Format of jar file

i need to know format of jar file, from buffer's view.
i.e. zip file is in format of structs: local_file_head, central_file_head etc (in c/c++ sense).
jar file should have similar format (a set of structs), but i can't find any info about it.
thx for any hints, links ...

Presumably u don't know both jar and zip file format.
Best of luck to you then, if it isn't too much trouble could you post back when you find your answer and enlighten us as to what the differences are in physical file layout between the jar file and zip file? I, for one, would be most interested in your findings. It's obvious that we won't be able to help you with this, but maybe you could help the folk who come here looking for this answer.
same? what does "same" mean?Main Entry: 1same <>
Pronunciation: 'sAm
Function: adjective
Date: 13th century
1 a : resembling in every relevant respect b : conforming in every respect -- used with as
when i load jar file, it is totally different from zip
file in formatCare to expound on the differences? That would be most educational. Though it's odd, since, presumably you know that there are differences, and if you know what these differences are, that would be the answer to the question you originally posted.
Presumably i know zip file format.
Presumably u don't know c++ at all.
You are operating under pretty slim evidence to make such a statement, but, since it's relevance to this forum is pretty much nil, I suppose that sort of shoddy thought isn't too damaging to your central point.

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    Hello every body,
    we have so many .jar files like servlet-api.jar,junit.jar like that..
    what is the use of those..plz give clear data
    with regards,

    It's a way to bundle related resources--classes, images, etc.--into a single unit with a standard format. (Jar files use the same format as .zip files.)

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    I'm having the same problem.  I've put .jar into the 'system' folder but that doesn't seem to make the program work neverless see it on my device.  Help.

  • JAR file format

    I need to write a C program to retrieve class files from a JAR file. Can anybody point me to any resource that explains the format of a JAR file. Basically, I need to write my own "unjar" utility. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    A JAR file is simply a ZIP file. zlib will do the decompressing for you!

  • Binary JAR file format

    Hi out there,
    does anybody know where I can find the specification for the binary JAR file format?
    It doesn't follow the ZIP spec, there must be some additions.
    Here is my problem:
    I'm reading the 1. local file header, there compressed and uncompresed size is 0. Bit 3 of the
    general purpose bit flag is not set so there is no Data descriptor section and there should also be no
    file data section (size is 0, extra field also 0). But there are still some
    bytes until the next local file header starts. What are the bytes in between??
    Somewhere in the middle of the 2 local file headers is the 0x08074b50 signature, which is mentioned
    in the zip spec in combination with Spanned/Split archives !??
    If I'm reading a ZIP file generated with WinZip it is working fine, but when I'm reading a jar generated with
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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    okay, guys just in case someone is interested (doesn't seem like, but anyhow):
    YES, the jar tool is not sticking exactly to the zip specification. I found out when I was
    browsing through the source code of the java distribution. The local file headers are not
    filled with the size information!
    Quote: * We'd like to initialize the sizes from the LOC, but unfortunately
    * some ZIPs, including the jar command, don't put them there.The solution for it, which I think is the standard for zip processing anyhow, is reading the
    central directory of the zip file first. There you get all info including also the size, etc. of the entries
    and also the offset to the local file header.
    The drawback is that it's a little more complex to read a file from the end and not from the beginning
    because you have to find the beginning of the central directory first, but well ...
    Okay, that's it. Have fun!

