Fnd_Request.Submit_Request PRINT OPTIONS

Does anyone know if we can pass Print Options into Fnd_Request.Submit_Request?
Thanks, Naveen.

You can use FND_SUBMIT.SET_PRINT_OPTIONS to set the print options.
How to Submit a Report Set from a Custom Form [ID 104260.1]
Oracle Applications Developer's Guide

Similar Messages

  • Fnd_request.submit_request error with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set

    We are applications 12.0.6 with database. I'm trying to submit the "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" through fnd_request.submit_request and is erroring out with "PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period". I'm able to run the same program from the application with the same parameters. I'm passing Accue date of 2009/08/31 00:00:00 from the program and I can see the same value when submitted frm the applications also.
    Value set for this Accrue date parameter is "PA_SRS_DATES2". It is setup as format type "Standard Date" and maximum size is 11.
    Thanks for your help,
    Here is the script
    SELECT TO_CHAR (rec1.per_end_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    INTO v_rev_accrue
    v_fc_req_id :=
    fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'PA',
    program => 'PARGDR_SINGLE',
    sub_request => FALSE,
    start_time => NULL,
    argument1 => rec1.project_id,
    argument2 => 'N',
    argument3 => 'Y',
    argument4 => v_rev_accrue,
    argument5 => NULL,
    argument6 => NULL,
    argument7 => NULL,
    argument8 => NULL,
    argument9 => NULL,
    argument10 => NULL,
    argument11 => 'Y',
    argument12 => 'N',
    argument13 => NULL,
    argument14 => NULL,
    argument15 => NULL,
    argument16 => NULL,
    argument17 => NULL,
    argument18 => 'N',
    argument19 => 'N',
    argument20 => 'N'
    IF NVL (v_fc_req_id, 0) = 0
    gv_debug_name :=
    'Error in Submitting the draft revenue program program. ';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, gv_debug_name);
    RAISE general_error;
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'draft revenue program. Request Id:'
    || TO_CHAR (v_fc_req_id)
    END IF;
    Here is the log for the request submitted via fnd_request.submit_request.
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:19
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period
    Exceptions posted by this request:
    Concurrent Request for "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" has completed with error.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:20
    Here is the log for the request submitted via the application
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    project:196 delete:N regenerate:Y acc_thru_dt:2009/08/31
    start project: end project:
    Operating unit is 153Revenue is running in Normal revenue mode
    Revenue is not based on specific project type...
    Revenue is not based on specific organization...
    Revenue is not based on specific customer...
    Revenue is not based on specific Agreement...
    Revenue is running for MCB/Non MCB projects...
    Revenue is running for Unrelease revenue mode...
    Revenue is not creating the detail report ...
    Revenue Processing Parameter List
    -------------- < parameter list > -----------------------
    Accru Through Date ----------------------------------------> 2009/08/31
    Project ID ------------------------------------------------> 196
    From Project Number --------------------------------------->
    To Project Number ----------------------------------------->
    Adjusting Revenue Run -------------------------------------> No
    Project Type ID -----------------------------------------> 0
    Organization ID ------------------------------------------> 0
    Customer ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Agreement ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Multi Currency Projects -----------------------------------> No
    Release Draft Revenue -------------------------------------> No
    Include Detail Report -------------------------------------> No
    -------------- < End of parameter list > -----------------------
    ...Request ID = 714111
    This concurrent request is not being rescheduled
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to delete revenue for project id 196
    ...0 draft revenues deleted
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to process adjustments
    SELECT p.project_id, p.segment1,
    p.distribution_rule, p.project_level_funding_flag,p.project_currency_code,
    nvl(p.inv_by_bill_trans_curr_flag, 'N'),
    nvl(p.revtrans_currency_type, 'PROJ_FUNC_CURR_ONLY')
    FROM pa_projects p, pa_project_types t
    WHERE p.project_id = :project_id
    AND pa_project_utils.check_prj_stus_action_allowed(p.project_status_code,'GENERATE_REV') = 'Y'
    AND :start_project_number||'x' != :end_project_number||'y'
    AND p.project_type = t.project_type
    AND t.project_type_class_code = 'CONTRACT'
    AND EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(pf pa_summary_project_fundings_u1)*/ NULL
    FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
    WHERE pf.project_id = p.project_id
    AND nvl(pf.revproc_baselined_amount, 0) != 0)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r2
    WHERE r2.project_id = p.project_id
    AND r2.released_date||'' is null
    AND r2.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'Y', r2.generation_error_flag)
    FROM pa_expenditure_items_all i
    WHERE i.project_id = p.project_id
    AND i.cost_distributed_flag ||''= 'Y'
    AND i.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND i.expenditure_item_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r, pa_cust_rev_dist_lines l
    WHERE r.project_id = i.project_id
    AND ((l.expenditure_item_id = i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id AND i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is not null )
    OR (l.expenditure_item_id = i.expenditure_item_id))
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = l.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    or exists (
    select 1 from pa_expenditure_items ei2
