Formula node forbid to run VI when undefined variable is used

On all LabVIEW version, we can use Formula node to evaluate mathematical formulas.
We can define input and output variable freely and calculate using some variety of formula.
But when we use undefined variable as output, can execute VIs with no errors.
We think it is a problem because when programmer makes a typo, they cannot notice the mistake.
When undefined variable is used as output variable, LabVIEW should forbid to run VI.

I think you are going to get the same (or similar) answers than to my suggestion(s) to make VI outputs potentially "required" and the same for some functions (built-in VIs):
In general, I agree with you, there is a potential for problems. Not really for the reason you are mentioning, because a typo will break the VI (unless you have two output variables with very similar names - unlike in your example - such as y and y0). But it could make for some frustrating debugging session.

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  • Tuning when bind variables is used

    I have the following query.. which has some bind variables..
    When i run in TOAD by hardsocing these bind variables, the query comes out in 2-3 mins.
    But when i run after replacing bind variables during run time , the query hangs.
    These bind variables are indispensible as the the query run dynamically thru the java program.
    Below is the query and explain plan..
    Please help
    acct_key, data_serial_nr,upline,genlgy,rmovl_cmpgn,rmovl_rsn_desc_txt,collection_status,
    acct_key, data_serial_nr,nvl(pmc.new_value,upline) upline,upline1,genlgy,rmovl_cmpgn,rmovl_rsn_desc_txt,collection_status,
    from(select /*+ use_hash (smas, da) use_hash (dad, smas) */ dmz.mrkt_id,
    dlg.root_upln_acct_key acct_key,
    '0004' data_serial_nr,
    case when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'Y' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key in (1,3) then to_nchar(da.acct_nr)
    when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'N' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key not in (1,3) and nvl(smas.upln_acct_nr,-100) = -100 then to_nchar('ZM')
    when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'Y' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key in (2) then to_nchar(smas.upln_acct_nr) else to_nchar('ZM') end upline ,
    case when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'Y' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key in (1,3) then da.acct_nr
    when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'N' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key not in (1,3) and nvl(smas.upln_acct_nr,-100) = -100 then 'ZM'
    when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'Y' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key in (2) then smas.upln_acct_nr else 'ZM' end upline1 ,
    case when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'Y' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key in (1,3) then
    case when dmz_appt.zone_cd='--' then null else dmz_appt.zone_cd end||smas.genlgy_detl_txt
    when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'N' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key not in (1,3) and nvl(smas.upln_acct_nr,-100) = -100 then
    case when dmz_appt.zone_cd='--' then null else dmz_appt.zone_cd end
    when smas.ldrshp_prgrm_ind = 'Y' and smas.ldrshp_rltnshp_key in (2) then
    case when dmz_appt.zone_cd='--' then null else dmz_appt.zone_cd end||substr(smas.GENLGY_DETL_TXT,1,instr(smas.GENLGY_DETL_TXT,'/',-1)-1)
    else case when dmz_appt.zone_cd='--' then null else dmz_appt.zone_cd end end genlgy,
    substr(da.rmovl_cmpgn_perd_id,1,4)||'-'||substr(da.rmovl_cmpgn_perd_id,7,2) rmovl_cmpgn,
    (dmrr.rmovl_rsn_natv_lang_desc_txt) rmovl_rsn_desc_txt,
    (case when dmcs.colctn_stus_cd = 'B' then :b1
    when dmcs.colctn_stus_cd = 'C' then :b2
    when dmcs.colctn_stus_cd = 'N' then null end) collection_status,
    '"'||initcap(trim(da.acct_last_nm||' '||
    case when da.acct_mddl_nm is not null then da.acct_mddl_nm||' '||da.acct_frst_nm
    else da.acct_frst_nm end))||'"' acct_full_nm,
    '"'||INITCAP(TO_NCHAR (dad.addr_line_1_txt))||'"' addr_line_1_txt,
    '"'||INITCAP(TO_NCHAR (dad.suburb_desc_txt))||'"' suburb_desc_txt,
    '"'||INITCAP (TO_NCHAR (dad.city_desc_txt))||'"' city_desc_txt,
    '"'||dad.pstl_cd||'"' pstl_cd,
    '"'||da.hm_phon_nr||'"' hm_phon_nr,
    '"'||da.bus_phon_nr||'"' bus_phon_nr,
    '"'||da.mobile_phon_nr||'"' mobile_phon_nr,
    '"'||lower(da.email_addr_txt)||'"' email_addr_txt,
    decode(substr(da.rnstmt_cmpgn_perd_id,1,4)||'-'||substr(da.rnstmt_cmpgn_perd_id,7,2),'-',null,substr(smas.rnstmt_cmpgn_perd_id,1,4)||'-'||substr(smas.rnstmt_cmpgn_perd_id,7,2)) rnstmt_cmpgn,
