[Forum FAQ] How to install and configure Windows Server Essentials Experience role on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard via PowerShell locally and remotely

As we all know,
the Windows Server Essentials Experience role is available in Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter. We can add the Windows Server
Essentials Experience role in Server Manager or via Windows PowerShell.
In this article, we introduce the steps to install and configure Windows
Server Essentials Experience role on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard via PowerShell locally and remotely. For better analyze, we divide this article into two parts.
Before installing the Windows Server Essentials Experience Role, please use
PowerShell cmdlet to ensure the Windows Server Essentials Experience (ServerEssentialsRole) is available. (Figure 1)
Figure 1.
Part 1: Install Windows Server Essentials Experience role locally
Add Windows Server Essentials Experience role
Run Windows PowerShell as administrator, then type
Add-WindowsFeature ServerEssentialsRole cmdlet to install Windows Server Essentials Experience role. (Figure 2)
Figure 2.
Note: It is necessary to configure Windows Server Essentials Experience (Post-deployment Configuration). Otherwise, you will encounter following issue when opening Dashboard.
(Figure 3)
Figure 3.
  2. Configure Windows Server Essentials Experience role
(1)  In an existing domain environment
Firstly, please join the Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard computer to the existing domain through the path:
Control Panel\System\Change Settings\”Change…”\Member of. (Figure 4)
Figure 4.
After that, please install Windows Server Essentials Experience role as original description. After installation completed, please use the following command to configure Windows
Server Essentials:
Start-WssConfigurationService –Credential <Your Credential>
Note: The type of
Your Credential should be as: Domain-Name\Domain-User-Account.
You must be a member of the Enterprise Admin group and Domain Admin group in Active Directory when using the command above to configure Windows Server Essentials. (Figure 5)
Figure 5.
Next, you can type the password for the domain account. (Figure 6)
Figure 6.
After setting the credential, please type “Y” to continue to configure Windows Server Essentials. (Figure 7)
Figure 7.
By the way, you can use
PowerShell cmdlet to
get the status of the configuration of Windows Server Essentials. Specify the
ShowProgress parameter to view a progress indicator. (Figure 8)
Figure 8.
(2) In a non-domain environment
Open PowerShell (Run as Administrator) on the Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and type following PowerShell cmdlets: (Figure 9)
Start-WssConfigurationService -CompanyName "xxx" -DNSName "xxx" -NetBiosName "xxx" -ComputerName "xxx” –NewAdminCredential $cred
Figure 9.
After you type the commands above and click Enter, you can create a new administrator credential. (Figure 10)
After creating the new administrator credential, please type “Y” to continue to configure Windows Server Essentials. (Figure 11)
After a reboot, all the configurations will be completed and you can open the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard without any errors. (Figure 12)
Figure 12.
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Part 2: Install and configure Windows Server Essentials Experience role remotely
In an existing domain environment
In an existing domain environment, please use following command to provide credential and then add Server Essentials Role: (Figure 13)
Add-WindowsFeature -Name ServerEssentialsRole
-ComputerName xxx -Credential DomainName\DomainAccount
Figure 13.
After you enter the credential, it will start install Windows Server Essentials role on your computer. (Figure 14)
Figure 14.
After the installation completes, it will return the result as below:
Figure 15.
Next, please use the
cmdlet and provide the correct credential to start an interactive session with a remote computer. You can use the commands below:
Enter-PSSession –ComputerName
xxx –Credential DomainName\DomainAccount (Figure 16)
Figure 16.
Then, please configure Server Essentials Role via
Add-WssConfigurationService cmdlet and it also needs to provide correct credential. (Figure 17)
Figure 17.
After your credential is accepted, it will update and prepare your server. (Figure 18)
Figure 18.
After that, please type “Y” to continue to configure Windows Server Essentials. (Figure 19)
Figure 19.
2. In a non-domain environment
In my test environment, I set up two computers running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and use Server1 as a target computer. The IP addresses for the two computers are as
Enable-PSRemoting –Force on Server1. (Figure 20)
Figure 20.
Since there is no existing domain, it is necessary to add the target computer (Server1) to a TrustedHosts list (maintained by WinRM) on Server 2. We can use following command
add the TrustedHosts entry:
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts IP-Address
(Figure 21)
Figure 21.
Next, we can use
cmdlet and provide the correct credential to start an interactive session with the remote computer. (Figure 22)
Figure 22.
After that, you can install Windows Server Essentials Experience Role remotely via Add-WindowsFeature ServerEssentialsRole cmdlet. (Figure 23)
Figure 23.
From figure 24, we can see that the installation is completed.
Figure 24.
Then you can use
Start-WssConfigurationService cmdlet to configure Essentials Role and follow the steps in the first part (configure Windows Server Essentials Experience in a non-domain environment) as the steps would be the same.
The figure below shows the status of Windows Server Essentials.
Finally, we have successfully configured Windows Server Essentials on Server1. (Figure 26)
Figure 26.
More information:
FAQ] Introduce Windows Powershell Remoting
Windows Server Essentials Setup Cmdlets
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    Hi Susan
    Many thanks for your reply but I have already installed the Essentials Experience Role on a Windows 2012 Standard R2 member server OK.
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    Applies to
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    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Is this a supported scenario, or does it use unsupported features?
    For example, can we call exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='b64ce7ec-d598-45cd-bbc2-ea202e0c129d'
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    <Customer ID="20">
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    SELECT T.c.value('(@ID)','int') AS ID,     
    T.c.value('(FirstName[1])','varchar(99)') AS firstName,     
    T.c.value('(LastName[1])','varchar(99)') AS lastName
    @xmlDoc.nodes('/Customers/Customer') T(c)
    P.S. This is an example for a given structured XML, to retrieve node values from different structured XMLs, you can reference here.
    Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) OR SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). If this is the first time we have opened SQL Server Data Tools, click Business Intelligence
    Settings for the default environment settings.
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    In Name, type project name. 
    Click OK to create the project. 
    In Solution Explorer, right-click Reports, point to Add, and click New Item.
    In the Add New Item dialog box, under Templates, click Report.
    In Name, type report name and then click Add.
    In the Report Data pane, right-click Data Sources and click Add Data Source.
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    xml_report from drop down list.
    In the Toolbox, click Table, and then click on the design surface.
    In the Report Data pane, expand the dataset we created above to display the fields.
    Drag the fields from the dataset to the cells of the table.
    Applies to
    Reporting Services 2008
    Reporting Services 2008 R2
    Reporting Services 2012
    Reporting Services 2014
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    I have near about 30 matrics. so I need a paging. I did every thing as per this post and it really works for me.
    I have total four columns. On one page it should show three and the remaining one will be moved to next page.
    Problem occurs when in my first row i have 3 columns and in next page if I have one columns then it show proper on first page but on second page also it gives me three columns insted of one. the first column data is exactly what I have but in remaining two
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    I have data like below.
    Metric ColumnNo RowNo
    1 1
    2 2
    3 3
    4 1
    so while grouping i have a row parent group on RowNo and Column group on ColumnNo.
    can anyone please advice on this.

