For loop help from 1 to z

hey guys anybody know how would i set a for loop to go from 1 to z. I want to print it out.
for (int x= 1; ___?___; x++)

No, that won't work... you'll never iterate at z because z is not < z. The proper code would either be
for(int x = 0; x < z; x++)or
for(int x = 1; x <= x; x++)...depending on your style.

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    Consider the sum 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ?. The first term of this sum is 1/2 = .5. The second term is 1/2 + 1/4 = .75. The third term is 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 = .875. Create a program that repeatedly prompts the user for a positive integer, n. Then have the program calculate the nth term of the above sum as a decimal and display it to the user. For example, if the user enters 4, then your program must compute 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 = .9375. If the user enters 0, then exit from the program.
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    Thanks in advance!
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    What do you mean "compatible with Java"? Java doesn't enter into this at all.
    Are you asking how to translate this code to Java?
    If so, where you have "<BR>", you'll want a println rather than a print (as in System.out.print).
    The second tricky part is centering. The browser handled that for you here.
    You'll have to either do it yourself, or find another Java API tool to do it for you.
    If I were you I'd look at the API docs for PrintStream.format(), I think it is. It's possible that the %s conversion has a "center" option. Or maybe something else there does.
    If there is no textual centering tool, you can build one yourself by using StringBuffer or StringBuilder and padding with spaces, I guess.
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  • For loop help please :-)

    Ok. The user inputs a maximum and minimum number, also an increment value, so I want the output like this:
    Maximum number = 100
    Minimum number = 10
    Increment value = 10
    I dont no why but my loop doesn't want to do it :-(

    Try this;
    min = 10;
    max = 100;
    inc = 10;
    for (int i = min; i <= max; i + inc) {

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    Go to Solution.

    I feel as if reverse 1D array may help
    Edit: misunderstood what your second post meant.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

  • How do I use For loop to check each node and import them to a new document?

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    The output is added into the **objXmlResponseMessageDoc** object and should look like this with 2 statutes (ns1:Statute) and a totalCount=2
    <BasicSearchQueryResponse xmlns="">
    <Statutes runType="Request" runDateTime="2015-03-17T10:23:04" totalCount="2">
    <ns1:Statute xmlns:ns1="">
    <StatuteId xmlns="">8471</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="">60</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="">55</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns=""/>
    <StatuteId xmlns="">9722</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="">90</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="">25</Section>
    <Subdivision xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
    My xml doc is found inside objXmlBcaResponseDoc Here is xml inside
    objXmlBcaResponseDoc object
    <BasicSearchQueryResponse xmlns="">
    <ns1:Statutes xmlns:ns1="">
    <StatuteId xmlns="">8471</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="">60</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="">55</Section>
    <Subdivision xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
    <StatuteId xmlns="">9722</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="">90</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="">25</Section>
    <Subdivision xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
    Here is my function
    Function GetStatutesByChapter(ByVal aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode As XmlNode, ByVal aobjXMLNameSpaceManager As XmlNamespaceManager, ByVal aobjBroker As ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.Broker) As XmlDocument
    Dim objXmlRequestMessageDoc As XmlDocument
    Dim objXmlResponseMessageDoc As XmlDocument
    Dim intCount As Integer
    aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("Chapter found.", 1)
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    'Add the first element into the document GetStatuteByChapter with its namespace
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("BasicSearchQueryResponse", ""))
    'Build the initial response document
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    'Add the first element into the document GetStatutesResponse with its namespace
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("GetStatutesResponse", ""))
    'Add a child node to the GetStatutesResponse node
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("StatutesXml", ""))
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse/ss:StatutesXml", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("Statutes", ""))
    'Convert the node Statutes into an element and set the runType attribute (runType="Request") by adding it's value Request
    CType(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse/ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), System.Xml.XmlElement).SetAttribute("runType", "Request")
    'Convert the node Statutes into an element and set the attribute (runDateTime="2015-03-05T10:29:40") by adding it
    CType(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse/ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), System.Xml.XmlElement).SetAttribute("runDateTime", Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))
    'Create the BCA request message
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns1")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest/ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns2:Chapter", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("st")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest/ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns2:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("st")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest/ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns2:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("st")))
    'Uncomment last working section below
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria/st:Chapter", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Chapter", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
    'check if there is a section and or subdivision if it is there then set the value
    If Not (aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager) Is Nothing) Then
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria/st:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
    End If
    If Not (aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager) Is Nothing) Then
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria/st:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
    End If
    'check if there is a section and or subdivision if it is there then set the value
    aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseSnapshot(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.OuterXml, "Request Message", 1)
    'Call the BCA service
    intCount = 0
    'This is where I want to use a For loop to check for the statutes found using the Chapter
    'Loop through each Id
    'For Each objXmlStatuteIdNode In aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectNodes("ss:Statute/ss:StatuteId/ss:Id[string-length(.)>0]", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager)
    'Create the BCA request message
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns:SingleStatuteRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns")))
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:SingleStatuteRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns:statuteId", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns")))
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns:statuteId", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = objXmlStatuteIdNode.InnerText aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseSnapshot(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.OuterXml, "Request Message", 1)
    'intCount = intCount + 1
    'objXmlBcaResponseDoc = New XmlDocument
    'File name is BCASearchQueryResponse.xml
    'objXmlResponseMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.ImportNode(objXmlBcaResponseDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:Statute", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), True))
    'Count how many Statute nodes found
    CType(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:BasicSearchQueryResponse/ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), System.Xml.XmlElement).SetAttribute("totalCount", CStr(intCount))
    Return objXmlResponseMessageDoc
    End Function

