Font in a PNG

i'm currently developing a game in J2ME .... i wanted to use my own font, so i created a PNG file with all my characters. after, i wrote my "BitmapFont"-class
here it is:
* Created on 23.12.2004
package sokodeluxe.util.bitmapfont;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
import sokodeluxe.util.QuickList;
* AbstractBitmapFont ist eine Vorlage f�r Klassen, welche Texte mit Buchstaben
* aus einer Grafikdatei zeichnen k�nnen.
* @author Manuel Alabor
* @version 1.0
public abstract class AbstractBitmapFont {
    /* Objekte: */
    private QuickList characters;
     * Standartkonstruktor
    public AbstractBitmapFont() {
        characters = new QuickList();
     * Muss von jeder BitmapFont-Klasse implementiert werden und dient dazu,
     * die entsprechende Grafikdatei mit den Zeichen zu laden und mit den
     * entsprechenden Zeichen zu verkn�pfen.
    public abstract void loadFont();
     * Schreibt/zeichnet einen String mit den geladenen Bitmap-Zeichen.
     * @param g
     * @param string
    public void drawString(Graphics g, String string, int x, int y) {
        char[] chars = string.toCharArray();
        int currentPos = x;
        for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
            BitmapCharacter bitmapCharacter = getBitmapCharacter(chars);
if(bitmapCharacter != null) {
bitmapCharacter.drawChar(g, x, y);
x += bitmapCharacter.getWidth()+1;
* Gibt ein BitmapCharacter-Objekt aus der QuickList characters zur�ck.<br>
* Wird das gew�nschte Zeichen nicht gefunden, wird null zur�ckgegeben.
* @param character
* @return
private BitmapCharacter getBitmapCharacter(char character) {
for (int i = 0; i < characters.size(); i++) {
BitmapCharacter bitmapCharacter = (BitmapCharacter) characters.elementAt(i);
if(bitmapCharacter.getChar() == character) {
return bitmapCharacter;
return null;
* Schneidet aus einer FontMap einen Buchstaben aus und gibt diesen zur�ck.
* @param fontMap
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @return
protected Image cutBitmapFont(Image fontMap, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
Image target = Image.createImage(width, height);
Graphics targetGraphics = target.getGraphics();
// targetGraphics.drawImage(fontMap, x, y, 0);
targetGraphics.setClip(x,y, width, height);
return target;
protected void addBitmapCharacter(Image bitmapCharacter, char textCharacter, int width) {
characters.add(new BitmapCharacter(bitmapCharacter, textCharacter, width));
* Diese Klasse wird als Datenstruktur f�r ein Bitmap-Zeichen verwendet.<br>
* Sie verkn�pft ein Bild mit einem Charakter-Zeichen.
* @author Manuel Alabor
* @version 1.0
protected class BitmapCharacter {
/* Eigenschaften: */
private Image bitmapChar;     // Bitmap-Zeichen
private char textChar;          // Zeichen
private int width;               // Zeichenbreite
* Standartkonstruktor.
* @param bitmapChar
* @param textChar
public BitmapCharacter(Image bitmapChar, char textChar, int width) {
this.bitmapChar = bitmapChar;
this.textChar = textChar;
this.width = width;
* Zeichnet dieses Bitmap-Zeichen.
* @param g
* @param x
* @param y
public void drawChar(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
g.drawImage(bitmapChar, x,y, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
public char getChar() {
return textChar;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
from this class, i extend the font-class, in example this one:
* Created on 23.12.2004
package sokodeluxe.util.bitmapfont;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
* @author Manuel Alabor
* @version 1.0
public class NovaBitmapFont extends AbstractBitmapFont {
    public NovaBitmapFont() {
    public void loadFont() {
        try {
            /* Datei mit Buchstaben laden: */
            Image imgFont = Image.createImage("/images/font_nova.png");
            // Grossbuchstaben:
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 0,0,   5,9), 'A', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 5,0,   5,9), 'B', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 10,0,  5,9), 'C', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 15,0,  5,9), 'D', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 20,0,  5,9), 'E', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 25,0,  5,9), 'F', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 30,0,  5,9), 'G', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 35,0,  5,9), 'H', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 40,0,  2,9), 'I', 2);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 42,0,  5,9), 'J', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 47,0,  5,9), 'K', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 52,0,  5,9), 'L', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 