  • Loading jar files at execution time via URLClassLoader


    Sorry i have tried to format the code, but it has changed   to �... sorry read this one...
    Hello All,
    I'm making a Java SQL Client. I have practicaly all basic work done, now I'm trying to improve it.
    One thing I want it to do is to allow the user to specify new drivers and to use them to make new connections. To do this I have this class:
    public class DriverFinder extends URLClassLoader{
    private JarFile jarFile = null;
    private Vector drivers = new Vector();
    public DriverFinder(String jarName) throws Exception{
    super(new URL[]{ new URL("jar", "", "file:" + new File(jarName).getAbsolutePath() +"!/") }, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
    jarFile = new JarFile(new File(jarName));
    System.out.println("-->" + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    System.setProperty("java.class.path", System.getProperty("java.class.path")+File.pathSeparator+jarName);
    System.out.println("-->" + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    Enumeration enumeration = jarFile.entries();
    String className = ((ZipEntry)enumeration.nextElement()).getName();
    className = className.substring(0, className.length()-6);
    Class classe = loadClass(className, true);
    Class[] interfaces = classe.getInterfaces();
    for(int i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++){
    Class superclasse = classe.getSuperclass();
    interfaces = superclasse.getInterfaces();
    for(int i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++){
    }catch(NoClassDefFoundError e){
    }catch(Exception e){}
    public Enumeration getDrivers(){
    return drivers.elements();
    public String getJarFileName(){
    return jarFile.getName();
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    DriverFinder df = new DriverFinder("D:/Classes/");
    System.out.println("jar: " + df.getJarFileName());
    Enumeration enumeration = df.getDrivers();
    Class classe = (Class)enumeration.nextElement();
    It loads a jar and searches it looking for drivers (classes implementing directly or indirectly interface java.sql.Driver) At the end of the execution I have found all drivers in the jar file.
    The main application loads jar files from an XML file and instantiates one DriverFinder for each jar file. The problem is at execution time, it finds the drivers and i think loads it by issuing this statement (Class classe = loadClass(className, true);), but what i think is not what is happening... the execution of my code throws this exception
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.marmots.database.DB.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorConfigHelper.carregaConfiguracio(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorConfigHelper.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorAdmin.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorAdmin.main(
    Driver file is not in the classpath !!!
    I have tried also (as you can see in comented lines) to update System property java.class.path by adding the path to the jar but neither...
    I'm sure I'm making a/some mistake/s... can you help me?
    Thanks in advice,
    (if there is some incorrect word or expression excuse me)

  • Adding JAR file to project

    Hi All
    How can i add jar to my project environment.
    Actually what i did was.
    Created one folder called "JavaWork" like d:\JavaWork
    and put the jar file into this folder and wrote a test class which is importing some classes from the jar file.
    how to use jar ? Please someone help me.
    Thanks in advance

