Fonts artefacts with lxdm

Chromium menu:
This artefacts everywhere, in each application, as I can see.
With gdm fonts rendered well.
Any ideas?

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    Message was edited by: marascoc

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    font-family: 'MyFont';
    src: url('Arial.ttf');
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    Finally I got it work! Thanks, cor-el, you pointed me the right way to solve this problem.
    There was problem with the encoding too (there was part of the font missing at the end, because of the bug in the program - I forgot to flush the buffered output stream), after then I was able to download the same copy of the TTF. - I didn't know about the possibility to put the entire url data to the location bar and try to download it, thanks cor-el.
    But it still didn't solve the problem ... the problem was, that the base64 stream was divided to multiple lines, like
    After I removed the line breaks, it works now! (the line is quite long then, because the base64 string is about 1MB, but it works)
    Strange that I do the same for images (jpeg, png) and there is no problem with base64 string divided to multiple lines.
    But anyway, I'm fine with that.

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    Patrick MOUTAL

    Well, Kurt Lang did solve my problem and I won't ever be enough thankful to him. He tried one of my font and took the time to examine it with FontLab Studio. In case other persons experiment the same type of troubles, I am pasting the mail I got (along with the corrected font) for info :
    Hi Patrick,
    I did find one issue in particular. OpenType fonts should have a UTM setting of 1000. These were at 2048. So I changed those and had FontLab Studio rebuild the names (I just let it do its thing).
    The originals you had sent wouldn’t even appear in Office 2011. The rebuilt ones do, though for whatever reason, bold italic won’t show. However, you can click the italic and bold buttons and the correct font is used. Otherwise, the new fonts all work as expected in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, TextEdit and others. I tested them in both Mavericks and Yosemite.
    Can’t guarantee success, but give these a shot.
    That guy is an angel. He spent a tremendous amount of time examining, testing on Mavericks and Yosemite and on several apps until resolving the problem. Too helpful, too nice and too competent. That's a treat.

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    srjeffgr wrote:
    Some font foundries require extended licesnes for different uses.
    You're welcome. Again, as mentioned in that discussion, you can use Font Book to check if the foundry has entered any license limitation notices in the font info (Preview > Show Font Info).
    Basically, fonts are code. The copyright applies to the code. If the product you distribute doesn't include the code, then the copyright does not apply to it. That's why embedding has to be dealt with specifically, because embedding fonts in a document means including the code or parts of it in the document.

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    One last piece of weirdness: To work around the problem for now, we ditched the italics altogether. Now I get an e-mail telling me that even the unaltered font "still doesn't look terrific". Going to see for myself now.
    My questions are: What causes this? Why didn't the edges get smoother when converted to vector curves? Does a better solution exist (other than the obvious one of using a different font)? Any insight will be appreciated.
    * I work for a State agency and we have limited resources, so purchasing a decent selection of fonts isn't an option. I found a couple of sites that offer many decorative fonts for download and have been using them without an issue for a couple of years now. I'm sure they're not Adobe quality, but they've worked fine until now.

    >You don't have to buy Adobe. But free is worth what you pay for it...
    I didn't mean to imply that Adobe was the only source of quality fonts. I buy from other foundries as well, but I think Adobe has more inexpensive options than many of the other big names (though not all quality fonts come from big names, either).
    But you DO get a bunch of very fine, and classic, Adobe fonts FREE with InDesign, and even more if you bought the whole suite. :)
    I have no idea what the free font in question is, but unless it was something in a wild display face (which seems pretty unlikely, given the usage description), there should be no problem finding a suitable replacement in what came with the software.

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    I'm at work right now, but I can get a screen shot of the font once I get home.
    Any ideas on how to remedy this?

    Hi Tom, thanks for the response. I tried searching for those two fonts in my font book and they weren't in there. See below for screen shots of the odd text I'm getting:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    If anyone can help resolve I'd greatly appreciate it. As much as I like Safari, this odd font makes me close Safari after a few mins of browsing =\

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    Thanks, Carolyn. I use a third party font manager but disabling it is not an answer for me. I put some fonts back into the user folder (never touched the fonts in the system library) and resolved SOME of the "A" issues, but not all. I have no problem in Chrome or Firefox. I've tried multiple solutions in the past couple days, including this fix for sandboxing conflict ses-safari-block-a-font-problem/ but then I got permission errors when I tried to change the file. I'm not even running Lion and I'm having this issue.