    What is XPath and what does it do that you're impressed with?
    Yes, I see your link, but give me the abbreviated elevator speech on what it is please. It has me curious.
    The way that all this is being used by me now on a project is the HTML controls on the screen are built by XML not only about what the controls are and their attributes,   but the data from from the database is XML too with both going through transfermations
    vis XSLT as the HTML controls are built dynamically by XML data for the controls and the XML database data with decision being made in the transfermation on the fly.
    There are many usages with Xpath not just this one I am talking about with Xpath. You can do the same kind of thing with XAML and WPF forms as they are dynamically built. But it goes well beyond what I am talking about and the usage of Xpath. Xpath 3.0
    is the latest version.
    Thanks - I'll look into that at some point.
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.

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    instructions are passed to fcsh via secondary commands. I am
    looking for some help from you. Thanks to you.

    Slowly finding more promising leads: r-os-x/#comment-21637
    See the download links at the bottom.

  • Move MCs with for loop?

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    I've got 10 dots called dt1-dt10 and I want to be able to set them all to y = 200.
    I understand i can set i=1;i<11;i++
    dt+i._y = 200;}
    String("dt"+i)._y = 200;}
    but the rest of it is a mess and either doesn't work, or glitches. I have yet to find a for loop help file for moving multiple movie clips.

    If you just want to immediately change the positions of the instances, then using a for loop will work okay, you just need to use the bracket notation [ ] to have strings be interpreted as instance names...
         this["dt"+i]._y = 200;

  • Why is it that it would take a very long time [if ever] to change or adjust the tempo of a loop in the audio track when i set it to adjust regions to locators? Until now the spinning wheel of death is still very much spinning. thanks for any help.   Is th

    Why is it that it would take a very long time [if ever] to change or adjust the tempo of a loop in the audio track when i set it to adjust regions to locators? Until now the spinning wheel of death is still very much spinning. thanks for any help.
    Is there another way to adjust tempo of loops the faster way, any other technique?

    No clue why the final processes have suddenly started to take so long. Two things I'd try: a) capture from an older tape to see if some problem with the new tape is at fault.  And b) check the health of your RAM and the hard drive.
    The red frame sounds a bit like a glitch we used to have in OnLocation (actually in its predecessor HDV Rack) which was caused by a partial GOP. But that was a product of HDV Rack recording from the live video stream. It turned out that HDV cameras intentionally interrupt the data stream for an instant upon starting to record--specifically to avoid recording a partial GOP to tape. So my gut says that the tape has partial GOPs at the points where you stopped/started recording.

  • For loop stop in sub vi from main vi?