57,0,  9,9), 'M',95);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 66,0,  5,9), 'N', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 71,0,  5,9), 'O', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 76,0,  5,9), 'P', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 81,0,  5,9), 'Q', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 86,0,  5,9), 'R', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 91,0,  5,9), 'S', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 96,0,  5,9), 'T', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 103,0, 5,9), 'U', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 108,0, 5,9), 'V', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 113,0, 9,9), 'W', 9);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 122,0, 5,9), 'X', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 127,0, 5,9), 'Y', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 132,0, 5,9), 'Z', 5);
            /* Kleinbuchstaben: */
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 0,9,   5,9), 'a', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 5,9,   5,9), 'b', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 10,9,  4,9), 'c', 4);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 14,9,  5,9), 'd', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 19,9,  5,9), 'e', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 24,9,  3,9), 'f', 3);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 27,9,  5,9), 'g', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 32,9,  5,9), 'h', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 37,9,  1,9), 'i', 1);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 38,9,  3,9), 'j', 3);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 41,9,  5,9), 'k', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 46,9,  1,9), 'l', 1);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 47,9,  9,9), 'm', 9);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 56,9,  5,9), 'n', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 61,9,  5,9), 'o', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 66,9,  5,9), 'p', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 71,9,  5,9), 'q', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 76,9,  5,9), 'r', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 81,9,  5,9), 's', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 86,9,  3,9), 't', 3);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 89,9,  5,9), 'u', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 94,9,  5,9), 'v', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 99,9,  7,9), 'w', 7);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 106,9, 5,9), 'x', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 111,9, 5,9), 'y', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 116,9, 5,9), 'z', 5);
            /* Zahlen & Spezialzeichen: */
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 0,18,  3,9), '1', 3);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 3,18,  5,9), '2', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 8,18,  5,9), '3', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 13,18, 6,9), '4', 6);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 19,18, 5,9), '5', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 24,18, 5,9), '6', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 29,18, 6,9), '7', 6);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 35,18, 5,9), '8', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 40,18, 5,9), '9', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 45,18, 5,9), '0', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 50,18, 1,9), '!', 1);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 51,18, 3,9), '"', 3);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 54,18, 6,9), '#', 6);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 60,18, 5,9), '$', 5);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 65,18, 10,9), '%', 10);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 75,18, 6,9), '&', 6);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 81,18, 4,9), '/', 4);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 85,18, 2,9), '(', 2);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 87,18, 2,9), ')', 2);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 89,18, 3,9), '=', 3);
            addBitmapCharacter(cutBitmapFont(imgFont, 92,18, 4,9), '?', 4);
            imgFont = null;
        } catch (IOException e) {
}then, i create an instance of NovaBitmapFont and call the drawString method...
so far so good... there arent any runtime errors, but instead of the letters, i got only white boxes on my outputcanvas ....
could anybody help me?
thx a lot!! :)