    where ei2.project_id = i.project_id
    and ei2.expenditure_item_id=i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id
    and ei2.revenue_distributed_flag='Y'
    and ei2.raw_revenue=0))
    union all
    FROM pa_events v
    WHERE v.project_id = p.project_id
    AND ((v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND v.completion_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate))
    OR (substr(p.distribution_rule,1,4) = 'COST'
    AND v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.completion_date
    > NVL(TO_DATE('2009/08/31','YYYY/MM/DD'), sysdate)))
    AND (DECODE(NVL(v.bill_trans_rev_amount, 0), 0 ,
    DECODE(NVL(v.zero_revenue_amount_flag, 'N'), 'Y', 1, 0),1) = 1)
    AND NVL(revenue_hold_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    FROM pa_tasks t
    WHERE v.task_id is not NULL
    AND t.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.task_id = t.task_id
    FROM pa_tasks t1
    WHERE v.task_id is NULL
    AND t1.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.project_id = t1.project_id )
    AND Exists (select null from pa_draft_revenues r,pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines l
    where l.project_id = v.project_id
    AND ( l.task_id = v.task_id OR v.task_id is NULL )
    AND l.event_num = v.event_num
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = v.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM PA_Billing_Extensions be, PA_Billing_Assignments bea
    WHERE bea.active_flag = 'Y'
    AND bea.billing_extension_id = be.billing_extension_id
    AND (bea.project_id = p.project_id
    OR bea.project_type = p.project_type
    OR bea.distribution_rule = p.distribution_rule)
    AND be.calling_process in ('Revenue','Both')
    AND nvl(be.call_after_adj_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND be.trx_independent_flag = 'Y'))
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...0 projects processed for adjustments
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate revenue for project id 196
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...no rows to process for this project.
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for project id 196, number 72DM000001
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    l_inv_by_btc_flag is ...N
    l_mcb_flag is ...Y
    l_rpc_code is ...GBP
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc POST-REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call AutoAccounting
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering pafvsu
    Allocating pafvcs structure
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkai
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkao
    Allocating flex input and output structure
    Assigning ptype
    Calling pagtfn
    Nullig out
    Setting everything that does not need to be allocated
    Allocating optional arrays
    Checking a_line_id
    Checking a_trans_ind
    Checking a_param_lst
    Checking a_extra_atr
    Allocating required array
    Allocating auto accounting elements
    Describing kff and control processing options
    Tune flex validation system options
    Allocate main cache
    Allocate additional memory for main cache
    Allocate ksv if needed
    Store pointer to text strings in last ksv element so we can free later
    val [¿], segval [00000000]
    val [00000000], segval [000000]
    val [000000], segval [7210OCOA01]
    val [7210OCOA01], segval [0000]
    val [0000], segval [72OXLFTG]
    val [72OXLFTG], segval [66101010]
    val [66101010], segval [7210]
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...returned from AutoAccounting
    ...about to update pe_expenditures_all for intercompany processing
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parddl()
    ...setting error codes and bad code combination id to null
    ... Update draft revenues for marking autoaccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update draft revenues without generation error to normal state
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    1 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    Leaving parddl()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error due to ccid=-1
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error PA_REV_GEN_ERROR
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...1 projects processed for revenue generation
    Deleting automatic event for which revenue has generation error
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to update proj summary funding amounts
    executing pa_billing.check_spf_amounts('B',196, , ) Calling check_spf_amounts...Inside the Single projects If
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate reports
    SEL-SUC:72DM000001 4 1048 BP Exploration Operating DML 101 31-AUG-09 121659.83
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12
    ...completed generating reports
    Process completed.
    0 rows deleted from distribution_warnings table.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    Request id is :714111
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :19839
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :12106.73
    Bill amount is :12106.73
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :19839
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Financing Fee
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :14612
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :109553.1
    Bill amount is :109553.1
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :14612
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Expenditure
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PRINT   -------------
    Printing output file.
    Request ID : 714111
    Number of copies : 0
    Printer : noprint
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed successfully
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12

    Hi srini,
    For the request submitted via the application and for the request submitted by fnd_request.submit_request, argument4 has the same value 2009/08/31 00:00:00

  • Fnd_request.submit_request issue with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set.