    decode(substr(smas.last_actv_cmpgn_perd_id,1,4)||'-'||substr(smas.last_actv_cmpgn_perd_id,7,2),'-',null,substr(smas.last_actv_cmpgn_perd_id,1,4)||'-'||substr(smas.last_actv_cmpgn_perd_id,7,2)) last_active_cmpgn,
    round(smas.AVG_DISCNT_BASE_AMT,2) avg_discnt_base
    FROM codi.dim_acct da
    join codi.dim_mrkt_zone dmz
    on (da.mrkt_id = dmz.mrkt_id and da.dlvry_zone_sls_org_key = dmz.zone_key)
    join codi.dim_mrkt_acct_stus dmas
    on (dmas.mrkt_id = da.mrkt_id and dmas.acct_stus_key = da.acct_stus_key)
    join cdw.sum_mrkt_acct_sls smas
    on (da.mrkt_id = smas.mrkt_id and da.acct_key = smas.acct_key and smas.fld_sls_cmpgn_perd_id = :b3)
    left join (SELECT dad1.*
    FROM codi.dim_addr dad1 JOIN codi.dim_mrkt_addr_typ dmat
    ON ( dad1.mrkt_id = 63
    AND dad1.mrkt_id = dmat.mrkt_id
    AND dad1.addr_typ_id = dmat.addr_typ_id
    AND NVL (dmat.glbl_addr_typ_id, 1) = 1
    ) dad
    on (da.mrkt_id = dad.mrkt_id and da.acct_key = dad.acct_key)
    left join codi.dim_mrkt_rmovl_rsn dmrr
    on (smas.mrkt_id = dmrr.mrkt_id and smas.rmovl_rsn_id = dmrr.rmovl_rsn_id and dmrr.rmovl_rsn_id <> -100)
    left join codi.dim_colctn_stus dmcs
    on ( smas.colctn_stus_key = dmcs.colctn_stus_key)
    left join codi.dim_mrkt_zone dmz_appt
    on (smas.mrkt_id = dmz_appt.mrkt_id and smas.appt_sls_org_key = dmz_appt.zone_key)
    join codi.dim_ldrshp_genlgy dlg
    on (smas.mrkt_id = dlg.mrkt_id and smas.acct_key = dlg.dwnln_acct_key and smas.fld_sls_cmpgn_perd_id = dlg.fld_sls_cmpgn_perd_id)
    Where da.mrkt_id = :b4
    and da.rmovl_cmpgn_perd_id between :b5 and :b6
    and nvl(da.appt_cmpgn_perd_id,19000301) < da.rmovl_cmpgn_perd_id
    and da.rmovl_cmpgn_perd_id > nvl(da.rnstmt_cmpgn_perd_id,19000301)
    and dmas.acct_stus_id = 2
    and ( (mrkt_id = 63 and dmas.ACCT_STUS_CD in ('C','D') ) or (dmas.mrkt_id <> 63))
    and dlg.root_upln_acct_key <> -100
    and dmz.zone_key <>-100) a
    LEFT JOIN hz_metadata.pr_market_control pmc
    ON ( a.mrkt_id = pmc.mrkt_id
    AND a.upline =pmc.column_nm and
    pmc.table_nm ='FID 7'
    and pmc.report_level='ALL'
    and pmc.rpt_lang_cd = :b7
    ) where '2' = case when a.mrkt_id =66 then a.RMOVL_RSN_CD else '2' end
    ) ORDER BY acct_key,decode(upline1,'ZM',1,upline1) ,genlgy
         50 PX COORDINATOR
              49 PX SEND QC (ORDER) SYS.:TQ10004 Cost: 42,324 Bytes: 3,809 Cardinality: 1
                   48 SORT ORDER BY Cost: 42,324 Bytes: 3,809 Cardinality: 1
                        47 PX RECEIVE Cost: 42,323 Bytes: 3,809 Cardinality: 1
                             46 PX SEND RANGE SYS.:TQ10003 Cost: 42,323 Bytes: 3,809 Cardinality: 1
                                  45 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 42,323 Bytes: 3,809 Cardinality: 1
                                       42 VIEW Cost: 42,323 Bytes: 3,733 Cardinality: 1
                                            41 FILTER
                                                 40 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 42,323 Bytes: 1,437 Cardinality: 1
                                                      37 HASH JOIN OUTER Cost: 42,322 Bytes: 1,421 Cardinality: 1
                                                           25 PX RECEIVE Cost: 20,878 Bytes: 767 Cardinality: 1
                                                                24 PX SEND HASH SYS.:TQ10002 Cost: 20,878 Bytes: 767 Cardinality: 1
                                                                     23 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 20,878 Bytes: 767 Cardinality: 1
                                                                          19 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 20,878 Bytes: 736 Cardinality: 1
                                                                               17 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 20,878 Bytes: 727 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                    14 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 20,877 Bytes: 688 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                         11 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 20,877 Bytes: 681 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                              8 HASH JOIN Cost: 20,877 Bytes: 656 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                                   5 BUFFER SORT
                                                                                                        4 PX RECEIVE Cost: 12,703 Bytes: 282 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                                             3 PX SEND BROADCAST SYS.:TQ10000 Cost: 12,703 Bytes: 282 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                                                  2 PARTITION LIST SINGLE Cost: 12,703 Bytes: 282 Cardinality: 1 Partition #: 22
