Form Page Num and setting its beginning number

Is there a way to tell documaker to start the page numbering process at say page 5 when using the Form Page Num feature?

Hi 808337,
The page numbering is done at the Genprint level, which is why the option PageNumbers is under the printer definitions in your INI file. Up to and including release 11.3 (I have not worked with 11.4, 11.5 or 12), I don't think there's any way you could apply any changes to the numbering.
You could achieve what you are looking for with a DAL script as a post transaction process.

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    1.  Assign next page of first page to terms and condition page. and assign terms and condition page to next  Page. Goto terms and condition page attributes and uncheck the counter button.
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    I't a bit unclear what you want.
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    Hi Raman,
    I guess, you have included 'Exclude Page Count' option in Table Of Content (TOC) form.
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    f.value = "Yes";
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    var l:Loader = new Loader();
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("shortstack.swf");
    l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, galleryLoaded);
    function galleryLoaded(e:Event):void
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    Please suggest me........

    Connect to iTunes on the computer you usually Sync with and “ Restore “...
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    Can any one provide me some details of how to create item programatically and setting its properties.
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    set its id, picklist view definition ,picklist display attribute, picklist value attribute, prompt, action type and event

    Hi Krishna,
    OAMessageChoiceBean abc = (OAMessageChoiceBean) createWebBean
    (pageContext, MESSAGE_CHOICE_BEAN);
    abc.setListValueAttribute(" ");
    abc.setListDisplayAttribute(" " );
    this wl help u I guess..
    for more details Refer JDev Guide.

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    Please provide me step by step process.

    Hi Ram,
    you can do set rendered false through personalization as well as co extension.
    if you go for persoalization set the profile option Personalize Self Service Definitions and clik on personaliztion link
    then search for item and set its rendered property to false.
    If you go for co extension capture the poplist bean and and setRendered(false) to that field.
    If you are feeling difficulty by personalizatoin better go for CO extension.
    Amit Jaitly

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    I tried to set page header and footer in Excel sheet with ABAP  ole
    DATA : BEGIN OF enter,
    x(1) TYPE x VALUE '0D',
    END OF enter.
    DATA : format(255) TYPE c.
    FORM set_page_sheet.
    CALL METHOD OF excel 'ActiveSheet' = sheet.
    CALL METHOD OF sheet 'PageSetup' = pagesetup.
    SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'Orientation' = xllandscape.
    SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'PrintTitleRows' = '$9:$12'.
    CLEAR format.
    CONCATENATE 'PAGESHEET' enter-x 'PAGE &P/&N' INTO format.
    SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'RightHeader' = format.
    CLEAR format.
    CONCATENATE ' Text 1 ' enter-x 'Text 2'
    enter-x 'Text 3 ' INTO format.
    SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'RightFooter' = format.
    FREE OBJECT pagesetup.
    ENDFORM. " set_page_sheet
    Activate report -
    ERROR - The enter-x must by data type c or another then data type x
    Thanks for answer.

    Try to define ENTER this way & try
    class cl_abap_char_utilities definition load.
    DATA : BEGIN OF enter,
    x type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf,
    END OF enter.
    PS : I am not 100% sure about this.

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    I have a jsp page page that display information about a user and has the userID passed in the link. So something like user.jsp?userID=12 for example.
    On the same page I have a form with a checkbox, and a submit button, the html code is as follows:
    <form name="form1" method="get" action="user.jsp">
    <p><input name="userID" id="userID" type="checkbox" value="0"></p>
    <p><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit"></p>
    </form> What I want to do is, if a user ticks the checkbox and presses Submit, I want to load the same page again, but
    set the userID to zero and so the top url has the following: user.jsp?userID=0
    How can I achieve this.
    Thanks for all the help

    actually I need a check code which on submit checks if the checkbox is ticked then set the value of UserID to zero. so when I press submit and before the page loads to simply does a check if its ticked? I can write the if statment but I do not know what how to check if the checkbox is ticked and were to include the code

  • Close page using javscript and set other page item values

    hy all, i'm trying to create a sort of pop up page.. i open this page (lets say 100) from another page(lets 101).. the page number 100 is opened as a pop up window. it is a report page, so i'd like by clciking the value of one culomn set some values for the item of page101 and close it..
    i'm trying to do it with javscript, but it doesnt work..
    could u maybe help me.. thanks

    Take a look at the HowTo on creating popup pages:
    Build Custom Popup Pages in Oracle Application Express<br><br>
    After completing this How-To, you should understand:<br>
    * How to make a custom popup window page in an HTML DB application<br>
    * Passing values from a form page to a popup window.<br>
    * Passing values back from a popup window to the opening form page.

Maybe you are looking for