    We are applications 12.0.6 with database. I'm trying to submit the "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" through fnd_request.submit_request and is erroring out with "PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period". I'm able to run the same program from the application with the same parameters. I'm passing Accue date of 2009/08/31 00:00:00 from the program and I can see the same value when submitted frm the applications also.
    Value set for this Accrue date parameter is "PA_SRS_DATES2". It is setup as format type "Standard Date" and maximum size is 11.
    Thanks for your help,
    Here is the script
    SELECT TO_CHAR (rec1.per_end_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    INTO v_rev_accrue
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Revenue Accrue Date is :' || v_rev_accrue
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Parameters for GDR :');
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Argument1 is :' || TO_CHAR (rec1.project_id)
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Argument4 is :' || v_rev_accrue);
    v_fc_req_id :=
    fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'PA',
    program => 'PARGDR_SINGLE',
    sub_request => FALSE,
    start_time => NULL,
    argument1 => rec1.project_id,
    argument2 => 'N',
    argument3 => 'Y',
    argument4 => v_rev_accrue,
    argument5 => NULL,
    argument6 => NULL,
    argument7 => NULL,
    argument8 => NULL,
    argument9 => NULL,
    argument10 => NULL,
    argument11 => 'Y',
    argument12 => 'N',
    argument13 => NULL,
    argument14 => NULL,
    argument15 => NULL,
    argument16 => NULL,
    argument17 => NULL,
    argument18 => 'N',
    argument19 => 'N',
    argument20 => 'N'
    IF NVL (v_fc_req_id, 0) = 0
    gv_debug_name :=
    'Error in Submitting the draft revenue program program. ';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, gv_debug_name);
    RAISE general_error;
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'draft revenue program. Request Id:'
    || TO_CHAR (v_fc_req_id)
    END IF;
    Here is the log for the request submitted via fnd_request.submit_request.
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:19
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period
    Exceptions posted by this request:
    Concurrent Request for "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" has completed with error.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:20
    Here is the log for the request submitted via the application
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    project:196 delete:N regenerate:Y acc_thru_dt:2009/08/31
    start project: end project:
    Operating unit is 153Revenue is running in Normal revenue mode
    Revenue is not based on specific project type...
    Revenue is not based on specific organization...
    Revenue is not based on specific customer...
    Revenue is not based on specific Agreement...
    Revenue is running for MCB/Non MCB projects...
    Revenue is running for Unrelease revenue mode...
    Revenue is not creating the detail report ...
    Revenue Processing Parameter List
    -------------- < parameter list > -----------------------
    Accru Through Date ----------------------------------------> 2009/08/31
    Project ID ------------------------------------------------> 196
    From Project Number --------------------------------------->
    To Project Number ----------------------------------------->
    Adjusting Revenue Run -------------------------------------> No
    Project Type ID -----------------------------------------> 0
    Organization ID ------------------------------------------> 0
    Customer ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Agreement ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Multi Currency Projects -----------------------------------> No
    Release Draft Revenue -------------------------------------> No
    Include Detail Report -------------------------------------> No
    -------------- < End of parameter list > -----------------------
    ...Request ID = 714111
    This concurrent request is not being rescheduled
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to delete revenue for project id 196
    ...0 draft revenues deleted
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to process adjustments
    SELECT p.project_id, p.segment1,
    p.distribution_rule, p.project_level_funding_flag,p.project_currency_code,
    nvl(p.inv_by_bill_trans_curr_flag, 'N'),
    nvl(p.revtrans_currency_type, 'PROJ_FUNC_CURR_ONLY')
    FROM pa_projects p, pa_project_types t
    WHERE p.project_id = :project_id
    AND pa_project_utils.check_prj_stus_action_allowed(p.project_status_code,'GENERATE_REV') = 'Y'
    AND :start_project_number||'x' != :end_project_number||'y'
    AND p.project_type = t.project_type
    AND t.project_type_class_code = 'CONTRACT'
    AND EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(pf pa_summary_project_fundings_u1)*/ NULL
    FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
    WHERE pf.project_id = p.project_id
    AND nvl(pf.revproc_baselined_amount, 0) != 0)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r2
    WHERE r2.project_id = p.project_id
    AND r2.released_date||'' is null
    AND r2.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'Y', r2.generation_error_flag)
    FROM pa_expenditure_items_all i
    WHERE i.project_id = p.project_id
    AND i.cost_distributed_flag ||''= 'Y'
    AND i.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND i.expenditure_item_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r, pa_cust_rev_dist_lines l
    WHERE r.project_id = i.project_id
    AND ((l.expenditure_item_id = i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id AND i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is not null )
    OR (l.expenditure_item_id = i.expenditure_item_id))
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = l.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    or exists (
