Forum discussion through email-attachment

Hello All,
I just want to know if there is way to post the discussion reply in SAP Forum using email attachement.

I would like to rephrase my question. We have installed Forum 7.0 in SAP EP 7.0 SP16 environment. We are trying to to setup Gateway setting so that Forum can be created using email.
I am not able to do that. Can some one suggest/help how to configure Gateway setting for creating Forum.

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    It's very urgent.Useful answers will be rewarded.

    Are you using any webdispatcher or some proxy? Is there any URL filter configured in between?
    If yes then I think you have to allow these pages.

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    Please check the links
    Re: Spool to XLS
    Re: converting spool data to xls file format.
    Satish Boguda

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    That should be the basis issue. They needs to do some settings. Please ask them to do so.

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    Hi All,
    I am having a requirement that I need to download the internal table data into .txt file and I need to zip the text file. And this zip files needs to send to the customer through email.
    I am able download the data into .txt and able to zip the file. But I am not able send the .zip file through email.
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    hi Vinod,
    Can you please tell me how you have zipped the file.
    I am having a text file in application server. I need to zip that file. Then the middleware moves it to Legacy system.
    I used the following code. With this I am having the data in Binary format which my midleware cannot understand.
    What I need on the whole is just to reduce the size of the file.
    form ZIP_FILE .
    DATA: lt_data TYPE TABLE OF x255,
          lt_textdata TYPE TABLE OF x255.
    DATA: ls_data LIKE LINE OF lt_data.
    DATA: lv_dsn1(100) VALUE '/ECD/120/GIS/FTP/IB/DNBPAYDEX.TXT'.
    DATA: lv_dsn3(100) VALUE '/ECD/120/GIS/FTP/IB/'.
    *DATA: lv_dsn3(100) VALUE '/interfaces/SM5/'. " Contains sample1.xls and sample2.xls
    DATA: lv_file_length TYPE i.
    DATA: lv_content TYPE xstring.
    DATA: lo_zip TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_zip.
    Read the data as a string
    clear lv_content .
    READ DATASET lv_dsn1 INTO lv_content .
    CLOSE DATASET lv_dsn1.
    lo_zip->add( name = 'sample.TXT' content = lv_content ).
    lv_content = lo_zip->save( ).
    *clear lv_content .
    Conver the xstring content to binary
    buffer = lv_content
    output_length = lv_file_length
    binary_tab = lt_data.
    LOOP AT lt_textdata INTO ls_data.
    TRANSFER ls_data TO lv_dsn3.
    CLOSE DATASET lv_dsn3.
    IF sy-subrc EQ '0'.
        MESSAGE s999(zfi_ap_gl) WITH text-t10.
    Can you please help.
    Thanks Aravind

  • Unable send ADOBE form through email as attachment

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    Thank you.

    just use a "Standard button", select it and go to the "Object" -> "Field" tab. Set the control type to "Submit". Go to the "Submit" tab. Set the submit format (e.g. PDF) and set the URL to "mailto:<receiver's email address>".
    This will work fine without any JavaScript.
    Take care,

  • How do I send an attachment through email

    How can I send an attachment through email.

    This is not a firefox problem, but see analytical information in this link:
    [ How to Send an E-mail Attachment]
    thank you
    Please mark "Solved" the answer that really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