                                                                                                                       1 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE CODI.DIM_ACCT Cost: 12,703 Bytes: 282 Cardinality: 1 Partition #: 22
                                                                                                   7 PX BLOCK ITERATOR Cost: 8,173 Bytes: 24,524,302 Cardinality: 65,573 Partition #: 24
                                                                                                        6 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE CDW.SUM_MRKT_ACCT_SLS Cost: 8,173 Bytes: 24,524,302 Cardinality: 65,573 Partition #: 24
                                                                                              10 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CODI.DIM_MRKT_ACCT_STUS Cost: 0 Bytes: 25 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                                   9 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) CODI.PK_DIM_REP_STUS Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                         13 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CODI.DIM_COLCTN_STUS Cost: 0 Bytes: 7 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                              12 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) CODI.PK_DIM_COLCTN_STUS Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                    16 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CODI.DIM_MRKT_RMOVL_RSN Cost: 0 Bytes: 39 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                         15 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) CODI.PK_DIM_MRKT_RMOVL_RSN Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1
                                                                               18 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) CODI.PK_DIM_MRKT_ZONE Cost: 0 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1
                                                                          22 PARTITION RANGE SINGLE Cost: 0 Bytes: 31 Cardinality: 1 Partition #: 33
                                                                               21 PARTITION LIST SINGLE Cost: 0 Bytes: 31 Cardinality: 1 Partition #: 34
                                                                                    20 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) CODI.PK_DIM_LDRSHP_GENLGY Cost: 0 Bytes: 31 Cardinality: 1 Partition #: 34
                                                           36 BUFFER SORT
                                                                35 PX RECEIVE Cost: 21,442 Bytes: 249,603,678 Cardinality: 381,657
                                                                     34 PX SEND HASH SYS.:TQ10001 Cost: 21,442 Bytes: 249,603,678 Cardinality: 381,657
                                                                          33 VIEW Cost: 21,442 Bytes: 249,603,678 Cardinality: 381,657
                                                                               32 FILTER
                                                                                    31 MERGE JOIN Cost: 21,442 Bytes: 35,112,444 Cardinality: 381,657
                                                                                         27 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CODI.DIM_ADDR Cost: 21,438 Bytes: 65,721,278 Cardinality: 801,479
                                                                                              26 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX CODI.FK_DIMMRKTADDRTYP_DIMADDR Cost: 999 Cardinality: 801,479
                                                                                         30 SORT JOIN Cost: 4 Bytes: 70 Cardinality: 7
                                                                                              29 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CODI.DIM_MRKT_ADDR_TYP Cost: 3 Bytes: 70 Cardinality: 7
                                                                                                   28 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX CODI.FK_DIMMRKT_DIMMRKTADDRTYP Cost: 1 Cardinality: 8
                                                      39 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CODI.DIM_MRKT_ZONE Cost: 0 Bytes: 16 Cardinality: 1
                                                           38 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) CODI.PK_DIM_MRKT_ZONE Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1
                                       44 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE HZ_METADATA.PR_MARKET_CONTROL Cost: 0 Bytes: 76 Cardinality: 1
                                            43 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HZ_METADATA.PK_PR_MARKET_CONTROL Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1