    `man jar`
    jar(1) jar(1)
    jar - Java archive tool
    jar [ -C ] [ c ] [ f ] [ i ] [ M ] [ m ] [ O ] [ t ] [ u ]
    [ v ]
    [ x file ] [ manifest-file ] destination input-file
    [ input-files ]
    The jar tool is a Java application that combines multiple
    files into a single JAR archive file. It is also a gen-
    eral-purpose archiving and compression tool, based on ZIP
    and the ZLIB compression format. However, jar was
    designed mainly to facilitate the packaging of Java
    applets or applications into a single archive. When the
    components of an applet or application (.class files,
    images and sounds) are combined into a single archive,
    they can be downloaded by a Java agent (like a browser) in
    a single HTTP transaction, rather than require a new con-
    nection for each piece. This dramatically improves down-
    load time. The jar tool also compresses files, which fur-
    ther improves download time. In addition, it allows indi-
    vidual entries in a file to be signed by the applet author
    so that their origins can be authenticated. The syntax
    for the jar tool is almost identical to the syntax for the
    tar(1) command. A jar archive can be used as a class path
    entry, whether or not it is compressed.
    The three types of input files for the jar tool are:
    o Manifest file (optional)
    o Destination jar file
    o Files to be archived
    Typical usage is:
    example% jar cf myjarfile *.class
    In this example, all the class files in the current direc-
    tory are placed in the file named myjarfile. A manifest
    file is automatically generated by the jar tool and is
    always the first entry in the jar file. By default, it is
    named META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. The manifest file is the
    place where any meta-information about the archive is
    stored. Refer to the Manifest Format in the SEE ALSO sec-
    tion for details about how meta-information is stored in
    the manifest file.
    To use a pre-existing manifest file to create a new jar
    archive, specify the old manifest file with the m option:
    example% jar cmf myManifestFile myJarFile *.class
    When you specify cfm instead of cmf (that is, you invert
    the order of the m and f options), you need to specify the
    name of the jar archive first, followed by the name of the
    manifest file:
    example% jar cfm myJarFile myManifestFile *.class
    The manifest uses RFC822 ASCII format, so it is easy to
    view and process manifest-file contents.
    The following options are supported:
    -C Changes directories during execution of the jar com-
    mand. For example:
    example% jar uf foo.jar -C classes *
    c Creates a new or empty archive on the standard out-
    f The second argument specifies a jar file to process.
    In the case of creation, this refers to the name of
    the jar file to be created (instead of on stdout).
    For table or xtract, the second argument identifies
    the jar file to be listed or extracted.
    i Generates index information for the specified jar
    file and its dependent jar files. For example,
    example% jar i foo.jar
    would generate an INDEX.LIST file in foo.jar which con-
    tains location information for each package in foo.jar and
    all the jar files specified in foo.jar's Class-Path
    M Does not create a manifest file for the entries.
    m Includes manifest information from specified pre-
    existing manifest file. Example use:
    example% jar cmf myManifestFile myJarFile *.class
    You can add special-purpose name-value attribute
    headers to the manifest file that are not contained
    in the default manifest. Examples of such headers
    are those for vendor information, version informa-
    tion, package sealing, and headers to make JAR-bun-
    dled applications executable. See the JAR Files
    trail in the Java Tutorial and the JRE Notes for
    Developers web page for examples of using the m
    O Stores only, without using ZIP compression.
    t Lists the table of contents from standard output.
    u Updates an existing JAR file by adding files or
    changing the manifest. For example:
    example% jar uf foo.jar foo.class
    adds the file foo.class to the existing JAR file
    foo.jar, and
    example% jar umf foo.jar
    updates foo.jar's manifest with the information in
    v Generates verbose output on stderr.
    x file
    Extracts all files, or just the named files, from
    standard input. If file is omitted, then all files
    are extracted; otherwise, only the specified file or
    files are extracted.
    If any of the files is a directory, then that direc-
    tory is processed recursively.
    To add all of the files in a particular directory to an
    example% ls at_work.gif Animator.class monkey.jpg Wave.class
    example% jar cvf bundle.jar *
    adding: Animator.class
    adding: Wave.class
    adding: at_work.gif
    adding: monkey.jpg
    If you already have subdirectories for images, audio
    files, and classes that already exist in an HTML direc-
    tory, use jar to archive each directory to a single jar
    example% ls
    audio classes images
    example% jar cvf bundle.jar audio classes images
    adding: audio/
    adding: audio/
    adding: audio/
    adding: audio/
    adding: classes/Animator.class
    adding: classes/Wave.class
    adding: images/monkey.jpg
    adding: images/at_work.gif
    example% ls -l
    total 142
    drwxr-xr-x 2 brown green 512 Aug 1 22:33 audio
    -rw-r--r-- 1 brown green 68677 Aug 1 22:36 bundle.jar
    drwxr-xr-x 2 brown green 512 Aug 1 22:26 classes
    drwxr-xr-x 2 brown green 512 Aug 1 22:25 images
    To see the entry names in the jar file using the jar tool
    and the t option:
    example% ls
    audio bundle.jar classes images
    example% jar tf bundle.jar
    To display more information about the files in the
    archive, such as their size and last modified date, use
    the v option:
    example% jar tvf bundle.jar
    145 Thu Aug 01 22:27:00 PDT 1996 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    946 Thu Aug 01 22:24:22 PDT 1996 audio/
    1039 Thu Aug 01 22:24:22 PDT 1996 audio/
    993 Thu Aug 01 22:24:22 PDT 1996 audio/
    48072 Thu Aug 01 22:24:23 PDT 1996 audio/
    16711 Thu Aug 01 22:25:50 PDT 1996 classes/Animator.class
    3368 Thu Aug 01 22:26:02 PDT 1996 classes/Wave.class
    12809 Thu Aug 01 22:24:48 PDT 1996 images/monkey.jpg
    527 Thu Aug 01 22:25:20 PDT 1996 images/at_work.gif
    If you bundled a stock trade application (applet) into the
    following jar files,
    main.jar buy.jar sell.jar other.jar
    and you specified the Class-Path attribute in main.jar's
    manifest as
    Class-Path: buy.jar sell.jar other.jar
    then you can use the i option to speed up your applica-
    tion's class loading time:
    example$ jar i main.jar
    An INDEX.LIST file is inserted in the META-INF directory
    which will enable the application class loader to download
    the right jar files when it is searching for classes or
    JAR Files @
    JRE Notes @
    JAR Guide @
    For information on related topics, use the search link @
    13 June 2000 jar(1)

