Form Personalization Seq Limit 1-100

Hi All,
we have a requirement from Business to Display a message (specific to each customer ) when user will select a specific customer on sales order form.
and we need this for many customer, more than 100, while in form personlization, Seq limit is from 1 to 100.
Any idea without code change how to achieve this ?
/ Shakeel

Duplicate post -- Form Personlization Limit 1-100

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    Thank You.

    Hi Rick,
    The 100 item limit is on a page, not a table, so you shouldn't have any trouble with your insert or update processes.
    Here's a thought:
    Report currently has a column that links to the first page of items (page 14) with the retrieved row. Presumably you also have a Add New button on the report page that links to page 14 for a new row.
    Define a Next button on page 14 that branches to the second page of items (page 16). Also define a Previous button on page 16 to return to page 14. But page 16 would be the only page with a Save button.
    Now, if user clicks Add New, user will get a blank page 14. Once user enters the info and passes validation they click Next and will be sent to page 16 to enter the remaining info and Save.
    If user clicks one of the column links, they will be brought to page 14 with the clicked row - they can change whatever info there and click Next, or just click Next, to get to page 16. After any changes are made, they click Save.
    I'm assuming you've been thru the tutorials and realize that you'd really have two Save buttons defined for page 16 - one conditional on your primary key item having a value (existing record) and one conditional on it being null (new record) - check out the tutorials for more info, but this is how the application would know whether to run an insert process or an update process.
    Hope this all makes sense and can help,

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    Thanks in advance for your support

    Duplicate post.
    Oracle Form Personalization - Limit access to HR Lookup Table
    Oracle Form Personalization - Limit access to HR Lookup Table

  • Forms Personalization - Limit Ship-To Location

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    Better ask this in the eBusiness Suite forum.

  • Supplier form Personalization - One Time Flag

    form personalization on supplier window
    Forms Personalization to check one time flag
    I have performed below steps to default the one time flag on supplier window for a custom reponsibility
    1.Open the Suppliers and the Forms Personalization windows.
    2. Seq=1, Description: Activate One_Time flag
    3.Level = Function
    Trigger Object = VNDR
    Condition = :SYSTEM.RECORD_STATUS = 'NEW'
    Seq=1, Type = Property
    Description = One Time
    Object Type = Item
    Target Object = VNDR.ONE_TIME_FLAG_MIR
    Property Name = VALUE
    Value= Y
    4.In the Context area entered the custom responsibility to be affected by this personalization.
    5.Save your work and close all windows. Using the responsibility on 4, open the suppliers window again, go to the Classification tab and see if it is checked.
    Issue is
    when i open the supplier form it shows One Time Flag as checked
    and I entered the supplier details and save the record .
    from Find Supplier window when I query that particular supplier it shows One Time Flag as unchecked i.e ('N')
    can you help me reg this issue ?

    You can do one personalization at the form level without any scope
    And then in the condition clause you can say
    fnd_global.resp_id in (select responsibility_id from fnd_responsibilty_tl where RESPONSIBILITY_NAME in ('PAYABLE MANAGER','Payables', etc....))
    This will make the personalization kick in only for the responsibilities you enter in the where clause above.
    Hope this answers your question
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Independent Consultant

  • PO Summary Form Personalization

    Hi Gurus,
    We are having a requirement as below.
    User Created a Purchase Order with 100 Lines and approved it.Now he wants to change the Promise Date of few Lines.User used the PO Summary form to do it.In the "FInd Purchase Orders Form" User enter the PO Number in Number Field and Line Number in Lines Field as 77 and click on the find button.Its Navigated to Purchase Order Lines Form then clicked on the Open Button in "Purchase Order Lines Form" then the Purchase Order Form opens with all the Lines that are Presented in the PO.But the User Needs only the Particular Line 77 of that PO in order to Modify Promise Date.But its not Navigating to Particular Line Directly why?
    Is there any Possibility of doing Form Personalization? If so please suggest me the clear step by step process to attain my requirement.
    We are using Oracle Applications R12.1.3.
    Are there any profile options to navigate the cursor to particular line?
    Its my urgent requirement.Please gurus help me out immediately in solving this requirement.
    Thanks In Advance,
    Edited by: user2549696 on Jul 27, 2012 4:00 PM