    I suggest you read this, otherwise you won't get much help...
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting

  • Still not able to use fire fox, Fire fox works in safe mode but then it will freeze up and run slow when i try to use a link. All my drivers ect are up to date.

    My Fire Fox will only open in xp sp1 but then it will run slow and freeze up when i try to view a link, i have just about given up with this problem as i have tried every thing that might fix this problem.

    Try disabling graphics hardware acceleration. Since this feature was added to Firefox, it has gradually improved, but there still are a few glitches.
    You might need to restart Firefox in order for this to take effect, so save all work first (e.g., mail you are composing, online documents you're editing, etc.).
    Then perform these steps:
    *Click the orange Firefox button at the top left, then select the "Options" button, or, if there is no Firefox button at the top, go to Tools > Options.
    *In the Firefox options window click the ''Advanced'' tab, then select "General".
    *In the settings list, you should find the ''Use hardware acceleration when available'' checkbox. Uncheck this checkbox.
    *Now, restart Firefox and see if the problems persist.
    If this doesnt work, may you please reply and respond with a list of things you have tried.

  • CPU runs 100% when logging with DAQmx using card 6229

    When I start a logging using DAQmx Analog Input  the computer CPU runs 100%. This causes the problem that the computer locks and the subsequent steps in the program are left without computer CPU recourse. After the logging is compleet, 1750 samples/10 channels at 250Hz, the program runs on, but the loggfile is at that point useles.
    I have instaled LV 7.1.1 and am using DAQ 7.4.
    Anyone that recognizes this problem?
    Idriz "Minnet" Zogaj, M.Sc. Engineering Physics
    Memory Profesional
    direct: +46 (0) - 734 32 00 10

    Hello Idriz!
    I just wanted to respond here as well so you know that we have read your post on this very forum. Still waiting for an answer from the US and after that I will forward that information to you.
    Jimmie A.
    Applications Engineer, National Instruments
    Jimmie Adolph
    Systems Engineer Manager, National Instruments Northern Region
    Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal

  • Formula node error

    Error using formula node with non-linear fitting VI.
    I am using LV 2011 on windows XP.
    Using Nonllinear Curve  I have used this before successfully.I am using the "formula string" instance of this polymorphic VI.  When I run my program using the formula string "b0+b1*x", it runs fine and give sensible results.  When I use the formula string "b0+b1*x+A1*x^2" I get the error message "Error -23083 has occurred at an unknown location. Analysis: Bracket problem at the end."
    Attached screenshots show part of the block diagram that wrorks (lv0.bmp) and ppart of the block diagram that does not work (lv1.bmp).
    Thank you.
    lv0.jpg ‏23 KB
    lv1.jpg ‏39 KB

    Thank you Dennis. It turns out the "caret" ("^") operator is OK here, and is raising a number to a power, as desired.  The problem was that I used an uppercase letter in a variable name.  Not allowed!  Nor can variable names have have two letters, although that wasn't the problem in my example. (It was a problem in some of my other attempts.)