    Hi! I want to control from my main vi a sub vi consisting of a stepped sine function generator. This sub vi has a for loop. The problem is that I want to have the option of terminating the loop in the sub vi from the main vi. I tryed using global variables or an event stucture. The problem is that, in both cases, the "stop" variable in my main vi is only updated after the loop terminates in the sub vi. Can anyone please help me? Thank you very much.
    Best regards,
    Diogo Montalvão (Lisbon, Portugal)

    hong2011 wrote:
    I found this thread very helpful. May I ask one thing - what is the purpose of the Occurrence?? If I try it without implementing the Occurrence (neither in main VI or subVI), labview crashes when the subVI completes its task or is stopped from the mainVI.
    A lot of things changed in the last 6 years, so this thread is a bit stale and there are a few other ways to do it. (For example we can have a FOR loop with a conditional terminal).
    You don't provide enough information to answer your question why it crashes. It would be more interesting to know what you are "using" and not what you are "not using". This is not something we can guess by elimination.
    LabVIEW should never crash, so please show us the code that crashes so NI can fix it. What LabVIEW version are you using?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Need help in creating for loop

    I want to create two different Xquery transformation by checking attribute value in the input xml.
    <n:DIAMessage xsi:schemaLocation=" C:/shashi/rewrite/DIA/DIA_Schemas/DIA_new.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:n="">
    <n:Account sourceClassName="Account" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountRelation sourceClassName="AccountRelation" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountPerson name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR"/>
    <n:Account sourceClassName="Account" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountRelation sourceClassName="AccountRelation" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountPerson name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR"/>
    <n:Person name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasIdentifier sourceClassName="Identifier" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:Person name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasIdentifier sourceClassName="Identifier" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    From the above Message i need to create two transformation by checking
    if (DIAMessage/Customer/Account/@sourceClassName="Account")
    then call {
    then call{
    Constraint here is Account and Person block occurence will be many times.As they are in same hierarchy how to create a for loop concept here?
    Please anyone can help me on this?

    Create a numeric variable to act as While loop counter and assign value of 1. Create a boolean variable to act as a flag to exit loop and assign value of true.
    Create a while object with a condition that while flag variable is true loop.
    Then you can create a switch with a case for each of your scenarios, referencing the xth record (defined by loop counter variable) in xml using ora:getElement
    When the count of required elements in input xml is less than your loop variable, assign the variable to exit loop as false...otherwise increment counter by one to loop to next record.
    Hope this helps.

  • Need help with a For loop that uses a Break statement

    I need to create a for loop which counts down from 100-50 and divides the number being counted down by a counter. Can anyone help me?
    public class Break
    public static void main ( String args []) (;
         int total = 0
         int counter = 0
         for { (int number = 100; total >=50; total --)
         if (counter == 0)
         } // end of for loop
         int output = number/counter
         system.out.printf("The number is" %d output/n)
         }// end of method main
    }// end of class Break

    Im sorry I didnt explain myself very well i do not need the break statement at all.
    I now have this code:
    public class BreakTest
       public static void main( String args[] )
          int count; // control variable also used after loop terminates
         for (int i = 100; i >= 50; i = ++count)
       if (i >= 50) {
          System.out.printf( "\nBroke out of loop at count = %d\n", count );
       } // end main
    } // end class BreakTest
    and i get these error messages:
    F:\csc148>javac variable count might not have been initialized
         for (int i = 100; i >= 50; i = ++count)
                                          ^ variable count might not have been initialized
          System.out.printf( "\nBroke out of loop at count = %d\n", count );
    2 errors                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Need help with basic "for" loops!

    Here is my prompt for class:
    Write a program that prompts the user to enter a sentence from the keyboard using JOptionPane.showInputDialog.
    The program will print the characters back with the first letter of each word changed from lower case into upper case. If you have a capital letter in the original line and it is not the first letter of a word, then this letter should be switched from upper case to lower case. The only capital letters that should appear in the line must be the beginning letter of every word in the line. All other characters will remain the same.
    I figured everything out except for one part. How do I make the first letter of each word change from lower case into uppercase? How do I switch a letter that is uppercase in the middle of a word to lowercase? Last but not least, how do I make sure that the only capital letters in the sentence are the first letter of each word?
    I need to do this using for Loops, charAt(), and if/else statements because this is just an intro class. I just can't figure this last part out! Help please!

    String words = ...;
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    char c = words.charAt(i);
    boolean isUpper = Character.?(look up the methods in java.lang.Character)
    boolean isLetter = ? (there are actually 2 ways to do this. Hint: you can use <= and >= and && to solve this)
    if (!isLetter) {
    } else {
    // check if this is the start of the word. How do you know that you are at the start of a word?
    if (!isUpper && isStartOfTheWord) c = Character.toUpperCase(c); //Hint: there is a way you can do this with x + y
    else if (isUpper) //make c lower case
    return builder.toString();

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