    select 1 from pa_expenditure_items ei2
    where ei2.project_id = i.project_id
    and ei2.expenditure_item_id=i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id
    and ei2.revenue_distributed_flag='Y'
    and ei2.raw_revenue=0))
    union all
    FROM pa_events v
    WHERE v.project_id = p.project_id
    AND ((v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND v.completion_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate))
    OR (substr(p.distribution_rule,1,4) = 'COST'
    AND v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.completion_date
    > NVL(TO_DATE('2009/08/31','YYYY/MM/DD'), sysdate)))
    AND (DECODE(NVL(v.bill_trans_rev_amount, 0), 0 ,
    DECODE(NVL(v.zero_revenue_amount_flag, 'N'), 'Y', 1, 0),1) = 1)
    AND NVL(revenue_hold_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    FROM pa_tasks t
    WHERE v.task_id is not NULL
    AND t.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.task_id = t.task_id
    FROM pa_tasks t1
    WHERE v.task_id is NULL
    AND t1.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.project_id = t1.project_id )
    AND Exists (select null from pa_draft_revenues r,pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines l
    where l.project_id = v.project_id
    AND ( l.task_id = v.task_id OR v.task_id is NULL )
    AND l.event_num = v.event_num
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = v.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM PA_Billing_Extensions be, PA_Billing_Assignments bea
    WHERE bea.active_flag = 'Y'
    AND bea.billing_extension_id = be.billing_extension_id
    AND (bea.project_id = p.project_id
    OR bea.project_type = p.project_type
    OR bea.distribution_rule = p.distribution_rule)
    AND be.calling_process in ('Revenue','Both')
    AND nvl(be.call_after_adj_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND be.trx_independent_flag = 'Y'))
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...0 projects processed for adjustments
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate revenue for project id 196
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...no rows to process for this project.
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for project id 196, number 72DM000001
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    l_inv_by_btc_flag is ...N
    l_mcb_flag is ...Y
    l_rpc_code is ...GBP
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc POST-REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call AutoAccounting
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering pafvsu
    Allocating pafvcs structure
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkai
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkao
    Allocating flex input and output structure
    Assigning ptype
    Calling pagtfn
    Nullig out
    Setting everything that does not need to be allocated
    Allocating optional arrays
    Checking a_line_id
    Checking a_trans_ind
    Checking a_param_lst
    Checking a_extra_atr
    Allocating required array
    Allocating auto accounting elements
    Describing kff and control processing options
    Tune flex validation system options
    Allocate main cache
    Allocate additional memory for main cache
    Allocate ksv if needed
    Store pointer to text strings in last ksv element so we can free later
    val [¿], segval [00000000]
    val [00000000], segval [000000]
    val [000000], segval [7210OCOA01]
    val [7210OCOA01], segval [0000]
    val [0000], segval [72OXLFTG]
    val [72OXLFTG], segval [66101010]
    val [66101010], segval [7210]
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...returned from AutoAccounting
    ...about to update pe_expenditures_all for intercompany processing
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parddl()
    ...setting error codes and bad code combination id to null
    ... Update draft revenues for marking autoaccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update draft revenues without generation error to normal state
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    1 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    Leaving parddl()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error due to ccid=-1
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error PA_REV_GEN_ERROR
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...1 projects processed for revenue generation
    Deleting automatic event for which revenue has generation error
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to update proj summary funding amounts
    executing pa_billing.check_spf_amounts('B',196, , ) Calling check_spf_amounts...Inside the Single projects If
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate reports
    SEL-SUC:72DM000001 4 1048 AP Exploration Operating DML 101 31-AUG-09 121659.83
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12
    ...completed generating reports
    Process completed.
    0 rows deleted from distribution_warnings table.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    Request id is :714111
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :19839
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :12106.73
    Bill amount is :12106.73
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :19839
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Financing Fee
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :14612
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :109553.1
    Bill amount is :109553.1
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :14612
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Expenditure
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PRINT   -------------
    Printing output file.
    Request ID : 714111
    Number of copies : 0
    Printer : noprint
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed successfully
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12

