Formatting CF data for a web service complex type

I am trying to call a web service with the following definition in the WSDL
<s:element name="CreateDataList">
               <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="client_app_id" type="s:string"/>
               <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="client_app_pwd" type="s:string"/>
               <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="data_template_id" type="s:int"/>
               <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="calculate_persistent_values" type="s:int"/>
               <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="data" type="tns:ArrayOfArrayOfName_value"/>
<s:complexType name="ArrayOfArrayOfName_value">
          <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="record" type="tns:ArrayOfName_value"/>
<s:complexType name="ArrayOfName_value">
          <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="variable" type="tns:name_value"/>
<s:complexType name="name_value">
          <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="name" type="s:string"/>
          <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="value" type="s:string"/>
I am trying to format the ArrayOfArrayOfName_value data and getting an "argument type mismatch" error. The sample PHP code for the data looks like this:
$data = array(0 => array(
    array('name' => 'FIRST_NAME', 'value' => 'First'),
    array('name' => 'LAST_NAME', 'value' => 'Last'),
    array('name' => 'ADDRESS', 'value' => 'Address'),
    array('name' => 'CITY', 'value' => 'City'),
    array('name' => 'STATE', 'value' => 'State'),
    array('name' => 'ZIP', 'value' => '55555')
1 => array(
    array('name' => 'FIRST_NAME', 'value' => 'First'),
    array('name' => 'LAST_NAME', 'value' => 'Last'),
    array('name' => 'ADDRESS', 'value' => 'Address'),
    array('name' => 'CITY', 'value' => 'City'),
    array('name' => 'STATE', 'value' => 'State'),
    array('name' => 'ZIP', 'value' => '55555')
My CF code looks like this:
<cfset data = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset data[1] = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset data[1][1] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[1][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
<cfset data[1][1]["value"] = "JOhn Doe" />
<cfset data[1][2] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[1][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
<cfset data[1][2]["value"] = "123 Test St" />
<cfset data[1][3] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[1][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
<cfset data[1][3]["value"] = "" />
<cfset data[1][4] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[1][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
<cfset data[1][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
<cfset data[1][5] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[1][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
<cfset data[1][5]["value"] = "TX" />
<cfset data[1][6] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[1][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
<cfset data[1][6]["value"] = "78704" />
<cfset data[2] = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset data[2][1] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[2][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
<cfset data[2][1]["value"] = "Jane Doe" />
<cfset data[2][2] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[2][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
<cfset data[2][2]["value"] = "987 Test St" />
<cfset data[2][3] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[2][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
<cfset data[2][3]["value"] = "" />
<cfset data[2][4] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[2][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
<cfset data[2][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
<cfset data[2][5] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[2][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
<cfset data[2][5]["value"] = "TX" />
<cfset data[2][6] = StructNew() />
<cfset data[2][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
<cfset data[2][6]["value"] = "78704" />
Any suggestions for where I am going wrong would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone is interested here is the correct CF format for this WSDL complex type definition
<cfset data = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"] = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset data["record"][1] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"] = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][1] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][1]["value"] = "John Doe" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][2] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][2]["value"] = "123 Test St" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][3] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][3]["value"] = "" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][4] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][5] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][5]["value"] = "TX" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][6] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
<cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][6]["value"] = "78704" />
<cfset data["record"][2] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"] = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][1] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][1]["value"] = "Jane Doe" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][2] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][2]["value"] = "987 Test St" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][3] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][3]["value"] = "" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][4] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][5] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][5]["value"] = "TX" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][6] = StructNew() />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
<cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][6]["value"] = "78704" />

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    JAXB can be used to solve your problem. Rather than trying return your own types directly use JAXB to explain your return types in a schema;
    public class MyType {
    int id=-1;
    int noOfObjects=0;
    String something;
    @XmlElement(nillable = true) //Java annotation to return list
    List<String> participant;
    public Interaction() {
    participant= new ArrayList<String>();
    public List<String> get() { return participant; }
    public void set(String newpart) {participant.add(newpart);}
    public String getCrux() { return �OK�; }
    public void setCrux(String something) { this. something = something; }
    public int getId() { return 0; }
    public void setId(int id) {  }
    public int getNoOfObjects() { return noOfObjects; }
    public void setNoOfObjects(int id) { this.noOfObjects =noOfObjects; }
    public class MyService {
    public Results MyType (@WebParam(name = "id") String id) {
    return new MyType();
    When defining your own class make sure you have "get" and "set" methods for all types.(JAXB needs this)

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    InvocationTargetException com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.ReflectionHelper.callMethodWithParams( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.TestWebServiceMethodDlg$ null sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.ReflectionHelper.callMethodWithParams( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.TestWebServiceMethodDlg$ Runtime exception; nested exception is:
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    Mario Mol

    Have you seen this?
    Also have you tried the latest and coolest IDE Netbeans 6?
    It includes all the features of Creator plus lots more.

