved.

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    Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, any tips on how to achieve the code for the solutions provided would also be very much appreciated, as I am only just starting out coding.
    The site/page:
    The stylesheet (style.css):
    Like I mentioned above, all of this except the padding shows up in DW. Whereas, none of this shows up at all in browser view, or through the site.

    Summary of issues #1 through #5:
    Code errors galore:
    Photoshop generated HTML.
    20th century table based layout with endless spacer gifs.
    From Tables to CSS Web Design Part 1 -
    From Tables to CSS Web Design Part 2 -
    DW Starter Pages (CSS Layouts)
    Taking a Fireworks (or Photoshop)  comp to a CSS Layout in DW
    Part 1 - Initial Design
    Part 2 - Markup preparation
    Part 3 - Layout and CSS
    HTML & CSS Tutorials - http://w3schools.com/
    Learn CSS positioning in 10 Steps
    How to Develop with CSS?
    Code Validation Tools
    CSS - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
    HTML - http://validator.w3.org/
    Best of luck,
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    Today, I tried it again and now I could see the Name range under Browser View Options list, this is my step as below:
    1. Type the value in Cell A1 to B4. (Same as the screenshot as the last reply)
    2. Directly type Test in Name Box.
    3. Go to File > Info > Browser View options > Items in the Workbook.
    Now the Name is appearing.
    But when we define a name to a blank range, we would not see the Name in the Browser View options anymore. Try in your site.
    By the way, My using version is Office 36 ProPlus, version 15.0.4551.1005.
    Tony Chen
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
    [email protected]

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    You could create a shortcut to open Firefox with a specific site using a command line argument.
    You can copy the shortcut that you use to open Firefox, then right-click on it and choose '''Properties'''. On the shortcut tab, you will see the target, it will look something like this:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
    You can add gmail.com to this shortcut so it looks like this:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" gmail.com
    For more details see http://kb.mozillazine.org/Command_line_arguments

  • Why my ipod classic is not show up in itunes or windows

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    Howdy fabianfromchicago,
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities.
    If your iPod classic is not appearing in iTunes on your Windows PC, then I'd like you to please follow the steps in the link below.
    Apple - Support - iPod - iPod classic Troubleshooting Assistant
    Have a great weekend,
    Alex H.

  • My iPhone is not showing up in iTunes, or Windows Explorer.

    I have looked around searching and tried to uninstall everything that had anything to do with Apple and iTunes. Nothing worked. I also have gone into the computer managment and stopping and starting the apple managment and iPod service. Still, nothing worked. My iPhone will not show up in iTunes, nor Windows Explorer, when I plug it in I can hear the sound that when a device gets plugged into the computer.

    It sounds like you have a bad USB driver for the phone. That software is installed with iTunes. Like I said earlier, you need to make sure to uninstall everything using that support document. That clears out all Apple software. Do that without the phone attached to the computer of course. Once you have reinstalled everything, then try and connect it. It should load the USB driver and begin to work.
    Let me ask you this. How many pictures do you have in the camera roll? If you have a large number of them and  you have not imported them to the computer, there could be a corrupt picture causing you some problems. While that was known in the past to cause syncing problems, I thought that was fixed. If after you uninstalled iTunes the phone was recognized as a camera, I suggest importing the pictures and then deleting them from the camera roll and try the process all over with uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes. See if that helps.

  • While trying to access  i phone through pc (windows 7 ) showing error 'you do not have permission to access this device '

    while trying to access  i phone through pc (windows 7 ) showing error 'you do not have permission to access this device '
    And while trying  to unlock screen after lock , slide not working 'slide to unlock'

    Hello there, charialji.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers some great steps for troubleshooting your issue:
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    If a single application is not responding or stops responding when it opens, you can force it to close.
    If the device is unresponsive or if certain controls aren't working as expected, restart your device.
    If the device remains unresponsive or does not turn on (or power on), reset your device.
    If there is no video or if the screen remains black, verify that the device has enough charge to turn on:
    If you are using an iPad, ensure that it's connected to the USB Power Adapter supplied with the device.
    Let it charge for at least twenty minutes, then see if it starts normally.
    If there is no image on the screen, press the Sleep/Wake button to attempt to wake the device.
    If the screen displays a red battery icon, continue charging the device until the battery is fully charged. Learn more about charging iPhone and iPod touch, or iPad.
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, or the if the screen remains black or shows a persistent Apple logo, try restoring with iTunes:
    Connect the device to your computer and open iTunes.
    If the device appears in iTunes, select and click Restore on the Summary pane. Learn more aboutrestoring iOS software.
    If the device doesn't appear in iTunes, try to force the device into recovery mode, and then restore it.
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Apple.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Start here:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

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