    Duplicate thread.
    fnd_request.submit_request error with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set
    fnd_request.submit_request error with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set


    This is for those of you who are OA users/developers:
    I'm having trouble launching a concurrent request to import items with the following code. I've looked here and at Metalink, as well as the Oracle Applications Developer's Guide, but am still lost... Please help! :) My code:
    req_id number;
    'INV', 'INCOIN', 'test', '21-OCT-05 00:00:00', FALSE, '84', '1',
    '1', '1', '1', '431', '1');
    if (req_id = 0) then
    end if;
    Neither of the FND_MESSAGE.RETRIEVE or ERROR lines work at all, according to the manual, they should though. I'd just like to trap why the job doesn't get submitted. If I leave out the FND_MESSAGE lines, it runs fine (no errors), but my concurrent request doesn't get kicked off either...
    Any help would guarantee a Christmas card this year! :)
    Thanks a million!

    Try executing this before your submit (make it the first line in your program):
    fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id, responsibility_id, application_id);
    This 'simulates' a person actually signing on to the App. It sets up global variables and profile options. You'll have to lookup the values of the parameters manually, but they should be easy to find. Look in the FND_ tables.
    This is just a guess, I don't know if it will help you. But whenever I've used built-in APIs I always call it just to be safe.
    Here's some more info on the parameters:
    WHERE RESPONSIBILITY_NAME = 'xxx'; --< something like 'Inventory Manager' or whatever
    WHERE USER_NAME = 'xxx'; --< person who can normally submit the import
    WHERE APPLICATION_NAME = 'xxx'; --< full name of INV ('Inventory' or maybe 'Oracle Inventory')
    It's important that these 3 parameters represent an actual configured combination. That is, user_id must be a person assigned the responsibility_id, and that must be assigned to application_id. Just as if that person were signing on to the App.

  • Fnd_request.submit_request with multiple language request

    Hey all,
    Looking for some advice on submitting multiple requests via plsql fnd_request.submit_request, or something along those lines.
    Long story short, I would like to submit the concurrent request Invoice Print New Invoices from a plsql scirpt "code unit".
    When running that request from the applications, it first runs the parent request "Multiple Language" which in turn spawns the child request "Invoice Print New Invoices", which is the request thas uses the parameters entered in the parameters form interface.
    _Any suggestions on how to mimic this functionality via a plsql scirpt "code unit"?_
    Edited by: hszero on Nov 4, 2009 7:29 AM

    There is no such thing as PL/SQL scripts.. as PL/SQL is not a scripting language. It is formal structured procedural language with object orientation features.
    It's a mistake to think of any structured procedural language as a mere scripting language.
    Your requirement is unclear. What do you mean with "+in turn spawns the child request+"?
    PL/SQL "+code units+" consists of packages, procedures and functions - or can be an anonymous block submitted from a client (this is typically used to call packages/functions/procedures).
    It's a standard feature of structured procedural languages to have code units and have these calling one another - e.g. package calling a procedure which calls a function which calls a procedure.
    If you are inferring some form of multi-processing or threading, then there are a number of ways this can be implemented in PL/SQL. By default PL/SQL does not support threads given the process architecture of process that executes the PL run-time engine. However, PL code can make use of Oracle's Parallel Query facility by using parallelised pipelined table functions. PL code can use something similar to the Unix "+fork()+"'ing model by starting "child processes" as DBMS_JOB processes. IPC (Inter Process Communication) between PL processes can be done using Oracle Messaging. Semaphores can be implemented via the DBMS_LOCK API. Etc.
    There's a host of features that PL provide.. (including transparent integration with the SQL engine). Scripting language? Don't think so. Unless you decide to treat it as one in which case you are not leveraging any of the many powerful and flexible features that PL/SQL provides.

  • How can i print an Excel file when in the full screen mode (no print options on toolbar or right clk

    using Vista, sometimes after creating and saving an excel file, the document is not visible when the file is reopened.
    selecting full screen mode makes the document visible, but the toolbars disappear and the print option does not show up on a right click.  How can i print the document and see the document in some other mode than full screen?