  • Web service Complex type

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    Hi Ray,
    I just had you set your "per" object to its constructor out of habit. Don't know about you, but I spend too much time chasing null pointer exceptions.
    Try this. It's easy and quick.
    1) Hold your mouse over the ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() method in the Project Navigator tab. By doing this, I'm guessing you'll see it's not returning a Persona object.
    2) Simply drag the ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() method from the Project Navigator tab into your logic. By doing this, you'll notice that it has a value in front of the "=" sign. Again, I'm guessing you'll see it's not returning a Persona object.
    Even though the Persona object and the object that ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() returns both have the same list of attributes, I believe that you'll continue to get the error you're seeing if you try to set per (since it's an Persona object) to the value returned form ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI().
    To get around the problem, let's say you instead have the ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() method return it's value to an "opadCI" object (the type of object you found out that the method returns by doing 1 or 2 above). You might want to fix your problem by doing something like this:
    per.firstAttr = opadCI.firstAttr
    per.sedondAttr = opadCI.sedondAttr
    per.thirdAttr = opadCI.thirdAttr
    Hope this helps,

  • Maximum data for calling web service

    Hi all,
    I try to trigger a C# webservice via XI.
    If I transfer more than 65000 bytes then I get a "Bad request error".
    When I transfer less than 65000 bytes everything works fine.
    Is that a configuration in XI or a limit in the service itself?
    Any ideas?

    In theory there is no limitation on data can be called using webservice but as you know webservice use HTTP for transferring data hence it is limitation of HTTP regarding un-interrupt transfer of data.
    This limit of http can be vary from landscape to landscape, over LAN you may get 64MB but over internet you may get similar error for few MBs or less.
    Suggestion is to breakup data into smaller part for reliable transfer of information otherwise you will see this error often.
    Webservices are not recommended for high volume data transfer.

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    I want to replace this single value with multiple menthods , so that a direct interaction between the method,OIM and target can be established.
    Edited by: 821054 on 16/02/2011 04:23

    Thanks Robert.
    You'll need to create your own interface to the webapp database for those kind of data operations
    by this, are you speaking of the internal BC database which stores web app schema data? That would be great if it were possible to update that programmatically because I need to use the List (Checkbox List) field type (for the search functionality), but I need to supply the checkbox options from a web app rather than by manually updating the list entered in the Fields view of the web app settings (shown below).
    I'm curious if anyone else has tried this?
    Again, my reason for needing to use the List (Checkbox List) field type is that the page which processes searches knows to expect a comma separated list for this field type and then appears to be parsing out the individual values for searching out web app items with 1 or more matching values. You're right that text fields (string and multiline) just check for 'string contains' matches, and this would be ok if I was only ever needing to search just one value at a time. Here's an example of what I might do:
    Web App item field value (as recorded against the List (Checkbox List) field type:
    Web App Search value (for this same field):
    The search would return this web app item because the field contains 2 (1 or more) individual values even though they were entered into the search field in a different order. If this web app item were just a Text (string or multiline) field, the searched value is not a substring of the web app item's stored value, so it would not find a match. Hence the need to use Checkbox List field type.
    The web app will have thousands if not 10s of thousands of records, so dumping them all into one big array or object and searching on the front-end won't be practical (though it works great on smaller datasets).

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    Is there any way that we can do this mapping for input values as we do for output values?
    Your assistance is very much appreciated.

    There is a workaround for that...
    My Webservice accepts input data range in a specific format with " :" symbol, i.e. 072008:082008
    Now what i do is
    A1 = 072008
    A2 = 082008
    A3 = CONCATENATE(A1,":",A2)
    so A3 = 072008:082008
    Now i map the input value in web service to cell A3
    P.S have 2 input box components and map it to cells A1 and A2, i.e you are giving users an  option to enter the range of values...then web service will capture the range and refreshes data with the range of values user entered.
    hope this helps..

