Forum formatting

Is it just my system or is the formatting broken.
I'm seeing HTML like stuff, and the formatting isn't happening.
This is a good argument for a forum to report forum problems, if It's just my system someone will tell me, otherwise it should go forward to sun. BTW, I have reported this in both New Forum Suggestions and the Contact Us form.

Yeah, and posts that worked before are now screwed up.
It seems pretty obvious that the data is OK, but when it's sent to the client all the HTML is quoted.
I believe there may be a flag that tells the JSP or servlet not to do that, but it may be missing here.
Sun isn't exactly inspiring confidence in their products, if they can't even run these forums reliably.
Tell me again why should I buy SunONE web/app/portal/whatever server products?

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    For some reason Apple has chosen to operate the forums this way. If you quit your browser you will have to login again when you revisit the forums. The new forums seem to be the same. Looks like a cookie is not being used to automatically login. Anyway it's on purpose. Apple can make it otherwise of they so choose.

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    Congratulations on recently purchasing an iPhone! I have the iPhone myself and love it, so I am sure you will as well. In regards to downloading music on your device, the best way to complete this task is going to be going through iTunes or the Apple App store. The Apple App store should have several 3rd party applications you can download music and play on your device. In addition any music that you have saved in your iTunes library can be synced and transfered to youre device.
    Thank you,
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Why did apple screw up the discussion forum format?

    Why did apple screw up the discussion forum format?

    Apple in this case has to rely on what software is out there that can handle the amount of Traffic that these boards get.
    This is from the Brows Option the selecting People in the box
    Note the Number
    At the Launch of the new software this was at just over 2,250,000 and has now topped 2,300,000
    That is well over 50,000 people joining in just 2 weeks.
    Jive are the only real players in this market.
    To some extent the software is a one size fits all, much like the previous software was.
    We got used to the look and the Folder type layout of the Previous software.
    We ignored the foibles of where things were placed.
    Things are somewhat double edged in my view.
    I post mostly about iChat.
    I don't like that the Leopard and Snow Leopard forums that were are now "Refine the List"/Tag led searching to read specific threads. (not to mention that returning to "Dicussions" loses the "refinement").
    On the other hand those same threads and anwsers are now a lot more viewable in the OS forums than the subforums of before.
    As a regular poster I use a couple of Boiler plate things for a welcome message and my Signature.
    Some were made with TextExpander and included the HTML code to sttyle things slightly.
    These no longer work without going to the HTML editor.
    Posting link used to use the BBCodeXtra add-on to Firefox but this action is now included in the Regular and Advanced Editor. 
    That means I equipped myself and used things to get around shortcomings of the old software which is some cases I either don't need or need to learn the new way.
    I am sure the Style will morph as we go along.
    Of course some of this relies on what exactly you mean by:-
    the discussion forum format
    7:55 PM      Saturday; May 7, 2011
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
    , Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • The new forum format seems like a step backward

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    1) Most users go to a forum for one of two reasons.  They want to find the answer to a question or they want to browse by topic.
    The standard layout for every other forum I have used has a home screen that clearly lists topics and has a box to start a new discussion or ask a question.
    2) The default "Overview" opening screen for this forum lists recent posts but no topics.  You need to click "refine this list" to get to the topics page.   It has a box labeled "Ask Your Question" and another choice on a different part of the screen labeled "Start a Discussion".  Are questions and discussions different from each other?  Are they  stored on different pages?
    3) Two of the upper tabs are labeled "All Content" and "Discussions".  What's the difference?  Clicking either one seems to produce the same results. 
    4) It took me a while to figure out that the numbers in the yellow box at the top could be used to access different FAQs rather than pages of the single FAQ shown.  Why not label it clearly? ("click number for other FAQs").
    I get the impression that "different" took precedence over "useful"  when this forum was redesigned.

    I think many of us feel your pain and agree with you. I liked the old format because it was clean, easy to use and I knew where everything was that I wanted to access. I'm getting the hang of the new format but it is coming slowly.
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    We will ultimately get used to the format or we will not come back. I don't see the latter happening! I have personalized my homepage but still find it necessary to have at least 4 open tabs in every session so I can navigate the way I want.
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  • Forum format change

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    Go to Solution.

    There is a forum dedicated to discussions about the forums.  Feedback on NI Discussion Forums
    You may want to read some of the recent message threads there discussing some issues.  You may also want to reply into one of them and attached any screenshots that show how the latest changes aren't looking right on your PC.