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    Can any body help me to say thet "How to install Oracle Applications 11i( on Windows 2003 R2 X64 bit ' . Hi,
    I believe, 11i installation on Windows 2003 X64 is not fully supported.
    what is your os version:
    if it is windows 2003 32 bit, then it is supported on X86-64 servers for both database and application tiers
    If it is windows 2003 64 bit, then only datatabase tier is supported on x86-64 servers
    Have a look at the following note
    Frequently Asked Questions: Oracle E-Business Suite Support on x86-64 Doc ID: 343917.1

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    Refering to the document
    Oracle® Business Intelligence Publisher
    Certification Information
    10g Release 3 (
    To install on Windows 2008 R2 follow the steps in "Manually Installing BI Publisher to a J2EE Application Server" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Installation Guide.
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    Two steps:
    1. Install the repository
    2. Install the BIP application on OC4J
    It is clearly explained here:
    p.s Is this answers your question then please mark it as "Correct" or "Helpful"

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    Can I install WSUS alongside Windows Essentials Experience Role without killing IIS & Remote web access?
    Last time I tried this I lost my Remote Web Access.
    Remote Web Access uses the Default Web Site. If you install WSUS to the Default Web Site, it will break things. Install WSUS to the alternate "WSUS Administration" site on port 8530.
    Is there a way to get WSUS to install to different web ports i.e. 880 & 8443?
    Or can I get it to install in a new site in IIS?
    Just select the option during the installer to do that.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile: http://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/mvp/Lawrence%20R%20Garvin-32101
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

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    Yes, Bridge shortcut has been removed from PS CS5. However, you can go to File->Browse in Bridge option to open the file in Br CS6.
    Similar query has been answered here.