  • Sending smartform through email as PDF attachment

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    **Data Declarations
    **Internal Table
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_spfli OCCURS 0,
              carrid LIKE spfli-carrid,
              connid LIKE spfli-connid,
           END OF it_spfli.
    DATA:   it_packing_list LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            it_contents     LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    storing receivers      
            it_receivers    LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    **storing file attachment data
            it_attachment   LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,                    gd_doc_data     LIKE sodocchgi1,
            gd_error        TYPE sy-subrc,
            l_gntxt         LIKE t357g_t-gntxt,
            lv_message(100) TYPE c.
    DATA:   it_message TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1 INITIAL SIZE 0
                    WITH HEADER LINE. "storing mail body
    DATA : psubject(30) TYPE c VALUE 'Sample Mail'. "subject of the mail
    DATA : ld_format TYPE so_obj_tp , "file format
           ld_attfilename TYPE so_obj_des, "file name
           w_cnt TYPE i.
    **Selecting the data
    SELECT carrid connid INTO TABLE it_spfli FROM spfli WHERE carrid EQ 'AA'.
    **Perform for populating mail body
    PERFORM populate_message.
    **Perform for populating file attachment
    PERFORM populate_attachment.
    **Perform for populating mail characteristic info
    PERFORM populate_pack.
    **Perform for populating receivers
    PERFORM populate_receivers.
    **Perform to send mail
    PERFORM send_mail.
    *&      Form  populate_message
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM populate_message .
    **Populating the body
      lv_message = 'Sample mail for testing purpose.'.
      APPEND lv_message TO it_message.
    ENDFORM.                    " populate_message
    *&      Form  populate_attachment
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM populate_attachment .
    **Populating the attachment file with the data from final intenal table
                  'CONNECTION ID'
                  INTO it_attachment SEPARATED BY
      CONCATENATE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf it_attachment INTO
      APPEND it_attachment.
      LOOP AT it_spfli.
        CONCATENATE it_spfli-carrid it_spfli-connid INTO it_attachment SEPARATED BY
        CONCATENATE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf it_attachment INTO
        APPEND it_attachment.
    ENDFORM.                    " populate_attachment
    *&      Form  populate_receivers
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM populate_receivers .
    **Populating Mail Recepients
    **If there are more than one mail recepient then loop and append them to it_receivers
      it_receivers-receiver = '[email protected]'.
      it_receivers-rec_type = 'U'.
      it_receivers-com_type = 'INT'.
      it_receivers-notif_del = 'X'.
      it_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'.
      it_receivers-express = 'X'.
      APPEND it_receivers.
    ENDFORM.                    " populate_receivers
    *&      Form  populate_pack
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM populate_pack .
    **File Type
      ld_format = 'XLS'.
    **File Name
      ld_attfilename = 'File1'.
    Fill the document data.
      gd_doc_data-doc_size = 1.
    Populate the subject/generic message attributes
      gd_doc_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
      gd_doc_data-obj_name = 'SAPRPT'.
      gd_doc_data-obj_descr = psubject .
      gd_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'.
    Fill the document data and get size of attachment
      CLEAR gd_doc_data.
    Populate the subject/generic message attributes
      gd_doc_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
      READ TABLE it_attachment INDEX w_cnt.
      gd_doc_data-doc_size = ( w_cnt - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( it_attachment ).
      gd_doc_data-obj_name  = 'SAPRPT'.
      gd_doc_data-obj_descr = psubject.
      gd_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'.
    Describe the body of the message
      CLEAR it_packing_list.
      REFRESH it_packing_list.
      it_packing_list-transf_bin = space.
      it_packing_list-head_start = 1.
      it_packing_list-head_num = 0.
      it_packing_list-body_start = 1.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_message LINES it_packing_list-body_num.
      it_packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'.
      APPEND it_packing_list.
    **Describe the attachment info
      it_packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
      it_packing_list-head_start = 1.
      it_packing_list-head_num = 1.
      it_packing_list-body_start = 1.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_attachment LINES  it_packing_list-body_num.
      it_packing_list-doc_type = ld_format.
      it_packing_list-obj_name = ld_attfilename.
      it_packing_list-obj_descr = ld_attfilename.
      it_packing_list-doc_size = it_packing_list-body_num * 255.
      APPEND it_packing_list.
    ENDFORM.                    " populate_pack
    *&      Form  send_mail
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM send_mail .
    **Function Module to send mail
          document_data              = gd_doc_data
          put_in_outbox              = 'X'
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = it_packing_list
          contents_bin               = it_attachment
          contents_txt               = it_message
          receivers                  = it_receivers
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
    ENDFORM.                    " send_mail

  • Yes Verizon has contacted me by phone.  I never scheduled a call time nor did I call them.  They also are not making it easy to contact them through email.  I need to discuss a way to assure that my phone is never called again during work hours without a

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    Well if you pay your bill the calls would not happen.
    You need only tell them not to call you during working time.
    The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act states you must tell them it is not convenient.
    Now if marketing calls you can opt out at the Verizon web portal under your My Verizon account.
    You will not get compensation for them to call you. Nice try.
    However they could just shut your phone off and then you will call them.
    Email is not an option.
    Good Luck

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    How to Attach Photos and Videos to Emails on an iPhone or  iPad
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    How to add, send and open iPad email attachments
    How to Send Multiple email Attachments from your iPad or iPhone ipad-or-iphone
     Cheers, Tom

  • Drill Through does not work if clicked from email attachment

    Drill through when clicked from the report attached in the email, takes me to the home folder in the Report Server. That's the <URL Root> setup in the Reporting Services. I checked the solutions, but those don't work for me. One of them said to use
    'Go To URL' in the 'Action' property of the text box, but JavaScript is not recognized when I tried to enter '="javascript:void('http://.........."  Please help.