  • Is it possible to use the fonts I have in my Mac Font Book with Creative Cloud software, such as Illustrator and Photoshop?

    Is it possible to use the fonts I have in my Mac Font Book with Creative Cloud software, such as Illustrator and Photoshop?

    Hi Kyley,
    Syncing fonts from CC is a feature of Typekit. However, fonts that you've installed manually on your system will be available in all your apps. You won't need to sync them.
    I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Using fonts bundled with Adobe applications

    I use the Adobe CS6 Design & Premium / Middle East Version.
    I have a question regarding the use of the fonts bundled with Adobe applications.
    I design and sell greeting cards  and printable items you can download and print at home or at a print house.
    Before I send the file  to a client I convert the type to a shape (Photoshop) or create outlines (Illustrator/Indesign) and sometimes I send a pdf file.
    Am I allowed to use these fonts for these purposes??
    Is it ok to use these fonts that way?
    One more question,
    How can I find out if a font is bundled with Adobe or installed with my OS? is there a list of adobe fonts that are installed with CS6?
    Hope to hear from you soon
    Thank you!!

    it is an allowed use. But if you are sending them a pdf, you need to convert the fonts to outline nor rasterize it. Adobe allows embedding of their fonts in pdf files. However, not all font houses allow this. If you have a font that doesn’t allow embedding, the Adobe app will not embed the font.

  • Fonts bundled with Creative Suite 2 (and individual CS2 products)

    The attached PDF lists all the fonts bundled with Creative Suite 2 and the individual CS2 applications.

    We had somebody spend a few hours looking into this. He found that on Windows only, if Bickham Script Pro and/or Warnock Pro is deleted after install, further installs won't get them back. It seems only a complete uninstall and then reinstall gets them back.
    Sorry for the delay in posting this. I lost track of the thread....
    I did some playing around with the CS2 installer and found something interesting that might be related to some customers not finding Bickham Script Pro or Warnock Pro.
    On both the Macintosh and Windows platform, using the Suite installer to install even one app from the Suite (e.g., GoLive) installed Bickham and Warnock--no surprise.
    On the Macintosh, if I manually deleted those fonts files from the Application Support: Adobe: Fonts folder, then used the Creative Suite installer to install another application from the Suite (e.g., Photoshop), those fonts got reinstalled--again, pretty much as I would have expected.
    On the Windows side, however, if I manually deleted those font files from the Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Fonts folder, then installed another app (e.g., Photoshop), the fonts DID NOT get reinstalled.
    Even more interesting, if I manually deleted the entire Fonts folder from Program Files\Common Files\Adobe, then used the Creative Suite installer to install an application from the Suite (e.g., I removed Photoshop, deleted the Fonts Folder, then reinstalled Photoshop) the Fonts folder got reinstalled as did the reqd folder inside of it (and the contents of the reqd folder) but Bickham Script and Warnock Pro were NOT reinstalled.
    On a fresh machine, I tried using the Suite installer to install only Photoshop from the Suite, just to make sure it actually installs Bickham and Warnock, and it does. I then removed Bickham and Warnock and installed GoLive with the Suite installer--still no Bickham or Warnock. Then I installed Acrobat with the Suite installer--still no Bickham or Warnock.
    If I use Add/Remove to completely remove ALL Creative Suite applications and support files and preferences, then reinstall an app, I DO get Warnock and Bickham.
    His theory: On the Windows platform, if customers are removing those fonts, or for whatever reason they don't get installed in the first place (though I couldn't reproduce a problem here), they may not get the fonts unless they do a full removal of the entire Creative Suite package (all applications) before reinstalling.

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    Hello! Why are there ugly staircase-shaped artefacts with jpegs in Lightroom? They're mostly on edges of red subjects and I can't find them in other programmes or software...

    If you have the photos on your camera cards, then obviously you can simply copy them to the appropriate locations.
    There are Lightroom plug-ins that can retrieve the preview that Lightroom uses, but these will be smaller and lower in quality than the original. Maybe one of our plug-in experts can suggest the proper plug-in.
    If the hard disk is really going bad, as I speculated, you would definitely want to get it replaced. If that is the case, you don't want to keep using it. You might want to run some disk diagnostics on it.

  • Replace slim with lxdm

    Please someone let me know the thread where I find instructions to replace slim with lxdm.

    You need instructions to do this?
    Disable slim.service, install lxdm, enable lxdm.service.
    Optionally, remove the slim package.

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