  • [Forum FAQ]How to customize Windows 7 & Windows 8.1 dual boot menu

    Scenario 1:
    When you install Windows 8.1 on Windows 7 based computer, the default boot option is Windows 8.1 boot options menu which is shown as Figure 1:
    If you want to use the old Windows 7 boot menu, follow these steps:
    Start the computer and then go into
    Windows 8.1 boot options menu which is shown as Figure 1.
    Change defaults or choose other options, and Options menu appears which is shown as Figure 2.     
    Choose a default operation system option.
    Windows 7 Enterprise option to set Windows 7 as the default operating system in the Choose a default operating system menu which is shown as Figure 3.
    Restart, and it will be changed to
    Windows 7 boot options menu which is as shown as Figure
    Scenario 2:
    If you have Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 dual-boot configuration, and the default boot menu is Windows 7 boot options menu which is shown as Figure 4.
    If you want to get the GUI as Windows 8.1 style, follow these steps:
    Boot into Windows 8.1 computer, open the
    command Prompt (Admin).
    Type the following command
    bcdboot  c:\Windows and press Enter.
    Restart, and you'll see the Windows 8.1 boot options menu which is as shown Figure 1.
    Scenario 3:
    When you have dual-boot system, one of the system disappear from the boot menu. We could follow these steps to get it back:
    Boot the computer from the installation media (Here my example is Windows 7) that works fine system.
    Go into
    System Recovery Options menu, which is as shown as Figure 6.
    Command Prompt link to open the command prompt window
    Use the
    diskpart and list volume commands to confirm the OS boot drive, the commands are shown as Figure 7.
    Backup the bcd file, rename it.
    Rebuild a new bcd file. It will scan all disk to confirm all Windows installation on your computer and ask if you want to add them to boot list.
    Y to agree with adding to boot list. In next boot, you will get all boot options back in the boot menu.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Since you've selected as default OS as Windows 8.1 you can go to disk management console and format the drive as required. 
    You can remove the Win 7 entry from boot loader:
    To launch msconfig:
    Click Start
    In the Search text box, type msconfig
    Launch msconfig by selecting it from the search results above the search text box.
    After msconfig is launched:
    Go to the Boot tab
    Slect the boot entry you want to delete.
    Click the Delete button and then click OK.
    Arnav Sharma | http://arnavsharma.net/ Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading
    the thread.

  • [Forum FAQ]How to upgrade Windows Server 2008 R2 with a GUI to Windows Server 2012 Server Core

    We found that some customers willing to upgrade Windows Server 2008 R2 GUI to Windows Server 2012 Server Core recently. This article provides detailed steps to perform the upgrade.
    Upgrading from Windows Server 2008 R2 with a GUI installation to Windows Server 2012 with Server Core directly
    is not supported. If you do that, you will receive the error message below(Figure 1) in Compatibility report: 
    Figure 1.
    In these scenario, you can upgrade to Windows Server 2012 firstly. After the upgrade process is completed, you can switch freely between Server Core and Server with a GUI modes.
    You can follow the steps below to perform an upgrade from Windows Server 2008 R2 with a GUI installation to Windows Server 2012 Server Core mode:
    1. Upgrade to Windows Server 2012 with a GUI mode
    1) Firstly, please boot into Windows Server 2008 R2 with a Windows Server 2012 installation DVD inserted.
    2) Select the operating system you want to install with a GUI mode.
    We can see 2 options (Server Core Installation or Server with a GUI) for each operating system version. (Figure 2)
    Figure 2.
    Note: Please make sure you have enough disk space on system partition. Or you will get such an error in Compatibility report.(Figure 3)
    Figure 3.
    After the Compatibility check, the installation will continue. It will take several minutes until upgrading is done.(Figure 4)
    Figure 4.
    2. Switch the GUI mode to Server Core
    Method 1: Using Server Manager
    1) Open Server Manager, click
    Manger and select “Remove Roles and Features” to start the
    Remove Roles and Features Wizard.
    2) In Features,
    uncheck the box next to the “User Interfaces and Infrastructure” option, and then click “Next”. (Figure 5)
    Figure 5.
    Now tick the “Restart the destination Server automatically if required” box, then click “Remove”. (Figure 6)
    Figure 6.
    Method 2: Using Windows PowerShell
    There are multiple ways to remove the GUI via Windows PowerShell, we introduce the way of using the ServerManager module.
    You can also run the commands in Windows PowerShell with an administrator to remove the GUI feature:
    “Import-Module ServerManager”
    “Uninstall-Windowsfeature Server-Gui-Shell –Restart”
    “Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra –Restart”
    It will take a period of time to remove the GUI feature and reboot. When the system boots up, you will get into the Windows Server 2012 with Server Core mode. (Figure 7)
    Figure 7.
    More information:
    Switch between Full and Server Core in Windows Server 2012 using PowerShell 3.0
    Windows Server Installation and Upgrade
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Brian is right, for mange the Server 2008r2 sp1 we recommend use the Windows 7 or 7.1 platform.
    More information:
    Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (SP1)
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • [Forum FAQ] How do I disable all subscriptions without disabling Reporting Services and SQL Server Agent?