    Hello RS,
    I don't see a simple way to achieve what you are looking for. Most probably you will have to develop a customization to the form (customize the form itself) or maybe via CUSTOMPLL, but I have no experience with that. Maybe someone else has some ideas on that.
    Another option is that people use the form in a different way, using the "Query by Example":
    On the find form they enter just the PO number and press on find, then open to open and they will see all the lines in the PO. Then they click into the Lines block, press F11, enter Line number, press CTRL+F11 to execute the search and it will show only this specific line. Maybe not so efficient as you want, but at least faster than scrolling through all the PO lines.
    And in R12 there is a web-based version of the PO Summary (OAF page), maybe you should explore that one as well? It's called "Buyer Work Center". Click on tab "Orders" and on that page on (sub)tab "Lines". Then you can add search fields "Order" and "Line Number" (use forms personalizations to have those search fields per default available).
    Then search for PO & Line number, press Go. Then above the search results table you can select from the LOV the entry "Update Line" and press Go and it will navigate immediately to the specific Line and you can update the quantity or date.
    kind regards,

  • Forms Personalization or custom.pll

    I need to make the 'One Time' check box default to yes for the supplier window when I login through a custom responsibility One Time Supplier !
    either by forms personalization or custom.pll
    Can any one advise me ?

    I’m on EBS R3
    I’m not sure if it will work for a different version
    1.Open the Suppliers and the Forms Personalization windows.
    2. Seq=1, Description: Activate One_Time flag
    3.Level = Function
    Trigger Object = VNDR
    Condition = :SYSTEM.RECORD_STATUS = 'NEW'
    Seq=1, Type = Property
    Description = One Time
    Object Type = Item
    Target Object = VNDR.ONE_TIME_FLAG_MIR
    Property Name = VALUE
    Value= Y
    4.In the Context area enter the responsibility you want to be affected by this personalization.
    5.Save your work and close all windows. Using the responsibility on 4, open the suppliers window again, go to the Classification tab and see if it is checked.
    Hope this helps

  • Forms Personalization in Sales Order pblm

    Hi Friends,
    I have a requirement in which the lines tab in the Sale Order form is to be disabled based on a record in a custom table. The custom table has columns order_number and order_status.
    When a order number is requeried in the form and a record for this order number exists in the custom table with order status as 'InProcess' then the lines tab on Sales order should get disabled.
    I am not able to figure out what should be the conditions that i should put for this requirement.
    Thanks for your valuable inputs in Advance !!

    I have tried with the condition, but it allows me to enter into the lines tab.
    I have few orders which would only be in this custom table and i want to avoid the users once they have entered and my program has validated and entered them in the this custom table. Basically when a user requeries a order number(which is in the custom table and having custom_status 'InProcess') he should not be able to edit the lines tab.
    I have tried for below in forms personalization:
    1) Conditions
    Trigger Event: When-Validate-Record
    Trigger Object: Order
    Condition: exists (select 1 from xxmas_inprocess where order_number = :order.order_number and order_status ='InProcess')
    Processing Mode: Not in Enter Query Mode
    2) Actions
    Seq: 1, Type Property, Description Disable Lines,
    Object Type : Tab Page
    Target Object: Order_Regions.Line_Items
    Property_Name: Enabled
    Value: False
    For this the line tab does not get disabled.
    Also i have tried the trigger event as : When-New-Form-Instance without any condition. For it the lines tab is getting disabled.However when i put the above condition it does not work.
    Please suggest me any changes necessary.

  • Form personalization -purchase order

    Hi Friends i have requirement for form personalization in Purchase order.
    My requiremwnt is to alert the buyer if the price varies from the standard price (ie) +X% above or -X% below .If it varies at that time we want a popup warning .
    i used this logic in the condition
    :PO_HEADERS.STATUS = 'Incomplete' and
    :PO_LINES.UNIT_PRICE_DB not between
    (select (item_cost*(100+${ps.xx_ppv_percentage.value}))/100 from cst_item_cost_type_v where cost_type='Frozen' and organization_id=64 and inventory_item_id=:po_lines.item_id)
    (select (item_cost*(100-${ps.xx_ppv_percentage.value}))/100 from cst_item_cost_type_v where cost_type='Frozen' and organization_id=64 and inventory_item_id=:po_lines.item_id)
    It working fine
    when i create a purchase order it alert me when the price varies +- X%
    I need to fix this.
    once the records is saved and queried back i should not get the alert. unless any change or modification done in the query ...
    How to Fix
    i need to check the status of the record in the condition – if the record status = New or Changed then only
    the alert should come.
    Thanks in advance