  • Forum Formatting Glitch - Inline Italics

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    Do these words seem spaced properly to you or do the italicized words seem jammed against the words that follow?
    Do these words seem spaced properly to you or do the italicized words seem jammed against the words that follow?
    This is a basic formatting glitch - possibly having to do with the font choice - that should never be seen in this millenium from a company that actually does graphics and even makes fonts.
    Here's a screen grab of what I see:

    Thanks.  Since IE9 is the current browser on the current Windows OS, this leads me to wonder...
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    I'm sorry for being critical, but basic broken things like this showing up in one of the most popular browsers on the planet should embarrass the hell out of Adobe.
    Edit:  Make that TWO of the most popular browsers.  This is captured from FireFox 12.0 on Windows:

  • Sandbox (forum formatting)

    Testing some formatting that causes issues only in this forum.
    applet C
    Is it possible they fixed it already? anyone_
    Looks like it.
    Edited by: tschodt on Feb 28, 2011 9:24 PM

    Rest assured, there are plans in motion for a significant upgrade to the Forum's engine in the not-too-distant future. Might I also add that there is a huge user-base who, like Steve above, enjoy the minimalist layout and style of the Webx forum engine used here now.
    But in the meantime, the instructions are very clear to me.
    b A lower case "b" at the start of a line makes text bold.
    i A lower case "i" at the start of a line makes text italic.
    c A lower case "c" centres text.
    * An asterisk at the start of the line sets a bullet.
    ] A closed-square-bracket at the start of a line indents the text.
    > A "greater-than" symbol indents text and sets the font to courier - great for quoting.
    Sorry, but I must say that failure to use capitals in their correct places is NOT a reasonable criticism of the forum software. The word I is spelt with a capital I, not a lowercase one.

  • Why the change to an unusable forum format?

    New forum is horible.  Reminds me of the forum for Mac office on the MS site.
    Since when is Apple about making life dificult?

    I call BS on this one.  I have a mini thats still running leopard (not snow leopard) and it still runs. 
    Upgrading for the sake of upgrading is dumb. 
    Why break something that works?  Just to **** people off?
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    If you read the other recent threads, you would know that Sun's site is indeed screwed up (again).

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    You GO, girl!

  • Observations on the "New & Improved" Forum

    I've now lived with the new forum for a bit. I've been posting and replying to similar threads in the Adobe Premiere Video Lounge, since the changeover, but after some reflection, realize that this is a better place to, er-r-r vent. Still, there are some good points, so I'll list those first.
    Ah, the new fora. Still getting used to them. Here are some reflections on the Pros & Cons, as I see them with IE7:
    1.) The general layout is nice
    2.) Being able to add a link quickly, is a real positive
    3.) The indentation of replies, to other than the OP. (More on this in the Cons section)
    4.) The formatting capabilities are great, and easy to set, plus apply
    5.) Ease of adding screen-caps, etc., is greatly appreciated.
    1.) Sometimes really slow, but could just be server overload, or maintenance?
    2.) Sometimes the server will jump fora. You will be replying to a post in, say the PrPro CS4 forum, get the editing window, and hit Post Reply, to see that it went to some thread in the Acrobat forum.
    3.) The slight color differentiation between "read," [updated] and "unread" threads on the main page, could be much better.
    4.) The loss of the "red flags," is greatly missed
    5.) The "New" banner on new posts is greatly missed
    6.) The expansion of all replies, when opening an older thread is bothersome. I do like the Reply to and the indentation in Threaded View (not available in Flattened View, though now you get the post numbers, which are good for referencing in later posts). On the Chowhound (food and wine) forum, one has the ability to Reply To and the Replies are indented, as here. The biggest difference is that when one goes to an article for the first time, all replies are open and threaded, like here. Once they have visited that thread once, however, on the next visit all replies and Replies To will be closed. It's very easy to see the new posts since the last visit. Each reply has an "Expand" button, should you need to read it, and there is also an "Expand All" button at the top of the article page. This does away with the need for the old "New" banners from the previous forum. I do have to say that I was one, who championed the Reply To and indentions. I just did not expect it to be quite like this. Be careful what you wish for...
    7.) Learning to NOT use Back, once I’ve posted, is coming along slowly
    8.) Searching the old fora was pretty easy, if limited. The new Search *starts out* looking good, until you try to limit the Search to just one (or a group) of forum. Then, you have to scroll down a list of every product (and also many languages) that Adobe has ever made. You cannot override the drop-down (that I can find), and just type in "Encore," or "Premiere." The additon of "People" is good, but it seems that the search engine can't find most of them, even some of the forum MOD's.
    9.) When a forum has multiple pages and you are past #1, going back to "Discussion" always takes me back to page #1. There has got to be some navigational trick that will get me back to page #X, regardless of whether I’ve posted, or am just reading. When you are doing anything on a subsequently later page, in a multi-page forum, you cannot stay there, even if all you do is read one reply. You are ALWAYS taken back to page 1.
    10.) The loss of many stickies, especially some of the FAQ’s and instruction on posting good questions with proper info. Seems that the various MOD's are working overtime on getting many of these back. I applaud their efforts. It is not being missed.
    11.) The inability for the cookies to be recognized, when entering the forum and logging-in is a hassle. A bigger hassle is getting logged-out, even if you just posted 40 sec. before. For all longer posts, I’ve taken to using a wordprocessor, as so many of my posts have been lost, because I got logged-out in the process. I have used the "Recover Previous," that in some cases saved having to re-type everything, but like an AutoSave in Premiere, you could still have lost a lot of editing.
    I will have to say that often I have been amazed, as I’ve gone three full days and each visit I’ve been logged-in fine. Other times, I will have to manually do it for each and every session.
    Just some personal observations, with more in the works, as I explore.