    Hi jkrish,
    Based on your description, are experiencing the issue when you  click in the report which will  link you to the home folder of the Report Server and the report was attached to an email, You adding the URL like this: ="javascript:void('http://..........”)" 
    which doesn’t work in the email’s report, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce your problem in the email’s report, but it is fine in the report server ,the problem due to the JavaScript protocol can work only with an exact page. So, when you try to open an blank page to enter
    the URL it will not work.
    You can find more details steps to check the issue:
    Open a blank Internet Explorer, type the following URL in the address box:
    javascript:void('', '_blank'))
    The URL can’t work fine.
    Open a page such as, and then replace the URL with the following URL:
    javascript:void('', '_blank')
    At this time, the Internet Explorer will open the home page of in a new window. It means we can use the URL in Reporting Service well but can’t work in the email attached report.
    If your SQL Server version is 2008 R2 or Higher you can Using this expressions in the “GO To URL”:
    Expression: =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.IsInteractive = true, "javascript:void('', '_blank'))", "")
    This mean if you run the report in Report Server and click the link, you will open the URL using : "javascript:void('', '_blank'))",otherwise it will using this URL: "")
    If the version is lower than 2008 R2 and will not support the “RenderFormat.IsInteractive = ”, you can add directly the URL (Example:=”Http://<ServerName>/ReportServer” ) in the “Go To URL” to make it work fine in the email attached report.
    Similar thread for your reference:
    SSRS 2005 Jump to URL javascript:void fails in
    Excel 2003
    If you still have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu

  • How do I read an email attachment in MS Outlook that comes through as win mail.dat extension?

    How do I read an email attachment in MS Outlook that comes through as winmail.dat file?  Is there a setting I can change to make any attachment I receive from someone who has Windows?  Thanks!

    Hope this helps.