    Any Suggestions

  • Capture who changed data using Forms Personalization & changed to what data

    Dear All,
    When the data is changed to a new data (say the price has been changed), I need to capture
    a) the original data
    b) newly changed data
    c) who changed the data
    into a newly created custom table using FORMS PERSONALIZATION.
    How do I do using FORMS PERSONALIZATION?

    Hey guys, I did it.... and it does work. Here is what I did.
    I created a table to capture the required data.
    Create two procedures which needs to enter data into this XYKA_PRICE_CHANGE_DTLS table. We will pass values from FORMS PERSONALIZATION by calling this
    procedure in the ACTION tab.
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure PRICE_CHANGE_DETAILS(price IN number,updated_by IN varchar2,disp IN varchar2,prod_id IN varchar2,line_id IN number,head_id in number,old_price in number) AS
    v_name varchar2(240);
    select name into v_name from qp_secu_list_headers_v where list_header_id = head_id;
    insert into XYKA_PRICE_CHANGE_DTLS(NEW_PRICE, PRICE_CHANGED_BY,ITEM_NUMBER,PRICE_CHANGED_TIME,PRODUCT_ID,LIST_LINE_ID,PRICE_LIST_NAME,OLD_PRICE) values (price,updated_by,disp,sysdate,prod_id,line_id,v_name,old_price);
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure APPS.PRICE_CHANGE_DTLS(price IN number,updated_by IN varchar2,disp IN varchar2,prod_id IN varchar2,line_id IN number,head_id in number,old_price in number) AS
    V_PRODUCT_ID varchar2(240);
    V_LIST_LINE_ID number;
    V_count number := 0;
    select count(*) into v_count from XYKA_PRICE_CHANGE_DTLS
    WHERE LIST_LINE_ID = line_id AND PRODUCT_ID = prod_id AND NEW_PRICE = price;
    if nvl(v_count,0) = 0 THEN
    end if;
    In fact, I want to capture the current price and the changed price in pricing which is OPERAND field in qp_list_lines_v table (OM MANAGER > PRICING > PRICE
    In the FORM PERSONALIZATION, enter the seq and the description
    Seq          1
    Description     GLOBAL_VARIABLE
    Level          Function
         In the CONDITION tab
              Trigger Event          WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE
              Trigger Object          LIST_LINES.OPERAND
              Processing Mode     Not in Enter-Query Mode
              Level               Site
    In the ACTION tab
              Seq          1
              Type          Property
              Description     Operand Value
              Language     All
              Object Type     Global Variable
              Target Object     XX_EXIST_OPERAND_VALUE
              PropertyName     VALUE
              Value          ${item.list_lines.operand.value}
              Seq          2
              Type          Property
              Description     USER
              Language     All
              Object Type     Global Variable
              Target Object     XX_USER_ID
              PropertyName     VALUE
              Value          =fnd_global.user_id
    Seq          2
    Level          Function
         In the CONDITION tab
              Trigger Event     WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD
              Trigger Object     LIST_LINES
              Condition     ${item.list_lines.operand.value} <>${global.XX_EXIST_OPERAND_VALUE.value}
              Processing Mode     Not in Enter-Query Mode
              Level               Site
    In the ACTION tab
              Seq          1
              Type          Builtin
              Description     PASSING_VALUE
              Language     All
              Builtin Type     Exceute a Procedure
              Argument     ='begin PRICE_CHANGE_DTLS('''||${item.list_lines.operand.value}||''','''||${global.XX_USER_ID.value}
    Click APPLY NOW button. Save it and the close this FORMS PERSONALIZATION. Go back to the navigation and then click on the module. Try changing the price.
    Your current and the newly changed price along with who changed it, time etc will be inserted into XYKA_PRICE_CHANGE_DTLS table.
    Edited by: e-brain on Sep 14, 2009 11:21 AM
    Edited by: e-brain