    There is the scenario that users configured hundreds of subscriptions for reports. Now they want to disable all the subscriptions, but Reporting Services and SQL Server Agent service should be enable, so the subscriptions will not delivery reports to users
    and users could run the reports and create jobs on the server.
    To achieve this requirement, we need to list all subscriptions and their schedules by running query, then use loop statement to disable all the subscription schedules by Job name.
    On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server instance, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
    Type Server name and select Authentication, click Connect.
    Click New Query in menu to open a new Query Editor window.
    List all subscriptions and their schedules by running the following query:
    Use ReportServer
    SELECT   c.[Name] ReportName,           
    s.ScheduleID JobName,           
    ss.[Description] SubscriptionDescription,           
    ss.DeliveryExtension SubscriptionType,           
    c.[Path] ReportFolderPath,           
    row_number() over(order by s.ScheduleID) as rn             
    ReportSchedule rs           
    INNER JOIN Schedule s ON rs.ScheduleID = s.ScheduleID           
    INNER JOIN Subscriptions ss ON rs.SubscriptionID = ss.SubscriptionID           
    INNER JOIN [Catalog] c ON rs.ReportID = c.ItemID AND ss.Report_OID = c.ItemID   
    select * from #temp
    Use the loop statement to disable all the subscription schedules by Job name:
    @count INT,
    @maxCount INT  
    SET @COUNT=1  
    SELECT @maxCount=MAX(RN)
    @job_name VARCHAR(MAX)                  
    WHILE @COUNT <=@maxCount        
    SELECT @job_name=jobname FROM #temp WHERE RN=@COUNT  
    exec msdb..sp_update_job @job_name = @job_name,@enabled = 0     
    RINT @job_name   
    SQL Agent – Disable All Jobs
    Applies to
    Reporting Services 2008
    Reporting Services 2008 R2
    Reporting Services 2012
    Reporting Services 2014
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Is this a supported scenario, or does it use unsupported features?
    For example, can we call exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='b64ce7ec-d598-45cd-bbc2-ea202e0c129d'
    in a supported way?
    Thanks! Josh

  • How to install Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD USB Driver (MTP) for windows 8.1

    My PC's Windows in my workplace and Home is 8.1 Pro.
    I have Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD. The USB driver can't installed, and i can't use from USB for transfer file or data to tablet.
    I use USB for transfer to Table in workplace without error or any problem, But in home PC can't install USB Driver.
    In Device Manager, Appear in Other Device, MTP and Unkuwon Device.
    Huawei Support FAQ this Question and answer was:
    Question: I connect my MediaPad 10 FHD to a PC, but the MediaPad 10 FHD is not displayed as a USB drive. Why? What can I do?
     Answer: MediaPad 10 FHD uses MTP and does not support USB Mass Storage mode. With a PC running Windows 7 or later, your MediaPad 10 FHD is displayed as a storage device, but with a PC running Windows XP or earlier, install Windows Media Player 11 and
    the USB driver if you are connecting your MediaPad 10 FHD to the PC for the first time.
    Using MTP, you can access files stored on your MediaPad 10 FHD from the PC. 
    Please Help me.

    Please post in the appropriate Windows 8 forum @
    http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/home?category=w8itpro for discussions involving Window 8.
    This is a Windows 7 forum for discussing issues specifically about Windows 7, not Windows 8.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

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    I haven't backed up my data with an iOmega external hard drive and Time Machine in three months.  As soon as I plugged in iOmega, the screen went to the purple outer space background with a box indicating a list of options to be backed up. I clicked

  • I try to open my itunes and I get an error 7 Windows error 193

    Everytime I try to start up itunes I get an error; Error 7 (Windows Error 193).  I've uninstalled it and then reinstalled the program and I continue to get the same message.  I have no idea what to do.  This happened after I updated my phone to the n

  • Unable to display SSHR Review Page when I click on a URL in a Notification

    Hi, We have a requirement to display the Review Page of the Employee Self Service Manage Payroll Payments function in a notification. I have copied the original seeded workflow process and added the notification step. However, when the notification i

  • Will Airport Extreme extend Belkin router network

    I have recently had my network based on a wired D-Link router wired to Airport Extreme and it has worked fine. I have replaced the router with a Belkin Wireless router. Can I use Belkin as hub of network and use the Extreme to extend the network by p

  • Flash run in client server possible?

    hi Is flash possible in form6i and run in client server? anyone here knows how to insert a flash? could anyone write here the code or guide me?