  • Dates coming from web service

    I'm currently trying to consume in VC a CAF Application Service exposed as a Web Service. I'm able to retrieve what I want but I have a problem with dates format.
    The web service returns dates in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:NN:SS
    When I test my data service in VC it works fine. When I run my iview, VC swap the month and the day and compute the new date...
    It's not just a problem of formatting with DVAL and DSTR because the date is already computed.
    Date returned from web service: 2007-09-21T00:00:01
    Date returned from test data service in VC: 21.09.2007
    Date returned at runtime: 09.09.2008
    VC understand 21.09.2007 not like DD.MM.YYYY but like MM.DD.YYYY so 21.09.2007 becomes 09.09.2008
    I also tried to check on the server Regional and Language option but it doesn't come from there.
    Have you ever faced this problem?

    It is a Web Service generated by NWDS (to expose my CAF Application Service)and deployed on the server.
    The url si like http://<hostname>:<port>/mywebservice/Config1?wsdl
    The Web Service runs correctly.
    When I call a method of my web service to retrieve a list of objects (CAF Entity Services) and their attributes, it returns attributes of type String and Dates of type 'java.util.GregorianCalendar'.
    It seems that VC doesn't correctly understand this type of Date at runtime

  • Deliver data to external web service possible in OBIEE 11g?

    Hi all,
    I'm looking into the possibility of "pushing" data from OBIEE and out to an external web service, e.g. through executing a scheduled report that instead of delivering the result on screen, it would call an external web service that would consume the generated data for storage in an external system.
    Does anyone know if this is possible to implement in OBIEE 11g? (So far, all I've found is how to display data in OBIEE through consumation of web service(s), but I'd like to "push out" data to a web service from OBIEE).

    Action Links 11g - Invoke webservice you can try out..... I never tried... Just sharing my views.

  • Is it possible to extract essbase data as a web service

    Hi All,
    I would like to know if it is possible to extract essbase data as a web service. What are the things to look for to achieve this functionality. Also request you to help me with a simple example.
    Thanks for your help in advance.


  • Retrieve data from a web service.

    I need to retrieve the data from Oracle CRM On Demand therefore I downloaded the web service "CustomObject15" from Oracle CRM On Demand then used the netbeans Tool to generate XML files then call Web Service "CustomObject15" then I created small java code to retrieve the data through a web service but the data did not retrieved.
    Only retrieved "CustomObject15Data.CustomObject15Data@1be0799a"
    Kindly, Can you help me and provide me small java code to the data through a web service "CustomObject15".
    Best Regards.

    just create a skeleton for the Web Service. In JDeveloper, create a new project and then use the "NEW" context menu option.
    Navigate to "Business Tier" --> Web Services and select "Web Service Proxy"
    In teh following, provide the WSDL reference to create the Java proxy. This gives you accss to the WS without having to parse the XML yourself

  • How to retrieve data from a web service

    i am at very beginner level about web services.
    I am searching for a simple example of retrieving data from a web services, but cant find.
    How can i get xml data from a web service. i dont need to develop the web service it is already ready, i just need how could i fetch data from it.
    Can somebody point out or give an example?
    Thanks in advance

    just create a skeleton for the Web Service. In JDeveloper, create a new project and then use the "NEW" context menu option.
    Navigate to "Business Tier" --> Web Services and select "Web Service Proxy"
    In teh following, provide the WSDL reference to create the Java proxy. This gives you accss to the WS without having to parse the XML yourself