    Thank you for your comments,
    I was happy with the former forum's layout.  This doesn't add anything of value and wastes lots of space on-screen, which can be mitigated with scripts.
    I liked the old format as well. There are some features, however, that I like in the new forum format. The "More Like This" frame, for instance. I could have lived with the old, but this aspect of the new is not all bad, IMHO.
    Now we have an icon to do it easily, agreed.  But was it really so difficult to type <a href="URL">text</a>?
    Well, for things like this, I had a "cheat sheet" of the various HTML code. I think the simple icon is an improvement.
    I never want to post in Arial.  The formatting choices often change by themselves from what you have selected, also.  Very quirky editor.  Formatting is definitely easier now, I will admit.
    I guess that I spend too much of my time doing titles for video, so Arial is a font that gets used a lot.
    True, but using Pixentral for those wasn't exactly a big deal.
    I find the new method much easier, and far quicker. I can create and add a screen-cap in moments. The biggest time consuming step is usually opening PrPro and PS, to do the cap, caption it, then Save to my Adobe Forum images folder - click and it's linked.
    Agreed, but this is a minor issue.
    I do not know how minor. When designing a site (or an ad), readibility is a big point.
    This isn't a bug — it's a feature!  It discourages users from following long and complex threads and thereby makes threads simple and short, so that questions get asked, answered, and moved on.  Why should Adobe encourage people to engage in lengthy discussions about color management, JPEG inaccuracy, or other esoteric topics using its servers?  Why not simply facilitate asking and answering?  A user forum isn't a BBS; it's a substitute for a paid help desk!
    I'm not so sure on Adobe's motive then, per your statements. It would seem that a software company, such as Adobe, would be most interested in the clients getting the most our of their software purchases. If they can learn color for print, video or the Web, from the forum, it would be in Adobe's best interest to support that sort of discussion. Heck, it would save having to discuss it on Adobe TV. If what you say is the Adobe "party line," why do so many of the fora have "Lounges?" I mean, what would be the purpose of that?
    Go back to the top of the page and click on "Up to Discussions in Forum comments".  It will take you to the last page of the forum topic list you were on.  I asked repeatedly that a copy of this link be added to the bottom of the page and was, predictably, ignored.  I have read that once you have done this, you can use the back button to get to the same page, but I have not verified when and whether this works.
    Unfortunately, on IE7, that takes one to the first page, of a multi-page forum. So does every other operation, unless you click back up the hierarchy, and then you go up a level in the fora, say from PrPro CS4 to the main PrPro level. Maybe it's my browser, but everything takes you to page 1, or up a level, never to the page you're on.
    The comment about the Back button was specific to the view of the page with one's recently posted reply. In the old forum, Back took you to the forum article page, one level up from the thread that you just posted to. Now, it takes you "back" to a blank reply editing screen. I was just so used to hitting Back from the old days, that it's a habit I have to break 100%.
    I haven't had the log-out problem during a session, but I haven't been nearly as active here since Jive.  The cookie good for only 24 hours is a PITA.
    I've had days, when I did not get logged-out, but too many more, where it happens all of the time.
    Again, thanks for the comments,

  • Spell Check in New Forums- How The Heck does it work?

    Can somebody please tell me how the spell check works in this new forum format? I click on the abc icon and it does nothing. I do a two finger click on a word that is misspelled and it give me Insert Options. I really like the new format but hate the spell check. Can anyone offer advise? Thanks.

    The built-in ASC spell checker is -- to put it kindly -- quirky. First, you must turn it on using the 'abc' tool on the right in the editor toolbar. (When it's on, it highlights.) But it won't stay turned on if you click on the tool before you enter any text -- it will just tell you that no misspellings were found & won't stay on. It also sometimes fails to check the last word if followed by a space. You can tell it to ignore misspellings, but you can't tell it to learn words because the spell-checking dictionary is actually on the servers running the site, not on your Mac or PC.
    But from your remarks, you probably aren't even using the built-in checker. Instead, I suspect you are trying to use the far superior system-wide one built into OS X. The problem with that is the ASC editing tools are powered by Javascript supplied by the Jive SBS software running the site. Because that is platform independent it doesn't know anything about OS X's contextual menu (which includes suggestions for misspellings, the Dictionary lookup, & so on).
    So to make a long story short, what happens when you try to right click on a word the OS X checker has underlined in red, instead you get the Javascript's response to a right click, which brings up the editor's insert/alignment popup menu instead of the OS X contextual menu.
    The solution is to control click on the word -- believe it or not, within the ASC editor window a right click & a control click are not the same thing! You literally have to hold down the control key on the keyboard when you click to bypass the Javascript's right click response.
    To make things that much more confusing, this only applies if the pointer is not over empty space in the editor window, which in this case excludes lines that have any text on them, including invisible text like spaces or returns. (To see what I mean, drag the tab at the bottom right of the editor window down so there is a lot of empty space below what you have typed. In this empty area, right & control clicks both bring up the OS X contextual menu, but anywhere in the text you have typed, they behave differently.)
    In short, the problem is not that Apple has changed how the buttons or clicks work, it is that the new software that runs the site (not developed by Apple) does.
    Hope this helps.

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