  • Formula node

    Hi everyone.
    I have a problem with the formula node.
    I want to calculate the following  function:
    where xdot, Omegat, y, thetax are all 1D arrays ( honestly these are waveforms but I convert these in arrays) while y0 is a constant. Also the output Ux has to be a 1D array.
    When I implement the formula in the appropriate box I receive a message about
    "array indexing indices".
    For more information I link my .VI.
    Some idea how to solve this task?
    Second question:
    Using the formula node is faster than realize all these operations in a
    different way?
    I ask it because I will need to include this .VI into 5
    different "for loops"?
    formula ‏87 KB

    Hi matomato,
    fastest is usually to use LabView primitives! See attachment...
    Edited: made another small change to your vi: changed y0 to DBL to avoid unneccessary datatype conversions!
    Message Edited by GerdW on 02-27-2008 05:11 PM
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome
    formula ‏87 KB

  • Array output from formula node with input variable as array size

    I have created a formula node with an array output called al, but I get an error "you have connected a scalar type to an array with that type".
    I declare the output as follows..
    float64 al[len_as];
    where len_as is an scalar input to the formula node.
    It only works when I put a number as.
    float64 al[5];
    ,but I don't know beforehand how many elements I need, so I cannot use this.
    Please help! This is so stupid.

    Don't define your array in your formula node.
    Initialize the array as the size you want and pass it in as an input into the formula node.
    Are you sure you even need to use a formula node?  Can you implement your formula using all native LabVIEW functions?
    Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 10-07-2009 11:51 PM
    Example_VI_BD.png ‏3 KB

  • Formula node: type conversion

    Hello guys
    I have LV 5.0 and have to edit a script which has some kind of overflows. For testing I set all variables to the hightest usable range - extended or i32. Now I see, in all formula nodes, there are type conversions. How can I change the type of the inputs/outputs of the formula node?
    My first language is German, please ignore my faults...

    I forgot that you run Lv5.0. My example refers to Lv7.1.
    As far as I know in Lv7.1 the input variable type changes automatically as you connect a control.
    On the contrary the output is DBL by default but you can change it in the formula node introducing an explicit declaration of that variable (see "h" in the attached picture).
    Here are some useful link:
     Sorry, I understand that this cannot solve your problem but I don't remember how Lv5.0 works with formula node.
    CLD - Labview Certified Developer
    untitled3.gif ‏42 KB

  • Formula node uotput variable

    If i use two different formula nodes with the same output and input variable names will the variables (scope) be the same? In the first formula node i define a variabe "int32 first ==0" then in a seperate node embedded in a for loop structure I write " if(first==0) first = chan;". That way the variable "first" is set equal to "chan" only once through all acquisitions of the for loop b/c "first " only equals 0 at the beginning of the loop. My problem is that after running the program more then once the value of "first" remains the same regardless of the new value of "chan".

    I believe that the variables are local to the formula nodes themselves.
    Therefore, in your first formula node, first is set to 0. In the second, if you don't define an initial value, it is assumed zero. So the first time through, it will get set to the value of chan. But the second time through, it already equals chan in the second formula node (not reset by the first formula node--they are separate variables). Therefore, it will never go to a new value of chan until it is reset to 0.

  • Array Handling in Formula Node

    I have attached a simple VI wherein I want to take an input array, look at its size and use the size of the input array as the size of the output array. The output array needs to be declared. I want to be able to use the size of the input array "N" as the size of the output array too. The size of the input array changes dynamically based on my simulation needs. I dont want to modify the size of the array in the declaration every time I change the array size in simulation.
    I have tried using b[N] instead of b[10] in the formula node. However LV does not seem to accept this and gives me a syntax error. 
    Array Handling in Formula ‏8 KB

    AGovi wrote:
     However I require to use complicated formulas such as 
    If a simple formula is easier in G, a complicated formula will also be easier in G.
    Actually, it will scale better.  Since graphical code is 2D, doubling the code will make it only 1.4x (sqrt2) larger in each dimension, while the formula will double in lenght.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Formula node, condition

    I want to use conditional expressions such as
    if () then
    end if
    in the formula node, but there were error messages "unassigned output".
    I followed Ankita's suggestion to use
    if (x<5)
    but there were same error messages(I tried "end if;" also.).