  • Problem while creating JAR file for my swing application

    Using my swings application I am trying to Run different software�s .
    My program is Running fine from command prompt. If I create JAR file
    It is giving error like �Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from .jar�
    Can anybody help me to creating JAR file
    Thanks in advance

    User following command
    jar-cmf textfile_name.txt Jarfile_name *
    here you have to make manifest file
    and making jar file you have reach there by command promt
    and manifest file have some constraint also as well as format
    format are
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Class-path: jar file name which are using in app separed by space
    Created-By: 1.5.0 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Main-Class: Main class name
    and end of file is not have carriage return

  • How do I add a jar file into the build path of the compiler?

    I'm trying to import a jar file into the build path of the compilation process, but it does not find the packages or the classes that are in it.
    I think I don't add it right...
              ArrayList<String> options=new ArrayList<String>();
              for(String str:includeDirectory)
              if (!compiler.getTask(writer, fileManager, diagnostics, options, classes, compilationUnits).call());
                    ....and I've tried this way:
         public void setTargetDirectory(String targetDirectory) {
              this.targetDirectory = "-d " + targetDirectory;
         private void compile(Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits) throws Exception {
              ArrayList<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
              String classPath="-cp ";// tried this also with "-classpath"
              for (String str : includeDirectory)
         if (!compiler.getTask(writer, fileManager, diagnostics, options, classes, compilationUnits).call())
              // throw new Exception("Compilation Error");
         }Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Adam-Z. on Feb 24, 2010 5:41 AM
    Edited by: Adam-Z. on Feb 24, 2010 5:42 AM

    Thank you for your reply,
    Q: Are there .class files in that directory in that jar file? (the compiler doesn't ( can't )) look for directories, it can just look for specific files , and scan to get a list of all files matching certain criteria. So if there are no class files, it will say the package doesn't exist, even if there is a directory, possibly containing other files.yes there are class files in the jar, the tree structure:
    j2MeDataChunkGenerator_Plugin\(lots of class files)
    and thats it.
    , your code will only work on windows because other platforms use a different path separator. You should use not explicit ';" when building your classpath. (this is unrelated to your problem, but you should correct it)will do, thanks.
    Q: Is that error in your post formatted by your own diagnostics? (we could possibly help you better if we didn't have to guess!!)I would not post my own error code, this text is generated by the compiler diagnostic.
         System.err.println(" Error details: " + diagnostic.getMessage(null));
    Q: Is line 3 of (sic) an import statement? (we could possibly help you better if we didn't have to guess!!)it is an import error... didn't the error message stated that it is an import problem? wired, I'm sure before it did. anyway it is an import error.
    Also you don't show us what the variable includeDirectory is in terms of type, and contents, that might be helpful. (we could possibly help you better if we didn't have to guess!!)It has only one String object: "D:\%Important Documents\WorkSpaces\PacMan\ApplicationManager\Plug-in\Data Chunk Designer.jar"
    the last file on the classpath list.
    Q: Have you proven this? that i did post, in this long line of text.
    Q: Is the compiler finding other classes (in other packages) in that same jar file?No. all the class files are in the jar, they all have entries that start with "j2MeDataChunkGenerator_Plugin\*.class", and since I get 47 errors I guess it does not load any other class.
    thank you for you comments, the problem with having these errors, is that I can't even get a piece of information where this error is coming from, only that it is an import loading error package not found, what does that mean? that the jar was not loaded in compilation(no error about this), that the jar is corrupted(no error about this), that the path is incorrect(it is correct I made sure), that there is no such package in the jar(There is), that the compiler does not load the package(does it even do that?), really I can't even guess why this happens, I've been at this on and of all day today, really annoying.

