Formatear mac

Hola, quisiera dejar mi mac book pro con pantalla retina en estado de fábrica, dejarlo como el primer día, pero según los tutoriales que vi necesito un disco, que junto a mi mac book pro no venía, por lo que no sé cómo hacerlo en este caso.

Desde 2011, los Macs no tienen DVDs de instalación de OS X.
1. Pulsa Command, Option y R cuando tu Mac arranque para iniciar Internet Recovery.
2. Abre Utilidad de Discos, selecciona Macintosh HD, abre Borrar y formatea el disco.
3. Reinstala Mac OS X

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    Para usar un pendrive con OS X y Windows, tienes dos opciones de sistemas de archivos: uno es el antiquísimo FAT32 (limitado a archivos de 4 GB) o el nuevo exFAT. Si puedes elegir, escoge exFAT.
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    Hola Miguel. sobre tu pregunta, tal como lo dijo dirbapont, existen aplicaciones de terceros para sacar respaldos automáticamente, te listo algunas:
    Si no deseas aplicaciones de terceros, puedes seguir esta guía oficial para mover los datos de Thunderbird a un nuevo equipo:
    Yo he usado esa guía y me ha funcionado correctamente, en lo personal prefiero mover los datos manualmente, para eso debes encontrar tu perfil, y su ubicación depende del Sistema Operativo que utilices (Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Fefora, etc.), Mac OS X, entre otros).
    Igualmente te adjunto otra guía que puede servirte, pero está en inglés:
    Todo está documentado en ambos enlaces, pero si tienes alguna otra duda del tema, puedes comentarla en este mismo hilo.
    Espero que te sirva.
    Líder de la Comunidad de Software Libre y Seguridad Informática Hackem
    OWASP Ecuador Student Chapter Leader
    Mozillian & FSA
    Fedora Ambassador for Ecuador
    OpenStreetMap Ecuador Leader

  • Quisiera saber si podria formatear mi macbook teniendo grabado el sistema operativo en mi pendrive?

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    Perdonen mi áspera Google traducido español. Normalmente hablo Inglés. Si se refiere usted puede copiar el sistema operativo de su Pen Drive a tu Mac, sí, si el Mac tiene el formato correcto para él en el primer lugar. En primer lugar usted debe identificar su Mac:
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    Si va a instalar Windows desde el Pen Drive, probablemente no es la mejor manera de ver si eso se puede hacer en el foro de Boot Camp, o uno de los foros de las herramientas de virtualización enumerados aquí:
    Copiar pegar el contenido del enlace de arriba para
    o si usted no entiende Inglés.
    Pardon my rough Google translated Spanish.  I normally speak English.   If you mean can you copy the operating system from your Pen Drive to your Mac, yes, if the Mac is formatted properly for it in the first place.  First you must identify your Mac:
    Then you can tell if it is just 10.7 compatible, or 10.8 & 10.9 compatible.
    If you intend to install Windows from your Pen Drive, it probably is best to see if that can be done on the Boot Camp forum, or one of the forums for the virtualization tools listed here:
    Copy paste the contents of the above links to
    or if you don't understand English.

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    Io posso scrivere in italiano.  E' meglio formatare il SSD ante de porlo en al caddy.
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    Póngase en contacto con Apple:
    Darles tu Mac con el número de serie. Pueden ser capaces de ayudarle a obtener el disco.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim

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    Message was edited by: concoi

    No se puede formatear 2006 Mac con Mac OS 9.2 o anterior (conocido como Clásico). Aunque algunos pueden utilizar Classic, si se están ejecutando Mac OS X 10.4.11 o más temprano y tienen una CPU PowerPC. Utilice este consejo: con los traductores en o si lo necesita para identificar su familia CPU Mac. A continuación, puede publicar la pregunta en el foro adecuado para tu Mac. Usted necesitará los discos de instalación originales o discos al por menor más recientes sin el nombre del sistema, OEM, o actualización del CD para formatear la unidad. Copia de seguridad de sus datos antes de formatear, si hay algo de valor en él primero. Esta es una traducción aproximada de:
    No 2006 Mac can format with Mac OS 9.2 or earlier (known as Classic).   Though some can use Classic, if they are running Mac OS X 10.4.11 or earlier and have a PowerPC CPU.   Use this tip: with the translators at or if you need it to identify your Mac CPU family.    Then you can post the question in the right forum for your Mac.   You will need the original installer discs, or newer retail discs without the system name, OEM, or update on the CD to reformat the drive.   Backup your data before reformatting, if there is anything of value on it first.

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    El iMac G5 no admite la Mac App Store. 10.6.6 es la mínima necesaria para la Mac App Store. El sistema operativo máximo que se puede ejecutar en un iMac G5 es 10.5.8. Además, Appleworks (si eso es lo que quieres decir con APK), sólo es compatible con un máximo de Mac OS X 10.6.8 si decide actualizar a un nuevo Mac. El último Mac para apoyar 10.6.8 nativa fue puesto en libertad antes del 20 de julio de 2011. Hay trucos para correr 10.6.8 en los nuevos Macs, pero el único consejo que yo he de hacer eso está en Inglés.
    La siguiente es la versión en Inglés de lo traduce Google:
    The above was translated with Google from this:
    The iMac G5 does not support the Mac App Store.   10.6.6 is the minimum required for the Mac App Store.  The maximum operating system you can run on an iMac G5 is 10.5.8.   Additionally, Appleworks (if that's what you mean by APK), is only compatible with up to Mac OS X 10.6.8 if you choose to upgrade to a newer Mac.   The last Mac to support 10.6.8 natively was released prior to July 20, 2011.  There are tricks to running 10.6.8 on newer Macs, but the only tip I have for doing that is in English.