  • Projects Expenditure Inquiry - Forms Personalization Query

    Hi, and Happy New Year...
    I'm using and am stuck on a forms personalization and wondered if I could ask for some help please?
    I'm using a Projects Inquiry responsibility, and going into Expenditures > Expenditure Inquiry > Project
    I want to hide the "Mass Adjust" button at the bottom of the screen (which appears to the left of the "Clear" button).
    I've then gone into Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Personalize
    Form Name     PAXTRAPE
    Seq          1
    Description     Test
    Level          Function
    Trigger Event     WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE
    Processing Mode     Not in Enter-Query-Mode
    Object Type     Item
    Target Object     ITEMS_QF.MASS_ADJUST
    Property Name     DISPLAYED
    Value          FALSEThis works when I first go into the form - the "Mass Adjust" button is hidden.
    However, I then have to search for a project - I enter the project number, press tab, and EBS searches for the project, and displays the project name.
    The "Mass Adjust" button then appears again.
    I have tried all sorts of variations:
    Form Name     PAXTRAPE
    Seq          1
    Description     Test
    Level          Function
    Trigger Event     WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE
    Processing Mode     Both
    Object Type     Item
    Target Object     ITEMS_QF.MASS_ADJUST
    Property Name     DISPLAYED
    Value          FALSE
    /* and another one */
    Form Name     PAXTRAPE
    Seq          1
    Description     Test
    Level          Function
    Trigger Event     WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE
    Trigger Object     ITEMS_QF
    Processing Mode     Both
    Object Type     Item
    Target Object     ITEMS_QF.MASS_ADJUST
    Property Name     DISPLAYED
    Value          FALSE
    /* and another one */
    Form Name     PAXTRAPE
    Seq          1
    Description     Test
    Level          Function
    Trigger Event     WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE
    Trigger Object     ITEMS_QF
    Processing Mode     Both
    Object Type     Item
    Target Object     ITEMS_QF.MASS_ADJUST
    Property Name     DISPLAYED
    Value          FALSE
    /* and another one */
    Form Name     PAXTRAPE
    Seq          1
    Description     Test
    Level          Function
    Trigger Event     WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE
    Trigger Object     ITEMS_QF.MASS_ADJUST
    Processing Mode     Both
    Object Type     Item
    Target Object     ITEMS_QF.MASS_ADJUST
    Property Name     DISPLAYED
    Value          FALSE
    /* and another one */
    Form Name     PAXTRAPE
    Seq          1
    Description     Test
    Level          Function
    Trigger Event     WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD
    Trigger Object     ITEMS_QF
    Processing Mode     Both
    Object Type     Item
    Target Object     ITEMS_QF.MASS_ADJUST
    Property Name     DISPLAYED
    Value          FALSEBut none of them make any difference - the "Mass Adjust" button always reappears after I have searched for the project.
    Any advice about how to do this would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for your reply.
    In the end I spoke to someone in the office who said that it would be simpler to use menu and function exclusions instead. I then deleted the personalisations, and added the following exclusions against the responsibility, which worked:
    Expenditure Inquiry: Run Project Streamline
    **** Removes "Run Request" button from "PA Expenditure Items" screen*
    Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments
    **** Removes "Mass Adjust" button from "Find Project Expenditure Items" screen*
    Thanks for your help though, it's much appreciated.
    Edited by: 966480 on Jan 3, 2013 7:59 AM

  • AP Invoice Form Personalization

    Hello all,
    I have a doubt in AP Invoice Form Personalization. I am using R12.1.3
    How to prevent update of Liability account during invoice entry... Please give me the step for Personalization.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Muthu on Jul 2, 2012 4:27 PM

    Hi Octopus,
    Thank you for your help.
    This is the first time doing form personalization. I am a Functional consultant.
    So I couldn't understand the below fields. Please help me on fill that. (Block the Liability Account code while enter invoice in Header level).
    Trigger Object:
    Processing Mode:
    In Action TAB
    Seq: 1
    Type: Property
    Object Type: Item
    Property Name: PROMPT_TEXT
    I don't know which I filled is correct.
    Please help to clear my doubt.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Muthu on Jul 2, 2012 4:28 PM