  • While executing a jar file I am getting an error

    while exec a jar file i am getting an error
    invalid file (bad magic number): Exec format error
    i tried to execute it with the commnad
    java -jar test.jar
    or by directly too

    Than tell me how to launch a jar file I tried different ways like
    java -jar MyJar.jar
    but its not worked

  • Error  While Opening an Updated JAR file

    I have some problem with a JAR file update. Seek ur help in this regard.Here goes my problem.
    I need to update a jar file ( need to replace a single .class file with a new one ). I updated the JAR file using ' jar uf ' command and it was successfull.. I removed the old JAR file and replaced it with the updated JAR file. But when i tried to invoke the JAR application using Java we start iam unable to open the applicaiton. But when i replace this upadted JAR file with the old JAR file ( using the backup) the application loads correctly.
    The application is hposted in Apcahe web server. Is a server restart required after deploying the updated JAR file or is this porblem due to some other reasons.
    Thanks in advance.

    It appears that the New Report .vi only accepts the .xlt template format and not .xltx as one would commonly expect. I am currently working to determine for sure that this is the case, but it does run (mostly) properly on my end if you make that change.
    When I say mostly, I mean there are a couple other minor issues with your code. First the first frame of your sequence structure is really accomplishing anything. If your intent is to open a reference to the excel template, there is no need because the New Report .vi does it automatically.
    Second, you will need a file path of some sort wired in to your Save Report to File .vi or else you will get a different error message after fixing the .xlt issue. I am currently researching whether this should be marked as a required terminal instead of recommended so that it not being wired would result in a broken run arrow rather than an error.
    Let me know if these suggestions resolve your issue, or if I can provide further input on what you are doing in your first frame. I will touch base again once I determine whether these are expected behaviors or bugs.
    Christopher S. | Applications Engineer
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    "If in doubt... flat out." - Colin McRae

  • Error while Deploying JAR file using SDM in EP system

    As per below mention URL for Installing and Deploying the Enrichment Controller ,I am confuguring MDM Enrichment Controller in EP system
    So, as per the Help in Step 7, its mention to deploy a specific adapter for the external enrichment service provider i.e JAR file.
    And when i am trying to deploy the *.jar file , i am getting this message in SDM:
      There were 1 archives selected.
      0 archives successfully loaded.
       Loading of 1 archives failed.
    1) Error loading archive
        C:\Documents and Settings\<SDMUserID>.<EPsystemHostName>\Desktop\Adapter\MDMEnrichmentAdapter.jar
        (server side name is: C:\usr\sap\SID\JC00\SDM\program\temp\MDMEnrichmentAdapter.jar) The information about the development component found in the manifest is either missing or incomplete!
    Manifest attributes are missing or have badly formatted value:
    there is no deployment descriptor declared
    So, kindly guide me how to deploy this jar file on EP syetm or if any settings is required.
    Edited by: Shaikh Hanif on Nov 22, 2010 2:47 PM

    Check this wiki's,
    Good Luck!
    Sandeep Tudumu

  • How do I prevent Spotlight from categorizing 'JAR' files as 'Application'

    I'm a java developer and consequently I have a lot of JAR files on the filesystem. The JAR file format is a standard archive format for java, and is used mostly to package library code - the java equivalent of a DLL. They can also be created as 'executable JAR's, but this is (very) infrequent compared to the library usage.
    Spotlight seems to think every JAR file is an application, and because I have a lot of java applications and development stuff installed, I can no longer reliably use Spotlight to find actual applications because the search results are overflowing with useless JAR file entries.
    Is there any way to configure spotlight to not classify JARS as applications? Or, alternately, can I make Spotlight ignore JARs completely? Either would save me a lot of time..

