Format NTFS to Write Ftg from MAC to PC

I downloaded Paragon to format a drive for use on PC & Mac. I have a Mac and I want to be able to transfer footage from one harddrive (Western Digital formatted as Mac Journaled, used only on my Mac in final cut pro) connected to my Mac to another (Western Digital Elements). Then I will give it to someone with a PC. (I keep seeing info about the other way around and reading NTFS but not writing.)I need the second one to be compatible with PC but FAT 32 doesn't give me enough space ... many of these files are over 4GB.
I need to be able to WRITE to this drive so that they can READ it. They will probably never READ to it. Many of my files are over 9 GB.
2 questions:
1. I messed up and formatted a drive on my Mac in Disk Utility as MSDOS(FAT). Is there a way to reformat it to NTFS? The drive is completely blank.
2. When I put an empty drive straighjt from the box (Western Digital Elements) it says that it needs to be initialized. When I open Disk Utility I get the options of NTFS and NTFS Compressed. If I choose NTFS and initialize it with this, will I think be able to transfer files from one Mac formatted harddrive to this drive?
Please help!!!

Hi Molly,
#1. Should be, highlight  it & click Erase.
#2. That should work also.

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    The version of the OS that is running  is not relevant to formatting the drive. When you format a drive in any OS, you should select "Mac OS extended journaled." (That is, unless you plan to share the drive with a Windows computer.) Formatted this way, the drive can be used with any version of Mac OS.
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    kwnola wrote:
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