  • Format issue in opening an XLS attachment sent through email by ABAP2XLSX

    I have downloaded the ABAP2XLSX nuggets and tried to send an attachment in the email using the SAP. But when opening the attachment it is giving up an format issue and not able to view the content. I am able to save the XLSX file on the PC and able to read it but when I  send it to email it doesn't open correctly and it is in a non readable format. Please find the code that I have been using. Can someone help me on this.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF tp_zzrule,
             zzprog     TYPE zzfunc,
             zzdata     TYPE zzcri1,
             zzseq      TYPE zzseq,
             zzkey1     TYPE zzkey1,
             zzkey2     TYPE zzkey2,
         END OF tp_zzrule.
    DATA: w_zzrule   TYPE tp_zzrule,
          t_zzrule   TYPE TABLE OF zzourule.
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    DATA:   v_document            TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
            v_recipient           TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
            v_main_text           TYPE bcsy_text,
            v_send_request        TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
            v_msub                TYPE so_obj_des,
             v_size               TYPE so_obj_len,
            v_string2             TYPE string,
            v_attsub              TYPE sood-objdes,
            v_mailid              TYPE ad_smtpadr,
            v_sent(1)             type c,
            v_sent_to_all         TYPE os_boolean,
            v_string              TYPE string,
            v_repid               TYPE sy-repid,
            v_title               TYPE so_text255,
            v_dochead             TYPE so_text255.
    DATA lt_test TYPE TABLE OF sflight.
    DATA: lo_excel                TYPE REF TO zcl_excel,
          lo_excel_writer         TYPE REF TO zif_excel_writer,
          lo_worksheet            TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet,
          column_dimension        TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_columndime.
    DATA: ls_table_settings       TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings.
    DATA: lv_file                 TYPE xstring,
          lv_bytecount            TYPE i,
          lt_file_tab             TYPE solix_tab,
          t_objtxt  like solisti1   occurs 0 with header line,
          t_objbin  like solisti1   occurs 0 with header line,
          t_objpack like sopcklsti1 occurs 0 with header line,
          t_reclist like table of somlreci1 with header line.
    DATA: lv_full_path      TYPE string,
          lv_workdir        TYPE string,
          lv_file_separator TYPE c.
    CONSTANTS: lv_default_file_name TYPE string VALUE 'multi sheet test.xlsx'.
    PARAMETERS: p_path  TYPE zexcel_export_dir,
                p_empty TYPE flag.
      lv_workdir = p_path.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING initial_folder  = lv_workdir
                                                  CHANGING  selected_folder = lv_workdir ).
      p_path = lv_workdir.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_sapgui_workdir( CHANGING sapworkdir = lv_workdir ).
      cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
      p_path = lv_workdir.
      IF p_path IS INITIAL.
        p_path = lv_workdir.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_file_separator( CHANGING file_separator = lv_file_separator ).
      CONCATENATE p_path lv_file_separator lv_default_file_name INTO lv_full_path.
    SELECT *
        INTO TABLE t_zzrule
       FROM zzourule
      WHERE zzprog  = 'RV63A999'.
        SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE lt_test.
      " Creates active sheet
      CREATE OBJECT lo_excel.
    For first Sheet in the excel workbook
      " Get active sheet
      lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ).
      lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'Test sheet one').
      ls_table_settings-table_style  = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2.
      ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true.
      lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table          = lt_test
                                is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
      lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 3 ). "freeze column headers when scrolling
      column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column_dimension( ip_column = 'E' ). "make date field a bit wider
      column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ).
    For second Sheet in the excel workbook
      lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ).
      lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'Second sheet' ).
      lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = 'B' ip_row = 2
               ip_value = 'This is the test for second sheet by Pavan' ).
      ls_table_settings-table_style  = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2.
      ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true.
      lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table          = t_zzrule
                                is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
    This will create excel.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_2007.
      lv_file = lo_excel_writer->write_file( lo_excel ).
    " Convert to binary
          buffer        = lv_file
          output_length = lv_bytecount
          binary_tab    = lt_file_tab.
    Save the file on to the PC
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = lv_bytecount
                                                        filename     = lv_full_path
                                                        filetype     = 'BIN'
                                               CHANGING data_tab     = lt_file_tab ).
    *--Create and set document with attachment.
    v_main_text-line  = 'This is the main text not sure where this would print'.
    append v_main_text.
        v_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).      "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
      v_msub       = 'Test excel with multi sheets.XLS'.
          v_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
          i_type     = 'RAW'
          i_text     = v_main_text
          i_subject  = v_msub ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
        v_size = lv_bytecount.
    *--Add the attachment.
          v_document->add_attachment(                          "#EC .., bzw
                i_attachment_type    = 'EXT'
               i_attachment_type    = 'XLS'
               i_attachment_type    = 'RAW'
                i_attachment_subject = v_attsub
                i_attachment_size    = v_size
               i_att_content_hex    = lt_file_tab ).    "#EC .., bzw.
               i_att_content_hex    = lt_file_tab ).    "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_document_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Add document object to send request.
          v_send_request->set_document( v_document ).         "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--E-mail recipent list
      t_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
      t_reclist-receiver = <email Id here>.
      APPEND t_reclist.
      CLEAR t_reclist.
      LOOP AT t_reclist.
        CLEAR v_mailid.
        v_mailid = t_reclist-receiver.
    *--Create mail recipient object.
          v_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( v_mailid ). "#EC .., bzw.
           CATCH cx_address_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Add recipient object to send request.
            v_send_request->add_recipient( v_recipient ).     "#EC .., bzw.
          CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    **--Add recipient object to send request.
        v_sent_to_all = v_send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
    CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Send document.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       MESSAGE s999(zou01) WITH text-020.
        v_sent = 'X'.

    I realize this is an old post, but am wondering if you ever resolved this.  I'm having the same issue.  Download an xlsx file locally opens fine, but attaching the seemingly exact same file throw errors/warnings when trying to open via an email attachment.

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    Could you plaese let me know How to send Pdf Attachments
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    Using Function Module  SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1.

    GP does not involve any sort of coding.
    Just like workflow, GP has a flow desgined in a process.
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    Check [this|] link for details

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    Hi Reddy, this forum is not for writing scripts. Please request in this
    You can try help like shown below
    help Send-MailMessage -Detailed
    help Get-EventLog -Detailed
    help Get-WinEvent -Detailed
    If you need further help post here
    Regards Chen V [MCTS SharePoint 2010]
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Maybe you are looking for

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    I'm currently planning on purchasing an iPhone, but am just wondering whether the extra data plan charge(I'm currently an AT&T customer) is required to use the phone. I don't plan on using it for the internet or email, since I can just do that at hom

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    The language learning site Tell Me More has a login at . My username and password are very long, and I would like to use the Firefox password manager to remember them. However, unlike with other sites, Firefox doe