Your problem seems to be here:
targetGraphics.setClip(x,y, width, height);You are setting the clipping region outside of the actual image. The target image is one you created of size width*height. If you set the clipping region to x > width or y > height then nothing will appear on the picture. That line is completely unnecessary.
But even like this, the moment you create the target image, you are creating a completely opaque image, so you are losing any transparency you might have had in your png. If you need to keep transparency you need to keep all the characters in the original image, and draw it with clipping regions directly onto the canvas.

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    Hi Yaniv,
    I can't reproduce this problem. On my system, the font in the messages log under the windows look and feel is large enough to be easily readable.
    A few questions:
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    That is a type of PDF form known as an Acroform, which is the type that created by Acrobat and now InDesign, as opposed to an XFA PDF form that's made with LiveCycle Designer.  The radio buttons should have unique export values (aka Button Value and whatever it's called in Acrobat 10/11) for the ones that are in the same group. Acroforms can be used with FormsCentral, but with FormsCentral the form data is submitted, as opposed to the entire PDF. Is seems as though this form is just intended to be printed, so it really doesn't matter. It could be a lot smaller if the entire pages weren't bitmaps and instead used real text.

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    Font Size property.png ‏10 KB

    Does it matter?  Whether it is a U16 or a U32, the largest possible number is still way larger than any reasonable font size you'll ever use.
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    <script type="text/javascript">
      var oAuthInfo = {"oauth_state":"3NmCe9VpjA5ZreJ6FpqmXMst3JF-l1MbjX77M1DO1shgPvg95vl8C0oYQ84zFkM9HltNV6T7PLxyngBDgFL0AwVqZ ygwsx-PIRFk6ZUozNCPodBELa3cbUlkUe8omekLoWCmNBZO5bISalXFtJqytvhNcWbPa-_Ro-fshbPLHm0.","client_id":"ytCWt98Db64eHWd7","appTitle":"PmAdobeExtension","locale":"en","persistOption":true,"contextPath":"/sharing","appOrgInfo":{"id":"UTG1M5eM6VLBcud8","name":"Production Mapping Cartography","description":"<font color=\"#000000\">  <\/font><p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"margin: 0in 0in 10pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(68, 68, 68);\"><font face=\"Calibri\">Prototype account to test integration and of AGOL<\/font><\/span><\/p><font color=\"#000000\"> <\/font>","thumbnail":"thumbnail.png"}};
      require.config({locale: oAuthInfo.locale && oAuthInfo.locale.toLowerCase() || ""});
      require(["main", "domReady!"], function (esriUtils, doc) {
       esriUtils.setAuthInfo(oAuthInfo, false);
    How knows: what is the difference in those versions?

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    Perhaps a bug...
    Or maybe you're trying to save/export the image to a location where Fireworks cannot save?
    I've seen such problems in the past. Fw will only show an error then but not explain, what happened...
    Try to make a File > Save As... and make sure you specify a location where Fw can write. See if this helps...
    I am just guessing in the dark -- without any other info, can't really say what may be the cause for the error...

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    is it usual this problem?

    Here, two kinds of font visualization (with png export option), with text frame (rought font) and without text frame (ok font)
    Do you've this problem?

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    When i was searching on the forum, i saw an answer refering to this maybe also my problem? and do i have to make an account on Typekit?
    grt marcel
    ps. is it also possible to get an email alert when i receive an answer on my questions in this forum?

    Hi, Marcel-
    You can subscribe by looking at the gray bar on the right side of the forum.  There should be a selection called "Receive email notifications."
    As for your question, there are a number of font services we support, including Google Web Fonts and Edge Web Fonts.  If you pop open the fonts dialog, you can see the web fonts selectable there.  Typekit is a paid service, so use it if you like the fonts, but it's not required to get web fonts working on your Animate compositions.

  • 24bit PNG font weight issue

    Hi all,
    I have a problem which I can't seem to find any record of anyone else having in these forums, yet I can replicate it no matter which machine I go on in our creative agency using CS5.
    It's thus:
    I have a page of content laid out the way I want it. I inserts a 24big PNG with transparency, and suddenly my font weight looks bold (though the font weight still says "regular").
    Exporting to a PDF carries across this issue, the fonts on the pages with the PNGs go "bold", and so the final product looks terrible, as pages without PNGs with transparency look the correct weight.
    It's driving me mad. Can anyone suggest a fix? I have inserted an example screengrab below.

    Two thing I noticed: The PNG files are placed on a page that has no background image (its just a white sheet of paper)
    Why do you need the PNG to have transparency at all? You could save it in a format that doesn't have tranparency and the page would look fine and the bolding of the text would go away.
    Another issue which is a bit off topic; your text mentions:  . . .  and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus Pagemaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. This looks like it was written almost 20 years ago. Aldus Pagemaker became Adobe Pagemaker in 1994 - 18 years ago. You could at least drop the "more recently" and rewrite the sentence to make the information more up to date.
    Quark and InDesign both have versions of Lorem Ipsum that can be used for placeholder text.

  • Fonts and png graphics in PPTX do not display the same in Captivate 4

    I began developing my elearning in PowerPoint knowing that the animation is easier in PowerPoint than in Captivate.  When I imported the PPTX slides, I first noticed the font on my title slide was no longer small CAPs and the positioning has alow changed on the slide.  I opened the PPT editor from Captivate and the look of the original slide was displayed.  When I saved and PPT and returned to C4, the font changed and the text moved out of the original placement.
    Second the graphics used on the slides are .png with transparent backgrounds.  The transparency is lost in C4.
    Anyone have ideas, suggestions?  Are these know issues or bugs?  I am running the C4 with the latest patch.

    Hi there
    If your concern is to end up with a Captivate project that looks exactly like your PowerPoint does, consider configuring PPT to display the slideshow in a window. then surround it with Captivate and record it as it plays via PPT. The end result should be that the Captivate is an exact replica of the PPT.
    Cheers... Rick
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