  • How to update data from a web service

    Hi all,
    I have a webservice that returns some data as e4x type. I
    pull the data i need and put it into an object. I manipulate that
    data, then I want to write it back with another webservice. I get
    serialization errors when I call the update method. I must be doing
    something wrong here. Can anyone help?
    Webservice Methods:
    <mx:operation name="FetchfrmContact" resultFormat="e4x"
    result = "fetchfrmContactResultHandler()">
    <mx:operation name="updatefrmContactCampaigns"
    Below is what .lastResult looks like from the fetch method of
    the webservice. I update the different campaign fields by adding or
    removing them in an object called contactData.
    <FetchfrmContactResponse xmlns:xsd=""
    xmlns="urn:DefaultNamespace" xmlns:xsi="">
    "BP - 411"
    "200700 - Avnet Leads"
    "200700 - BP-AdHoc"
    "BP - 411"
    "200700 - Avnet Leads"
    "200700 - BP-AdHoc"
    "200700 - BP - BCS"
    "200700 - BP - Extracomm"
    "200700 - BP - IBM"
    "BP - 411"
    "Provena Hospitals"
    "[email protected]"
    <docID xsi:nil="true"/>
    <form xsi:nil="true"/>
    The fetch method returns an object of type FrmContactType and
    the update method takes an object of type FrmContactType as it's
    package com.psc.components
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
    public class FrmContactType
    // field variables
    public var contactDocID : String;
    public var companyDocID : String;
    public var locationDocID : String;
    public var campaignsOptedOut : XMLListCollection; //
    public var campaignsReceived : XMLListCollection; //
    public var campaignsSubscribed : XMLListCollection; //
    public var contactEmail : String = "";
    public var fetchBy : String;
    public var docID : String;
    public var form : String;
    public var contactFirst : String = "";
    public var contactLast : String = "";
    public var companyName : String = "";
    Here is the result handler of the fetch method
    private function fetchfrmContactResultHandler() : void
    contactData.contactFirst =
    contactData.contactLast =
    contactData.companyName =
    contactData.contactDocID =
    if( wsfrmContactLookup.FetchfrmContact.lastResult )
    contactData.campaignsReceived = new XMLListCollection(
    wsfrmContactLookup.FetchfrmContact.lastResult..campaignsReceived );
    contactData.campaignsSubscribed = new XMLListCollection(
    contactData.campaignsOptedOut = new XMLListCollection(
    wsfrmContactLookup.FetchfrmContact.lastResult..campaignsOptedOut );
    if( contactData.campaignsSubscribed.length > 0 )
    for( var index : int = 0; index <
    checkBoxSubscribed.length; index++ )
    checkBoxSubscribed[index].selected = true;
    if( contactData.campaignsOptedOut.length > 0 )
    for( index = 0; index < checkBoxOptedOut.length; index++
    checkBoxOptedOut[index].selected = true;
    In my code I update the contactData object, then call the
    update method passing contactData as it's parameter and it barks at
    me. Any ideas why I'd be getting the error message shown below?
    <soapenv:Fault xmlns:soapenv=""
    "org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a
    child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to

    just create a skeleton for the Web Service. In JDeveloper, create a new project and then use the "NEW" context menu option.
    Navigate to "Business Tier" --> Web Services and select "Web Service Proxy"
    In teh following, provide the WSDL reference to create the Java proxy. This gives you accss to the WS without having to parse the XML yourself

  • Using Identity Management for Securing Web Services

    My goal is to associate my services with an Oracle Internet Directory. I made some attempts to set up SAML authentication for the web services, but it didn't have the right outcome.
    (My identity management server and OID is up and running and I have successfully made authentication modules for other web applications)
    Here is what I did:
    1. I wrote a simple java file, used jdeveloper tools to create and deploy it as a web service to OC4J. I associated an identity management server with this service through OC4J web tools as security provider.
    2. I made a data control for the web service and put it in an ADF application . (client)
    3. I deployed the client project(2) to OC4J.
    I could use the web service through the page.
    I secured the webservice to expect SAML for authentication.
    Surprisingly, the client could still communicate with the webservice, Why? Shouldn't it have rejected the request because of the problem in SAML token? (The proxy and the data control were not secured, and didn't provide any SAML tokens)
    I added login page to my client project (through ADF security wizard). It used idenity management for authentication successfully. login process completes and web service data control is displayed.
    5. I want the authentication information to be propagated through the page so that the web service receives the data and uses Identity Management.
    I know I should add <property name="" value ="true"/>
    to one of the configuration files, but don't know where exactly.
    Best Regards,

    It doesnt matter whether the service is invoked as part of your larger process or not, if it is performing any business critical operation then it should be secured.
    The idea of SOA / designing services is to have the services available so that it can be orchestrated as part of any other business process.
    Today you may have secured your parent services and tomorrow you could come up with a new service which may use one of the existing lower level services.
    If all the services are in one Application server you can make the configuration/development environment lot easier by securing them using the Gateway.
    Typical probelm with any gateway architecture is that the service is available without any security enforcement when accessed directly.
    You can enforce rules at your network layer to allow access to the App server only from Gateway.
    When you have the liberty to use OWSM or any other WS-Security products, i would stay away from any extensions. Two things to consider
    The next BPEL developer in your project may not be aware of Security extensions
    Centralizing Security enforcement will make your development and security operations as loosely coupled and addresses scalability.

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