    In order to print, you can click the CTRL+P keys to launch the print dialog,
    Regarding the missing toolbar, try clicking the ALT key to shouw the software menu, then look around under the view option for any available toolbar settings,
    If you cannot find it, i would recommend you to try the Microsoft support forums, as they have some more knowledge with their software features
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • How to Hit Request of Invoice NO In print Option Conditionaly

    Dear Friend
    i want display to my print option enable and disable according to condition.So i have done some code in my Sql Query.Print Option is display me enable and disable condiotanly correctly but where Print option is ebalbe to print ,When i press print Link then it does not display me invoice details in PDF File to print .My Invoice no do not Hit invoice no as request to Print.
    What Shou.ld i do to pass invoice no to print Invoice.
    My print code which i have use to print
                  WHEN NVL(VID.CONTROLSUM, 0) = NVL(VID.SUM, 0)
                     '<a href=http://org:1545/reports/rwservlet?SERVER=rep_inv_ora10gias+REPORT=REP_667.RDF+DESTYPE=CACHE+DESFORMAT=PDF+USERID=UDS/UDS@PROD+P_SBU_CODE=0002+P_INVOICE_NO=INVOICE_NO>Print</a>'
                  AS the_PRINT,
    Here Request of inoice No Does not Hit.
    This is my View code which i use in my Sql Query Report.View Name *VW_INVOICE_DTL_REPORT*
               CASE WHEN am.INVOICE_TYPE = 'C' THEN 'BLUE' END the_color,
                  WHEN am.CURR_CODE = 'GBP' THEN 'GREEN'
                  WHEN am.CURR_CODE = 'EUR' THEN 'purple'
               END the_gbp,
               am.INVOICE_NO AS invoice,
                       'I', (NVL (SUM (al.AMOUNT), 0)),
                       (NVL (SUM (al.AMOUNT), 0)))
                  AS SUM,
             NVL (am.inv_dtl_amt, 0) AS CONTROLSUM,
                  WHEN NVL (am.inv_dtl_amt, 0) <> NVL (SUM (al.AMOUNT), 0)
               Inv_in_apps (Am.Invoice_no) AS apps_FLG
        FROM   AR_INVOICE_MAS am,
       WHERE       am.invoice_no = al.invoice_no(+)
    GROUP BY   am.ID,
               am.inv_dtl_amtThis is my Report SQL Query
                  WHEN NVL(VID.CONTROLSUM, 0) = NVL(VID.SUM, 0)
                     '<a href=http://org:1545/reports/rwservlet?SERVER=rep_inv_ora10gias+REPORT=REP_667.RDF+DESTYPE=CACHE+DESFORMAT=PDF+USERID=UDS/UDS@PROD+P_SBU_CODE=0002+P_INVOICE_NO=INVOICE_NO>Print</a>'
                  AS the_PRINT,
                  WHEN  'N'
                     '<a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:5:&SESSION.:MODIFY:&DEBUG.:5:P5_SBU_CODE,P5_INVOICE_NO:
                     || VID.SBU_CODE
                     || ','
                     || VID.INVOICE_NO
                     || ':"><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#edit.gif" alt="Edit"></a>'
                  WHEN 'Y'
                     '<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#edit.gif" alt="Invoice Transfered">'
                  AS the_Edit,
               CASE VID.APPS_FLG
                  WHEN 'Y'
                     '<font color ="Gray"></b>Revenue</b></font>'
                     '<a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:41:&SESSION.:MODIFY:&DEBUG.:41:P41_sbu_code,P41_Invoice_no:'
                     || VID.SBU_CODE
                     || ','
                     || VID.INVOICE_NO
                     || ':">
    <font color =GRAY><b>Revenue</b></font></a>'
                  AS Revenue
    Edited by: Vedant on May 17, 2013 12:03 AM

    I can, but I am usually not using my mbp at home and I wouldn't like to carry a keyboard around with me just to hit a right alt key. I am sure there's a solution for this...
    Thank you

  • APXIIMPT-PayablesOpen Interface FND_REQUEST.submit_request returns 0 inToad

    I am submitting APXIIMPT (Payables Open Interface Import) FND_REQUEST.submit_request from Toad and it returns 0 . I am setting context before I submit the request. Not sure what is missing. Any help is very much appreciated!
    Here is my code:
    WHEN others THEN
    Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Error Occurred during Fnd_Global.apps_initialize: ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,900));
    nRequestId NUMBER;
    nRequestId := FND_REQUEST.submit_request(
    application => 'SQLAP',
    program => 'APXIIMPT',
    argument1 => 'INVOICE GATEWAY',
    argument2 => '999',
    argument3 => 'TEST999',
    argument4 => NULL,
    argument5 => NULL,
    argument6 => NULL , --'2011/05/11 18:27:38' ,
    argument7 => 'N',
    argument8 => 'N',
    argument9 => 'N',
    argument10 => 'N',
    argument11 => '1000');
    Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Request_id = ' || nRequestId);
    IF NVL(nRequestId,0) = 0 THEN
    Dbms_Output.Put_Line('No Request ID');
    END IF;
    Edited by: user8957415 on Oct 11, 2011 1:25 PM
    Edited by: user8957415 on Oct 11, 2011 1:31 PM
    Edited by: user8957415 on Oct 11, 2011 1:32 PM

