Free video download

Why does the request for payment information show up every time I try to download a free video?

Do you have an account set up in the iTunes Store already? Or are you trying to download the free content without having first set up an account? If the latter, then it's not possible; you must have an account in the iTunes Store, even for the free content (the content owners mandate it to enforce the restrictions against cross-border downloads).

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    Moloc88 wrote:
    ...or at least suggest it to apple.
    You can suggest it to Apple all you want, but given that Apple has been getting rid of everything Google-related lately (that's why iOS 6 has a new non-Google maps app)...
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    I personally reccomend Videora it takes a while to convert but I have had no problems with it so far.

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    Hi, i would like to know how i can download free movies from itunes. thanks

    You can download or subscribe to my iTunes feed of my free video clips at They are of course made by myself & NOT "movies" as you would see at the cinema.
    There is also CommandN, ScreenCastsOnline, Digital Life TV, MacTV, and many many more.

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    by reviewing your Purchase History, follow the steps in this article:

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    Great link, Ian. Thanks.
    Bookmarked for future reference.

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    I good video downloading software that I recommend and use, is the [ Freemake Video Downloader]. It is free and comes with a Firefox add-on.
    I use it to download my friends' YouTube videos.
    <b>NOTE: </b>This program is <b>NOT</b> to be used for piracy or other illegal activities.
    <b>WARNING: </b>Always use caution when downloading content from the internet. I will take no responsibility for any damage caused by a download. <b><u>Download at your own risk!</u></b>

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    Best regards

    I would try It is a website that allows you to upload your files, give an email address, and minutes-hours later, they email you a link for you to download your file in the new format. It also works for such things as downloading web based videos (like YouTube videos). I hope this answers your needs,

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    The iTunes Store.
    TV shows are copyrighted content, so you can't just go online and download them from a website (unless you find an illegal website). You could try the websites of networks that runs the shows. They might offer the videos, but it's not likely. They make money from the ads they sell while running them on TV.
    For videos in general, there are lots of free video podcasts that will fill your little 'pod for you.

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