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    works with the latest Mac mini (early 2009)?
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    KC from Ann Arbor, MI had this to say as a review on the page to which you have linked;
    I bought a Mac Mini (May 2009) and this Mini-DVI to Video adapter with plans to use it to send an S-video signal to an analog TV. Though the sales staff at the Apple store said it should work, it does not. The graphics card apparently should support it, and it may be addressed with a future driver update, but as of now this does not work. I have used a mini-DVI to VGA adapter and monitor to verify that the port is working, and also verified that the S-video cable and TV input work. There are third party VGA to S-video/RCA adapters available so I plan to use one of those for my purposes. This is probably a 5-star product when used with the right Mac; however, Apple should have made it clear that having a mini-DVI port on your Mac is necessary but not sufficient for this to work - hence the 3 stars.

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    If each person has a separate Apple ID, as you stated, it should be no problem. However, i'm not sure exactly how you have your computer set up, if you have separate User accounts set up, or if you just use one User account.
    You should create a separate User account for each family member. Decide if you want those User accounts to be Administrator accounts, or if they are Standard accounts, and set your Parental Controls as desired. You can also find the Parental Controls settings in the System Preferences as well.
    So once each User account is established, you can copy over only the information for them (i.e. contacts, iCal events, iTunes music, etc).
    Set up to sync their iOS devices with iTunes with their information on their User accounts, with their own separate Apple IDs, and everything should work smoothly.

  • Install Windows 8.1 Pro on Mac Mini Late 2014

    I'm trying to install Bootcamp on my Mac Mini.  Windows reports that it cannot install or create a partition on the drive after formatting the BOOTCAMP partition as NTFS.
    This is my setup:
    1. Mac Mini Late 2014 with 2TB Fusion Drive.
    2. Windows 8.1 Pro x64 full version ISO downloaded from Microsoft Store.
    3. Sandisk Extreme Flash Drive (I have tried both 16GB and 64GB).
    4. Bootcamp partition = 500GB.
    5. Other USB devices plugged in: Corded USB Mouse and Apple Extended Keyboard (both of which are required to enter the serial number and navigate the installer window).
    6. No additional storage devices of any kind are connected aside from the internal Fusion drive and the installer drive.
    7. Booting from the EFI portion of the Bootcamp created Windows installer.
    I have read that I should try using a USB 2 flash drive rather than a USB 3 flash drive, so I will try that next.  I fail to understand how this could make any difference.
    If you have any other tips, please let me know.
    I have installed or helped other people install bootcamp many times over the course of the past 2 years.  Every single time it has caused endless headaches and literally weeks of wasted time.
    I have read endless posts on what is causing these problems.  I will consider summarising these for anyone else having the same problems.  Everyone has their theory so far about this Bootcamp nightmare, but so far there doesn't appear to be any one magic solution.
    Apple's inability to address the issue suggests that the problem may be with the Windows installer.  Perhaps Microsoft is deliberately causing this?
    I suspect the two most likely causes of these issues are the downloaded ISO or the Thumb Drive.
    If you have any better idea, please let me know.
    On another topic, how to I rename the NTFS partition back to BOOTCAMP?  All options to rename this partition are greyed out in Disk Utility...

    Paul@Sydney wrote:
    7. Booting from the EFI portion of the Bootcamp created Windows installer.
    The FAT32/NTFS partition is usually not adequate for an EFI install. You can delete the BCA-created partition and create a Disk Utility partition which is formatted as Free Space. This will be split into an MSR and MSD. Fusion drives create problems, especially if the BC partition lies outside the traditional MBR 2TB boundary.
    Before you delete the BCA-created partition, please post the output of
    diskutil list
    diskutil cs list
    sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk0
    sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk1
    I have read that I should try using a USB 2 flash drive rather than a USB 3 flash drive, so I will try that next.  I fail to understand how this could make any difference.
    Windows installers up to W8.1 do not have USB3 drivers. These are installed after Windows is installed and BC drivers are in place.
    Apple's inability to address the issue suggests that the problem may be with the Windows installer.  Perhaps Microsoft is deliberately causing this?
    The requirements are pretty strict when installing Windows. Any deviations cause headaches and grief.
    I suspect the two most likely causes of these issues are the downloaded ISO or the Thumb Drive.
    The USB is usually the issue.
    On another topic, how to I rename the NTFS partition back to BOOTCAMP?  All options to rename this partition are greyed out in Disk Utility...
    After Windows is fully installed and BC drivers are in place, log into Windows, right click on it and rename it on the Windows side. It cannot be renamed on the OSX side with diskutil renameVolume. Here is an example sequence. You cannot rename volume during the installation process.

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