    Which version of LabVIEW are you using? Any chance it is earlier than 6.0?
    If so, then Ankita's suggestions probably won't work, because there were major changes in Formula Node behavior. I recall that every variable introduced in pre-6.0 formula nodes had to be explicitly added as either an input terminal or an output terminal on the formula node. Furthermore, those older formula nodes used a different style for conditional syntax. It's all documented in the manuals or help documentation that shipped with your LabVIEW version, whatever that may be.
    More to the point, I suggest that you abandon the formula node for simple conditionals like this and just use a case statement. You can wire your x variable into a less-than node, then wire the output of that into a case statement selector. You can very often avoid formula nodes by using case statements or even the "Select" node on the Comparison palette.
    My two cents,

  • Formula node calculatio​n error

    Hi all,
    I am expecting the output of formula node as the value of "c" input variable. but it outputs NaN.  I am attaching jpeg file illustrating that.
    Clarification would be appreciated.
    Formula 1.JPG ‏21 KB

    Hi Kousy,
    look at attached example...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome
    Attachments: ‏15 KB

  • Satellite C55-PSCG8E FAN running fast when pluged in

    Hi There,
    My laptop's FAN is running really fast and loudly when plugged in AC power source.
    However the FAN runs quietly when the battery is used.
    The laptop is new and so far only the antivirus application is running.
    Is this a normal behavior or an issue ?
    Normally a FAN run as fast when the CPU is hot and many applications are running.

    Hi Yassine
    Dont be worried about this notebook behavior this is nothing unusual
    The reason why the fan is running faster when AC adaptor is connected this very simple: the Windows system use different settings using the battery or mains power.
    Using battery mode, the system is configured differently in order to save battery power and to increase notebook working time.
    You can change the settings in control panel -> power options.
    Here you will find different power plans
    Click on the current power plant and check the Change Advanced power settings.
    Here you would find the settings for cooling method (sometimes its placed within the Toshiba power saver or Processor power management).
    There you can change System cooling policy: you will choose either passive or active
    Maybe this FAQ could be interesting for you:

  • HELP: Run-time array dimension in LabVIEW formula node

    I need to dimension an array at run time within a formula node as follows:
    int32 i,N;
    N = sizeOfDim(inputArray,0);
    float64 outputArray[N];
    for (i = 0; i outputArray[i] = myfunction(inputArray[i]);
    However, LabVIEW complains "Formula Node: index list expected". On the
    other hand, if I say
    float64 outputArray[1000];
    LabVIEW is perfectly happy. But that's not what I need to do! Is there
    an alternative
    way of accomplishing my goal?
    BTW, I've tried calculating N outside the formula node and then
    presenting it as
    an input with the same results. I've got a bad feeling that run time
    array dimensioning
    just isn't allowed.

    Can't you just use the Initialize Array function outside the formula node and pass that instead?

  • Why do I receive Error -23088 when using the Eval Formula (LV6.1)?

    I want to evaluate formulas like x=v>20; with that vi. When typing the
    same formula into an normal Formula Node I get the correct answer. When
    changing the formula into x=v+20; the eval Formula works fine.
    But whenever I try to resolve a boolean function like that mentioned
    above, I receive that f****n Error! Why this? What can I do? Is the Eval
    ... .vi less powerfull than the normal node?
    Thanks for your help,

    Joel A wrote:
    > I think the boolean (binary) ops are the only difference between the two nodes.&nbsp; I pulled this from the help:
    > Formula Node and Expression Node Functions
    > The following list contains the names of the Formula Node and Expression Node functions, and their descriptions. Except for the binary functions, you also can use these functions with <a href="gmath.chm::/Parser_VIs.html" target="_blank">Formula VIs</a>. All function names must be lowercase. You also can use <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\National%20Instruments\LabVIEW%208.0\help\lvhowto.chm::/Precedence_of_Operators_in.html" target="_blank">operators</a> and the pi constant in Formula and Expression Nodes.
    > Start at the help above, and see if you can find any helpful information.
    > &nbsp;
    > &nbsp;
    > J
    Thanks for help,
    I solved the problem by using the "Parse Arithmetic Expression.llb" from
    examples. You can modify it and add the operators you need..

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