    There are several things in the current version of Spotlight that are either broken or just plain wrong. It looks like you have found another. When I look at the metadata for a jar file I see that its type is, well, a java jar file, and its content tree declares it to be a Finder gets this right: if you do GetInfo on such a jar file its kind is shown as "Java JAR file"--as it should be.
    When I made a saved search, using the Kind drop-down menu to get the pre-defined Application, and then looked to see what criteria Spotlight was using to define "application" (and yes, the search included jar files in its results), I discovered Spotlight was NOT using the simple, straightforward "kMDItemKind=Application" as one would expect. Instead it is using something I had never heard of to define an Application, to wit "_kMDItemGroupId = 8"--furthermore, I believe characterizing applications that way has been deprecated. Be that as it may, it doesn't work to find the things you want, and exclude the things you don't.
    There is no way for a user to fix this. The only thing you can do is not let Spotlight define the kind. Thus, if you bring up a search window do not use the Kind drop-down menu to select Application. Instead select Other from the menu and then type Application. You then get only things whose type declaration is Application, and you don't get jar files or widgets.
    The other option is to exclude jar files by typing
    NOT jar
    in the search for box (you'll still get widgets though). You can also add that boolean restriction if you are using the menu bar Spotlight search.

  • Jar files required to read excel file in SAP PI 7.3.1 sp09 dualstack

    Hi experts,
    I need to read excel file (.xls) using SAP PI and process it to target system. I have read blogs
    and found that there are 2 ways to read an excel file in PI using file adapter.
    1) Developing a custom adapter module
    2) Using XSLT code.
    So in order to develop a custom adapter module, i have followed the following blogs
    **************** - XI - Step-by-step guide to develop Adapter Module to read Excel file
    Excel Files - How to handle them in SAP XI/PI (The Alternatives)
    I am unable to find the jar files in SAP PI at OS level as per the first blog(think they were obsolete).
    Please let me know
    1) What are the required jar files needed to read excel file and their location
    2) Even if i use the old jar files as mentioned in the first blog can i achieve my requirement
    3) Following this blog Convert incoming XML to Excel or Excel XML – Part 1 - XSLT Way if i apply the same logic at sender side, will it work? Because through case studies i came to know that we cannot read a .xls file using XSLT code. Correct me if i am wrong.
    Looking for your valuable suggestions.

    Hi Shilpa
    Welcome to SCN!
    The blog you refered to might be for previous versions of PI. You can refer to the following two wikis to find out what are the relevant JAR files for PI 7.3 and also how to get them.
    XI libraries for development - Process Integration - SCN Wiki
    Where to get the libraries for XI development - Process Integration - SCN Wiki
    It also looks like for newer versions, you might not need to manually get and add those JAR files into your NWDS project - please refer to the first comment on the blog below. I have not tried it personally as I'm not using the latest NWDS, but you can try that first, and if it does not work, then go get them manually.
    PI 7.4 - Adapter Module Creation using EJB 3.0
    Do note that you should be using the JAR files that is corresponding to your PI server version.
    As for your third question, that does not apply to you. XLS is the older non-XML format, and therefore cannot be read by XLST since it is in binary format.
    Eng Swee

  • How to open .jar files in nokia 6300

    Recntly i downloaded few games to my nokia 6300, its in the jar format, when i tried to open it, i get a promt as file format not supported, Please guide how to access n open a .jar file in my mobile ? ? ? ?

    you can try to install it via pc suite.
    .jar file usually come along with a .jad file which describe the installation info. If the phone support java application, the installation should start when the download is complete.
    What's the law of the jungle?

Maybe you are looking for