  • Query on Oracle form personalization

    I want to Open (Zoom) Approved Supplier Form from RFQ Form for a particular item of a buyer.
    To implement the same, I followed the below provided steps.
    A. I just opened the RFQ Form.
    1. Seq# 10
    Processing Mode# Not in Enter-Query Mode
    Seq: 10
    Type: Menu
    Menu Entry: SPECIAL10
    Menu Label: Open Approved Supplier
    2. Seq# 20
    Condition# SPECIAL 10
    Processing Mode# Not in Enter-Query Mode
    Seq: 10
    Type: Property
    Object Type: Global Variable
    Target Object: XX_ITEM_NUM
    Property Name: VALUE
    Seq: 20
    Type: Message
    Message Type: Show
    Message Text: :GLOBAL.XX_ITEMNUM
    Seq: 30
    Type: BuiltIn
    Builtin Type: Launch a function
    Function Code: PO_POXSCASL
    Funcation Name: Define Approved Supplier List
    Saved my personalization and clicked on 'Open Approved Supplier' that takes me to "Approved Supplier" form.
    B. Approved Supplier form is opened
    1. Seq# 10
    Processing Mode# Not in Enter-Query Mode
    Seq: 10
    Type: Builtin
    Builtin Type: GO_BLOCK
    Arguement: ASL_ITEMS
    Seq: 20
    Type: Builtin
    Builtin Type: DO_KEY
    Arguement: ENTER_QUERY
    2. Seq# 20
    Trigger Object# ASL_ITEMS
    Processing Mode# Both
    Seq: 10
    Type: Property
    Object Type: Item
    Target Object: ASL_ITEMS.ITEM_NUM
    Property Name: VALUE
    Value : =:GLOBAL.XX_ITEM_NUM
    Seq: 20
    Type: Builtin
    Builtin Type: DO_KEY
    Arguement: EXECUTE_QUERY
    Saved everything and log out/log in and navigate to RFQ form and clicked on "Open Approved Supplier". the moment controller takes me to the Approved Supplier Form, it throws me an error message "Duplicate Item/Commodity being defined (ITEM_COMMODITY = 900842)" Though If I open Approved Supplier form without any personalization and query for 900842 item, it does not throw me an error. I am wondered why its happening. Can you guys please advise me where I am wrong?
    Waiting for your replies.

    Pl post details of OS, database and EBS versions.
    Pl see these MOS Docs
    How to Zoom or Create Master-Details relationship Using Forms Personalization?          (Doc ID 457643.1)

  • Issue in form personalization from Sales Order Header form

    Hi ,
    I am trying to call an pl/sql procedure in which i am invoking API to apply holds.
    I am able to succesfully see the hold applied when i run it from SLQ Developer.
    from Form personalization , i m doing the below
    10 Invoke API to Apply Line Level Price Hold if Customer Credit Limit is greater than Sum of all the order total of that customer
    Condition :
    Tigger Object :LINE
    xcbpc_om_apply_line_hld.xcbpc_cust_credit_check(:LINE.SOLD_TO_ORG_ID,:ORDER.TRANSACTIONAL_CURR_CODE) = 1
    5 Built in Built in Type: Execute a Procedure
    v_field_value VARCHAR2(200) ;
    ('''||${item.LINE.HEADER_ID.value} ||''','''||
    ${item.LINE.LINE_ID.value} ||''','''||${item.LINE.ORG_ID.value}||''');
    10 Messgae Show
    Customer Credit Limit is Exceeded.Hence Hold is applied
    The Api is getting called from form( i can see through debug messages) but i am unable to see the hold on the form.
    Can any one help me out on this?

    As I know, project number is used for oracle project management module. You can not use it alone.

  • Form Personalization Sales Order Line Promise Date Mandatory

    I am trying to make the Promise Date mandatory on the Sales Order line through form personalization and it's working fine for the new orders. But its not working for the Copy Order's, it shows mandatory. but still allows to proceed to next line or save or allow to book the order..
    Any helps on this please.
    I am on

    Add 2 Form Personalizations -  we need one for new instance and one for new block
    FP#1 at Function Level
    Triggering Event: WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE
    Triggering Object:  LINE.PROMISE_DATE_MIR
    Seq 10
    Object Type: item
    target object: LINE.PROMISE_DATE_MIR
    FP#2 at Function Level
    Triggering Event: WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE
    Triggering Object: LINE
    Seq 10
    Object Type: item
    target object: LINE.PROMISE_DATE_MIR

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