    I was able to solve this issue by changing the arguments as shown below:
    application => 'SQLAP',
    program => 'APXIIMPT',
    argument1 => '383', -- org_id
    argument2 => 'XXXX, -- Invoice source
    argument3 => 'TEST999', -- group_id (make sure the records have the same group id in the interface tables)
    argument4 => 'TEST', -- Batch Name
    argument5 => XXXXX, -- Hold name incase you want to put the invoices on automatic hold after import
    argument6 => XXXX, -- Hold Raeson
    argument7 => '2011/09/15 18:27:38', -- GL Date
    argument8 => 'N',
    argument9 => 'N',
    argument10 => 'N',
    argument11 => 'N',
    argument12 => '1000');

  • How to print a selection of pages from a 3000   page PDF without having to scroll two wheels! Also is there a way to set printer options for just black and white? Seems like there is a lot missing here?

    I have been using this for school work as much as possible and have come across a problem. With my lack of knowledge for apple it seems as though I can't navigate myself to a easy answer. The problem hits when I am printing pages off of a large document, and I don't want to print the entire document in color but I have no way "that I can find" for a black and white print option...
    ----- also a larger issue, when printing I need to select 1 page or even 20 pages... The time it takes to use a scroll wheel and the fact if you try and scroll fast sometimes you click off the screen then you have to start scrolling all over again... It seems like you would beagle to input from say page 1224 to 1236.... Instead I have a scroll a wheel? Just doesn't make sense...?
       Can someone please help solve this for me!

    Yes, that fixed it, thanks! I had no idea they clashed like that. I ruthlessly purged all other tables of contents, and then used Layout > Table of Contents to create a new one, and it worked.
    It made more sense after seeing in this thread that table of contents styles are more like presets or entities than styles.

  • FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST is not working in After Report Trigger Reports6i

    Hi Guys,
    I am calling the another conc program in After report trigger using FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST. The below are the statement which i use in my program.
    I have also use the SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT') in Before Report Trigger and SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWEXIT') in After Report Trigger also.
    I am getting the error in Log file saying that
    REP-0736: There exist uncompiled program unit(s).
    REP-1247: Report Contains uncompiled PL/SQL.
    Quick Response is highly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Sawwan,
    I was compiled in Unix platform also. If i comment that FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST line it executes fine. It gives the same error in Unix also.
    Can anyone pls help this issue.
    Thanks in Advance.

  • Print option in BI Report

    When i click on the print version in the portal, i can take the printout of the report in the PDF format.
    When i have only 6 columns in the report then all fit in one page. But if i drill down and add one more column to the report and try to do the print (Landscape), I get only first 6 columns in the report.
    Is there any mechanism where in we can say fit to one page or shrink to the page in portal?

    Thanks for the replies
    Fit to page option is not working. Its not displaying all the contents in one page
    When i say print by default its opening up the PDF file in which there is a report data.
    Where do we do the setting that PDF to be generated when a print option is clicked in EP?

  • How to set print option for a Billing document using T-code VF02

    Hi All,
    Please suggest me the way to set print option for a Billing document for T-code VF02 and please let me know how to get print preview for any particular Billing document?

    Enter the billing documents detail
    Goto Goto> Header>Output.
    Check the status for your output type in this screen.
    If it is green then come back to the VF03 screen.Enter the billing document number.
    Click on Billing document-->Issue output to.
    Press (CtrlShiftF1) or click on the icon beside "Print options".
    Here you can see the print preview.
    If the status is red then click on the processing log.Here you will get the error messages.
    If the status is in yellow colour,then click on the "Further Data" button
    Set "Dispatch time" as "4 Send immediately (when saving the application)"
    Before the print preview option you should make sure you have added correct output type to the relevant billing document. To do that, go to transaction VF02.
    Enter the billing document no
    Go to Menu option -> Go to -> Header -> Output
    In that screen you have to add relevant output type. (Standard output type is RD00)
    Add that & press enter key
    Highlight that line & press "Further Data" button
    Set "Dispatch time" as "4 Send immediately (when saving the application)"
    Press "Back" Button
    again select that line & go to "Communication method" button
    Set "Logical destination" as LOCAL"
    Don't mark "Print immediately" & "Release after output" ticks. If you mark them, sa soon as you save the billing document, you'll get a print out.
    Press "Back" Button
    Now form the initial "Change Billing Document" screen, Go to Menu option; Billing Document -> Issue Output to
    You can see that output type line appear.
    select that line & press "Print Preview" button or (CTRLSHIFTF1)
    You can see the print preview.
    Alternatively you can use VF31 to print multiple print outs at same time.
    If you want to get PDF outputs of billing documents, go to your printer settings in the your computer from Control Panel.
    Set PDF Writer as "Default Printer" (Right click & select "Set as Default Printer")
    Then normal way, print the billing from SAP.
    It'll automatically send to your PDF writer. You can save it to the path you want,

  • I am using Numbers app for the ipad and it has been working absolutely fine but now, when I want to email a spreadsheet as a PDF via the 'share and print' option, the file now doesn't appear as an attachment to the recipient. Any ideas please?

    I am using Numbers app for the ipad and it has been working absolutely fine but now, when I want to email a spreadsheet as a PDF via the 'share and print' option, the file now doesn't appear as an attachment to the recipient. Any ideas please?

    Hi mafiose15,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Restoring your iPod to factory settings is the best way to try and get it back to working order. You can use the instructions below to restore it:
    How to restore iPod
    Verify that you have an active Internet connection, because you may need to download new versions of the iTunes and iPod Software.
    Download and install the latest version of iTunes if necessary.
    Open iTunes. Connect your iPod to your computer using the USB or FireWire cable that came with your iPod.
    After a few moments, your iPod will appear in the Source panel in iTunes.
    Select your iPod in the Source panel. You will see information about your iPod appear in the Summary tab of the main iTunes window.
    Click Restore.
    If you are using a Mac, you will be asked to enter an administrator’s name and password.
    A progress bar will appear on the computer screen, indicating that stage one of the restore process has begun. When this stage is done, iTunes will present one of two messages with instructions specific to the iPod model you are restoring.
    Disconnect iPod and connect it to iPod Power Adapter (typically applies to older iPod models).
    Leave iPod connected to computer to complete restore (typically applies newer iPod models).
    During stage two of the restore process, the iPod displays an Apple logo as well as a progress bar at the bottom of the display. It is critical that the iPod remain connected to the computer or iPod power adapter during this stage.
    Note: The progress bar may be difficult to see, because the backlight on the iPod display may be off.
    After stage two of the restore process is complete, the iTunes Setup Assistant window will appear. It will ask you to name your iPod and choose your syncing preferences, as it did when you connected your iPod for the first time.
    You can find the instructions in this article:
    Restoring iPod to factory settings
    All the best,

  • XML publisher report thru fnd_request.submit_request

    Hi All,
    I have oracle application and created many XML publisher reports in RTF format (RDF as a source of XML output) . Now i want to run these reports thru fnd_request.submit_request and generate report output in PDF.
    I have successfully submitted request with required report parameters and request successfully complete without any error but concurrent program does not generate any report output.
    If i run this report as a text output then i get report output thru fnd_request.submit_request.
    Can any one tell me about solution?
    XMLP User

    Try to post your query in the 'XML Publisher' forum, you might get more help:
    BI Publisher

  • Error:Crystal report Print option in xeon processor

    i am using a server with windows 2008 server and xeon 5520 series processor. windows in 64 bit with 16 Gb of ram.
    everything is working fine except the print option in crystal report..
    i tried installing crystal report basic runtime but it says that it doesnt supprt xeon processor .
    kindly solve this issue .
    Thank you in advance

    You'll have to supply a whole bunch more detailed info. Telling me that you have 2008 server and xeon 5520 series processor, windows in 64 bit is like telling your mechanic that you have a blue car with 4 wheels and it does not work. No info re. engine, of make or what the problem is... And with that info, you want your mechanic to fix the car...
    1) What CR / BO SDK are you using?
    2) what version of the above are you using?
    3) What updates for (1) above are you using?
    4) What development language are you using?
    5) How are you deploying the runtime for (1) above?
    6) What is the precise error message you are getting?
    Think about the info I would need to accurately reproduce the issue. What info would probably be good to have?
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